Arshi FF- My Little Bride (Co...

By RojalinKKGSR

2.1M 92.1K 9.6K

Before they could even understand...They were bonded by a thread called "Marriage". More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
Part 107
Part 108 (Epilogue)
Thank you note :)

Part 65

19.3K 871 116
By RojalinKKGSR

It was past 9.20 am in morning and she knew she was running very late. Deprived of sleep last night, missing him like nothing and being so disturbed Khushi found herself in more mess than before. Quickly tying her hair in a bun, she grabbed her bag!! She had to even pack her hand bag for office, Argh!! Opening luggage, she was about to take some things out when a small packet caught her attention. That was not anything she has kept in her bag.

Curiously she took that in her hand and found a letter attached to it..

Unfolding the letter, she started to read it..


I guess you reached safely.. Thanks for coming Khushi and thank you for everything.. That night was magical and I'll never forget that.. Let me thank you again!! Ok.. this time I guess to thank list is going to be larger in size.. (Khushi chuckled!! This unbelievable man in earth!!)

Since morning I have been trying to talk to after waking up, but some where I just could not gather myself to talk to you.. I even tried to say something over breakfast, but see instead of that I am writing this letter.. You are getting ready in room , and here I am doing this.

Pata Hai Khushi.. sometime it is really weird to talk to you.. Face-to-face!! I don't know why, but it feels beyond my level. One look at you and I feel speechless many times.. So this letter is an easy way to talk.. to you!!

I wanted to say Sorry as well.. sorry for each time I hurt you Khushi, sorry for not asking your consent before our marriage... And another sorry for not even asking you this morning that "Tum thik ho ya nehi.."!! Last night when I held you in my arms, I felt like I got that what I have been searching for years, it is a pure bliss with you.. And while writing this letter, let me tell you I have planned each and every day of our life together and I can't wait to tell you that..

Hope we will meet soon.. Khushi!!

And yes, there are two chocolate packets here!! One for you and please don't give excuse that I don't know how do you prefer your chocolate.. I know that better and I'm super confident here.. and another packet for Kaira.. Tell her that this is from her Uncle..

Now I have to sign out.. because see you are almost ready with your baggage.. Wait.. I again forgot to tell you, you look good with that white shirt!! Wear more often..

Love.. Arnav!!"

Khushi just shut her eyes tightly for a second as if imagining him with her. Opening her eyes, she quickly popped one chocolate in her mouth relishing it, the crunchiness of nuts s sweetness of chocolates!! Touching the letter with her lips she went and Opened the cupboard, she carefully kept this letter of his in her safe!! This letter felt like the most important document in her life.. The document which had their signatures together in the form of their affection for each other. She could not help but smiled at her own thought..

Finally making up mind she got up to go but not before giving him a ring though he did not answer.. She twisted her lips, making face..

Grabbing some sandwiches Khushi ran to her office.


It was a very nice day when Khushi met her team, her colleague after 4-5 days. She was happy inside and may be that reflection through her actions as well. It was a different kind of positive energy she felt this morning. The day spent well at office, she gave her 100% for sure to her work. They have a new upcoming project and that made her happy at the end as well..

In evening Khushi decided to meet Nitya as it's been a while they have had any talk. Parking her scooty at the parking zone she moved towards the entrance of the café but not before checking her phone for 3rd time in the day. But surprisingly there was no call or messages from him!! Keeping her phone back she went inside..

Two friends started relishing their favorite pastry with some coffee. Giving a long stare to Khushi, Nitya asked..

"So, how was your stay there??"

"It was good.."

"Did Arnav ask about me??", asked Nitya while maintaining a straight face and hiding her smile. Khushi raised her brow..

"Why should he ask about you??"

"Haww.. I miss him Khushi.. It feels good being around him..", Nitya tried to make an innocent face.. Of course Nitya knew her friend.

"Shut up Nitu..", Khushi glared at her.. She knows Nitya is committed and her husband is more than just committed with her.. but she could not take when Nitya said so.. 

"But why?? Did I say anything wrong?? I miss him, you remember right I have a crush on me.."

"Will you just shut up Nitya??"

And lastly Nitya could not help and burst into laughter making Khushi roll at her.. Paying bill, Khushi decided to leave before Nitya start to pull her leg.. Nitya laughed more and followed Khushi..

"Ok.. Ok sorry Khushi.. I was just kidding.. I am already committed, you see!!", said Nitya from behind while trying to follow.

Khushi stopped abruptly as a result Nitya was hit against her..

"Argh.. Nitu.. I'll kill you right here.."

"Calm down meri Jaan.. Ok, pardon me!!"

Khushi gave a long stare..

"Kitni Jaldi Gussa Ho Jaati Hai Tu Khushi.. Kya Karu Mein Tumhara??"

Laughed Nitya, Khushi could not help but smile at the end as her words made her think of Arnav!! May be Khushi again found an excuse to think about him..

When Khushi return back, she met Anjali in living area!!

"Hi Di.."

"Khushi.. Come.. I was waiting for you only.."

They shared bear hug.. as if meeting after millions of years..

Sitting together, Khushi looked around..

"Where is Kayu??"

"Ahh.. she is with Mumma.. She was hungry and Mumma is making some noodles for her.."

"Let me meet her.."

Khushi was about to get up, but Anjali held her wrist..

"Not so soon.. First tell me about your stay in Singapore before you meet Kaira.. (Anjali grinned like a kid) I'm super excited to know.."

Khushi chuckled, "Di.. calm down first.."

"I can't.. tell me what happened there?? What did you both do for three days?? Wow.."

Khushi rolled her eyes.. She can't understand why all were behaving so weird with her.. She had just gone to meet Arnav.. Right!!

"We visited a few places, ate some really good food and talked!!"

"That's it??"

"I guess that was it.."

"Do I look like a fool Khushi?? I swear I'l not even tell Karan.. tell me!!" Anjali tried to cajole Khushi..

Khushi moved her head back as Anjali moved forwarded.. This crazy woman.. Khushi laughed at Anjali's antics..

"Anjali Singhania.. Move back!! Ok??"


"What?? I have to freshen up.. Can I go??"

"Arghh.. You two!! Why do you both always prefer tight lipped to let anyone know what's going on between you two?? There are young people, who never gets tired of showing their public display affection and here I have hardly seen you two holding each other's hand.."

"Di.. Ab jyada ho raha hai.. Will you stop being dramatic with me??"

Rolling eyes at a pouting Anjali, Khushi left from there. Anjali made poker face but soon her lips stretched into a warm smile.. The glow on Khushi's face, her ever twinkling eyes and her rosy cheeks were enough to give a hint to her query.. And she was simply happy for two favorite people of her..

Smilingly Khushi locked the bedroom door before making her way to sit on recliner.. It was as if smile was not ready to leave her lips.. She sighed deep.. How will she tell Anjali Di what was that precious thing she got visiting there?? That precious memory belong to them.. And she does not want anyone.. anyone to get a glimpse of that!! May be she was being strange, but she did not like to share it with anyone.. even with her Anjali Di!!

That was moment was their.. She remembered Arnav's words spoken long back.. that some places, some moments and some memories are not meant to be shared with third persons.. Of course their family was not third person.. But.. she does not want to reveal!! It's their beautiful secret..

And about public display affection, young people shows these days.. Khushi could not understand why the whole world needs to be updated how much are you involved in your partner and relationship!! Why other's opinion matter, why is it so important to let others peek into your personal space.. If your partners understands what's the need to make whole world understands your emotion..

She respects, the way Arnav keeps their personal space personally only. She respects the way he treats her among others, she respects his every thought!!


It was Sunday next day. An off from work , it had been really a busy time for Arnav to cope with official work there. He was so busy that he could not even get time to call back Khushi after her return to India. His unmatched timing became a hurdler to his.. Opening his sleepy eyes, Arnav lazily started searching for his phone here and there still burying his face in pillow. Finally he got hold of that device..

"Umm.. Hello!!"

His lips stretched into a smile..

"Is this a new way to greet husband?? I did not know.."

Opening her lazy eyes, she glanced at the caller ID only to get back her smile on bed. Falling back on pillow, Khushi pulled the blanket till her neck..

"And is this a new way to disturb wife's sleep?? It's not even proper morning here.."

His lips curved more.. Her perfect answers to his each question.. They did not speak for next couple of seconds but silence do have volume!!


"So!! I thought you have still a lot to tell me Arnav.. You have mentioned in letter.."

"Yes, I have.. And I guess I have a lot to hear as well.."

"May be.."

"Tum thik ho na Khushi??"

Collecting herself Khushi sat on bed, her eyes travelled towards the window. It was drizzling.. Breeze was super cool..

"You know.. It's raining here.."

She did not add anything further neither he demanded to hear more. Her words were enough to make him understand what she meant, this rain felt special.. felt special with their feeling!! She wanted to convey him that like this new rain, He is special.. more than just special to her.. But like always she could not gather her correct words to tell him!!

But does he need her words to understand her??

Never.. He can even understand her silence better than her..

"You liked those chocolates??"

"Almost khali hai Arnav.. Get me more when you will come back.."

She giggled making him smile.. As if tiredness of last few days vanished in thin air..

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