Living with Regina

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Mia's POV________

It has been a few days living in the big house. I got to redo my room and make it the way I want. It looks really good so far. 

I haven't meet Henry yet because he has different memories and doesn't remember everyone here. 

Regina has been teaching me magic so I have gotten really good at it. Regina is like the mother I never got. 

"Mia, we got to go to the charming's house to give them this new protection spell" Regina said

"Ok" I said walking with her.

When we get there we heard "Were not going to lose another baby" Then we walk in

"And thanks to me you won't" Regina said as we placed the postion on the table. I sat down.

"No one can get in, as long as we are in here we are safe" I said

"Any idea why she wants my baby?" asked Snow

"The number of spells involving baby parts will surprise you" said Regina

"That doesn't matter, I need to control my powers, Regina can you help me?" asked Emma

Emma is the savoir. It is her job to bring back happy endings for everyone. I look at Regina 

"I've heard this before" Regina said rolling her eyes

"This time it will be different" Emma said

"Ok fine but we do things my way" Regina said

"Fine" Emma said

Regina looked at me "I think you should stay here and help put that together" she said

"Why? Shouldn't we be looking for Zelena and Gold?" I asked

"Yes, but your not doing that alone" Regina said. Then she looked at Emma and they both left. 

"So...I think I will work on that locator spell" I said

"Regina said she didn't want you doing that" said Snow

"I know, but she doesn't have to know, you want to find Zelena ask much as I do" I said

I began the spell as David went back to putting together the baby crib while Snow watched me. I don't know why she has to watch me but whatever. She probably doesn't want to make Regina angry when she finds out that I am doing this. 

After I finished it showed her but then it diapered. I frowned

"How about we go find Henry and spend some time with him. I am sure we would like to meet his cousin although he doesn't know you" Snow said

"Sure" I said

A few hours later It became dark. David taught him how to drive all day. Henry was having fun. I got to know him a bit better. He only knew me as Regina's niece. We walked back into there apartment and saw Regina, Emma and Hook

"Where have you guys been?" asked Emma crossing her arms

"Only having the best day ever, David let me drive his truck" Henry said smiling

"You let him what!" Regina said then she realized what it sounded like "Oh, as mayor I can't let an unlicensed underaged driver on the streets of Storybook" she said. I could feel the hurt in her voice. I know she wants Henry to remember she is his mom too. 

"As mayor you might want to throw a little money on road repair" David said making me and Henry give a little laugh

"Excuse me?" asked Regina looking shocked

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