Newt and Thomas

By scxrtchrunner

55.8K 1.4K 388

A bunch of one shots for Newmas. Some of these have things in it that I have read from tumblr. Just small thi... More

Don't Blink
So Close Yet So Far
Stormy Night
Last Night
Stormy Night
I'll Be There For You
Carry On
Carry On (part 2)
Say You'll See Me Again
Asking Permision
How Did You Get That
Just Thinking
It's Always Been You
Office Chair
Panic Attack
Game Day
Peter Pan
I'd Lie
Old Soccer Teammates
Do You Believe Me Now?
Thanksgiving Dinner

Haunted House

2.1K 65 23
By scxrtchrunner

A/N since it's so close to Halloween some of these next couple of chapters might have something to do with Halloween

Thomas POV

It's a cool October day. I just got home from school. I walk up to my room and turn on my phone since I turned it off today to save the battery. Almost as soon as it turns on it beeps. I look at the message.


Me and you are going to a haunted house tonight. Pick you up at 9.

I smiled. Newt and I have been dating for almost a year now and it's been the best year of my life. Without a doubt.


Okay. See you at 9.

I decide to take a shower. When I get out I put on my clothes. A black t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Then I put on some deodorant.

I look at the clock and see it's only 6:45. So I warm up some left over pizza and grab a coke then go turn on the tv in the living room.

At 7:30 my mom gets home. Shes a teacher but some days she stays at the school for a long time to get her lesson plans ready and all that other stuff teachers have to do. My dad isn't really in the picture anymore. He still comes around on the same day every year. Which just happens to be tomorrow. He doesn't know about me and Newt. Shuck he doesn't even know I'm gay.

"Hey sweetie." My mom interrupts my thoughts.

"Hey mom. I'm going to a haunted house tonight with Newt." I inform her.

"Okay just drive safe and be careful." She's use to me spending all my Friday nights and almost every other night with Newt. We have small talk every now and then till 8:30. I jump up and run to my room to put on my shoes and put on a hoodie. I brush my teeth again then grab my phone and headphones off my bed.

"I'm gonna wait for him outside!" I yell to my mom.

"Okay sweetie! Have fun! Love you!"

"Love you too mom!" Then I dart outside.

I sit on the steps and listen to Fall Out Boy until Newt gets here. At 9 o'clock sharp Newt pulls into the driveway. I walk over to his car and get in the passenger seat.

"Talk about being on time." I say with a smirk.

"Hey when I say I'm gonna pick you up at 9 I'm gonna bloody do it." He responds. I smile then lean over and give him a quick kiss. Soon we are pulling out of the driveway. We just chat about our day for a few minutes before we fall into a comfortable silence.

At about 9:25 we reach the haunted house. There's a line but surprisingly not as long as I expected it to be. We wait in line. I snuggle up to Newt since it's so cold. He wraps his arms around me and I immediately start to feel warmer. When our turn finally comes we break away and settle with just holding hands. We are sent in with a few other people.

We start walking through a room which I'm guessing is the living room because there's a TV that's on but it's just static. I swear I saw movement in the corner of the room near the door we have to go through next. I tighten my grip on Newt's hand to brace myself for what's coming. We reach the doorway and sure enough someone jumps out at us. His costume was scary as hell. He looked like a real zombie. We rush into the next room.

This room must be the kitchen. a refrigerator is in the far corner with a stove next to it. The counter makes like a "U" kinda. With the sink by the back wall and a dishwasher next to it. On our right is a table. It's kinda dark on this side so I can't make out much other than the table.

Then as if someone or something could read my mind the lights above the table flickered on for a couple of seconds then back off. It was on long enough for me to see though. Sitting around the table was a male and a female, which I'm guessing where the parents. Then there was a little girl. All 3 had a costume similar to the guy from the first room.

The lights flickered again and they where gone. But just as fast as the lights went back off I heard someone scream. So I turned around back towards the sink and saw the man holding a knife. A very sharp knife. And that was enough for me to push the people in front of us into the next room and drag Newt with me.

This room looked like a kids bedroom. The bed was in the far corner. The sheets had blood all over them. The walls had bloody hand prints everywhere. There was toys all over the floor. I noticed movement near the bed and whipped my head back towards it. I saw a hand come from underneath the bed. Then another hand. Next the little girl from the kitchen's head popped out. Then she spoke.

"You shouldn't be here. My mommy and daddy are gonna get you." Her voice was eerie and cracked when she reached a higher note. Someone behind me screamed and I turned around to see the man with the knife making his way toward us. He had a kinda limp.

"Get out." He kept repeating those two words over and over. I gripped Newts hand hard and started pushing the people in front of us to go. The where being kinda slow so I shouted "GO!"

Eventually we made it to the next room. This room was the master bedroom. The bed was in the middle of one of the walls and it had a dresser next to it. We walked slowly. Then the women started crawling across the floor with blood coming out of scratches on her arms.

"Help me." She kept repeating, her voice scratchy. Every now and then she would scream this loud awful scream and would go to grab one of our ankles. Newt practically jumped into my arms when she went to grab his ankle. She scurried under the bed and let out and awful laugh As she came back out and pointed her finger towards the door we just came through. Standing there was the man with the knife except this time he wasn't alone. The man that I'm guessing was from the first room was standing next to him holding a chainsaw. He revved the chainsaw up then they both started making there way towards our little group. All three adults where laughing that God awful laughter now just making it that much scarier. We all scurried towards the exit. The two men chased us out the door. They chased us to the woods then turned around and headed back to the house.

We heard a howl and we all looked into the direction of the howl and saw a werewolf (picture Peter Hale in full on werewolf form). We all ran back towards the parking lot being chased by the werewolf. I ran to the passenger side of Newts care and waited for him to unlock the doors. When he did we both jumped in the car and he started it. Then we left.

Almost a half an hour later we arrived at my house. It's 11:25 now. Newt walks me up to the door. We talk a little bit then he goes to kiss me goodbye. Then without thinking I blurt out, "Please stay, Newt." He smiles and nods then he goes and turns his car off and we head inside. I grab him his pair of sweatpants and t-shirt he keeps here for when he spends the night which is like once every week. He goes into the bathroom and changes. I change real quick while he's in the bathroom. He comes back and we cuddle together on the bed.

He kisses the top of my forehead. I reach up and grab his chin and bring it down and crash my lips onto his. After our little make out session we fall asleep in each other's arms.

"What the hell is going on here?!" I'm awoken by a gruff voice I glance at the clock and see its 12:30pm I also notice I'm still cuddled up to a sleeping Newt. How he's still sleeping I don't know. I carefully untangle my limbs from Newt's. I get up and make my way to the door.

"Be quiet or your gonna wake up my boyfriend, dad." Not until I say dad does it fully hit me that my dad is here and just saw me sleeping with Newt. Plus I just called Newt my boyfriend. That is not how I expected to tell my dad.

"You are dating a guy?!" He asks.

"Yeah gotta problem with it?"

"No, not really. I just always thought you were into girls. That's all."

"Yeah well dad when you leave and only come and visit once a year. Things change that you don't know about." I said defensively. He didn't seem to know how to respond.

"And we aren't just fooling around in our relationship like you seem to do. I love him." Once those last three words slip out I wish I could take them back. I haven't even told Newt I love him yet and here I am telling my dad before I tell Newt. I hear someone clear there throat and I turn around to see Newt standing there awkwardly like he doesn't know what to do.

"I'm guessing you heard that?" He nods his head yes. "Trust me that's not how I pictured saying that for the first time." I said with a slight blush creeping into my cheeks.

"Oh shut up, Tommy." He says then strides over, cups my cheeks and kisses me. We make out for a few seconds before Newt pulls away. "I love you too Tommy." I smile and kiss him again. Forgetting about my dad standing a few feet away, forgetting the haunted house, forgetting everything except for Newt and the fact that we love each other.

A/N sorry it's kinda long. And sorry if some parts suck. It's almost midnight and I'm so tired and just don't feel like proof reading it.

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