Shattered Singer

By queenschreavee

109K 1.2K 665

Completed: What if America didn't find out about her father passing until the morning? What if Maxon didn't h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 14

3.4K 43 21
By queenschreavee

America POV:
    I scream in Pain. I feel sweaty. I grab someone's hand and arm. I look up to see his face. Zach looks at me with loving eyes. "Just one more push, you can do it" He says to me. I feel like I'm going to die. I scream and push again. "I see the head" The nurse says. I push again and hear crying. A baby crying to be exact. The nurse hands me my baby. An adorable baby with blue eyes. A mixture of both mine and his. I see reddish brown hair. Zach leans over and kisses the baby. I do too. I look up at Zach again. But this time he's not there, instead Maxon is. "Why are you here" I ask. "Because our child was just born" He says with a laugh. I look at the baby, I see strawberry blonde hair, and chocolate brown eyes. Just like his. The nurse comes and takes the baby. Then she has both babies in her arms. I reach out to hold them, but Zach and Maxon stop me. "Choose, who do you want a life with" They both say. I can't decide. "Choose!" "Choose!" They shout at me over and over again. I shake my head. I want my kids in my arms. I start crying. The room begins to disappear. I scream and reach out for my babies. Then, Everything disappears.
   I wake up sweaty and breathing heavily. I quickly sit up. I look around my room and try to steady my breathing. Then I check the time 4:27am. I groan and lean back. I haven't been able to sleep thinking about the fact that I could be pregnant. None the less with Zach's baby, not Maxon's.
I close my eyes and try to clear that thought. No matter what he's not an option. Besides if I am pregnant this would be destiny's way of telling me to move on. With Zach by my side. Still, my mind won't and can't forget about Maxon. When I'm around him it's like my brain shuts off and lets my heart decide.
We talked for almost 2 hours. He made me happy. I know he hurt me, broke me, and I won't let that go but he will always make me feel better.
I can't stop think about how he said that I wanted a baby in February. That situation was different though.
He eavesdropped that conversation with Amberly. The conversation comes flooding back and I remember something that happened. I hide my face with my hands, and I can feel my face burning.
Amberly and I talked about when Maxon and I had sex. She asked if we used protection and what kind. Then it lead to talking about how good he is or isn't in bed. I never answered that, and she didn't ask. He was good, really good. He was my first time and I had no one to compare him with. Now I do and I can say that even though Zach is good too, Maxon was amazing. I wonder what he thought, if he heard all that, I'm sure he did.
I let my mind wonder back to those nights. I've always tried to block them out but not now. I remember how our bodies fit perfectly together, they knew how to move as one. I remember every inch of my body pressed against his. The heat radiating off of us. Our sweat mixing. How he looked sweaty, messy, and so very attractive. How he made me feel that night.
I remember the rumor I heard about Kriss being pregnant and it kills me. I hope shes not, I can't stand the idea of him spending the night with her like he did with me. I mentally slap myself for being so selfish. He's not mine anymore. They probably have had it and I know I've done it with Zach, but it still drives me crazy. I wonder what he thinks about it. Today basically confirmed that I've had sex with Zach. I mean babies aren't made by magic. I feel tired and I put a hand on my stomach. If I am pregnant, which I don't think I am, I need to start taking care if myself. I really hope I'm not pregnant, for many reasons including how badly I take care of myself, constantly drinking alcohol for example.
I let my mind clear and drift off to sleep.

Maxon's POV:
Talking with America was great. It felt so right. Like everything had fallen into place. I can honestly say I feel complete when I'm around her. We laughed so hard, and I was smiling like an idiot the whole time. I couldn't help it though, that's what America does to me.
That beautiful redhead, her fierce attitude, and headstrong thinking makes her even more attractive. Not that she needs it with those looks that she was blessed with. She's also very sweet and caring. Just thinking about her makes me smile.
Not to mention the outfit she was wearing made her look so hot. It showed off her curves and slim waist. The way her waist leads into her hips is perfect, an hourglasses figure. It brought out other parts of her too that I couldn't help but notice.
Her chest and lower, lower back looked perfectly round. America has the body every girl wants. 
I soundlessly slap my face. A gentleman shouldn't have these thoughts. I just can't help it, America brings this side of me out. She's the only one. Not even my wife does. I sigh and look to my right.
Since we are in a hotel we decided to share a bed. I see Kriss peacefully sleeping. I feel guilty having these thoughts and feelings for another girl. Especially with her sleeping right next to me.
I let my mind wander and it lands on a topic I've tried to distract myself from since I found out. I have to let my questions run wild in my head before I go crazy.
America Singer might be pregnant. She could be carrying a child that isn't mine. It's not 100% positive that she is, but she has the symptoms. What will I do if she is? Could I even bear it? I don't know. Im just hoping she's not. Still, a little part in the back of my head can't stop thinking about it. If she is pregnant I can't help be jealous of Zach for being able to get her pregnant, when I didn't and can't at the moment. Although I guess they probably did it more than just 2 times.
That brings up another thing. One of my worst suspicions have been confirmed, America and Zach had sex. I gag at just the thought of it. I absolutely hate that Zach has seen her in that way. So much as to get her pregnant.
I still think about those two nights. She was amazing, impossible to forget.
If she's pregnant my plan is out the window. I don't have an exact plan, but I know it's going to end with America as my wife.
I roll over, I need sleep.

America POV:
I walk around the bathroom. I have to know. But I can't bring myself to do it. Celeste isn't home. She had to go early in the morning. I'm alone so it's the perfect time to do it. But I can't. What will I do if it's positive. It might sound harsh but, I don't want a baby right now. I have too much going on. I don't want to go through pregnancy. Not now, not for a while. I look back on the counter, where the pregnancy box is lying. I feel as if it was staring right at me. Deep into my soul. Would it be so bad if I didn't take it? No. If I was I'd eventually figure it out. I'd start gaining weight. So maybe I won't take this test. No, no, no! I have to know. I can't go on like this. Not knowing is Zach and I are about to become parents. Besides, Zach deserves to know. I sign I pick it up. It suddenly seems very heavy my hand. I rip it open and take out the two sticks. I grab the plastic cup I brought into the bathroom. I realize I'm shaking. I take a deep breath. If I'm pregnant, me being nervous wont change anything. It'll just be my time to be a mom, what other choice do I have. Abortion. The thought flashes in my mind quickly. No. I wouldn't do that. I don't even know why I had that thought, I'd never even consider it. I take in another deep breath. I do my business on the cup then open the first test and stick it in. I set the cup down on top of a towel on the counter. I read the box and I says to wait 3 minuets. So I set a timer on my phone.
I sit in the floor. How did I get here.
I think for a while. It all started when Aspen asked my to sign up for the Selection up in the tree house. I wonder what would of happened if I hadn't signed up. Or if I hadn't been selected. I never would of meet Maxon, or fallen in love with him. I would've never meet Celeste, my best friend. I wouldn't of meet Zach. I wouldn't be rich and famous. I'd definitely be married to Aspen by now. Ironically I'm so thankful I did send that form. It might have broken and traumatized me but it did change my life. For the better.
I hear the beep and stand. My hand hovers over the cup for a moment before pulling out the test.
I close my eyes and flip it over. My breathing speeds up. I've never felt like throwing up more in my life. This is it. This moment could change my life forever. I quickly open my eyes.
One line. Negative.
Before celebrating,I check the box. Two lines means positive. One line means negative.
I grab the other test and rip open the packaging. I quickly pee right on top on the test. Wait another 3 minuets and check.
One line.
I breaking into a huge smile. I'm not pregnant.
I'm not pregnant!!
I jump up and down, and scream of happiness. Thank god. I must celebrate. I pull open the door and dash downstairs. I stumble into the kitchen and open our alcohol cabinet. I grab a wine and an opener. I fly into the couch and pop the bottle open. For a mini celebration all by myself. I take a nice long drink. I taste the flavorful alcoholic berry drink that is wine. So rich and sweet.
I've never been more grateful.

A/N ~Ahhh! Let me know what you think about the chapter. If you have any questions let me know. Comment your favorite part! Tap the star to vote. Also If you have any ideas please let me know, I might add them into the story, I already have an idea on what I want to happen but still comment. I hope you enjoyed. 1905 words!
Xoxo ~ Mrs. Schreave 💋
Ps~ check out my other story "Princess America Schreave"

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