In Your Arms

By TremaineKatie

271K 5.1K 469

"I didn't want a fight." I look down in my lap sadly, "That's one of the reasons why I didn't want to tell yo... More

Chap. 1: You Can Walk
Chap. 2: Easy Target
Chap. 3: Can Do
Author's Note!
Chap. 4: It's A Date
Chap. 5: And I Don't?
Chap. 6: Second Date
Chap. 7: I'm Not One Of Those Girls
Chap. 8: What Happened?
Chap. 9: Flowers For Katie, Not Hannah
Chap. 10: A Third Date Won't Hurt
Chap. 11: Third Date Disaster
Chap. 12: I Don't Get It
Chap. 13: Too Close
Chap. 14: Yes Dear
Chap. 15: The Perfect One
Chap. 16: Beach Date
Chap. 17: A Poor Unfortunate Soul
Chap. 18: Most Aren't Though
Chap. 19: Tara's Sweet Treats
Chap. 20: Anytime
Chap. 21: Chris's Decision pt.1
Chap. 22: Chris's Decision pt. 2
Chap. 23: That You Know Of
Chap. 24: Standing There
Chap. 25: When Can We Meet This Girl?
Chap. 26: What Scares You?
Chap. 27: Wow
Chap. 28: Bar Fight
Author's Note!
Chap. 29: Meeting the Parents pt. 1
Chap. 30: Meeting The Parents pt. 2
Chap. 31: Not So Friendly
Chap. 32: Excuses
Chap. 33: You're Right
Chap. 34: Just Send It
Chap. 35: Rachael
Chap. 36: Guilt Ridden
Chap. 37: Those Three Words
Chap. 38: Why Hello, Hello
Chap. 39: And Not The Way I Want To Be
Chap. 40: Together Again
Chap. 41: Too Far
Chap. 42: I'm Right Here
Chap. 43: I'm Right Here pt. 2
Chap. 44: Caught Bed
Chap. 45: Firing Missiles & Dropping Bombs
Chap. 46: You Got That Right
Chap. 47: The Most Generous Man On This Side Of The Bay
Chap. 48: She Lay There Sleeping
Chap. 49: This Isn't A Negotiation
Chap. 50: Yes
Chap. 51: Girls Night
Chap. 52: Go To Sleep!
Chap. 53: It's Me
Chap. 54: Wipe My Tears
Chap. 55: Home Sweet Texas
Chap. 56: Meeting The OTHER Family (1/2)
Chap. 57: Meeting The OTHER Family (2/2)
Chap. 58: That Time Has Come To An End
Chap. 59: One Day
Chap. 60: Quite The Heart To Heart
Chap. 61: You Win
Chap. 62: Serious Business
Chap. 63: With The Weight Of The World
Chap. 64: Always
Chap. 65: I Do
Chap. 66: Drawing The Line
Chap. 67: I'm Scared
Chap. 70: Pitter-Patter Of Feet
Author's Note!
Chap. 71: Breakfast In Bed
Chap. 72: Gender Reveal (1/2)
Chap.73: Gender Reveal (2/2)
Chap. 74: It's Going To Be Okay
Chap. 75: Excuse Me, Mr. Eaton?
Chap. 76: What Are You Going To Call Her?
Chap. 77: Ch for Chris, Ch For Chole
Another Author's Note (sorry!) ;(
Chap. 78: Hospital Check Out
Chap. 80: No Wonder
Chap 81: Through The Years
Another Author's Note, Sorry
Chap. 82: Games
Chap. 83: That Sound
Chap. 84: Don't Tell Lauren!
Chapter 85: The First Time In What Feels Like Forever
Chap. 86: We Need To Talk
Chap. 87: My, How My Life Has Progressed
Chap. 88: Pets Know
Chap. 89: It Was Bad
Chap. 90: I'm Sure
Chap. 91: Katie Knows Chris's Secret
Chap. 92: They Left Me
Chap. 93: This Little
Chap. 94: Andrew
Chap. 95: A Night For Tricks And Treats
Chap. 96: The Worst Time Of The Year
Chap. 97: She's Gone
Chap. 98: In Your Arms

Chap. 68: No Stress

1.8K 36 1
By TremaineKatie

*Katie's POV*

Okay, so Tara found out I was home and she had ALL the girls come over to hang out. Unfortunately, to prevent a pillow fight, I spilled my secret.
"I am going to kill that fine piece of ass!" Adora growls angrily.
"It's not his fault!" Kayla defends Chris.
"Why wasn't I at lest invited to the wedding?!" Tara says slightly offended.
"GUYS!" Halee screams over everyone, "Lets kill the bastard."
"No! No killing my husband." I say annoyed, "He's brand new!"
Tara stares at me confused and teary eyed. "How did this happen? I thought you were a virgin?"
Whitney smirks smugly. "Apparently not."
I roll my eyes. "Five to six weeks ago, Chris and I decided to take the next step and, well—"
I put my hands on my stomach. I wish Chris was here, so he can hold me and kiss me and tell me everything is going to be okay. Lie to me to make me feel better.
             "Walla! Pregnant." I say softly to myself.
             "Is there anything you can do about about the chances of miscarriage?" Tara says in a baby voice, picking out her lip.
             "Nope." I shake my head, "Just be careful and don't do a whole lot that would cause stress on me or the baby. Easier for a man to say."
              "You're OB/GYN is a man?!" Mercedes says with a dirty smile on her round face, "Girl, you gone get touched by your next baby daddy for the next 9 months!"
              We all roll our eyes at Mercedes, annoyed by her nasty talk. It's always about sex. Always! I rub my stomach, feeling hungry. Chris stopped and got me something from McDonald's, just to settle his nerves. I munch on Lay's Barbecue flavored chips now.
                "I'm starving!" I munch anxiously.
              "So, what are you going to name it?" Tara says with a bright smile, "I can rename whatever you crave in my shop to your baby's name! And whose going to be the Godmother? OH, PICK ME! I would be a splendid Godmother! I'll buy them clothes, bake them treats—"
               "You're stressing her out!" Halee hisses at Tara annoyed, "Geez!"
               "And she JUST found out she was pregnant, I don't think she quite knows what she wants to name her baby or who the Godparents will be."
             "Andrew, Chris's younger brother, I think I would want as the Godfather." I say tiredly, laying down on the bed. "I want Chrissssss—"
             "I can see you naming your daughter Emily or Bella." Tara goofily chuckles, "Or Tara."
              I snarl my nose at her. "Ugh, no!"
            "Why not?" Tara giggles.
             "So over used and most girls with those names are either mean or snobby." I groan, cupping my stomach . "I don't want to think of a name right now. I just want Chris."
             "Are you feeling okay?" Kayla, an actual nurse, walks over to the side of the bed and checks my pulse. "Are you having any pain or discomfort in your abdomen area at all?"
               "No, I just want him." I tear up, "I just want him and his big strong arms and his sexy voice and his warmth."
              "So, how was the wedding night?" Mercedes winks at me.
              "Are you kidding me? Katie's crying and all you can think about is if her husband was good in bed?" Halee says disgusted, "Shame on you!"
              "Guys, shut up!" Kayla rolls her eyes, "It's not easing her stress any less. She needs to remain in a calm and peaceful environment until she gives birth. Stress could cause her to miscarry or if she was far along, an pre-mature birth."
"So, this is serious?" Halee says worriedly, "Like, life threatening?"
Kayla slowly nods her head at her. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. Each one of us exchanged a confused look, counting to see who isn't here already. But we're all here, so.....
Halee goes to the door. I lay my head back down, cuddling into the pillow. Wishing it was Chris, with his warmth and cologne. Halee groans annoyed. Well, it can't be Tara because she's sitting at the foot of the bed. As I start to get comfy in my bed, I hear a familiar voice that I've been crying to hear.
"Katie, Honey?" Chris's stomp like footsteps echo through the apartment.
Immediately, I sit up—OH GOD! My hand flies to my mouth as I begin to vomit, staining my favorite quilt. Chris is at my side immediately with Kayla. They help me to the bathroom, holding onto my arms and sides. But by the time we get to the toilet, I'm all vomited out. Out on my quilt, my hands, and a trail on my nice apartment floor! Tears escape my eyelids as I sob in embarrassment. Kayla immediately starts to help Chris clean me up. God, I feel like a helpless child! Chris strips me down, being gentle with me. Kayla gets me a cool rag and wipes my mouth and grimy hands.
"This is so embarrassing!" I cry, burying my forehead and eyes into Chris's shoulder.
"It's okay. I've seen worst at the hospital." Kayla says to me in a calm, motherly voice, trying to make me feel better. "This is common when women are pregnant. Nausea is only one of the many things that you're going to experience while carrying your baby."
"See? It's okay, Baby." Chris caresses my cheek with the back of his hand, his soft eyes focused on me. "I'll get you some sweats."
"I'll help her into the tub." Kayla nods to him, as if he were a doctor and this was a procedure. "I wish you didn't have this shower, it's dangerous. You could slip and fall...."
"You'd make a good surgeon." I cry with embarrassment, trying to lighten MY mood. "Demanding and direction and everything."
Chris appears, with some of my nicer and less comfortable sweats. I start to tell him but Kayla makes me get into the bathtub. I stand up, standing there butt naked in front of my husband and one of my best friends, clutching my aching stomach.
"I think I can manage." I pull the curtain so no one can look at my disgusting, naked body anymore.
"Katie, I'll be right out here if you need me." Kayla calls.
I wait for a few minutes, turning on the shower. Is Chris still in here? He didn't say HE'D be out there is I needed him.
"Chris?" I say softly, hoping he hadn't left.
"Yes, Honey? Do you need something?" Chris pulls back the shower curtain, eyes worried and serious.
I blush, looking down at my feet. "No, I just wanted to know if you were still here."
Chris smirks at me, leaning against the wall. Watching me. I give him a look, a smile breaking through.
"Why are you staring at me? Perv." I giggle, trying my worst to get him to go away.
I start to close the shower curtains but he just pulls opens them more. His eyes take down my body, biting his lip.
"Hey! Only I can bite that lip." I say seriously, mocking Chris.
"Sorry, Boss." Chris chuckles, "You're so beautiful."
I quickly change the subject, hating how ugly I feel. Then Chris goes and compliments me! How rude of him.
"So how did it go with your family? Was your mom upset?" I say hopefully, knowing all too well what happened.
Chris shakes his head, stretching a smile for my benefit. "It went smoothly. They're all happy for us."
Shock fills me. I'm sure Chris is lying to protect me or so I won't stress out. But if he's right, maybe our next months won't be so hard.

Hey readers! So I can't decide on what gender or the name that I want to name Chris & Katie's baby. Please comment and tell me what YOU think they should have, whether a boy or girl. Plus, please give me some ideas on what first and middle names would be cute with their last name Eaton. Thank you! ❤️😌🙏🏼

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