Speak Up... (Sequel to Can't...

By TeenKween985

476 31 2

Sequel to Can't Say. After Avi was discharged from the hospital following the horrific events that took plac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
T®! |°¢¥!!!

Chapter 10

22 2 0
By TeenKween985

Kirstie was on the phone to Mitch.
(Italics:Kirstie Underlined:Mitch)

"I just don't know how to... "
"Just see if you can get him alone and then apologize to him. Do you know how much that hurt him? "
"I know it hurt him but... I don't know Mitch."
"Exactly. You don't know... You don't know what it's like dealing with an abuser. "
"Neither do you! "
"Remember Ty? My boyfriend back in high school? He was abusive, Kirst. He tried to make sure I never left him. That I was worthless. "
"You never told me that. "
"I was scared. I didn't tell anyone because he threatened to hurt me. God knows where I would be if he wasn't arrested for drugs. "
"I need to apologize but when? "
"Not too soon. He'll run from you. Right now, you're a reminder of Daniel to him, you might wanna approach him calmly and slowly. Not fast. You'll scare him. "
"Ok. Thanks Mishy-Moo. "
"You're welcome Kit Kat. "

Mitch put the phone down and looked towards Scott, who was laying on their couch stroking their hairless son Wyatt.

"So? "

"She'll apologize. "

Mitch sat next to his fiancee and kissed him.

"She crossed a line that day. I still can't believe she went there. "

Scott said, thinking back to their meeting at the café. How Kirstie thought it would be acceptable to try and force Avi to talk when he didn't want to and then proceeded to throw verbal abuse his way until Mitch stopped her by flicking the side of her head.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that out of her. She's normally kind and accepting. Not... whatever that was. "

Wyatt jumped from Scott to Mitch then to the coffee table.

"Yeah, he deserves an apology. I need to apologize to him anyway. But he just won't listen. "

"Try again. "

"How?! After what Kirstie did he won't want to talk to anyone! "


The couple turned to the grey feline on the table, which was sat next to Scott's phone,  and he nudged it towards the blonde.

"Call him. "

Mitch looked towards his fiancee and he smiled. The blonde turned to the cat.

"Thank you, Wyatt. "

The cat meowed before he jumped off the table and ran off to... god knows where in the Scömíché house. Scott began to dial Avi's number, the phone rang and he turned to the brunette next to him.

"Will he pick up? "

"Hopefully. "

"I just hope I can get my apology across to him this time. "

The ringing stooped and a deep yet quiet voice came through the speakers.
(Bold:Scott Italics:Avi)

"Hello? "
"Avi! Hey. How's it going? "
"Not too well considering what Kirstie's done. "
"Yeah. I get that. "
"She doesn't even see the need to apologize. I mean. Why do something then apologize if you already caused damage?  "

There was a brief silence

"Y-yeah. What's the point.? "

Mitch looked at the man with expectant eyes.

"Exactly. So why'd you call? "

Scott felt his breath get caught in his throat. He wanted to apologize but after what Avi just said, he wasn't so sure.

"Just... Wanted to check up on you. "

"Well... Im as good as I can be right now. Thanks. "

Mitch was giving Scott a look that said What are you doing?! Scott just shook his head.

"Well I'm gonna go. Esther's calling me. Bye Scott! "
"Bye Avi"
*call end*

"What were you doing?! Why didn't you apologize?! "

"I couldn't! We were talking about Kirstie and then he said, and I quote, 'why do something then apologize if you already caused damage? ' I couldn't apologize after that! "

He fell back into the couch in defeat. Wyatt came back into the room and meowed.

"Yes I know. Daddy's a fuck up. "

Mitch placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey it's not your fault he said that. And its not his either. If that's how he feels then respect that and try to apologize again some other time. "

He placed a gentle peck on the mans head.

"I guess some other day. In the mean time. What should we do? "

Scott pecked his lovers lips. 

"I dunno. Maybe a movie. "

Another kiss

"Some Chardonnay. "

Another kiss.

"Some chocolate and cream covered strawberries. "

Another kiss.

"Our bed. "

Another kiss.

"And us. "

A lengthy kiss.

"Sounds like a date. "

Scott turned to him and took his hands in his.

"Why don't you put your Sponge Bob onesie on and I'll grab my Patrick one. "

"Hmmmmhmhmmhmm. Ok. "

Mitch stood to go change while Scott grabbed the Chardonnay and put it in a bucket of ice before grabbing two wine glasses, a rather large bowl of strawberries and poured some chocolate and cream over the top before carrying upstairs and placing it on their bedside table and putting on a romcom, lighting some candles, including Mitch's scented one, and dimming the lights. He went to change and waited for his fiancee to come back.

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