Follow Me

By RyanWrites1

47.4K 2.1K 567

*COMPLETE* With over 200k followers on Instagram, Noah has the social media world at his mercy, but is he tru... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Authors Note

Chapter 3

2K 100 25
By RyanWrites1

Hi Noah,

Just received a call from the television production company and the short documentary you filmed a couple of months back will be on air this Wednesday!

Just so you're aware, you've only been given a ten minute block, so you better hope they've edited you in a good light haha!

In other news, I'm in talks with a store in the local shopping centre and they would like you to make a special guest appearance and promote the new brand they are stocking. Should only last a couple of hours. Paying very well, so I'll pencil you in for Saturday, until I receive your acceptance.

Speak soon,

10 minutes? I suppose it's better than nothing! I close the lid to my laptop. I'll reply to Emma's email in a little while. I need a shower first.

Emma is my second agent since I've become 'insta famous' she's lovely, so attentive and managing to find me some really good jobs with very handsome pay cheques. She was much better than my previous agent. He was just after the biggest cut he could, sometimes even agreeing to contracts for me and splitting them 50/50 without my consent. I was too young back then to understand what was right and what was wrong. I was impressionable and was blinded by the potential and the path I was taking was moving me so far upward in such a short space of time, I couldn't see what was going on around me.

Emma has been a lifesaver. She takes 20% commission on all bookings through her and the clients are becoming bigger and propelling me higher than I ever thought possible.

I finally build the courage to get myself out of bed, reaching across to the armchair next to my bed which was meant as an 'ornament' to make the room look and feel more 'grown up' according to my interior designer but I use it to throw my clothes on. Don't we all have that one place in our bedrooms where clothes just go if you plan on just throwing them back on for comfort? I reach for my boxers. Because sleeping naked is the only way to sleep right? and throw them on quickly, the temperature seems to have dropped drastically overnight, so reach for my sweat pants too and the white vest that's crumpled underneath.

I walk over to the bathroom to brush my teeth, looking in the mirror "Damn, these eye bags need to go away soon!" I mumble to myself through my toothbrush.

As I'm stood waiting for my morning coffee to brew, I open up Instagram on my phone. Raising my eyebrows as my DM's have blown up much more than usual. "87 messages. Jesus Christ!" I rub my eyes and scroll through my feed, ignoring the messages. Randomly liking photos as I go.

Coffee poured, I walk over to the couch and throw myself down, almost spilling the coffee all over me. "Dickhead" I mumble to myself. The thought of all those messages really bothering me, knowing I need to go through them to see if there are any work related ones. Would hate to miss out on a potential pay cheque just because of the thirsty girls sitting in there.

But before doing that a quick snap of my coffee sat on the table in front of me for my story. "Needed this morning! Hope you all had a good weekend" and posted. Do people really care? Most people are drinking coffee right now, so they let everybody know? Actually, yeah they do. I snigger at my own thoughts before going back to my DMs. Here we go.

Scrolling slowly through the messages looking for any that could be work related but nothing is popping out at me. I stop scrolling instantly when something catches my eye.

'Hi, we love your feed. We were just wondering if you would help us promote our new range of caps? All you have to do is purchase one, don't worry we'll give you 25% off and also set you up with a discount code for your followers to use. Let us know if you're interested?'

"Unbelievable" I mutter to myself. So this brand want me to pay to buy a cap then promote it, free of charge? These people make me laugh. I can't help myself, I had to respond.

'Hi, thanks for getting in touch but if you really expect me to buy a product to promote, I want some of whatever you're smoking. Many Thanks, Noah'

Harsh? Perhaps.

This is why I need an agent, I have no time for brands like these. If it was me managing myself with the way I am and the way I talk to some companies, I'd never get myself any work.

I place my phone on the table, picking up my coffee, taking a sip. "Ah shit, Emma's email" in my haste, I accidentally open up a DM from one of my followers before closing the app and opening my emails. "Shit!"

I open up the email again from my phone and begin composing my reply.

- - -

Hi Em,

Hope you had a good weekend?

That's great news about the documentary thank you so much. I'll make sure to post up a story later to let people know this handsome face is going to be on TV once more ;)

As for the guest appearance this Saturday, I would love to. Nothing to do with the part about paying well either haha. I'd be honoured, so please confirm with the store.

I'll pop into the office later so we can iron out all the details.

See you soon,
Noah x

I look at the time on my phone 10:35, too early to call Alice? She'll only think I'm pestering her for the shots from yesterday but I'd like her to come along on Saturday and have control of my phone, so I can story the event. Fuck it...


"Jesus, Noah. I said Tuesday and you'll have your shots"

"Wow, someone's woken up on the wrong side of the bed. Bad nights sleep?"

A pause. And what I think is a deep breath.

"Sorry, just had one of those mornings. My Mum called this morning to tell me that my Dad had a bit of a turn overnight so they're up the hospital so he can be checked over"

"Oh, what happened? The dementia?" I know how much Alice hates talking about it but I like to think she can open up to me. I think we've worked together long enough now to class each other as friends.

"Yeah" She replies. Short and sweet. As expected.

"Are you at work? Because you should go and be with him, if you are?"

Another pause. "There's not much I can do to help, so it's probably best for me to be here and I'll go if it becomes serious"

I'm not very good in these situations. What do I say?

"Anyway" She says. "What do I owe the pleasure of you calling this morning?" I think she's smiling now but I won't push my luck.

"No, no reason. It can wait. Listen, I've got to meet Emma in the office this afternoon, so I'll be passing by your office. Don't suppose you fancy lunch, do you? My treat".

"Awww, that would be lovely. Thanks Noah. Meet you in my reception around 1?"

I smile. "It's a fate" I cringe at myself.

"A date, you mean?" She replies, unsure.

"No, a fate. A friendship date" What the fuck am I doing? "Unless you want it to be a real date?" I ask, trying to lighten the mood for her.

She laughs down the phone "Piss off, Noah. I'll see you at 1". "Oh and by the way, never use fate again. It's not now or ever will be a thing people use" and with that she hangs up.
Typical Alice.

I find myself back on Instagram as I pick my now lukewarm coffee up and take a sip. Liking a fellow models new post as it pops to the top of my feed. Thinking that I must get in touch with her about a collaboration. Preferably a boudoir shoot. God, she's gorgeous.

I then remember the DM I accidentally opened. They would have seen Ive now 'seen' it thanks to Instagram's stupid 'Oh, let's make it easier for these weirdos by letting them know that the other person has indeed opened there message and just decided to ignore you'. That needs to be changed in an update sooner or later. It's ridiculous.

I scroll down the unopened messages until I reach it. Maybe I'll just reply with a love heart, that will be appreciated right? "Oh my god, he has gone out of his way to reply to me".

What is wrong with me? Why am I like this? Shouldn't I be grateful for the attention? Without these people I'd be nothing. Maybe I should cut them some slack.

I know, I'll talk about it with Alice later, she'll let me know if I'm being a complete dick. I shrug my shoulders to my own thoughts as I look down at the opened message...

'Wow babe! You look amazing! 😍 You really should follow me back x'

There's chapter 3! What do you think?

Are you enjoying it still?

Is Noah being unreasonable to his followers?

Should he change his outlook and engage more with his followers?

Leave your comments. I'd love to know your thoughts!

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