Ghost of Cora Mills

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Emma's POV_________

"Hook, Regina said she has a plan" I said

"I bet she does" he said

We both sat in the circle table with my parents and Mia

"Emma will you please tell your mother we are not going to name your brother after her dad" my dad said

"Why not it was my fathers name?" asked mom

"People will make fun of him" dad said

"My father was a king" mom said getting mad

"Which is why nobody made fun of him" said dad

"Ok what about Ava after my mother?" asked mom

I look over to Hook and Mia and they both look like they are getting a headache 

"I don't know how that will work with a boy" said dad

"It might not be a boy" said mom

Regina walks in "Sorry to keep you waiting, I was making this special tea" she said poring the tear in cups for all of us.

dad picked it up and almost drank it until we heard "NO, don't drink it, it's a poison for summoning the dark forests" Regina said and my dad imminently put the cup down. 

"I prefer early grey" dad said making Mia laugh a little

"The dark what?" I asked

"Zelena came by this morning" Regina said and we all look at her and Mia

"While the dark one was stealing my heart she was here gloating" Regina said

"She said my weakness is that I don't know enough about her past so I decide to summon my mother" Regina said looking art my mom. My mom looked horrified

"How did Cora die?" Mia asked

"I killed her" said my mom

"Oh?" Mia said looking down. We knew that meant she would stop talking because it was goint go get really awkward really fast.

"It's a fairly simple ritual but not often preformed" Regina said

"If it's easy to talk to the dead why not do it more?" I asked

"To di it you need the murder weapon and the murder" Regina looked at Snow

Then we all looked at my mom who looked sorry

Regina lit the candle and we all held hands 

"is it.." I began to say but got cut off by Regina 

"Shh" she said. I opened my eyes and looked at her for a second then closed them again.

It got really quite in here until the portal opened up from the wall above us

My mom's eyes widen "We did it" she said

"Cora, mother can you hear me?" Regina yelled

"Cora give us a sign" Regina said 

"Do not ignore me now, please you own me this" Regina said

The table started shaking and mom screamed and we all let go our hands and the portal closed

Mia's POV__________

"I guess Cora doesn't want to graze us with he presents" I said sarcastically

"Sorry love that was me I crossed my legs and bumped the table" Hook said


Regina sighed and blew the candle 

"Do we try it again?" asked Snow

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