Love twist

By maddslhorn_x

5K 187 31

Maddie is introduced to her best friend Connor's friends, at first sight she loved Brad.She never expected to... More

New begingings
We meet again
The hurt and The kiss
So it begins...
The weekend part 1
The weekend part 2
The weekend part 3
The meeting
Hidden pain
The truth part 1
The truth part 2
The truth- part 3
Shout about it
James and Abby
Nat and Tris
Maddie and Brad
One day


271 11 0
By maddslhorn_x

*Harry's Pov*
She looked so beautiful and perfect, but why the hell is she smiling and sitting with other boys, she shouldn't be behaving like this. Who does she think she is? And why the hell would she ask me what I am doing here, she's my girlfriend. Of course I was going to be here
Harry: I came to see you babe
Maddie: but why?
*Maddie's Pov*
I can see Harry is upset about something and I don't know if I really care, I don't want him here. I see Con in the background, he begins to walk over and I panic. My heart begins to race, my palms go sweaty and all I could watch was his next step. But Brad to the rescue, he see's me and Harry and runs to Con. Stopping him from reaching us, he whispers something in his ear and Con looks at me one more time before turning and walking away. Brad looks up and mouths 'are you okay?' I just smile and nod. As he walks away he continues to look back countless amount of times. Truth be told I wanted to be walking with them but I needed to speak to Harry, to find out what's happening.
Harry: well.... We are together aren't we, so I couldn't let you move down here without me. (Turns and sees Brad) who the hell is that Maddie?
'But I left Brighton and I left you, you know it didn't work, we agreed it was over. Why would you follow me down here after that. And no one, just a friend who's looked out for me these past few days'
Harry: well you don't need him now, I'm here I will look out for you babe, now let's go.
He grabs my arm, ignoring the part where I said we was done. I don't know what more I can do.
Maddie: let go, we are not together and I don't need you. Let me go
Harry: your going no where
Before I could say anything , I hear something I will forever be thankful for
Nat: Hey Mads, you alright? You ready to study for that project?
I turn and see Nat and Tris, Nat walks over and wraps her arm around me. Tris follows Nat and looks Harry up and down, before saying 'yeah Mads we need to go, it's due tomorrow'
I look at Harry and I can see he's annoyed, I say calmly 'go back to Brighton' and pull my arm away before walking with Nat and Tris. As I walk away I hear Harry shout 'see you tonight babe'.
*Brad's Pov*
I should have gone to her, I shouldn't have let her stay with him. Why am I getting like this. What's wrong with me. My thoughts and worries are soon interrupted by Hollie, she walks into the garage and I see Con, James and Abby put their heads down, seriously can't they even say hi. I know they don't like her but please it's just awkward. I look up and say 'hello' she then comes and sits next to me, rubbing my shoulders.
Hollie: 'alright, what's wrong with you lot? You all like like you've just been slapped in the face, seriously cheer up'
James: 'hi Hollie, how are you today?'
Hollie: 'fine, has any of you seen that new girl, what's her face?'
Brad: 'you mean Maddie'
Hollie: 'erm.. Yeah, how do you know her name? Oh well she's so totally lame, she spilt coffee all over Mr P, you know the fit one. What an idiot. Yeah and what was she wearing, that stupid top with those jeans and don't even get me started with her hair, *begins laughing* she looked a total wreck and was so weird, I can tell you this much, she's going to be hated pretty quickly. What a loser'
Abby: that's my cousin your talking about, why don't you stop talking and leave, we don't want you here Hollie
She laughs and looks at me but I am to concerned about Maddie to say anything. She stands up and says 'great cousin you have and fine, I'm going'
She grabs my face and kisses me before saying 'see you in a week babe'
I was confused at first, why a week, then I remembered she's going on holiday, ah that's perfect.
I smile and wave as she walks to the car.
*Maddie's Pov'
I need to thank them don't I, I need to explain. okay here it goes ...
'Look I need to thank you guys for that and I need to explain,'
I get interrupted by Nat, Nat being the amazing person she is replies with
'Stop right there, you don't need to explain, we could see he made you uncomfortable and we made the connection of him being you ex. It's fine I understand and we get it, we was going to keep walking but when Tris saw him grab you, we couldn't just walk away and I'm glad we didn't, you tell us whatever you want about him but only when your ready, we will be here to listen but for now let's just go to Con's and cheer you up. We will then walk you home'
Tris: 'your so good with words and I can't really top that but yeah the same thing as what Nat said'
I laugh and hug them before saying 'thank you'
We reach Con's house and as we walk into the garage, Brad and Con stands up, they just stared at me. They didn't say a word.
Then James says 'so mads, your finally here! Only half hour late'
I laugh and reply 'I think Con is rubbing off on me, what can I say'
We spent the rest of the evening just laughing, chatting and being happy. I forgot about Harry and everything else that went with it. I was happy and comfortable around my new crazy friends. Brad didn't say much, it looked like something was bothering him but I couldn't work out what. He kept staring especially when I was mucking around with Con. I don't know what's happening.
It came to 10pm and it was time I needed to leave, I say bye to everyone and give each of them a hug. Once again Brad whispers in my ear , but this time it was different. He whispered 'tomorrow new girl, we talk. Good night Maddie' he followed this with a peck on the cheek that nobody else seemed to see. I pulled away and looked at him, he just smiled.
As I headed out I hear Tris and Nat shout 'wait, we said we would walk you home'
I laugh and replied 'okay, come on then'
The whole way back we didn't stop gossiping, I'm sure Tris was enjoying it just as much as we was. We got back to my house and Tris pointed out this old red pick-up truck, asking if it was mine. I lied and said it was the neighbours, knowing it was Harry's. But I knew they wouldn't go if they knew it was his and he wouldn't be to happy if they stayed. I wave them off and went over to the truck but he wasn't in there, maybe I was wrong, maybe it wasn't his.
I proceeded to go indoors and jump in my bed before I know it I have closed my eyes and I'm drifting off into a deep sleep.
*2 hours pass*
It felt like someone around me, watching me so I open my eyes and I see Harry watching me, I scream in terror. ' what the hell are you doing here?
'I wanted to see you' he leans down, pinning me to the bed and begins to kiss me
I shout 'No' and he looks at me confused, but not moving. Then my phone starts going, I tell him to 'get off, it could be my mum'
I get up and say angrily
'We didn't have sex when we was together, I'm not going to have sex with you when we have broken up, this is why I broke it off, your so controlling, trying to force me into this'
'Come on. We are together babe'
' Harry please just leave, please'
He stands up and walks towards the window. 'I will take you out tomorrow after school, don't be late'
Before I can say anything he jumps on to the tree that's outside my window and climbs down. I look to my phone for the time and see the time is 1am. Mum will will be at work, not due back till 6. She's a nurse and works all the time. I then look again and see I've had 10 missed calls 4 from Nat and 6 from Brad and Con. I wonder what they wanted. But I cant deal with that right now, first of all it's too late and second I am terrified by finding Harry in my room and if I call them back they will know somethings up. I just need to sleep but I can't, I'm so scared. I run down stairs checking every door and window is locked. I then run back up stairs and sit in my bed till my mum came back, I am finally able to sleep and rest, knowing she is back.
*Nat's Pov'
I was so worried about Maddie, there's something that's just not right, and that Harry is a proper weirdo, grabbing her like that. I can't stop thinking about it. I hope she's okay. Ah I need to call her.... After four times, I give up. 'I think she's asleep' I say to Tris.
He replies saying 'just speak to her tomorrow she will be fine for the night'
We reach my house and I turn to Tris, looking up at him, he still gives me butterflies every time I look into his eyes. It's like he just takes me away from the madness and craziness with his own craziness. It's amazing.
He looks down at me and moves some hair from my face, he holds one side of my face and with the other hand he is holding me by my waist. I just look at him, completely in love with him. He leans down and kisses me so gently and full of love. We stay like this for a while before I pull away and say 'I have to go, I wish I didn't' he smiles and kisses me again before saying 'it's okay, we can make up for it this weekend, your staying round mine, okay? Love you Nat your my world. See you tomorrow sleep well'
I smile and begin to walk in before shutting the door I turn and shout 'I cannot wait to make up for it, love you Trissy'
I then shut the door and I am straight back into the drama and hurt. All I can hear is my parents arguing and shouting, throwing things. I head upstairs and see my little sister on the stairs I look at her, take her hand and say 'come sleep with my tonight Jessie, I will keep you safe' after this we went into my room and put on her favourite DVD of Peter Pan, she absolutely loved it and it made her calm down.
While sat there all I could think is why would my parents do this, why would they let her and me hear the arguing everyday? I'm not sure I can take much more of this.
*Brad's Pov*
I've worked out why I am getting so crazy about Maddie. I like her, I like her a lot. She's all I can think about, she's who I look forward to seeing At school. She's my perfection. But Hollie, how would I break it off with her. Things haven't been right for months with Hollie, but neither of us have bothered to break it off. I think it's time I do though. I'm going to call her and tell her we need to talk....... Oh she's on holiday, she will be on the plane. I will have to wait till she's back and then that's when I tell her it's over. I can't wait to see Maddie tomorrow, it's a Wednesday and from what I remember she is in most of my classes. Tomorrow will be a good day.
*Con's Pov*
Who was that, that Maddie was talking to? And why did Brad stop me from going over there?. I hope Maddie is okay, she won't answer any of my calls, should I be worried. My thoughts are interrupted by people speaking outside, I look out my window and see Hollie, Brad's girlfriend... But she is meant to be on holiday. So I listen I her conversation but I can't see who she is with.
Guy: did he fall for it?
Hollie: of course he did, he has no idea that I'm spending the week with you
Guy: *laughs* cool, but are you sure you want to do this, you've been with Brad for so long, do you really wanna cheat now?
Hollie: don't be so serious, I've cheated at every stage of our relationship so why should I stop now. He has no idea and he never will
She grabs him and begins to kiss him passionately before he picks her up and takes her to the car. I stopped looking at this point. I can't believe it. What do I do? Do I tell him? He's my best friend I should tell him but I have no proof and I don't want him to hate me for telling him and hurting him. Oh and what if he doesn't believe me.
This stays with me for now.

Please please please share my story, vote and please comment. The comments give me the motivation to do the next chapter. I would really love it for you all to comment what you think should or will happen next? If there's anything you want to know about me or my story and the up coming stories then please feel few to tweet me or dm me of I follow you @maddiehornn
Thank you for all the support!

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