˜"*°•.˜"*°• ʜᴇx •°*"˜.•°*"˜

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You were walking through the Hogwarts corridors when you heard a commotion up ahead. As you drew closer, you saw Fred and George Weasley surrounded by a group of nervous-looking first years.

The twins were brandishing their latest invention- a pair of extendable ears- and they were trying to convince the first years to buy them.

"Come on, it's the latest in eavesdropping technology," Fred said, wiggling the earpieces in front of the first years' faces.

But the kids didn't seem convinced. They huddled together, clearly uncomfortable with the attention they were getting. You shook your head, walking up to the boys, but the first-years scurried once they saw you clad in infamous green colors.

"Hey! Our customers!" The boys said in unison.

"You shouldn't be soliciting those kids, anyway." You shrugged, laughing at your friends.

"Welp, since you scared our customers away, you have to try one of our newest inventions!" They announced before dragging you to their dorm, where Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat chatting. You didn't get a chance to protest, only grumbling as they took you. Your 'golden trio' friends greeted you with a warm smile and asked you to join their conversation.

"I'd love to! However, the twins make me wanna use this new prank potion they made because apparently, I scared their customers away." You explain.

"Oh, the prank potion! Yea, they tried getting me to use it, but I felt like you'd want to use it more than me." Harry slumps down against his bed.

"Me? Why would I want to use it more?" You grow confused since everyone knows you think their inventions are a waste of time.

"Because, Y/n, this prank potion makes the drinker do ridiculous things." They smirk.

"I don't see how that has anything to do with me." You frown.

"C'mon, Y/n. You know what you could use it for!" They nudge you.

"What?" You're still confused...

"Oh, Merlin! Use it on Draco!" Ron shouts from the corner.

All your friends know that you have a personal vendetta against him, and they think that this might be the perfect opportunity for you to mess with him. They despise him almost as much as you do.

"You could've just started with that, y'know the
conversation would've been quicker." You roll your eyes before snatching the potion from their hands.

"So, what ridiculous things does it do?" You ask, examining the bottle. They explain what the murky liquid is capable of and the things it makes people do. You bite your lip as you all figure out a plan on how to put it to use.

You pull through with an idea, and it's a perfect execution. The trap was set, snickers would soon ensue, and swearing would be thrown. Now, you wait for it to happen.

˜"*°•.˜"*°• ♡ •°*"˜.•°*"˜

But it never happened.

"You guys, you think the potion was a dud?" You asked your friends as the classroom began to fill up. Potions class was the only class Ron, Harry, and you shared.

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