Oh, Alexander

By blacklunarkitty

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When Alana attended her first high school party she had the most life altering experience of her life. Not on... More

Oh Alexander
Chapter 1. The Night Before
Chapter 2. The Party
Chapter 3. How Can You Not Know You're Pregnant?
Chapter 4. Ignorance is Bliss
Chapter 5. School Drama
Chapter 6. Spring Break Blues
Chapter 7. Stitching Up The Pieces
Chapter 8. Facing the Music
Chapter 9. My Darling
Chapter 10. Tragedies
Chapter 11. The Funeral
Chapter 12: Baby Shower Disaster and Dangerous Obsticals
Chapter 13: Confessions
Chapter 14: As I Live And Breathe
Chapter 15: As Time Goes On
Chapter 17: Seeing Him
Chapter 18: The Truth
Bonus Chapter: Sweet Twenty-One
Update Details
final announcement
Quick question

Chapter 16: Waking Up

6.6K 231 24
By blacklunarkitty

All I knew were my groggy thoughts, pain, and an obnoxious beeping noise. The last thing I could remember was a jumble of voices masked by black, unsightlyness. The cry of a baby. I open my eyes to see a dimly lit room, still too bright for my tired eyes. I tried to move but pain ruled my body. I groaned in agony. Hearing a shift and shuffling, I tried to look around. I didn't see anything until the silhouette of a person was just entering the zones of my vision. I moved my head and blinked, everything slowly coming into focus. Fletcher. The areas around him a tad blurry. His eyes were bloodshot with dark circles, worry-filled. He smiled at me and walked out. A few moments later he came back with a nurse who smiled politely at me. "Good evening, Miss Reese, you gave us quite a scare. Been out three days. No one was sure how long you'd be out. Lost a lot of blood. Baby's ok though, still no name on her yet." She drawled sleepily.

"Can I see her?" I managed to croak dryly. "And some water?"

She laughed. "Yeah, of course."

The nurse left and a different one came in with a pitcher of water and a plastic cup. "Here you go, kid." He said, "Let us know if there's anything else you need." He muttered dryly before leaving.

I glanced at Fletcher. "He doesn't like teenaged moms. Found that yesterday. He called you a slut, he didn't know I heard him." He whispered furiously, his voice changed to worry, "Are you ok though?"

I nodded, taking eager sips from water. After I choked it down I said, "Just foggy and really sore. I don't really know what happened other than having my baby - and apparently losing lots of blood."

While he explained what happened, I greedily drank water. "Well, the baby was almost all the way out, you had a death grip on my hand, she tore you so bad you started bleeding extremely bad. The doctor finished pulling the baby out after they made me leave. I guess you lost too much blood and past out. They stitched it up while they did a blood transfusion, or that's what they told me happened," He shrugged and sighed before continuing. "Eventually they let me come back in. You were hooked up to machines, had an oxygen mask, the whole nine yards. Everyone's really worried."

I didn't know how to react so I stayed quiet. He reached out and grabbed my hand. Dark purple and black bruises covered his hand and I gasped. "Did I do that!?"

He chuckled shyly, "Yeah. Killer grip. It's fine. Nothing's broken, just bruised. It'll heal." He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "Oh! Your dad stopped by, dropped this off."

Fletcher handed me a gift-wrapped rectangular box. I unwrapped it and opened the box. Identical heart pendants sat side-by-side. Garnet in color and stunning. There was a folded piece of paper under the pendants. I unfolded it and read it.

Alana, I know I haven't been the best dad in the world this past month. Circumstances are preventing me from coming home, but don't worry, it's temporary. Here's a pendant for you and one for your daughter, whatever you decide to name her. I love you both. Tell Ben I said hello and that I love him. Try not to worry about me and please don't worry. You'll be fine without me, I've been wiring money to a bank account I made for you before I left. It's in the kitchen drawer by the fridge in a white envelope with your name on it. It's for food and necessities, maybe some splurging. I love you all and hope I can come home soon.

X Dad.

I felt tears swell. Dad. An actual letter from my dad! Does this mean he actually gives a damn about us after all? Do I actually believe he'll come home? Hell no. I wiped my eyes and crumbled the paper. My guard was not going to be dropped so easily. He abandoned us with barely an idea of where he was going or when he would be back, he could no longer be trusted. Then the door was thrusted open. "Here she is." The nurse said with groggy cheer. "Gotta name for her yet?"

"Alexandra Maria Greene." I look over at Fletcher, "Is that alright with you?"

"It's perfect, Alana." He breathed back, his eyes full of love.

At that moment I felt as if I could be in love with Fletcher if I allowed myself, but that is too much for me at this moment in time. I was still attached to Alexander. Oh, Alexander, how I miss you so. I wish you could have been here, seeing your daughter for the first time without you being in prison. My sweet, sweet Alexander, I wonder how you are. I push those thoughts away as the nurse put my baby in my arms, Fletcher moved directly to my side. "She looks like you and she has his eyes."

"I suppose she does. His nose too." I whisper adoringly as I stare at my precious little girl.

My angel...

My Alexandra...

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