Thunderstorm || Draco Malfoy

By dove_bella

11.6K 115 24

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674 8 0
By dove_bella

You were walking through the Hogwarts corridors when you heard a commotion up ahead. As you drew closer, you saw Fred and George Weasley surrounded by a group of nervous-looking first years.

The twins were brandishing their latest invention- a pair of extendable ears- and they were trying to convince the first years to buy them.

"Come on, it's the latest in eavesdropping technology," Fred said, wiggling the earpieces in front of the first years' faces.

But the kids didn't seem convinced. They huddled together, clearly uncomfortable with the attention they were getting. You shook your head, walking up to the boys, but the first-years scurried once they saw you clad in infamous green colors.

"Hey! Our customers!" The boys said in unison.

"You shouldn't be soliciting those kids, anyway." You shrugged, laughing at your friends.

"Welp, since you scared our customers away, you have to try one of our newest inventions!" They announced before dragging you to their dorm, where Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat chatting. You didn't get a chance to protest, only grumbling as they took you. Your 'golden trio' friends greeted you with a warm smile and asked you to join their conversation.

"I'd love to! However, the twins make me wanna use this new prank potion they made because apparently, I scared their customers away." You explain.

"Oh, the prank potion! Yea, they tried getting me to use it, but I felt like you'd want to use it more than me." Harry slumps down against his bed.

"Me? Why would I want to use it more?" You grow confused since everyone knows you think their inventions are a waste of time.

"Because, Y/n, this prank potion makes the drinker do ridiculous things." They smirk.

"I don't see how that has anything to do with me." You frown.

"C'mon, Y/n. You know what you could use it for!" They nudge you.

"What?" You're still confused...

"Oh, Merlin! Use it on Draco!" Ron shouts from the corner.

All your friends know that you have a personal vendetta against him, and they think that this might be the perfect opportunity for you to mess with him. They despise him almost as much as you do.

"You could've just started with that, y'know the
conversation would've been quicker." You roll your eyes before snatching the potion from their hands.

"So, what ridiculous things does it do?" You ask, examining the bottle. They explain what the murky liquid is capable of and the things it makes people do. You bite your lip as you all figure out a plan on how to put it to use.

You pull through with an idea, and it's a perfect execution. The trap was set, snickers would soon ensue, and swearing would be thrown. Now, you wait for it to happen.

˜"*°•.˜"*°• ♡ •°*"˜.•°*"˜

But it never happened.

"You guys, you think the potion was a dud?" You asked your friends as the classroom began to fill up. Potions class was the only class Ron, Harry, and you shared.

"I don't know, my brothers aren't the brightest at doing things, so it's possible." Ron shrugs.

That's when you hear an unexpected screech echo through your ears. Unexpected but dreadfully familiar.

"Did you try to poison me?" He asked, tapping his foot on the ground. You were baffled how he knew, but you tried your best to mask your shock.

"What are you talking about?" You lie with a furrowed, confused expression present.

"Oh, please! The potion in my afternoon croissant!" He scoffed.

How could he possibly know that? Did he see you put it in his food? Was he telepathic?

"How in the world do you know?" You ask him, Ron's jaw on the floor.

"You'd be surprised how many times people have tried poisoning me, so I always check my food with a spell that lets me know." Draco crossed his arms.

"Not so surprising." Ron whispered to Harry, who stifled a laugh.

"Shut it, Weasley!" Draco warned Ron.

Ron chuckled before threatening him with a "or what?"

"You think this is funny?" Draco licked his bottom lip.

"Fuck off, Malfoy." You pushed him away from Ron, your hand on his chest. Your heart skipped a beat, feeling the toned muscle underneath. You retracted your hand immediately after.

"You know what, Y/n? You're the problem. Weasley, Granger, and Potter may be annoying, but they don't actively bother me. You, on the other hand, are a nuisance. If I were you, I'd watch my back from now on." He turned around and slammed his books onto his desk.

Your friends all just stared at you. You stood quiet, taking your seat. You have a bad feeling about this.

The next morning, you woke up and went to go brush your teeth. As you walked into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror, you gasped. Your entire head was bright, fucking, neon. You looked like a construction worker's vest.

Malfoy. Fucking Malfoy. You were gonna murder him.

You began to plot your revenge, thinking of the perfect prank to pull on Draco. You want to make it something memorable, something that he won't soon forget. Something similar to what he did to you, you made the punishment fit the crime.

Early the next morning, you're walking down the hallways of Hogwarts when you see Draco walking towards his dorm, his head held high as always. You know this is your chance, and you quickly cast a spell that gives him pig ears.

Draco wakes up early in the morning, which is why he was just returning back to his dorm to get ready for the day. You knew this because you unintentionally had his schedule memorized. As he's brushing his teeth, he notices that something feels a bit off, but he can't quite put his finger on it.

He continues with his morning routine, getting dressed and grabbing his books for the day. As he's walking through the hallways, he starts to notice that people are staring at him, but it's nothing out of the usual.

It's not until he reaches the Great Hall for breakfast that he realizes something is seriously wrong. Crabbe and Goyle burst out laughing as soon as they see him, and Draco is completely bewildered.

"What's so funny?" he asks, but the two of them just continue to laugh.

Finally, Crabbe manages to compose himself enough to say, "Look in the mirror, mate."

Draco rushes over to a nearby mirror, and his jaw drops in shock. He has a pair of pig ears sticking out of his head!

He can't believe that he's been walking around like this all morning without noticing. He feels humiliated and angry all at once.

He knew who did this. L/n. Fucking L/n. He was gonna murder you.

He sees you again in the afternoon. You don't notice him leaning against the wall with his friends. As you walk past him, he whispers something under his breath, and before you know it, you feel a strange sensation coursing through your body. It takes you a moment to realize that he's cast a spell on you, giving you a bright red sunburn all over your body.

You turn around to give him an earful and maybe a slap, but he was nowhere to be seen once you turned. You scanned the area and felt steam coming out of your ears, not having time to chase after and find him.

Enraged, you decide to get your revenge. After class ended, you walked past him to exit the room and whisper a spell cupped into your hands. Suddenly, his skin turns an awful shade of orange, and his hair turns a sickly green color. But that's not all- you decide to have a bit more fun and cast another spell, giving him a pair of fake tan lines all over his body.

The entire two weeks went like this. Prank after Prank, hex after hex. Everyone around you two was getting tired of looking out for spells and shrieks echoing through the castle. Everyone wondered how no teacher has intervened yet. Your friends were especially fed up with the constant back and forth, and they kept urging you to stop.

You explained to your friends how it's their fault for starting it by making you use the prank potion. The Slytherin common room was a dangerous place to be now. The students in there had to make sure they weren't in there when Y/n and Draco were. Unless they wanted to end up with twelve toes and purple fingers.

You agree with your friends, this had to stop. It had to stop with you winning and him being humbled. So, you strategized one last idea.

As you stood in Draco's room, your heart started racing with anticipation. You couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. After weeks of planning, you finally came up with the perfect revenge to teach him a lesson.

You know how deeply he cares about his looks, even though he looks ridiculous all the time. So, your idea was to ruin that for him temporarily, to watch him run around like a headless chicken. He would definitely leave you alone after that, you thought.

you reached into your pocket to pull out the arachnid whose bite leaves the victim with harmless warts on their face and body that lasts twelve hours.
You sneak into his dorm to leave the spider in his sheets. What you didn't expect was to hear footsteps coming towards the room. You quickly hid in a wardrobe and heard the door open.

It's Draco, and he falls onto his bed with a thud, lazily kicking off his uniform. You hold your breath and start to blush, seeing him lay in just a pair of shorts and black t-shirt left messily on his bed. You think back to the other night at the party when you saw Draco similar to this state. Shaking your head, you curse yourself to forget about it. You know you're only flustered because it's embarrassing to see a boy in revealing clothes, no matter who they are.

In the midst of your thinking, you didn't notice the spider fall out the little carrier it was in. You see it crawl through the small crack in the wardrobe. You hoped that at least it would bite him before you're caught.

The spider crawls to and rests on Draco's bare stomach. His shirt rode up from the way he laid on the bed. To your surprise, the animal cuddles and makes adorable squeaks on him.

Curiously, he looks at the spider. To your shock, he gently pets it with his finger, a smile drawn on his stupid face.

"Hey little guy, what are you doing here?" He asked the spider. You gasp as it points with one of its eight legs towards the wardrobe.

"Hm, wait a minute. You're not just any spider! You're the one that gives people warts!" Draco sits up on his bed. He pets it, sitting down with a puzzled look.

Your heart sank as you realized that all your planning had been for nothing. That stupid spider and that stupid Draco! They formed a friendship.

The spider tugged on his shirt and pointed toward the wardrobe again.

"What is it, bud?" He asked again. The spider hopped off and ran to the wardrobe and stood in front of it, motioning with its tiny arms to open it.

You knew these spiders were smart, just not how smart. You also didn't know they were traitors.

Draco opens the wardrobe, and your eyes are shut tight. Light dawns on your guilty face, and you get prepared for the consequences.

"Y/n?" He asks softly.

"Hey... I see you've found my spider! Thank you. He got lost. I was, uh, looking for him!" You make up a poor excuse.

"Lost him, huh? Are you sure you didn't place him here purposely? To bite me?" He teased with a raised eyebrow.

"N-no," you stuttered, and you mentally scolded yourself for getting caught.

Draco shrugged. "You suck at lying. I wanted to see how long you'd continue to hide in there."

You shook your head in disbelief. "You're unbelievable," you said, feeling a twinge of admiration for his cunningness.

Draco chuckled. "I try," he said with a weak smile. That's when you noticed how gloomy he looked and the exhaustion that trembled through his body. You suddenly felt a bit of guilt, which you never ever do for Draco.

He looked terrible, and you wouldn't want to kick someone while they're down.

"I'm sorry." You murmured, collecting yourself to leave. The situation itself was a bit awkward, too. You just needed to get out of here.

"That's new." He replied back in the same, quiet voice.

"Look, I just feel bad. I didn't know you were down in the slumps, okay!?" You huffed before striding to exit his dumb room.

"I don't need your sympathy." He rolled his eyes.

"God, you're so difficult!" You threw your hands up in the air.

"Can I keep the spider?" He ignores the subject.

"Do whatever, Malfoy!" You flip him off, closing the door behind you. You hear him let out a brief, airy laugh as you leave.

Despite the fact that your revenge plot had failed, you didn't have the urge to kill Draco for some reason. He may have been your enemy, but you aren't a monster. As you walked away, you couldn't help but wonder what he would do next and how you could possibly outsmart him. Or, if there ever will be a next time.

Draco brushes his hair out his face and wonders how he was going to get through the rest of the week. He worried what you would pull next on him. He hoped it wouldn't be any- at least for now. The mentally tired boy spent the rest of his evening dozing off to sleep and playing with the spider. The spider who he named 'hex' as a contribution to the person who technically gave it to him.

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