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By Xx_Th3a_143_xX

396 24 39

{Slow Updates} How far would you go to change your destiny? Knowing that fate is inevitable would you still t... More

Chapter One: Library
Chapter Two: Lemon Boy
Meeting the Characters
Chapter Three: One Hell of a Morning
Chapter Four: Making Plans
Chapter Five: The Party
Chapter Six: Uncertainty
Chapter Seven: Picture Perfect
Chapter Eight: Saturday
Chapter Nine: Answers
Chapter Ten: Plans
Chapter Eleven: On The Road
Chapter Twelve: Hiking
Chapter Thirteen: Days Gone By
Chapter Fourteen: Bullets & Blood
Chapter Sixteen: Forgotten Promise
Chapter Seventeen: Unexpected Escape
Chapter Eighteen: The Road Home
Chapter Ninteen: "Therapy"
Chapter Twenty: Obedient Servant
Chapter Twenty One: His Brother
Chapter Twenty Two: The Devils Schedule
Chapter Twenty Three: Out of place
Chapter Twenty Four: Helpless
Chapter Twenty Five: In The Beast's Den

Chapter Fifteen: Quinea Pig

26 1 0
By Xx_Th3a_143_xX

I woke up and found myself back in the basement. I don't even make an attempt to move, the pain I'm feeling is unbearable. Tears start streaming down my face. Flashes of what happened pops up in my head. Fucking assholes. I think to myself. God feels like vomiting. Everything hurts. The door to the basement opens and I sit up the best I can. The lights from the basement turn on and two figures come downstairs. One of them being Luke and the other one, I really don't recognize. He's wearing a Doctor's coat, and he's neatly dressed.

Luke comes close to the cage and unlocks it. "Hey Blondie, how are you feeling?" He says smiling as if nothing happened. I feel like throwing up and shoving your face in it making you eat it. That is what I want to say and actually follow it through but I just stay quiet and stare at him from inside the cage. "You seem to have a lot of fight left in you. Don't worry though we'll fix that soon enough." He says that staring back at me with a menacing look on his face, which actually scared me a bit. "Yesterday was fun right. Let's do that more but for that to happen my Doctor friend here is gonna have to patch you up. Get acquainted with him because you're gonna see him very often. Now be a good girl and come out." I don't move from the cage though. I don't want to leave here. "I don't wanna repeat myself Blondie." He tells me with a serious face. I slowly drag myself out of the cage and sit there waiting for something to happen next. "Thank you, I'll take it from here." The man who was quiet until now says. "Alright. Have at it." Luke says as he goes upstairs and closes the basement door behind him. "Now, Let's get started shall we?" He says with a grin on his face as he walks over to me and picks me up and carries me. "Put me down!!" I immediately shout while pushing myself away from him. "If you keep moving about like that I'll drop you for sure. Plus I'm sure the more you act defiant the worse It'll be for you." He says giving me a cold stare. I stare at him for a bit before looking away. He's right. A part of me doesn't care though while the other is in conflict. He takes me to a table across the room and lays me down there. I sit up and watch his every move feeling anxiety filling up my chest with fear and panic. "Don't look at me like that. I'm not gonna do anything to you yet." He says quickly sticking a yellow needle in my arm. "Ow!" I yell push him away from me. "Sorry dear, would you prefer I pull that bullet out of your leg while awake?" He tells me while pulling out a blue needle. "You stay away from me."


"Sorry no can do," he says as he grabs my leg and digs his fingers into the bullet hole in my leg. "AAAAHHH!" I scream out in pain my hand rises up to punch him but he grabs it and sticks in the blue needle before I can even react. "See you didn't even feel that one go in. The yellow needle is at work." He smiles as he says that. "Get away from me you psycho!" I say putting my hands on his trying to push him away but I barely have the strength to move him from where he's standing. "Ssshhhhh." He whispers in my ear as he sticks the red needle in my arm. That's the last thing I can hear him say to me because as soon he pulled that needle from my arms everything just went black.

✄- - - - - - - - - - - Time skip - - - - - - - - -✄

I'm being brought back from a daze by one of the 12 gods Ichthys... "Hello anyone there?" he says to me as he waves a hand in front of me. I blink a few times before looking at him. "Wow, where did you go? You were gone there for a good while? Did you have a premonition or something or were you thinking about what great prank partners we'll be together he says with a smile on his face? Right, I'm "attending" another celebration the king decided to throw.
"Unfortunately not, I apologize for that my mind seems to be....somewhere else..." I say trailing off replying to him but it was really more for myself. I put down the wine glass I've been holding and say "You should really stay out of trouble Ichyths before the king gets tired of your shenanigans."


"That wouldn't do now would it getting into trouble is what I do, if I stopped doing that then I wouldn't really be the trouble child now would it?" He replies giving me his usual mischievous smile. I glance down to the wine glass I put down and trace the rim with a finger.
"I see. I guess not... as long as you see purpose in doing them... I think I need some fresh air I'm going to step out for a bit." I say leaving before he can even reply I make my way out of the palace to find my own salvation away from everyone. It's all suffocating but nothing can compare being the king's "favorite", his lapdog, his canary, his right hand. In there I'm suffocating but by him, I'm drowning. When I get outside I'm greeted by the light of a trillion stars and a light breeze. I miss the times when was smaller and it was me and my little brother. Looking up at the stars I wonder if he's okay where ever he is. Have you been reborn? Or have you become a constellation? The king won't tell me. I miss you I'd to be wherever you are. Do you remember that little angel we used to play with when we were smaller? He was so sweet and adorable. I wonder how he's doing now? Better then me I hope.

Bzzz~ Bzzz~ Bzzz~

"Mmmm....mmmnnn...rgh!!" My eyes dart open only to be faced with the doctor stroking his dick while staring at me with a buzzing sound in the room.
Still groggy no later do I realize the buzzing is coming from inside me soon after I realize that a tingling sensation runs through my body and I'm met with a painful orgasm. "UGH!!  Mmmnnn!! P-please S-sToP!"

"Well took you two orgasms to wake you up. Isn't that just a fine way to wake up? Did you enjoy it? I bet you did, after all, you're dripping wet, You've made such a mess." Not being able to answer him my body just trembles from the vibrator inside me. I try to move my hands to pull it out of me but hands don't move I look down to see they're restricted by leather straps along with my feet. I'm completely naked but the hole where the bullet was has been sealed. I throw my head back and look at the doctor not saying a word. "I wonder how long can you stay with that inside of you. How long can you still stay sane? How long will it be until you lose your mind? Not being able to function, speak, or focus on me the way you are now. It seems that it might not be long though but let's see how much of a fight will you put up. Let's just see how my little experiment ends up." He says as he keeps stroking himself. Watching me, waiting for a reaction out of me. I don't want to give him the pleasure to even get another reaction out of me but I have to think of something to make this stop. As I'm thinking this I hear the Doctor let out a groan. "I wonder what's going on in that head of yours, why don't I keep you occupied and give you something to do." He says as he walks over to me. I look at him with disgust as he was closer to me. I begin squirming around to at least try to get the leather loose but it's no use as soon as he reaches me he slaps me and grabs my jaw forcing me to look up at him. He brings his face close to mine. "I'm gonna put my dick in your mouth and you're gonna be an obedient subject and suck it. No teeth. So god help you if you bite me you're gonna get a beating. Do you understand?" He says to me sternly with a serious look in his face but I just respond to him by clenching my jaw and glaring at him. He pulls out the vibrator and stands back up straight "Change of plans." He says and pinches my nose. I keep my mouth shut and keep glaring at him but he stares at me waiting. I keep glaring him down but the urge to breathe is getting stronger, I start to feel dizzy and eventually, it becomes unbearable. Instinctively I open my mouth to get a grasp of breath. Taking that opportunity he puts his dick in my mouth grabs the back of my head and pulls me towards him bringing himself deeper into my mouth. He lets out a moan as he starts moving his hips back and forth. Tears just start streaming down my face. "Uurrgh! Burgh!!" The next thing I know I just throw up all over his dick he pulls out and looks at me with disgust. "You're gonna clean this up." He says but I turn my face away from him. "Clean it up yourself." I spit at him but he just stares at me and tells me "Lick. Up. The mess. You made." I just glare at him with nothing else to say. Taking this as my response he shoves his dick in my mouth and I bite him as hard I can. I can taste nothing but blood.  "AAARRRGHH!!" The doctor cries out in agony and just begins pummelling me until I let go. In pain, I spit blood at him and he punches me in the stomach. "Urgh!!"

"FUCKING CUNT!!" He yells at me and looks at the damage done. He starts passing back and forth and grabs a metal tub from the corner of the basement and drags it to one of the water pipes in the middle of the basement and then he disappears upstairs for a moment and comes back with bags of ice and starts filling the tub up with it. Once the tub is filled up he stomps over to me and unties me. I start kicking and fighting him but he grabs by my hair and drags me over to the tub. He dumps me inside the tub and ties me up to the water pole. "There are many different ways to deal with an insolent bitch for now though hang out here until tomorrow." He says to me obviously still in immense pain. "F-f-f-fuck y-you!!" I yell at him. He lifts his hand to strike me again but he stops and just goes back upstairs to lick his wounds most likely. Once he's out of sight I let out a sigh. I throw my head back and close my eyes and try to avoid thinking about the cold. Tomorrow will be another day of hell, if this keeps on I don't think I'll survive here for very long. I'll die here if I don't escape and I don't know if it's the pummeling or the drugs he gave me earlier, but I start to drift off into slumber despite how freezing it is.

A/N: If there's any grammar mistakes or anything don't mind it I'll fix it later lol I'm just too lazy to do it now. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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