Dog Got Your Tongue - Folicia...

By maxd01

32.8K 2K 340

Ray was a young Veterinarian with a problem. Due to a heart problem he literally might not wake up one morni... More

Chapter 1 - Ray's in medical
Chapter 2 - Ray and Flitter
Chapter 3 Vyra and Ray
Chapter 5 Flitter
Chapter 6 - The Liraque talk to the Captain
Chapter 7 - Birdy, Breezy, and a surprise
Chapter 8 - Gentle
Chapter 9 - Ray's sent back
Chapter 10 - Flitter comes back
Cast of characters and generic definitions

Chapter 4 - Ray makes love to Vyra

3.5K 172 66
By maxd01

~~~ Ray starts to meet the crew

When they walked into the dining room Ray almost considered running. As soon as they walked in virtually every head turned towards the two of them and a low appreciative growl could be heard, "I had been joking about death by over enthusiastic Inu's but now I am not sure." The crew was made up of all types of colorations and sizes. There were whippet thin women who looked like they came from runners to heavy bodied women who might have come from fighters. Their coloration ranged from a pale white to pitch black. Some had patterns as Flitter did and others were a solid color. All looked very fit though and he had a feeling he was going to need at least one night a week off if not two to recover.

Flitter snickered at him, "Who was saying this was a man's fantasy come true? All the safe sex a male could want and to get paid for it as well?" Her tail was curled in amusement and was waving slightly.

She did clear her throat and addressed the dining area, "No mobbing our guest. He is recovering from a major health issue and too much attention maybe stressful. Now if you want to come over, say a brief hello and then move along it would be fine. We are going to be wandering the ship as well but no mobbing him and make sure it is passed around." For good measure she also broadcast it over the neural implant.

She pulled him towards the food line, "Oh lovely, they are having Keserios for breakfast. They do a pretty good job on them and even use the traditional Sakeron syrup as well." Her nose was twitching as she sniffed towards the food line.

She showed him the tray and utensils as they got in line, "Good morning and Ray is going to need extra protein to provide energy for the nanites which are still working in him." Flitter made sure to tell the server since he simply didn't have the body mass needed to feed the nanites as they worked.

The things she was talking about looked like some sort of grain cakes and the syrup was a blackish red and lumpy. It did smell interesting and he settled for simply taking whatever she suggested before grabbing a drink before finding somewhere to sit.

Breakfast ended up being an interesting pain in his butt. As they were eating various crew members would come over and introduce themselves. There was usually a brush of their body against his as well which kept distracting him.

When they finally made it out of the dining area he leaned against the wall, "If you were cats I would think you found a new toy to play with." When she simply smiled at him he frowned furiously at her and grumbled under his breath, "So what is on the books for me today? I know we talked about it but I'm in an information overload situation." It wasn't even mentioning having all the females touching him.

Flitter took his arm and tucked hers through it, "Well first Spike wanted to see you and run some tests on both your neural implant and the treatment. For the neural implant it is to ensure it is operating as expected since the Captain activated it. For the treatment it is to ensure it is healing your heart correctly." She leaned against him lightly and smiled.

As they were walking to medical Ray kept getting looks from the crew. One or two of the expressions made him want to hide. He had seen animals in heat and understood all the technical aspects. Having humanoid dogs look at him with both desire and lust simply because he was male was disconcerting.

Flitter could feel his discomfort, but he was doing a decent job of dealing with it and not showing it. As the various crew members came up and said hello he was being very polite as well, "Ray just so you know when they brush up against you it is normal. It doesn't matter if we are in heat or not, we enjoy the physical contact."

Ray rolled his eyes, "I think I understand but it is not something I am used to. As I mentioned earlier I was told from early on to be careful with physical contact. Much of it was simply because what would be a mild infection or illness to a healthy person could be dire for me. I am most definitely not used to random strangers rubbing against me." He gave her a wry smile, "It isn't even beginning to mention only seeing females and being the only male aboard."

She gave him a light hug and nuzzled his ear, "I could feel just how frustrated and angry you were. It made sense when you put it the way you did, but it still doesn't mean you don't want or need the contact. Also, you aren't the only male, just the only human male." They finally walked into medical and one of the staff came over and greeted them.

Ray almost twitched away from Flitter's nuzzle since he didn't want his ear nipped again. It did feel good though the whiskers tickled his cheek. The mention of other males on board did catch his attention but he didn't get a chance to ask before they walked into medical.

"Good morning Mr. Johnson and I am pleased to see you up and about. You had us really worried yesterday when we brought you aboard." The tech came over and gave him a good hug before showing him to a table, "I need you to retract the uniform, so we can scan you."

When they did walk into medical and he got another random hug he had to blush. This female looked like she was based on a stocky heavy-set dog and her coloration made him think of a pit-bull.

He flushed when she mentioned their being concerned, "Sorry about it but since I was randomly kidnapped to be a paid boy toy I blame it on ya'll." Just for good measure he winked at her and then twitched when Flitter nipped his neck.

The ship suit retracted while they were talking, and he didn't manage to stop the automatic reaction to cover his groin with his hands, "Grr, this suit is going to drive me nuts. First it gooses me and then vanishes randomly. What do you need me to do?"

Silent Strength had to cover her mouth as she tried not to giggle at his comments, "Go lie down on the table there and place your hands by your side. A cover will come down over you during the scan." She took one arm with her hand and led him to the table and helped him up.

When the cover came down Ray relaxed, "Well at least I am semi-covered up." Flitter snickered at him and he grumbled back. She was getting way too much amusement out of his reactions. One thing he was starting to notice was in public she was very calm and quiet but in private she showed her sense of humor. Ray had to wonder if it was related to her job as his assistant or her personality.

Once the cover was over him he could both feel and hear a quiet humming and above him a 3D image of his chest started forming. The view was fascinating to him since it was in real time and color coded. He could tell the veins from the arteries, see his heart beating, and his lungs moving. He had seen similar images, but they were on 2D screens so even if 3D didn't have the same quality.

Spike walked in about then and smiled at him, "Hello Ray and thank you for starting the scan Silent Strength." The tech smiled at her as the two of them walked over to Ray, "Well it is looking good Ray and the hole is sealed shut. It will take some time for the tissue to grow together but the nanites will keep it sealed until it is done."

As she was talking she was using the neural implant to manipulate the image and zoom in on where the defect had been, "The dark spot is the nanites which have plugged the opening. They are also going to form the basis of a mesh your cells will use to seal the hole with tissue. I did take a look at your DNA and it does not appear this is a genetic defect, so you don't need to worry about passing it on to any children or pups you might have."

Ray watched the image and nodded as she explained what was going on. It was fascinating, and he had to wonder what other uses the nanites were used for. After she mentioned it not being hereditary he greatly relaxed. It had been a concern since he had really noticed girls, "Thanks for checking and letting me know Doc. I am glad to know."

Flitter felt him almost wanting to cry in relief. She wrapped her arms around him and held him for several minutes, "Thank you Spike, it was something he was very worried about."

Eventually Spike finished with them and released him with a full bill of health, "Depending on your decision you will be back here tomorrow either to have the few memories locked or for additional work on the implant." She smiled at him and gave him a kiss, "I know which I would prefer Ray, but it is your decision."

~~~ Ray and the ship

The rest of the day was much the same but as the day went along Ray began to pick up undercurrents to the actions of the crew. They were excited to see him, and he figured much of it was simply the drive to mate and try to get pregnant. There was also a feeling of almost desperation as well.

Knowing what he did he understood and contemplated what the Captain had said during the day. The only thing which had distracted him was the viewport in one of the lounges which showed earth. It had been overwhelming.

When they walked into the lounge it was the first thing he had noticed. Some of the women had started to come up to say hello but he barely noticed. He started towards the view screen and stopped in front of it and pressed a hand against it, "Oh wow, such a lovely sight. I have seen pictures of the earth like this before but to really get to see it? For this alone I am grateful for being kidnapped." As he was standing there he wasn't thinking when he wrapped his arm around Flitter and urged her to his side, "Thank you for showing me this Flitter."

They eventually continued walking around the ship and Flitter showed him a game room, a second lounge which was somewhat like a bar with a dance floor. The room which really fascinated him was the holodeck. He had flashbacks to one of the Star Trek series and almost shuddered. A number of those dealt with the holodeck coming to life and the idea made his skin crawl.

~~~ Ray makes his decision

Eventually they did make it back to his room after eating dinner and getting more greetings. When they made it back to his room he collapsed on a sofa and let out a deep sigh, "I am so going to take you up on your offer of a massage." He looked at her, "I am also going to tell the Captain I am going to accept. I don't like the idea of being forced to forget everything or have the memories but not able to talk about them. I will help though." He held his arms out to her.

She gave him a smile which lit up her entire face, "Oh thank you Ray. I was really hoping you would accept." Flitter moved over to him and straddled his lap and leaned against him and gave him a good kiss, "Thank you so much." She turned a bit pink, "I was really hoping you would accept so I could stay with you while you're aboard and serve you." Flitter nuzzled his neck and extended the tip of her tongue and delicately licked one of his ears in pleasure.

Ray damn near died on the spot with her obvious happiness. It was such an uncontrolled reaction from her and really showed who she was. She did show her feelings but was reserved about it. Flitter came across as so calm and comfortable. Now it showed a bit of where she had gotten her name from. When she straddled his lap, he slid his hands around her waist and stroked her back and bottom through the suit, "Well in that case you can serve me by giving me a good shower and then a massage... Ahhhh." He tried to hold in the reaction to her tongue but darn it tickled.

"Death by Inu!!!" He stuck his arms out and waved them around in apparent horror only to get a giggle from her, "If you sit here like this to long your Captain might not get first dibs on the new human." He kissed her and rested his head on her shoulder, "I did mean much of what I said this morning and especially when it comes to the boy and girl things. I try not to let it get to me but sometimes..." Ray closed his eyes and simply held her.

Flitter had to giggle and delicately ran her tongue around his ear again just for good measure, "So you do admit I am female and maybe attractive huh? It is nice to know and as I said we will discuss it later. Right now, I think for you it would be better we start as friends. It will let you get comfortable with having me in your life and bedroom." When he mentioned he had been serious she cupped his head with one hand and her other around his back.

"I know Ray since I could feel it this morning. I can't say I'll ever truly understand how it made you feel. Just the idea of knowing any moment can be your last simply due to a medical problem is horrifying. It isn't something we normally have to face." Flitter kept nuzzling his neck and face to comfort him, "And to be told to stay away from people to keep from being hurt or causing hurt, that is wrong. We will all die at the allotted time and the best we can do is live life to the fullest."

She finally leaned back though she kept holding him. She encouraged Ray to look at her, "Ray please trust in me. Trust I can help you deal with this. This is one of the things I have been trained for and is what I live and breathe for." Her hands slid around and cupped his face. Her thumbs were stroking his skin as she talked, "When an assistant, we are called Liraque's, accepts a client, a Liraqua, it is for many reasons. It can be because they are comfortable with them. Maybe we can feel a bond with the other and a need to be with them until our services are no longer necessary. I had one Liraqua who was severely injured, and my job was to get her back on her feet and to prove to her, she was still a beautiful, lovely woman. Her face was badly damaged."

"In you I feel the bond between the two of us and felt it when I touched you while you were in medical. I can also feel many of the emotions and feelings you have which are similar to what she had as well. I want to help you and I want to be your assistant. Will you accept me as your Liraque?" Liraque didn't have any direct translation in English. It ranged from mistress, servant, healer, and far more.

Ray let her hold him and she was doing something since he was starting to relax again. He did have to agree for the moment it might be best if they stayed friends without benefits, "You are a lovely, attractive woman but I think I agree with you short term. I might have said yes to helping but I'm sure there are going to be times in the beginning where I am going to need to have someone I can simply relax with. Someone where there isn't going to be an expectation of sex. If it happens then it happens since it will be right for us at that point."

When she started stroking his cheeks he closed his eyes and enjoyed the contact, "I do..." He had to smile, "It's what we say when we marry someone, and it just sounded a bit wrong. I do accept you as my Liraque. I accept what you bring to this and will give you what I can back." He leaned forward and kissed her, "Now we have dealt with the important things, go get the shower and massage stuff ready... Your master feels the need of getting clean and relaxed." He tried to sound haute but ended up collapsing against her laughing.

Flitter had to smile, "I do accept you as my Liraqua." When he mentioned marriage she snickered, "Well in a way it is somewhat like that. So should I call you Master or Husband?" When he pretended to order her to go and take care of the shower and massage Flitter lightly bopped him on the shoulder, "Brute, I might have to reconsider." Flitter slipped off his lap and almost danced across the room to the bed and pulled out a thick sheet and set some oils out, "So are you going to shower in your suit?"

He laughed at her teasing and had to appreciate the way she moved across the room. Her entire body showed her pleasure at being accepted and the way she moved did look like she was flitting, "I think your name is more appropriate than you realize. When you dance like that, you do seem to flit from one spot to another."

Flitter paused and smiled at him before dancing in place for a few moments. As she was dancing her uniform pulled back to the bracelets and then she danced towards the bathroom. When she reached the door, she gave him an arch smile, "Well Master you did want a bath didn't you?"

Ray had to smile, "Your dance made me think of you trying to catch the last ray of sunshine before darkness settles in. It made me feel warm and happy." For some reason when she did the little dance it made him think of the happy dance Snoopy did in the cartoons.

When he told her what the dance felt like to him, she blushed slightly and looked down. She might be a Liraque and for many years, but it didn't mean she wasn't female and couldn't appreciate a compliment, "Thank you Ray." She really appreciated his interested in her.

He stood and walked towards the bathroom. He tried to tell his uniform to go away only to run into the wall since he wasn't looking where he was going, "Okay, who put the bloody thing there darn it. It wasn't there this morning." Trying to look like he had intended it he walked around it and into the bathroom. He glanced down and the uniform had vanished, "Great, I have to run into a wall or get a woody to do things with my uniform."

She laughed at him before starting the water. The bath didn't take very long thanks to the nanites. Once done he settled on the sheet for the back massage. He was in for the surprise of his life since it was a full body massage. Ray was pink by the time she was done even though she had avoided certain parts. She could tell he was feeling far more relaxed than earlier.

"Thank you and let's crawl in since I have a feeling I am going to fall asleep for at least a short while." Ray stretched and yawned, "The Captain might be a bit put out with you when she shows up and I am snoring." He crawled in after Flitter had removed the heavy sheet. He was asleep before she had even slipped between the covers.

~~~ Vyra talks to Flitter

Before the Captain came in this time she sent an implant request to Flitter and waited for her to answer. When she did the Captain asked her to come outside for a moment.

Flitter took a moment to pull on a robe in case Ray woke. Even though he was asleep and sleeping well she knew it was going to take time for him to get used to random nudity. In bed was one thing since they had sheets and a cover but walking around the room was different for him.

Vyra stepped over and gave her a good hug, "You feel very content Flitter. I take it you asked, and he accepted?" When Flitter gave Vyra a beaming smile it was answer enough, "I am pleased for you. So, what can you tell me about how he is doing? I was concerned with his reaction this morning."

Flitter nodded and took her hand and led her into the room and closed the door. Even though she was going to use the neural link this was still a conversation which needed to be done in private, *First he has accepted your request. I think part of it is because he knows what it is like to live knowing one day he was going to simply not wake up. Though we have fixed his physical heart his emotional heart has been badly damaged.* She simply couldn't sit still at the moment and stood up and paced back and forth.

*Being told to avoid people and relationships has made him a very lonely person. He has filled some of it with these 'pets' he is a doctor for, but he misses the human touch. I don't think he really understands or has buried it so he doesn't have to feel it.* She sighed since she felt very sad for him, *I am going to focus my efforts and energies on healing that aspect of him. If anything else happens, it will be as the goddess dictates. Right now he needs a friend to talk to and not another potential sex partner.*

The Captain could tell he was having a deep impact on the Liraque. It was one of the reasons they had allowed her to come along unassigned. She was getting older, even if it didn't show, and was starting to feel the drive to find a home and a family. It wasn't something which happened to all of the Liraque but many it did.

Vyra had been given very strict instructions on what to say to her and how to handle her, *Then be a friend to him.* She stood and walked over and gathered the older woman to her, *Allow him to be your friend as well. Not just a Liraqua but a friend. Now about his engaging in sexual activities any recommendations?*

Flitter leaned against the Captain and enjoyed the embrace and comfort she was giving. She knew her senior had some concerns though what they were she didn't know, *I will do my best Vyra. I do have to admit I am feeling... In need of something.* Flitter rubbed her face against her Captains chest and smiled, *I would have to say take it slowly and let him set the pace. We didn't talk details, but I gathered his encounters have been very few and very controlled. Avoid assigning anyone to him who might be aggressive in bed since I think it would be more than counter productive.*

She looked over at the sleeping man, *I am going to continue showing him around the ship and gradually introduce him to some of the crew I think would work. For the next week or two maybe let him have some say in it since I have a feeling he isn't and won't be a wham bam thank you Ma'am sort. I think he will at least want to have some sort of connection even if it is just having talked to them.*

Vyra listened and nodded, *We will take care of you as well sweetie. You keep us stable and we protect and love you. Let's go to bed and when he wakes is soon enough.* She rubbed her nose against Flitter's before leading her over to the bed. After withdrawing her suit, she gently slid in and curled around Ray. When he moved a bit closer to her and mumbled something she had to smile, "Sleep Ray and we will talk later."

Flitter crawled in and since the Captain was spooning Ray she curled up with her back to him. She felt him wrap an arm around her waist and pulled her close, "Warm... Tired..." He mumbled and fell asleep again.

~~~ Ray makes love to Vyra

Ray woke up at one point since he needed to use the bathroom and had to smile since they had made a Ray sandwich again. Getting out and back in to bed was a bit of a pain but he managed it. When he crawled in he settled on his side facing Vyra. A slight smile crossed his face since she was nude again and sleeping, "I think I am going to get an Inu to wake up." He murmured as one hand settled on her hip and slowly started stroking.

Ray hoped he could please her, but he was worried about it. Part of it was the fact he was a bit worried he wouldn't satisfy her due to his lack of experience. Part of it was also because he had so rarely touched a female body this way. He simply wasn't sure if she would appreciate it. Her skin was smooth and warm, and he was guessing they ran a few degrees warmer than humans normally. As he was stroking he started with safe areas such as her hip, side, and outer leg. As he became more comfortable with touching her he let his hands roam a bit more, so his fingers barely touched the curve of her breast.

Vyra mentally smiled as he was touching her. She had awakened when he had gotten up but keeping in mind what Flitter had said pretended to be asleep to see what he would do. His stroking was definitely hesitant, and he was being careful not to touch any areas she might object to while asleep. She finally rolled onto her back to give him more access and would 'wake up' shortly.

When she rolled over Ray froze for a moment and then started stroking her again. As his fingers crossed her lower abdomen he guessed she had born children since it felt that way. As his fingers traced upwards towards her breasts he couldn't resist stroking the curves before continuing up to her neck, "Such a striking woman and what did I do right? This might just be rather enjoyable." When she turned her head and looked at him he froze.

"Thank you for the compliment Ray. Please don't stop since your touch feels really good. I am enjoying having you stroke me." Vyra lifted her head and kissed him. It was a gentle kiss but had what she hoped was enough passion to invite him to keep going, "It feels good to have a man touching me again." She started stroking his back with the arm which was under his neck, "You are so slender I have to admit I am a bit worried since the last thing I want to do is hurt you."

He closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss and enjoyed it. Ray had to smile slightly, "I won't ask about any other lovers you might have." He gave her another kiss as his hand kept exploring her body, "I will let you know and thank you. I wish I had a bit more meat on me as well but since Spike told me my heart is looking good hopefully it will happen." He slid his hand down from her neck and cupped one of her breasts and started stroking it, "Tell me what feels good; what you might want or bothers you please. This is going to be maybe my fifth or sixth encounter like this." As his thumb was stroking her breast it brushed past a nipple and she stiffened slightly, and he could tell it was getting hard.

"Well I might tell them about you and make a few recommendations for you." She smiled at him, "We are not what you humans call monogamous. Partially it is because we can only get pregnant twice a year and also there simply aren't enough males. We do have partners and do form long term relationships but in many cases, it is up to the individuals involved." When his hand brushed her nipple, she bit her lip and smiled. Normally she was faster in bed so the slow pace was different, but she could feel the fire starting, "Well that was nice. Why don't you put your lips to good use and..."?

Ray blushed when she said it and dropped his head on her shoulder, "What did I get myself into? Now I feel like a chew toy being passed around." Just for good measure he nipped her shoulder, "Interesting to know and intellectually it makes good sense. Enough of this conversation though, I most definitely have other things on my mind." He sat up and rolled on top of her, so he was straddling her. She was taller than he was, so his bottom was pressed against her groin and his erection was pressed against her belly.

Now his hands were free, so he gathered each breast in a hand and started playing. As he was starting to lean forward he paused and asked, "So are you hoping to become pregnant? If so I hope you will have some lovely pups." The last was said as his breath was brushing against her nipple. He lightly licked it and settled down to make love to it. He slowly sucked it into his mouth and used his tongue to roll her firm nipple around. It was larger than he was used to, but it didn't stop him. His teeth were lightly scrapping her skin as he sucked as much in as he could before slowly withdrawing his mouth only to repeat it.

Flitter had felt him move as well and when he started actively making love to Vyra she sat up and settled next to the two. She wasn't going to interfere but to keep an eye on her Liraqua to make sure he didn't get in to deep. As he was playing with Vyra's breasts she gently rested a hand on his back, so she could sense what he was feeling emotionally. Based on what she was feeling Flitter was pleased for him. It did feel like he was starting to enjoy the contact.

Vyra was enjoying having him touching her. When he rolled on top it hadn't been expected but she didn't complain. Her hands settled on his hips and started stroking as well, "I do want some more pups and would be very pleased if I became pregnant. This is my last trip as Captain of this ship." As he started sucking her breast in and out she lifted her shoulders a bit off the bed and sighed, "Mmm... Good." It still felt rather odd they didn't have tails.

He stiffened for a moment when Flitter touched him and then relaxed, "I'm glad you are enjoying it." Ray played with her breasts for a while longer but knew he wasn't going to be able to spend a great deal of time arousing her which frustrated him. He started sliding lower and was kissing and nipping his way down until he got to her navel, "I couldn't help but wonder if ya'll had navels as well." Ray ran his tongue around it before continuing lower.

Now he slid off to one side and rested his head on her stomach and started stroking her inner thighs with his hand and finally stroked her pubic hair and smiled, "It is as soft as it looked." When his fingers dipped into her folds they were shaped somewhat differently but he was able to find the important bits. She seemed to be enjoying what he was doing since she was wet as was the longer pubic hair between her legs. After stroking a bit, he lifted a finger to his lips and lightly licked the juices off, "You taste good as well."

Vyra moaned as his fingers were exploring, "Well for someone who says he doesn't have much experience you are doing quite well. Keep going." When she felt he was ready or when Flitter indicated she would flip over and let him know she was ready as well.

He smiled at her and dipped his fingers back into her folds and found her nub and started doing circles around it with his fingers. Ray was pleased when she came though hearing a woman growl was a bit odd. Now he slipped his fingers into her tunnel and while working them in and out he was playing with her nub again with his thumb and she exploded. He felt her tunnel clench around his fingers and her body arch off the bed. Suddenly she rolled over and stuck her bottom in the air and her tail was curled and off to one side.

Vyra finally gave up. It had been some time since she had been with a male and his touch was driving her crazy. She wanted him now and even with Flitters suggestions it was too much. She urged him away before rolling over and presenting her bottom to him, "Ray give it to me. Make me yours and slam into me."

Ray moved back as she rolled over and had a good idea of what she wanted. He positioned himself and after placing a hand on each hip he shoved his unit home to the hilt. Ray still felt Flitters hand on his back and noticed she had one on Vyra as well but assumed she was simply doing her job. Once he was fully inside he withdrew and slammed in again. Vyra seemed to be enjoying it based on the grunts and groans she was making. He could feel his balls slapping her clit every time he plunged into her.

Vyra was doing her best to time her climax with his since it would maximize her chances of getting pregnant. When Flitter placed her hand on her back she had to smile since it usually indicated they were helping with the pregnancy. Finally, it was too much and she came again and her tunnel clenched down on his unit and milked it for all it was worth. The only thing she missed was the male's knot of her kind but damn he felt good. She finally collapsed on her stomach and Ray ended up lying on top panting heavily.

When she came her tunnel clenched and it was all he needed. With one last plunge he buried himself inside her and came. There was surge after surge of his seed being forced out and finally he was spent and when she collapsed he ended up on top, "Good god, do I have to go home? If all of you are this enjoyable I might sign on for several cruises." He rested his hands on her shoulders and simply lay there panting.

Flitter couldn't help but snicker at his comment, "Only the Captain can answer and right now her mind isn't here." She leaned forward and kissed him, "You feel better now. More relaxed and if you do fall asleep on her like this she won't mind." From Vyra there was a sort of nnng sound. Flitter pulled the covers up and curled up next to them and rested a hand on his arm, "Sleep my Liraqua."

~~~ Daisy wonders what Ray did to Vyra

The next morning when Ray woke up he found Flitter was between him and Vyra and had to smile. Right about then the door buzzed, and he groaned, "I don't want to wake up damn it. Well maybe after a shower and some battery acid." He rolled on his back and stretched, and he most definitely needed a shower.

Flitter opened the door via the implant and Vyra's Liraque was outside, "Come on in though she is still asleep." Vyra was still on her stomach with her legs somewhat splayed under the covers and snoring.

Daisy walked in and then leaned against the door jamb after it had closed, "Goodness I haven't seen her look so content for a long time." She eyeballed Ray who had pulled the covers over his groin, "So Flitter can I get on the schedule? I have to admit I am most curious as to how he managed to knock her out." Her grin widened when Ray turned pink.

Flitter snickered and rolled over and curled up next to Ray, "I will talk to him and then we will discuss the price of 'borrowing' him." She could feel his total embarrassment when she said it, "Oh and start the Captain on the vitamins and special meals. I am pretty sure she is going to be a mother again."

Ray covered his face with one arm, "Oh god, I not only accepted you as my Liraque but apparently as my pimp. I had better get half of everything you make." It took a few moments for what else she had to say to penetrate his mind and when it did he felt a huge grin plaster itself on his face, "And now I am a real man." He was so happy tears started. This was most definitely something he had never expected, "Oh god I might be a dad?" He rolled over and wrapped his arms around Flitter, "Oh god I can't believe it. This is the one thing I always wanted but was scared to chance." He hadn't known if the heart problem had been hereditary or not until Spike had talked to him the day before.

She felt his reaction and gathered him close and tucked his head under her chin and stroked his hair, "Yes my Liraqua it looks like she is going to have the first of your pups. I am very pleased for you, so you can fulfill this dream."

Daisy had read all of his files and transcripts, so she understood what was going on. She came over to the bed and settled on the edge as Vyra was awakened by his crying, *He is pleased you are pregnant. I have to admit I am more than a bit curious as to what he did to knock you out as well as you were. You feel extremely content.* She leaned forward and leaned against Vyra's back and smiled.

Vyra's tail popped almost straight out, almost like out of some anime, in shock. After a moment she rolled on her side before curling up some and had a very pleased expression on her face, "Oh my Ray I might have to book another night or two with you. I am almost scared to see what you might be like with experience. My crew might not be safe from you and I might end up with a mutiny when it is time for you to go back." She pressed against him and nuzzled his neck before lightly nipping it, *He was teasing Flitter last night he would consider doing a few cruises. It seems he had fun.*

Ray rolled over and smirked, "Oh my, three hot women in my bed, you might not be able to get me off the ship." He sat up and stretched, "I need a shower though tonight I might make use of the oversized tub in there." Ray had to wink at the other female, "Talk to Flitter and I am sure she can make all the needed arrangements." He rolled off the bed and sauntered towards the bathroom.

Once inside he leaned against a wall, "Oh god I can't believe I did that and even worse said it. Why do I feel like a gigolo now?" He had to shake his head as he turned to the sink and used the brush thing he had been shown and carefully brushed his teeth and tongue. By the time he was done all three ladies were in the room and thank god it was massive. He contemplated saying something but decided not to since Flitter had started the water and he stepped in.

~~~ Rays family is helped by Simon

Simon pulled up to the small airport which serviced the area he lived in and stepped out. He had received a text from Juanita letting him know they had landed. Since he had been waiting nearby they were just coming out as he parked. He gave the three a good look and all looked rough, "Evening to all of you and I am so sorry we had to meet this way. Do you have a hotel?" Ray had a picture of them on his desk at work, so he recognized them.

Juanita gave him a tired smile, "It is nice to finally meet you also Simon. We do and its near Ray's house. Tonight, we are just going to go to bed after ordering in." She was glad he helped them get the luggage into the mini-van and settled down in the passenger seat. Once Simon was in the car she gave him the name of the hotel and the car was silent as they drove there.

Once they had pulled up Simon helped get the luggage out before speaking again, "You have my number so call if you need anything Juanita. I will be here tomorrow morning to take you to Ray's house." Once he was sure they were going to be getting a couple of rooms he silently left the lobby and headed home.

The next morning, hepicked them up and then dropped them off at Ray's house before heading towork. The police and local news stationwere going to go to Ray's house for the broadcast. Since they now had Ray's car to use theywould be driving themselves around. Their plans were only to be there for a few days and Simon hoped Raywould show up. He was feeling pretty badabout asking Ray to go along now. With asigh he walked into the clinic and stopped at the front, "Hey Gloria, hisfamily is at his house now. If they callfor anything let me know please." Heturned to go to his office and get to work.    

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