Errors in my software | Hankc...

By uaintgonnafindme

39K 1.2K 412

hii,, so i wrote this ages ago and i won't be continuing it,, sorry!! More

Drunk night
What am i feeling?
The first Kiss
Awkward shit
The big case
what a fucking day
Don't get attached.
Split Thirium and Cinabun
Pretty much just smut
Hanks blood?
oh boy
Recap :D
Seeing Kamski
The message

I won't die and I won't leave you.

1.5K 74 17
By uaintgonnafindme

"Tell me what the fuck is happening with you." Hank said with a raised voice, slamming his hand against the bathroom tiles.
Connor flinched, "I said nothing."
"So what happened back with dale? Huh? The fuck was that?" His other hand began scratching his beard, "You were being a prick."
Connor turned his body away from him and muttered, "You try interrogating him then if you care about his fucking welfare with me then."
Hank scoffed, "You swear now? What the fuck Con.."
His voice trailed off, and a short silence followed. Hank sighed, and turned the android around to face him, "Was it what I said?"
Connor felt his throat tighten, "Did you regret it?"
"Haven't I made that obvious enough?"
"Oh." Connor let out a wavering breathe, "We should return to work, I'll be more sympathetic towards Dale, I promise."
"No, no Con," Hanks voice softened, "I'm sorry, you're accessing your feelings for the first time and I'm ruining that for you," He paused to glance at him, "Do you regret it?"
Connor anxiously rubbed the edge of his jacket, "I do now."
Hank closed his eyes for a brief moment, "Are you saying-"
"I'm saying that I just," his voice began to break, "I liked it being with you, and I hoped you...It was a dumb thought, not at all logical. I apologise."
"You hoped that..?" Hank prompted.
"That you liked it too." Connor said quietly, fidgeting.
Hank pressed his lips together, "You should of known that we can't-"
"Are you gay?" Connor interrupted.
Hank breathed heavily allowing a small nervous laugh to form, "What?"
"Are you gay?"
"Why does that matter?"
Connor persisted, "Are you gay?"
"I don't know, I've only ever been with women, which are not," He motioned Connor, "It doesn't matter, we can't be with each other."
Connor opened his mouth to speak, but Hank cut him off, "Before you ask why, it's not you exactly. I don't give a fuck if you're an android, or male, I can't date anyone, not now and not ever."
"That's so unfair!" Connor blurted out, his eyes widening, regretting what he said.
"Unfair?" Hanks voice was rising, "Un-fucking-fair?"
Connors full body had tensed up, and he began to find it difficult to get his words out, "I- Im's nothing..I don't-"
"No you tell me right fucking now," Hank grabbed Connors shoulder aggressively, "How is that unfair? You don't know me, don't know the shit I've gone through. You can think that you know, because of your computer brain shit you have going on, but you're not human. You haven't experienced heartbreak, you don't even know how to.."
He let go, and Connor leaned back onto the sinks. He was shocked, and terrified, he had never witness nor knew about this side to him.
"Do you want me to be honest?" Connor asked, his voice barely audible.
Hank nodded, he was leaning against the bathroom door frame, and kept swallowing involuntary.
"I," Connor bit down on his bottom lip, "I convinced myself that you felt the same way and I felt happiness...for the first time, because of you and you are taking that away for me. I presumed, with that drunk night, that it was a one time thing, you were drunk and acted upon impulse. I accepted it. But then the following night, last night, you were sober and I made sure of made me feel another thing, hope."
Connor paused, unable to do so so far, he glanced towards Hank. He wasn't looking back, just staring at the floor.
Connor continued, "I was hopeful that it would continue, and I almost felt human. The way Richard feels, but you messed with my head, my feelings. You decided to kiss and act like you cared about me, only to stop? Refuse to look me in the eye, without a valid reason? So yes, it's unfair."
Hank spoke almost immediately, his voice rough as if he was holding back tears, "No. No, you don't get to fucking say that. Yes I kissed you, and cared for you because I genuinely fucking do care for you, and that's the problem, that's the valid reason. I already told you that I didn't want to date anyone, and the hookup was just because I felt fucking lonely. I regret it."
He breathed heavily out his nose, "Why can't you date anyone?"
"That doesn't matter, if you actually fucking liked me you would respect my decision and all that shit."
"Why. Can't. You. Date. Anyone?" Connor repeated, pausing after every word.
"Fuck you, you're a fucking cunt."
Connor repeated the question again, multiple times before Hank broke.
"Because if I do, I'll loose them somehow, I'll fucking loose you, and you're the only reason I haven't pulled the fucking trigger." He talked fast, and stopped abruptly as his eyes filled with tears.
"You won't loose me. I can't exactly die."
Hank chuckled slightly, as the first tear rolled down his cheek, "You don't get it. Life has a way of fucking everything up."
"Is this because of Cole?"
Hank scoffed, "Cole, Cole's mother, My own mother, my own father, every single person that I have cared for, has either died or left me." If Hank has some alcohol he would be definitely taking gulps of it now, "I've accepted it, and now I stay away from people."
"Technically speaking, I'm not a person. I can't die, and I won't leave you."
"Maybe, but I don't trust myself not to fuck it up."
Connor stood up straighter, walked over and pulled the old man into a hug. He resisted at first, but sank into him.
"You won't fuck it up." Connor whispered, "I won't die, and I won't leave you."

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19.5K 482 51
i wrote this when i was 14 years old and i'm still atoning for this sin so please do not judge me
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Kinda is what it says on the tin... Slow ass updates Bad writing But I don't care :) Y'all must know I've given up on this by now
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Title says it all / badly written COMPLETED i wrote this when i was 13. my writing has hopefully improved since then. read at your own risk