Elemental Miraculous Hero (My...

By L0nelySha2ak1

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"Shit..." he said as he looked at her shocked and scared, "She's re-discovered her quirk." "We need to leave... More

Chapter 1: Getting Started
Chapter 2: Exams
Chapter 3: First Day
Chapter 4: Costumes
Chapter 5: Accustoming
Chapter 6: Craziness
Chapter 7: Havoc Begins
Chapter 8: Last Resort
Chapter 9: Fight to Survive
Chapter 10: Over
Chapter 11: Visitors
Crack #1
Chapter 12: Familiar Face
Chapter 14: Thoughts
Chapter 15: Sports Festival Begins
Chapter 16: Challenged Ahead!
Crack #2

Chapter 13: New Face

969 13 6
By L0nelySha2ak1

(A/n: I'm going to be changing the time for the tournament so (y/n)'s recovery doesn't seem unnaturally quick. Chapter art made by me!)

(Y/n) was asleep in bed with Lateefah asleep on her belly and Shadow asleep on top of her.

*Knock* *Knock* "Time to get up," Ayame said slightly opening the door to her room.

(Y/n) groaned a bit, but sat up ruffling her hair.

Lateefah let out a tired chirpy yawn as she rolled onto her back onto (y/n)'s lap.

"Ah! Get off me you weird cat!" Shadow squealed as Lateefah rolled on top of him.

The girls let out a chuckle.

"Let's get you ready for school," Ayame said walking and pushing the wheelchair over.

She nodded and moved her legs to the edge of the bed.

"You think I'll be able to participate at the Tournament?" she asked as Ayame put her on the chair.

"Well, based on what Recovery Girl said, you will be able. Your arm is all better after all. You've just gotta be careful about your back."

"Bwa!" Shadow took a deep breath as he clawed out from under Lateefah, "My life just flashed before my eyes!" he blinked and then had a bitter expression, "I seriously need to lower on the cookie intake."

"Let's get you changed and then you can eat breakfast."

"Hey, when do you think I'll be able to take off the bandage from my eye?" she asked as she touched the bandage covering her eye still.

"Well, hopefully by the end of the day," she smiled sadly with her brows lightly furrowed in worry, "Are you sure you'll be okay?"

She smiled, "Yes I will," she smirked smugly and flipped her hair back with her recovered arm, "I'm a tough bitch."

She narrowed her eyes at her.

"Owowowowow! Okay, watch what I say, got it!" she whined as Ayame pinched her ear.

"Yikes, she is your mom," Shadow chuckled.

"Hey, no making fun of her, mister," Ayame scolded as (y/n) pouted while holding her ear.

"Yes ma'am!" he squeaked and ducked back under Lateefah.

She let out a chirpy laugh flapping her wings a bit.


"Morning, everyone!" Ayame greeted as she rolled in (y/n) into the class.

"Morning!" most of the class greeted.

(Y/n) rolled herself to her seat and was quickly greeted by some of the girls quickly making small talk with her and Shadow.

"I'll pick you up after school," Ayame said before leaving.

"So is your arm feeling better?" Ashido asked.

"Yup," (y/n) said and lifted her arm, "All better. I'm just gonna have to strengthen it a bit," she flexed her arm a bit, "Feels a little weak."

"What about your back and eye?" Jirou asked.

"Well, the bandages I'll be able to take them off by the end of the day. My back will be fine before the tournament begins so I'm doing just fine," she smiled at them.

"Then, she'll be able to show everyone how strong she can be!" Shadow cheered as he hovered and punched an arm up.

All the girls and Shadow casually began talking to each other about the tournament.

Katsuki was just sitting down in his seat on his phone but glanced over to the girls.

(Y/n) was smiling a bit and then laughed a bit from something Ashido said.

He couldn't help but have a small smile as well, 'She looks nice smiling like that,' he then realized what he thought and forced himself to look away, 'What the fuck am I thinking!?'

Brandon noticed his fuming to himself and smirked amused.

"Seems he's finding out some emotions," Loki mocked.

"Mm-hm," he hummed in agreement.


It was soon lunchtime and both (y/n) and Brandon were walking back to class chatting about some past happenings back in Paris that Brandon was extremely curious about.

"Wait, you're saying that one person was responsible for almost half of the villains when you were around?" Brandon asked with a raised brow of annoyance.

Shadow and (y/n) groaned, "Yes."

"Geez, she must be the spawn of Satan or something. Who am I kidding, he wouldn't be that big of an asshole."

"You are right," Loki said, "I feel like he already has her name written down for the list of taking her down."

(Y/n) lightly rubbed her temple feeling a headache starting to surface, "I swear, sometimes I wondered if LB--Ladybug, hadn't saved her then just maybe most attacks could've been avoided."

All three males frowned noticing her quickly say her name instead of the nickname she used to give her ex-partner.

"Come on, Minami, let's go to class together," a male voice flirted.

"But we don't go to the same class," a shy sweet voice said nervously.

The four let out a confused hum and the kwami ducked into his user's hair while peeking his eyes out. They took a turn around a corner and saw two students there. The smaller girl had long pure white hair that was in low pigtails that reached below her mid-thigh, pure white wings on her back, a yellowish halo above her head, was wearing the female uniform completely, wore some leggings where the right leg was white and the other was black, some red ankle wrap ballet flats, and had a pair of bright big pink doe eyes, and was pressed up against the wall. The other was a taller male that towered over her with a hand pinned above her keeping her cornered against the wall.

"Please let me get to class," "Minami" begged lightly, "Mr. Vlad will get worried if I come late so please let me go."

"Aw, but I just want to have some fun," the male flirted grabbing a strand of her hair.

Suddenly, he was shoved down almost a yard away by a strong current of wind.

The sound of growling could be heard and Minami squeaking surprised could be heard.

"What the fuck!?" the guy growled and sat up irritated, but immediately shut up at the scene before him.

A black dire wolf stood protectively in front of Minami with (y/n) sitting on its back with a glare.

"Stay the fuck away from her you fucking degenerate," (y/n) growled, "Otherwise, I'll personally teach a lesson," her hand lit up on fire.

"*BARK*" the dire wolf barked with a snap of its teeth menacingly.

The guy got scared and began scrambling off terrified.

The two lowered their glares and (y/n)'s fire was put out.

"Hey, you okay?" the dire wolf asked, as it turned out to be Brandon.

"Oh, yeah," Minami said, "I'm fine. Thank you so much for helping me," her wings flapped in happiness.

Both of their eyes opened up wide and blushed.

Shadow shot out of (y/n)'s hair and grabbed her cheeks, "Are you a real-life angel!? You look way too cute to be real!"

Minami panicked a bit, "I swear I'm real! Angel just happens to be one of my forms!"

"Shadow!" (y/n) scolded.

Shadow then realized, "Ah crap..."

"By the way, what are you?" Minami asked innocently.

"Uh, I'm..."

Minami stared at him with an innocent look.

"I'm a..."

She stared at him in interest and curiosity.

"I'm a kwami!" Shadow blurted out and quickly covered his mouth.

"Shadow!" the two other teens scolded for giving himself away.

"I can't lie to her!" he snapped, "I can't bring myself! Just look at her! Would you be willing to lie to an angel!?"

Brandon began shifting back to himself and (y/n) quickly clung to him feeling herself about to fall.

"Technically you wouldn't be lying by saying you were a spirit," Brandon said as he grabbed (y/n)'s legs to keep her on his back.

"A kwami?" Minami asked with a tilt of her head.

"It's a type of spirit that isn't known to exist," (y/n) quickly said, "So please, don't tell anyone about him please."

Minami nodded, "Of course. I'll have my lips sealed tighter than--Ah" her eyes narrowed a bit, "Tighter than--Ah-Ah-Achoo!"

Her wings lifted up a bit dispersing feather and changed to black and red demon wings, the halo on her head changed to a color of red and split up and shot to her head creating two small red horns, her hair became pitch black, and a black tail grew out of her back with a small red arrow at the end that reached the floor. She opened her eyes with a small frown and they were both a darker shade of pink.

"Tighter than a bear trap," she said and crossed her arms with her tail swaying behind her.

"Wait, what the hell just happened?" Brandon asked.

"Her entire demeanor and look changed in one sneeze," Loki said equally shocked.

"What? Don't like the way I look," Minami growled.

"It's not that," (y/n) said.

"You sneezed and changed completely," Shadow said.

"Oh, right you don't know my quirk," Minami groaned, "Well, my quirk is called "Angel and Demon." I can either be an angel with a healing quirk or a demon with dark powers."

"I can guess it also has changes in your personality," Brandon said.

"Should be obvious, idiot," Minami growled.

"Well, before classes start let's introduce ourselves, " (y/n) said as the wheelchair rolled up from behind her as she moved her arm.

"Sure, whatever."

"Well, I'm Brandon A. Wilson. My quirk is shapeshifting basically."

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n). My quirk is Elementalist," she dropped into her seat.

"I'm Shadow. I technically have multiple quirks. Paralyze echo and intangibility."

She nods, "I'm Yuumei Minami. You already know my quirk."

"Hey, we should hurry to class," Shadow said, "It's almost time."

They all nodded.

"Well, see you all later," Yuumei said and walked off.

"Nice meeting you, Yuumei!" Brandon called.

Brandon then held his chin.

"Something up?" (y/n) asked.

"I feel like I've heard her name somewhere," he said.

"Where?" Shadow asked as he sat on her head.

"Can't remember... Maybe in a magazine somewhere?"

(A/n: The OC Yuumei Minami actually belongs to another one of my friends as well and have been waiting for a long time to put her here, finally.)


It was soon the end of the day quickly as students walked out of school and all chatting about the Sports festival coming quickly.

Todoroki walked alone in silence.

Yuumei was somewhere nearby chatting happily with someone with orange hair in a side ponytail and she was back to her angel form.

She just happened to glance to the side and her eyes widened seeing him.

"Hm? What's wrong Minami?" the girl asked.

She remained staring at Todoroki.

"Are you staring at Todoroki?" she asked.

Todoroki, hearing his name, glanced over and was met with the gaze of Yuumei.

"Ah!" Yuumei blushed embarrassed at being caught and quickly looked away.

He narrowed his eyes for a moment but then looked away and kept walking.

The girl giggled and nudged her side, "He caught your eye, eh? You're going to have some competition."

"It's not like that!" Yuumei countered with her feathers ruffling up, "Besides, we should hurry up to my place. We need to practice since the festival is so close."

"No need to worry," she said patting her back, "We've got it practically in the bag. So no worrying about embarrassing ourselves on stage."

"I know. Thank you and the others for helping me out, Kendo. It's still really my first alone rather than with my mother."

"No problem. I just hope you know who doesn't start screaming insults," she sweatdropped.

She nervously chuckled back, "We'll just make sure he doesn't do it there."

The two girls chuckled once again and went silent for a moment.

Yuumei bit her lip and glance at Todoroki again.

He noticed her staring again and stared back, but obviously a bit annoyed.

She flinched a bit with a blush at being caught again, but offered a kind smile and waved at him.

Todoroki didn't respond besides not glaring anymore and simply glanced away.

Yuumei frowned as she watched him, 'So that's Shoto...' she thought sadly, 'Ms. Todoroki was right. There is sadness in his eyes.'


Ayame rolled in (y/n) into the house and was quickly greeted with Lateefah flying to her.

She laughed as she hugged her, "I see somebody missed me," she teased.

"Let's get you changed and ready for dinner. Once done we can regather strength of your legs by walking a bit."

"I thought I had to avoid walking?"

"Well, you've recovered almost completely so it should be fine to walk just a bit."

She nodded.

Quickly they had dinner and soon (Y/n) was standing in front of the bathroom mirror.

"Finally I can take of this bandage from my eye," she sighed relieved.

She bit her lip and pulled the bandage and began unraveling it off her face.




Her eyes dilated in horror.

The right side of her face had been scarred more than she thought it was.

Four long scars were over the side of her face and the longest one passed her eye.

"......" she let out small gasps of horror.

She lifted a shaky hand and touched one of the scars.

*knock* *knock* "Sweety, you ready for bed?" Ayame's voice came.

She didn't respond and only fell to her knees while clutching her face.


She opened the door and saw her on the floor.

"(Y/n)!" she quickly got to her knees next to her, "What's wrong!?"

(Y/n) trembled clutching her eye.

Ayame grabbed her trembling hand and pulled them away. She gasped at the sight of the scars.

(Y/n) bit back a scream and curled up on the ground. Ayame quickly hugged her tightly wishing to calm her down.


It was the next day once again and (y/n) had her head down with her bangs covering her right side as much as she could.

Fortunately, it seemed that she could fully walk on her own now as she walked down the halls.

"Come on, it's not that bad," Shadow insisted.


He frowned.

"(Y/n)!" Brandon called cheerfully appearing behind her, "Glad you're walking again!"

"Yeah," she bluntly said.

Brandon noticed her sad tone and stopped her by putting a hand on her shoulder, "Hey, what's wrong."

She bit her lip and glanced away.

Brandon noticed that the bandage was gone and began lifting her bangs.

"Don't!" she quickly said backing away and slapping his hand away.

His eyes widened at her reaction.

She backed away scared and her fist trembled, "Don't look at it..."

He furrowed his brows worried.

"I'll see you in class," she briskly walked to 1-A leaving him behind.

"She seems to be really self-conscious of the scar she must have gotten," Loki said.

"But, scars shouldn't be something to be ashamed of," Brandon told him, "Why does she look so terrified of letting others see it?"


She entered class with her usual neutral expression, but her fist still shook a bit from fear.

"(L/n)! You're walking again!" Ashido said happily running up to her.

"Oh, uh, yeah," she said with a weak smile, "I was able to last night. I just need to limit my walking for a bit."

"It seems that your bandage was taken off as well," Momo said.

Kirishima walked up, "Let's see how it turned out," he slightly reached out for her hair to push her bangs back to some extent.

"No!" she quickly said stepping back scared.

The whole class looked at her action shocked.

She bit her lip and put a hand on top of her eye, "I... I'm sorry. I just... don't want you to see it."

"It can't be that bad," Kaminari said.

She backed away a bit with her head down, "I'll show it to you, but not yet."

Everyone frowned but nodded. All of them questioning why she's so scared of showing her scar.

Shadow frowned seeing them all worried. He glanced to the side and was even surprised to see Katsuki glancing at her worried.


Soon it was lunchtime once again but this time only (y/n) was going to lunch early.

"Hey, (y/n), can I go along with Brandon? I want to ask him some things," Shadow said.

She nods, "Just make sure to stay hidden."

She nods with a small smile and walks off.

Shadow smiles sadly as she watches her walk away.

"Hey, Shadow, how come she's so self-conscious about the scar?" Jirou asked.

"Yeah, it can't be that bad," Kaminari said.

"Actually, the injury must've been pretty bad," Kirishima said worried, "When Bakugou and I got there her eyes were both bandaged and it was soaked with blood. Even her clothes. She was practically blind from her right eye probably and not see from the left because of the pain. She was able to fight because of echolocation or something along those lines."

Brandon hummed in agreement, "She took a deadly slash for Mr. Aizawa from what we saw."

Izuku nodded, "Her whole right face was covered in blood..." he trembled a bit in fear remembering, "Even her chest got covered in her blood..."

The whole class that didn't see seemed scared.

"Please don't put it against her," Shadow begged as he hovered in front of the class, "She has her reason of why she doesn't want you to see it."

"What's her reason?" Uraraka asked worriedly.

"We should not be asking such private things about her life!" Iida scolded.

"Maybe at least know why she doesn't want to let us see," Rikido said.

"Seeing that expression of hers must be proof enough that she has a big reason," Tokoyami supported.

Shadow sighed but nodded, "Don't let her know that you know okay. She's extremely sensitive to me telling about her past," he sighed sadly, "The scar is pretty bad. She has four long ones that cover almost her whole right side. One passed over her eye and it's the longest."

"What about why she doesn't show us?" Mineta asked.

"That would involve talking about her past. I'll limit it though. You see, that scar isn't even her first. She's got plenty more physical scars on her body."

Todoroki's eyes widened hearing that.

"How come we don't see them?" Ojiro asked.

"Well, have you all noticed that she doesn't show her back?"

"Actually, true," Hagakure said, "When we're in the locker room she's either all the way in the back or her back is facing away from us."

"Is that where her scars are?" Yaoyorozu asked.

Shadow nods with a sad look, "They range from burns, stabs, scratches, and whips."

"Ribbit..." Asui croaked sadly.

"What kind of environment was she living in!?" Sero asked.

"An abusive one, that's what," Katsuki growled without looking up.

Everyone got nervous.

"But that's not the reason behind her shame with her scars. When she was with those people they constantly degraded her by her scars. Saying things that were along the lines of "Nobody will want to be your friend with those scars so either don't bother making friends," and even "you look ugly with those scars so just go somewhere and rot." And other things that were told."

"What!?" Ashido asked horrified.

"Is that really a good enough reason?" Kaminari asked.

"Hey, she probably had to deal with that more often so don't judge! It's unmanly to think it's not a good reason when you don't even know the full story!" Kirishima snapped at him.

They all looked at him surprised at his outburst while Ashido frowned a bit hearing him defend her since she knew the purpose behind him defending so strongly.

"He's right," Shadow said sternly, "You shouldn't judge anyone without knowing their story. Anyway, that's the purpose behind her hiding her scar. Don't worry though, I'm sure after some time she will show you. Just be patient with her. After the last people she trusted betrayed her, she's a bit hesitant in opening up."

Everyone nodded.


(Y/n) was walking in the cafeteria looking for a seat for herself.

"Hey, over here?"

"Hm?" she looked to where the voice came from and her eyes widened.

Hitoshi was sitting in a table a bit further in and was waving over at her to come over.

She faintly smiled and walked over sitting down the empty seat next to him, "Hey Shinsou," she greeted.

"Good to see you out of that wheelchair and those bandages off your face," he said.

She nodded, "Feels good. I may not take care of my skin but I'm glad my pores are breathing again."

Hitoshi raised a brow, "How's your eye?"

She faintly flinched, but shrugged, "It's all right. Just as a scar but you don't want to see it. It's pretty bad."

He shrugged and went back to eating, "Why don't you show me once we finish eating."

Her eyes widened and shook her head, "It's hideous. You don't want to see it."

He narrowed his eyes this time but understood for the time being. The two casually talked about their classes and what they think of their peers.

Soon it was almost the end of lunch and the two had gotten up and were hanging out in the halls until classes would resume.

"Are you sure you don't want to show me your scar," Hitoshi brought back up.

She groaned a bit, "Yes I'm su--" her eyes went blank.

Hitoshi's eyes were faintly glowing, representing he had just used his quirk, "I'm sorry I have to do this, but lift your bangs and show me your scar."

She began to do as told, but what surprised him is that she was actually fighting to stop herself as her whole form shook and twitched. One thought did cross his mind when he saw that, 'Has she dealt with other mind-controlling quirks?'

She grabbed her bangs and began lifting and Hitoshi caught a glimpse of two scars before the bangs dropped and she threw herself back freeing herself.

She panted from fighting off his quirk and glared at him, "What the hell Shinsou!? I told you I didn't want to show it!"

"Hiding it will only make worse," he said calmly.

She panted gaining her breath back, "You could have let me show you another time! I'm not ready to show anyone these stupid scars!"

"Well, I caught a glimpse and it's almost covering your entire right side so I won't look anymore. Why the hell not show it to me when we've known each other for so long?"

She sighed a bit annoyed, "Shinsou, I'm not that weak girl anymore. Because of what happened back in Paris I've been forced to build up a wall so I could hide behind. I'm letting you glimpse inside, but I'm not just yet ready to open up that wide again. It's been most likely 6 years since we last saw each other so we can't get all hunky-Dori when we've been apart for that long."

He looked at her surprised, but nodded and scratched his head, "Sorry for forcing your quirk on you."

"Well..." she scratched her own head, "You did mean good so I won't be too mad. But you owe me a favor so be ready for when I ask it."

He nodded with a smirk, "By the way, how the hell did you break free from my quirk?"

"Well, back in Paris villains appeared and there have been a few with mind-controlling powers manifesting with them. I've been controlled by..." she held her chin trying to remember, "There was Pharaoh, Darkblade, Stoneheart, Malediktator, Befana, Despair Bear, Princess Fragrance, and Zombizou." (A/n: from Pharaoh to Malediktator she wasn't controlled but the rest she was.)

His eyes widened, "And you still lived there?"

She shrugged, "Thanks to that I guess I grew a decent resistance to anything connected to mind-controlling."

"I'm surprised you don't hate me for using my quirk on you."

She lifted a brow confused, "Why would I hate you? I'm mad but don't hate you."

"Everyone's called me a villain since I got my quirk. Don't you remember?"

"Was it when we were 8?"

"Yeah. Why is that relevant?"

She frowned, "...You don't know, do you?"

He looked at her confused.

"You know about the accident I got in, right?"

He nodded.

She held her forehead, "I got amnesia from it. I lost a year's worth of memories so I forgot everything when I was 8."

He held his chin, "That does explain some things. Like how you were surprised when I first used my quirk."

She nodded.

The two then saw the other students walking out of the cafeteria signaling classes were almost about to restart.

"We should start heading back to class then. It was really nice talking to you. We should do it more often outside."

He nodded with a smile.


Soon (y/n) was the first to class and was only greeted with mummy Aizawa in the room.

She simply stepped to her seat.


"Hm?" she looked at him.

"For trying to help me," he said, "Thanks. I appreciate it, despite you using your Miraculous to do so."

She smiled, "Just doing what I thought was right."

He nodded and everyone then began coming back to class. The bandages once again hid a smirk on his lips from the amusement of how she didn't think much of helping him as she did and in appreciation that she tried to save him and the others when they were in danger and risking her life for their sakes.


It was soon the end of the day and everyone was either talking to each other or packing up for the day.

(Y/n) was getting up from her seat with her bag slung over her shoulder and Shadow sitting on the desk.

"Hey, (L/n)," Kirishima called as he walked over.


He scratched the back of his head, "Sorry about this morning. It was unmanly of me to just pull at your hair just to see how your injury healed up."

She shook her head, "Don't worry, it's okay."

"No, it isn't!" Ashido snapped, "We had no right to just ask without thinking of how you would feel!"

She had a nervous sweat, 'Are they seriously being persistent in apologizing?'

"We're all really sorry and you don't need to show us your scar if you don't want to," Hagakure said with her sleeves to her chest.

(Y/n) smiled faintly and lightly chuckled, "Guys. It's okay. I was still a little jumpy myself from seeing it. I promise it's not that I don't want to. It's just that I'm not ready. I'm sure Shadow already told you why I'm sensitive about showing scars."

"You knew he told us?" Jirou asked surprised.

She nodded, "You think I believed he was actually going to ask Brandon something when he was actually going to explain why I reacted the way I did."

Brandon's eyes were blank, "Wow. You know him well."

"When you live with him for a year you learn how he is."

"And here I thought I was being sneaky," Shadow sweatdropped with a smile.

"Look, guys, I will show you the scar at some point. Just not yet. I promise. You might end up seeing it during the festival if luck's on your side," she winked.

They all nodded with smiles.

Shadow couldn't help but smile too seeing his user smiling at a whole class once again and happily talking with some of the girls and Kirishima and Kaminari.

'This class really looks like they will take care of her.'

"Hey, Kirishima, you wouldn't mind if I asked you some pointers on how to exercise, would you? I will need it so I can strengthen myself back."

"Sure no problem," Kirishima smiled, "We can go to the gym then to help you out."

"I wanna go to!" Ashido cheered.

"Me too!" Hagakure cheered.

They talked about tips on how to exercise and even (y/n) adding some of her own pointers.

'I hope she grows close to this class. They seem really honest and loyal.'






He then had a blank look and glared over to Mineta.

'Except Mineta.'




'Fuck Mineta.'

(A/n: I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!!!! For almost a whole month my grandma was over and non-stop talking with me giving me no chance to just do my thing plus my mom still having a newborn and me having to be helping out as the oldest I really had no time to be on my computer to update anything!! I DIDN'T TOUCH MY LAPTOP FOR OVER A MONTH!!! Plus dealing with Welcome days for my university and had to spend most of my time over there and coming home too tired to do anything. But I promise I will update! I officially started University as a Freshman and luckily I have 3 classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday so I get off before 2 PM plus the hours I get off until my next class. I have more time on Tuesday and Thursday due to having a near two-hour break before my next class, which I took the advantage to finish this chapter, and have the weekend off. I'm still calculating some things though since I'm going to apply for work-study. I swear I'll update as much as I can for my other stories as well!)

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