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By stronggirlsclub

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In The Strong Girls club book, we tell a lot of stories about our lives and open up about things we go throug... More

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✨Life positivity ✨
☀️confidence tips for this summer!☀️
Thanks for reading!

Insightful things to discover about yourself | part 1

462 38 29
By stronggirlsclub

We are all about self love on SGC, and I personally think a good way to love yourself better is to learn more about yourself.

There is so much to learn about who you are as a person.

There are your motivations, passions, gifts, personality type, learning style, intelligence types, and more.

And the more you know about yourself, the more you can understand why you are the way you are and the reasons you do things.

These are a few things I discovered about myself with a cool test at Personalitymax.com, and in turn I gained knowledge about why I am the way am.

The information in here is also from that website.

Hopefully, finding out this knowledge about yourself can give you a healthier relationship with who you are as well!


1. Intelligence type:


University and a developmental psychologist, developed the theory of Multiple Intelligences in 1986. Gardner believes that intelligence, the way it has traditionally been understood (logically, as with I.Q. tests), does not explain the wide variety of human abilities. The theory of Multiple Intelligences suggests that we excel with different types of intelligence.

In addition to being logical and Number Smart, a person might also be Word Smart, People Smart or Picture Smart. Gardner has identified several intelligences:
Verbal/Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical, Visual/Spatial, Bodily/Kinesthetic, Musical, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal and Naturalist.

Finding out your strengths and weaknesses in each intelligence can help you understand why certain subjects in school may come easier to you than others.

The test gives you a chart of what your highest and lowest intelligences are.


These are mine:



About Musical Intelligence:


People with Musical intelligence recognize sounds and tones with ease. They appreciate music and rhythm. They have a "good ear" for music and can easily learn songs and melodies. They notice when someone is singing off-key. People with musical intelligence are good at imitating sounds or other people's voice or intonation.

Rhythm and music can be a way for them to memorize concepts. Some people with musical intelligence are especially gifted at composing, singing or playing an instrument. They often have a song running through their head. They often learn well through lectures since they are highly auditory.


Characteristics of Musical Intelligence:


🎤Highly auditory

🎤Can memorize songs

🎤Has good rhythm

🎤Notices off-key notes

🎤Enjoys different sounds

🎤Likes to sing

🎤Whistles or taps foot

🎤Talented with instruments

🎤Gifted at composing

🎤Sensitive to noise


So, my highest intelligence is musical, and my lowest is logical/mathematical.

Which explains why I have never gotten good grades in math, but musicality has always come naturally to me.

For example, I can remember melodies of songs I made over a decade ago, without having ever recorded them. Songs I've never recorded can stay in my head for years; I don't forget them.

But trying to do math in my head?

Doesn't come easily at all.


2. MBTI type


Many of today's theories of psychological typology are based on the work of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, who wrote Psychological Types in 1921. He was the founder of analytical psychology, which studies the motivations underlying human behavior.

Your personality type is a detailed classification of the innate characteristics that make you who you are. Each of the four temperaments can be divided into four types, making a total of 16 distinct personality types. As with , your type is determined by the strength of your preferences.

No personality type is better than another. Each person has a unique set of equally valuable characteristics. Understanding your type can be useful in many ways, including relationships and school or career.

There are four pairs of opposite preferences. Everyone has a greater tendency toward one preference than the other in each pair.

Each preference has a single letter (such as "F") that identifies it.

Extraversion (E) and Introversion (I) are opposite preferences. Sensing (S) and Intuition (N)

are opposite preferences. Thinking (T) and Feeling (F) are opposite preferences.

And Judging (J) and Perceiving (P) are opposite preferences.

This test and 16personalities.com give you an analysis on your MBTI type, but Personalitymax's is more personal.

My Myer Briggs type is INFP:


Characteristic of an INFP:




















🌜Internally aware







Typical Strengths


🌻Loyal and devoted

🌻Deep capacity to care and love

🌻Warm and playful

🌻Excellent at reading feelings and motives of others

🌻Desires to meet the needs of others


Possible Weaknesses


🥀Tends to react emotionally

🥀Extreme dislike of criticism

🥀Tendency to blame themselves

🥀Has trouble in conflict situations

As a kid, I was always called the "peacemaker" when it came to arguments among my siblings.

Still holds true today, to be honest.


INFP functions:


Finding that out helped me understand why people call me "illogical" so much.

It also explains why I suck at debate.

Now, onto the preferences.


1. Introversion


Introversion (I) is characterized by a preference to focus on the inside world. Introverts are energized by spending time alone or with a small group. They find large group gatherings draining because they seek depth instead of breadth of relationships. Introverts process information internally. They are often great listeners.

✨Energized by time alone


✨Keeps to self



✨Internally aware

✨Fewer friends

✨Prefers smaller groups



✨Thinks before speaking

✨Enjoys solitude

My introversion level:


2. Intuition

Intuitive (N) people live in the future. They are immersed in the world of possibilities. They process information through patterns and impressions. Intuitive people value inspiration and imagination. They gather knowledge by reading between the lines. Their abstract nature attracts them toward deep ideas, concepts and metaphors. They can see the "big picture" and are analytical.


💖Sees possibilities









My intuition level:

This helped me realize why I struggle to "live in the moment" and accept a current reality.

I don't see the world as it is; I see it as it could be.


3. Feeling


Feeling (F) people are subjective. They make decisions based on principles and values. They are ruled by their heart instead of their head. Feeling people judge situations and others based on feelings and extenuating circumstances. They seek to please others and want to be appreciated. They value harmony and empathy.

🌼Decides with heart

🌼Dislikes conflict


🌼Driven by emotion


🌼Easily hurt





My feeling level:


4. Perceiving


Perceivers (P) are adaptable and flexible. They are random thinkers who prefer to keep their options open. Perceivers thrive with the unexpected and are open to change. They are spontaneous and often juggle several projects at once. They enjoy starting a task better than finishing it. Perceivers play as they work.






🌈Changes tracks midway

🌈Keeps options open


🌈Dislikes routine


My perceiving level:

This helped me realize why I struggle to get tasks done, especially when given a deadline.

It also helped me realize why I can be such a rebellious person. 😄

3. Learning style


Learning Styles is a theory that suggests people learn better using different methods of learning. We perceive information using our senses. The three most practical senses in learning environments are sight, hearing and touch. The VAK model categorizes these sensory methods of learning as Visual (V), Auditory (A) and Kinesthetic (K) learning styles.

While most people have a dominant learning style, nobody has just one learning style. Everyone uses each of the learning styles to some degree. Some are stronger in one style while others have even strength in all styles. The reality is that we all have a custom "learning style" that is, in varying degrees, a combination of Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic learning.


My learning style:


I am an auditory learner.


Auditory style is learning by hearing. This type of learning is helpful in the classroom environment. During a lecture, an auditory learner is able to easily comprehend, process and retain information.

Auditory learning is not only the ability to listen to spoken word and interpret tone, but to do so with a high level of accuracy and efficiency. Learners with strong auditory ability
are able to hear and comprehend without missing much.


Characteristics of a Auditory Learner


🎧Good at remembering people's names

🎧Recalls spoken information with ease

🎧Aware of and easily distracted by sounds

🎧Enjoys listening to audio books and storytelling

🎧Often skilled at speaking

🎧Prefers classes in lecture format

🎧May record lectures to hear again later

🎧Benefits from reading out loud

🎧Enjoys rhymes and rhythmic pattern in language

🎧Benefits from group discussions


4. Brain hemisphere


There are two sides of your brain known as hemispheres. Your left hemisphere controls the right side of your body and deals with logical thought and language. Your right hemisphere controls the left side of your body. It handles abstract thought and spatial orientation.

Neuropsychologist Roger W. Sperry developed the right brain - left brain theory in 1960. He believed that the human brain is right or left side dominant and that each side of the brain controls different types of thinking. Some individuals utilize both sides of their brains equally (all use both to some degree) but most people have a greater tendency to think in a certain way.

The majority of people are left brain dominant. Although the typical school environment in modern times tends to favor left brain thinkers with expectations of logical thought and practical action, right brain thinkers who tend to be more imaginative and "outside the box" are equally valuable. Interestingly, right brain dominant people are often left-handed (since each hemisphere controls the opposite side's hand) which coincides with right brain dominant people being less common (as left-handed people are less common).

Understanding the right brain - left brain theory helps you understand yourself better. It improves your ability to study, learn and process information. It also informs you about the reasons why you prefer certain activities or have certain interests.


Left Brain Characteristics










☀️Likes Math

☀️Likes Reason

☀️Likes Science

☀️Critical Thinking


Right Brain Characteristics









❄️Recognizes Faces

❄️Expresses Emotions

❄️Likes Music

❄️Likes Art

❄️Sees the "Big Picture"


I'm right-brained, hence why I am so imaginative.

As a kid I spent, a lot of time in my own world.

Still do, to be honest.

While logical concepts don't come easily to me, creativity and imagination come very naturally.


I hope you guys will give the test a try to discover things about yourselves!

You can go to personalitymax.com and take it.

If you do take it, let me know what your MBTI type, learning style, highest and lowest intelligence are, and if you're right brained or left brained in the comments!

Soon, I will do a second part on this with things to discover about your exterior self to hopefully help with outer confidence as well.

Stay true to you!


The founder


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