Welcome Back [May or May not...

By Reactier

41.3K 1.3K 1.7K

Five years after Toms disappearance... Edd gained feelings of sadness and loneliness, even when his other fri... More

Welcome Back
Sing For Me Commie
Red Leader
First Failure
Living Room
Up to Something
I love you
The Television Message
The Deal
The Plan
The Captor
The Dungeon

This Isn't a Dream

3.5K 112 254
By Reactier

Tord Pov:

We kept Toms room the way he always kept it while he was gone, so if he ever came back he would feel back at home... But he doesn't look happy or relieved to be home.. He still acts like he's dead or paralyzed. He's almost limp, he doesn't look anyone in the eye, and his black eyes... His eyes don't look the same... They're still pitch black, but they always give off a dead stare.

The police say he walked butt naked into a country town that's a few hours aways from London. They have no clue where he came from and they were only able to tell who he is by his eyes...

The only thing he does on his own is sleep, which he does a lot. The only time we wake him up is when eating times are and to occasionally try to get him to talk or even look at us. We're always so busy trying to take care of him that we forget to take care of ourselves at times.

He's been home for two weeks and he hasn't said a peep. He's definitely not paralyzed, but he sure as hell acts like it.

"Okay Tom! It's time to go to sleep," Edd says as he places Tom on his bed and tucks him into the blankets.

We all try to put on our happiest smiles to make him feel at home, but inside we all feel like dying. "We'll all see you tomorrow!" Matt says.

My eyes fill with tears as I say, "We love you Tom..."

I then begin to sob without control, so Edd quickly takes me out of the room as Matt says to Tom in his happiest voice, "Goodnight Tom!", he then follows after us.

We all walk to the living room and Edd sits me down on the couch as I sob into my hands. When Edd sits down, I grab on to his shirt and cry into it, which Edd comforts me.

We all sit in the living room as I cry in complete silence. After a few minutes, I finally calm down, but the room remains silent.

"I miss Tom," I choke out. "I miss the sarcastic.. rude... and.. and.. and the responsive Tom..." I blink out some small tears. "I.. I don't know this Tom... I don't know him..." I look up at Edd with teary eyes and ask him, "Where is our Tom, Edd?"

"He'll come back Tord," Edd says to me and gives me smile... a fake smile... "We just have to keep trying.."

"Is it weird that I miss when Tom would insult me?" Matt asks Edd and I with a saddened chuckle.

"I don't blame you," Edd says to Matt. "I miss when he would call me on the phone just to tell me I'm a idiot when he's across the room from me." Edd lightly laughs from the happy memory.

I sit up and wipe my tears with a smile then say, "I.. I miss when we would fight on what pizza we should order."

"We all fought you on not wanting to order pineapple pizza Tord," Edd says to me and softly smiles.

"Pineapple pizza is delicious and you can't change my mind!" I say and cross my arms in a playfully offended way.

"Fruit doesn't belong on something like pizza! It's gross!" Matt says. "It gives the pizza a sweet flavor and it's disgusting!"

"Next time we order pizza I'm going to pay for a pineapple pizza and you all will eat it!" I say to Edd and Matt.

"Over my dead body," Edd says to me.

"Well I mean Edd... It's free pizza," Matt says to Edd.

"Oh shite, you right," Edd says to Matt. "Besides we can just take the pineapple off."

"Oh come on-"

We hear a loud shriek from down the bedroom hallway, making us instantly panic and forget our whole conversation. We jump off the couch and run down the bedroom hallway and to Toms room. We see Tom sitting up and covering his ears as he continuously screams bloody murder.

We run over to him and try to comfort him, but he keeps pushing us away and screaming, "GET AWAY!! GET AWAY!! GET AWAY!!!"

"Tom it's just us!!" Edd says to Tom, but Tom continues to scream.

"Tom calm down! It's okay!" Matt tries to tell Tom, but Tom keeps screaming.

I start to cry and I scream out to him with my accent thick, "Tom stop it!"

Before Tom could let out another screech, he stops and his eyes widen as he looks at the bed sheets. Tom takes a second before asking me in a almost silent whisper, "Is that you Tord?.."

Did he recognize my accent? I feel woozy...

I let out a exhausted exhale before I fall on to my hands and knees, I then bend down even more to the point I'm on my elbows and knees. I feel sudden relaxation from the stress of Tom not talking for two weeks leaving me, but I feel like passing out at the same time.

It's silent after that, but when I lift my head to look at Tom.. I see him looking directly at me. He made eye contact... with me?

"Does that mean that..." Tom whispers to himself, then looks at Edd. "Edd..." Tom then looks at Matt. "Matt?..." Tom looks down. "No.. Don't believe the dream..."

"Tom this isn't a dream!" Edd says to Tom. "This is real!"

"I dream of you three every night..." Tom says to us then places his nail on his arm. "See? If I scratch my arm hard and I don't feel it, then this isn't real-" Tom scratches his arm with his single nail then his eyes widen with realization. "No.. No wait.. wait..." Tom then scratches his arm with two fingers and he flinches. "No! My mind is just playing with me! No no!" Tom then starts scratching his arm with four fingers back and forth. "You aren't real! You aren't!-"

"Yes we are you idiot!!" I yell and stand up. I grab his scratching hand and he looks me in the eyes with fear. "You've been gone for five years! You're home now! Don't you get it yet?!"

"Tord don't be so-"

"I'm... Home...." Tom whispers which cuts Edd off and I let go of his hand. "He.. he really did let me go... home..."

"Tom, who? Who did this?" I ask Tom, which Tom looks at me.

"I'm not allowed to say..." Tom says to me.

"But Tom!-"

"Not now Tord," Edd says to me, cutting me off. I look at Edd and Edd gives me a glare.

I sigh then say, "Right..." I look back at Tom and bend down to the side of his bed. "Tomorrow we're going to have a party to celebrate you coming home, okay Tom?" Tom mumbles something, so I ask him, "What was that?"

"It was nothing.." Tom says then gives me a soft smile "That would be amazing, thank you..."

"You should sleep Tom," Edd says to Tom. "It's late at night and you have to be well rested for the party tomorrow."

Tom looks down with his smile fading as he nods, saying, "I understand."

We then manage to make Tom fall asleep and we quietly walk out of the room. Edd turns to me and asks me with a amused smile, "Where did you get the idea for a party anyway?"

"I thought it'd be something to cheer him up," I say to Edd with a smile and shrug. "It would've made me happy."

"Good idea," Edd says to me then says to all of us, "We should go to bed too, it's rather late."

"Yeah, I'm sleepy," Matt says and stretches. "Goodnight guys!" Matt heads for his room.

"Goodnight Matt," Edd and I say to Matt in unison.

I turn to Edd and say, "Well goodnight Edd."

"Goodnight Tord," Edd says with a smile.

We then walk to our bedrooms and fall asleep with ease.

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