Arshi FF- My Little Bride (Co...

By RojalinKKGSR

2.1M 92.1K 9.6K

Before they could even understand...They were bonded by a thread called "Marriage". More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
Part 107
Part 108 (Epilogue)
Thank you note :)

Part 64

19.8K 843 66
By RojalinKKGSR

It was still drizzling then, soft cool breeze flew through windows making her bare skin shudder!! She pushed herself more in his tender embrace seeking his warmth. Sleepily, his lazy fingers ran down her bare back making her shut her eyes tightly. His warm touch and her cold skin was the perfect combination to tempt their passion. She felt a single drop falling from the corner of her eye. Opening her eyes she met with his calm face just near her face, his sharp nose almost touching her cute like button nose and closed eyes!!

It was past 2 am in night and she was wide awake.. Sleep was away from her eyes, she was feeling a different sense of new life within her body, a different sense of submission within her, a different sense of bliss in his arms wrapped around her under than white blanket!! Tucking her hair, behind her ear she raised herself a bit and planted a soft kiss on his brow line before keeping her head on his chest just above his heart where she could hear his heart beat!! His heart singing its own melody tuning with her beat!! She has just started liking to hear his heart beat.

Intensity of this new feelings, desire in the unbound attraction, purity in this connection, warmth in his embrace, perfection of their combination... Everything was so new.

Whatever just happened.. Was that happened because Arnav felt pity on her seeing her like that or that happen because his heart overpowered his emotions, desire for her to make love to her!! What if it was only his way of sympathy, she could not bear it.. she could never wished him to share the most beautiful phase of their life just because he felt pity on her.. Standing at this point, she could not bear to see sympathy in those honey like beautiful eyes where she has always seen affection, concern and warmth for her..

While her mind started giving her these ideas, her heart shut her mind up??

These months journey with this man, and how could she even think this?? What he feels for her, what he thinks about her, where he sees her in life, and most importantly whatever is there in this man's heart for him.. are always known to her in bits.. Then how could she have this doubt in her mind that too spending the most beautiful moment in their life!! Khushi shook her head negatively, planting a quick kiss on his chest she closed her eyes.. She wanted to sleep in his arms.


Sitting on the edge of bed Arnav stared at the locked washroom door anxiously, why has not she come out yet?? It's been 45 minutes already.. What's taking her so long?? Was she doing fine?? Even though in morning they both opened their eyes together at the same time but he failed to ask her whether she was fine or not!! He instantly got a call while she moved for shower.. And now, sitting like this Arnav failed to calm down his heart beat knowing she was inside washroom for so long!!

Standing in front of mirror, Khushi looked at herself!! Those bluish marks were quite prominent on her skin tone declaring it clearly that she belong to him in every sense a woman could belong to a man!! And that made her lips curved!! This new sensation running through her body seeing her own reflection in mirror, the touch of his warm soft lips lingering on her sensitive skin as if she was still under the effect of his touch and that pink glow on her cheek made her blush even more.. And she loved the woman the mirror reflected, because he had loved this woman!!

For a moment she thought to cancel the idea of returning back to India that morning and stayed with him forever and ever and ever.. Her mind took her to those days, when Arnav had told her that he saw them together every phase of life!!

How true that believe system he had then, so strong and firm like ocean and enough deep to make her fall for its beautiful charm!! His love has charm and she is happily being charmed by her husband.. Khushi bit her cheeks.. She could not believe herself, what was she thinking?? But yeah.. beside this Arnav Singh Raizada.. it's not abnormal to behave crazy.. and today she proudly announced to herself that.. She was crazy..for her husband!! It was the side effect of falling for your own husband.

"Khushi!! Tum thik ho na??"

And then only realization dawn upon her that there was the same man awaiting for her outside this washroom just to hear..

"Main thik hun Arnav.. Give me five minutes.."


Looking back at mirror, Khushi buttoned up her white shirt and pulled the sleeves till her wrist!! Their moments should belong to them, why she should give a glimpse of it anyone to entertain!! Done with her work she tied her hair in a quick bun, Khushi took a deep sigh before opening the door..

It's going to be more than fine to face him again!! It's just Arnav after all.. It's just Her Arnav!!

But her promise broke.. One look at him and nothing matters again!!

Arnav looked back, there was standing his Love glowing in the effect of their Desire!! A sudden calmness spread all over his tensed body organ but he knew that calmness was short lived as she would be retuning back to their motherland.. They quickly finished their breakfast.

Journey from his apartment to airport was absolutely silent one.. While Arnav kept concentrating on road and Khushi stared outside the busy street on this foreign country before bidding its good bye and thanking her for giving her some best memories to cherish in life... Slowly her gaze shifted to the man beside her on driving seat..

Being a daughter she has to share Maa Baba's affection and care with Arnav and Anjali Di, being a sister she had to share Anjali's love with Anjali's brother, being a friend she had to share her friendship with so many apart from only Arnav.. But today, being a wife she knew she has no one to share her husband's emotion except her!! And that made her feel the richest person in the earth when she gets to know the she was the sole owner of this priceless asset!! Arnav's feeling was much more than any priceless jewelry she would ever get.. it was pure from his heart till her heart coated with layers and layers of Trust!!

She sighed deep, her eyes travelled from his thick hair falling on his forehead, then his thick eyebrows, his the most beautiful eyes, sharp nose, stubbled cheek, her eyes stopped on his pinkish lips before she turned her face away!! An instant heat flew all over her body making her feel out of world.. She concentrated back on her fingers and ring. It would be really troublesome affair to deal with this man for whole life.. But she knew, she was ready to take this risk!! If this risk can be this beautiful, then why to fear!!

Finally time did come!! Khushi was trying to avoid to look into his eyes or to be close to him during any procedure whatever held at airport!! She was either looking down or humming slowly.. Her heart was feeling heavy, meeting Arnav, finding him so close how was she going to stay away from him for the next few months!! It was going to hurt and her heart was unable to tackle this problem!! Arnav came and stood beside her!! Her grips around the luggage started loosening when she felt his hand around her wrist!! He held her hand and thrust the ticket. There was another prolong silence until it was Khushi who decided to give it a pause.

She looked up and finally met his eyes.. His eyes were watching her as if she was any marvelous creature.

And then she did not know what happen, raising herself on her toes Khushi knew she just touched her lips against his stubble cheek making his lips curved!! She also found herself smiling though her heart was aching for this separation.. Her throat fell jammed.. Drawing away herself Khushi scanned his face, when she found those pink marks of her lip gloss against his cheek!!

She could not stop herself but rubbed his cheek to clean that..

"Chala gaya.."

"Rehene dete.."

Laugh escaped, this man knew how to turn her foul mood to a happy one with his answers.. Gentle pull of his affection again made her weak. Arnav did not say anything further just looked at her down casted eyes. He would never deny to be marked by her in any possible way a man can be marked by his woman.

Khushi looked down again, time was escaping from their hands..

"Apna khayal rakhna.."

"Hmm.. Tum bhi Arnav!!"

In reply she found his fingers brushing away that tiny drop of tear escaped from her eyes without her permission..!!


Anita opened the door, her lips welcomed her daughter with a beautiful smile!! Khushi wrapped her arms around her mother before kissing Anita's head..

"How are you Khushi??"

"I'm good Maa.. just a bit tired.."

"Why don't you go and take rest for a while.. You will feel good."

Nodding yes, Khushi went to their bedroom. And the moment she stepped in, she was hit with his memories left behind those four walls!! Shaking head, Khushi decided to go for a warm bath to relax her muscles after a tiring journey!! In evening Aarav returned from office, he was glad to meet Khushi. Anita, Khushi and Aarav sat together to have their gala time after a long gap.. Baba Maa went on asking about Arnav and his well being. Khushi sat patiently answering their each question. She understands their concern for him.

Again bidding the day a good bye Khushi came back to room!! Switching off the light, when she climbed on the bed to sleep. But the other vacant side of did not let her fulfill her wish!! She tossed and turned on bed, being frustrated with herself that why she just could not console herself knowing the urgency of their staying apart.. But her heart and mind was not ready to listen to her excuses.

Taking her phone in her hand, Khushi checked any messages and calls from Arnav.. But there was nothing, she did not even get the message of her last SMS which she had sent after landing here.. He must be busy, may be trying to compensate those days when he took off from his work!! Sighing deep, she kept her phone back!! But sleep was far away, dragging herself Khushi switched on lights and then stood by window watching the evening beauty of her city..

And then she remembered she did miss her city..


Getting down from car, collecting his stuffs Arnav finally reached home back. Yes, now this apartment feel home to him. Because he got her completely here only. It was really late that night. Bidding Khushi bye, he had to leave for office directly. Washing his hands, Arnav went to take out his dinner plate from refrigerator. Olivia had served two Gulab Jamuns on his plate. For a moment he became angry with Olivia.

Keeping one back in bowl, Arnav took his plate and moved towards dining table. He wanted to cherish this dessert till a longer period. He did not wish to eat it so soon, if he does then he was going to miss her more. This Sweet prepared by her made him feel the sweetness of falling in love with his wife.

Food is not only food, it binds emotions!!


Anita woke up in middle of night feeling thirsty. Coming out from her room she was about to go kitchen when found lights in Khushi's room was still on. It was past midnight,was Khushi still awake?? Was not still feeling well and due to this could not sleep.. Her motherly concern did not allow her to ignore lights in Khushi's room and she found herself knocking on door..

Khushi looked back at the door, hearing knocking at the most odd hour then checked the clock..

"Maa.. Are you there??"

"Yes, Khushi.. It's me!!"

Khushi was relaxed hearing her and went to open the door. Anita smiled..

"You have not slept till.. Sab thik hai na Khushi??"

Khushi did not say at first then added..

"Pata nehi Maa.."

Anita's eyes soften the way she said, cupping her face Anita kissed Khushi's head..

"Missing Chotey??"

"I have you.. Baba.. here!! You all are with me.. but he!! He is all alone there Maa.."

Anita's lips stretched a bit.. She is a woman after all and before all.. She understands Khushi not as a mother, but as a woman.

"You remember what you were saying to me when Arnav left for Singapore.. that he can manage everything on his own.. He is not a kid, right?? He can, can't he?? He has been living away from home for years.. He can manage, right??"

Khushi looked into her eyes before wrapping her arms around her and keeping her head on her shoulder..

"Why is not my heart wants to understand it Maa??", she asked herself in being in Maa's embrace.

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