At My Side (The Outsiders Fan...

By LadyLucs

166K 3.2K 869

*All Rights to S.E.Hinton!* Cocoa Curtis has been the main source of mischief with her small family. Her bo... More

At My Side (The Outsiders Fanfiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Sorry About This!
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11- Part 1
Chapter 11- Part 2

Chapter 10

9.8K 203 97
By LadyLucs

Here is your long awaited update! Hope you like it and thanks for the votes and support on Chapter 9!
Also, due to how much this chapter is exactly like it is in the book (I LOVE this chapter) I want to say again this belongs to S.E.Hinton. All I own is Cocoa.

Cocoa came running out of the room she and Darry shared after she got changed, but looked around the living room to see Soda and Darry had left without her. She turned to Two-Bit and Pony who where doing the dishes (well Pony was).
"Where'd they go?" She asked, the hurt in her voice making Two-Bit wince.

"We're gonna see Dally and Johnny a bit later and I told them I'd jus' take you with," Two-Bit said and put his knife away.

"Alright," Cocoa said, her nose scrunching up even at the sight of the blade being out away. She hated that blade ever since she cut her fingers up after she found it on the counter about two months ago. She still had scars from it. Darry had been furious that Two-Bit had left it on the counter, and nearly broke Two-Bit's arm because of it.

Pony and Two-Bit started to clean up the house a bit- Pony telling Cocoa to go make beds or fix the couch up and such things a six year old could do.
After they had finished, Pony pulled on Dally's leather jacket (it now had a burn mark on the back, and Cocoa was too scared to ask why) and they headed off to Tenth-Street.

"I would drive us," Two-Bit said as they walked up the street trying to thumb a ride, "But the brakes are out on my car. Almost killed me and Kathy the other night." He flipped the collar of his black leather jacket up to serve as a windbreak while he lit a cigarette. "You oughtta see Kathy's brother. Now there's a hood. He's so greasy he glides when he walks. He goes to the barber for an oil change, not a haircut."

Cocoa laughed and Pony gave a small smile. They stopped at the Tasty Freeze to buy Cokes and rest up, and the blue Mustang that had been trailing them for eight blocks pulled in. Pony looked almost ready to run, and Two- Bit must have guessed this, for he shook his head ever so slightly and tossed him a cigarette. As Pony lit up, Cocoa his behind Two-Bit, her opal grey eyes wide and fearful. Two-Bit put a calming hand on her head, but she wasn't reassured.

Two- Bit put an elbow on Pony's shoulder and leaned against him, dragging on his cigarette. "You know the rules. No jazz before the rumble," he said to the Socs.
"We know," The curly haired boy said. He looked at Pony. "Come here. I want to talk to you." Pony glanced at Two- Bit. He shrugged. Pony followed Randy over to his car, out of earshot of the rest.

Cocoa listened as Two-Bit talked to the Socs, once and a while she looked back to see Pony talking to Curly in the car.

A little while later, Pony walked over to Two- Bit, and Curly honked for his friends to come and get into the car. "What'd he want?" Two- Bit asked. "What'd Mr. Super- Soc have to say?"

"He ain't a Soc," Pony said, "he's just a guy. He just wanted to talk."

"You want to see a movie before we go see Johnny and Dallas?"

"Nope," Pony said, lighting up another weed.


The nurses wouldn't let Cocoa (Or Two-Bit and Pony) see Johnny. He was in critical condition. No visitors. But Two- Bit wouldn't take no for an answer. That was his buddy in there and he aimed to see him. They both begged and pleaded(Cocoa using her best puppy-dog eyes) , but were getting nowhere until the doctor found out what was going on.
"Let them go in," he said to the nurse.

"He's been asking for them. It can't hurt now." Two- Bit didn't notice the expression in his voice, but Cocoa did. She didn't like the doctor man now, acting like Johnny disappeared like their mom and dad. Johnny was lying still, with his eyes closed, but when Two- Bit said, "Hey, Johnnykid," he opened them and looked at them, trying to grin. "Hey, y'all."

The nurse, who was pulling the shades open, smiled and said, "So he can talk after all."

Two- Bit looked around. "They treatin' you okay, kid?"
Cocoa smiled to the nurse and gave her a small wave, making her chuckle softly and mutter, "How cute," under her breathe.

"Don't . . ."- Johnny gasped- "don't let me put enough grease on my hair."

"Don't talk," Two- Bit said, pulling up a chair, "just listen. We'll bring you some hair grease next time. We're havin' the big rumble tonight."

Johnny's huge black eyes widened a little, but he didn't say anything. "It's too bad you and Dally can't be in it. It's the first big rumble we've had- not countin' the time we whipped Shepard's outfit."

"He came by," Johnny said.

"Tim Shepard?" Johnny nodded.

"Came to see Dally."

"Did you know you got your name in the paper for being a hero?"

Johnny almost grinned as he nodded. "Tuff enough," he managed, and by the way his eyes were glowing. Cocoa could see that even a few words were tiring him out; he was as pale as snow and looked awful. Two- Bit pretended not to notice.

"You want anything besides hair grease, kid?" Johnny barely nodded.

"The book"- he looked at Pony- "can you get another one?"

"Book?" Cocoa asked. Two- Bit looked at Pony too.

"He wants a copy of Gone with the Wind so I can read it to him," Pony explained, "You want to run down to the drugstore and get one?"

"Okay," Two- Bit said cheerfully. "Don't y'all run off. You wanna come Cocoa?"
Cocoa shook her head and sat down on the floor.

Pony sat down in Two- Bit's chair and tried to be a fish. Glub, glub...

"Dally's gonna be okay," Pony said finally, no longer trying to be a fish.

"And Darry and me, we're okay now." Cocoa knew Johnny understood what Pony meant. They had always been close buddies (not as close as Dally was to Johnny through). He tried to smile again, and then suddenly went white and closed his eyes tight. "Johnny!" Pony said, alarmed. "Are you okay?"

He nodded, keeping his eyes closed. "Yeah, it just hurts sometimes. It usually don't . . . I can't feel anything below the middle of my back . . ." He lay breathing heavily for a moment.

"I'm pretty bad off, ain't I, Pony?"

"You'll be okay," Pony said with fake cheerfulness. "You gotta be. We couldn't get along without you."

"Yeah," Cocoa said, joining in, "Dally would probably do something insanely stupid, so ya gotta get up."

Johnny smiled, "He would, wouldn't he?"
Cocoa nodded, "Yeah."

"I won't be able to walk again," Johnny started, then faltered. "Not even on crutches. Busted my back."

"You'll be okay," Pony repeated firmly.

"You want to know something, Ponyboy? I'm scared stiff. I used to talk about killing myself . . ."

He drew a quivering breath. "I don't want to die now. It ain't long enough. Sixteen years ain't long enough. I wouldn't mind it so much if there wasn't so much stuff I ain't done yet and so many things I ain't seen. It's not fair. You know what? That time we were in Windrixville was the only time I've been away from our neighborhood."

"You ain't gonna die," Pony said,his fists clenched in his lap.
"And don't get juiced up, because the doc won't let us see you no more if you do."

Johnny closed his eyes and rested quietly for a minute. Cocoa jumped up and pulled a piece of paper out of her jacket pocket, "I drew you a picture!" Johnny smiled as Cocoa showed him a picture of a little puppy and a bigger dog sitting next to each other. The bigger dog was black and the small one brown. "I love it Cocoa," Johnny said with a happy smile.

A nurse appeared in the doorway. "Johnny," she said quietly, "your mother's here to see you." Johnny opened his eyes. At first they were wide with surprise, then they darkened.

"I don't want to see her," he said firmly. "She's your mother."
"I said I don't want to see her." His voice was rising. "She's probably come to tell me about all the trouble I'm causing her and about how glad her and the old man'll be when I'm dead. Well, tell her to leave me alone. For once"- his voice broke- "for once just to leave me alone."

He was struggling to sit up, but he suddenly gasped, went whiter than the pillowcase, and passed out cold. The nurse hurried Cocoa and Pony out the door. "I was afraid of something like this if he saw anyone."
They ran into Two- Bit, who was coming in. "You can't see him now," the nurse said, so Two- Bit handed her the book.

"Make sure he can see it when he comes around." She took it and closed the door behind her.

Two- Bit stood and looked at the door a long time. "I wish it was any one of us except Johnny," he said, and his voice was serious for once.

"We could get along without anyone but Johnny." Turning abruptly, he said, "Let's go see Dallas."

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