Going to the underworld

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Regina's POV__________

Zelena found us on the streets looking for Hook

"I want to raise her on my own. I am going to teach her how to be wicked" Zelena said

Robin got mad "No way" 

"You both will soon be dead anyways I could just take her" Zelena said

"What do you mean?" I said

"Look behind you" Zelena said and we turned around to see dark people walking towards us and Zelena disappeared

"Stay back!" Robin yelled holding his arrow out

David's POV___________

"Come on we can cover more ground in the truck" I said to Snow

When I opened the door I saw through the window someone was behind Snow

"Behind you!" I yelled and we saw then walk towards us.

 Henry's POV_________

Mia and I were walking when mom went into Gold shop and people started to walk towards us "MOM HELP US!" I yelled and my mom came running out

"Henry, Mia don't move" mom said

"To late for that" one of the shadows said knocking me to the ground 

"Henry!" mom yelled and came to me

"Are you ok?" Mia asked

"Yeah I think so" Henry said

Then the whole family came

"What just happened to us?" my other mom said

Emma's POV_________

"I may have the answer to that.. Check your writs" Gold said walking up to us with Amber and Belle behind him

We all looked at our wrist and there were strange glowing circle's on everyone but me

"What is that?" I asked

"That is the mark of kerim" Gold said

"isn't he the Fairman? In the myths he navigated boat to the underworld" Henry said

"Smart lad. The dark ones have a temporary past into this world the only way from them to stay is to trade places with living souls  " Gold said

"Meaning us" dad said

"Yes, when the moon reaches his peak it will come from the underworld and drag us down there" Gold said

"What about Belle and Amber and you?" asked my mom

"We got marked too" Belle said

"That doesn't sound good" dad said

"Speaking as for someone who has died and been there it's not" Gold said

"How do we stop it" Regina asked

"We can't, the underworld is worst then you can ever imagine" said Gold 

I look over to Henry who looks so scared "Gold your scaring Henry" I said

"Good he should be scared this is death itself, this is a fight we cannot win" Gold said

"no I'm not marked I am not going to give up" I said

"There is something we can do, use this time wisely with people you love" Gold said

Regina's POV__________

I had time to find Hook. I wondered off to the docks and found his there "Killian do you really think the best way to get back at Emma is to send her family to the underworld?" I asked

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