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"Hey, Y/n? Is it true that what you do with the guys in the prefect bathroom?" Another group of douchebags teased, laughing their asses off as if it was the funniest shit they'd ever heard. You've been ignoring everyone who's mentioned this stupid rumor about you going around right now. You have no idea where it's coming from, but you have a slight suspicion that it's Malfoy. No one else hates your guts this much except for him.

Your hearts race as you enter the Great Hall for dinner, hoping not another person mentions you prostituting yourself. Muggle world or wizard, it seems men are the same in both. You wish you could just disappear from existence right now. Or that existence would swallow everyone up so they would all just shut up.

Everyone was staring at you as you went to sit down at the Slytherin table. Muffled snickers and laughs could be heard from around you. You knew what they were talking about. You tried to concentrate on eating, but you didn't have any sort of appetite now.

Pansy sat down next to you and looked at you sympathetically. You put your head down on the table, unable to put a spoon up to your now quivering lips anymore. She tilted her head and drew her lips into a line, rubbing your shoulder. You don't know what it was, but you just couldn't take it anymore and ran out of the room, tears falling to the ground as you sped to your dorm. Pansy froze, unsure if she should follow you or let you be.

Pansy decided she would go after you, knowing you'd do the same for her if the roles were reversed. She gave a scowl at the giggling boys and girls before standing up to go to the dormitories where she knew you'd be. From the corner of her eye, she saw a familiar frame following her.

"Wait up! I wanna go with." Hermione said as she paced up to Pansy, her brows furrowed. They both gave each other the same look, a confirmation of an alliance to go help out their mutual friend. Once they had entered the room, they found you sobbing into your silver threaded sheets, the fabric clutched in your hands.

"Oh, honey..." Hermione cooed as she wrapped her arms around you. You sat up, hiccups still in the back of your throat. The bed sunk as Pansy sat on the other side, tucking your hair out of your face and sighing. You wiped your face with your sleeve and looked at the two earnest girls who were waiting for you to speak, their hands cupping yours.

"The whole day, people have been teasing me and pestering me with these untrue comments. I just don't know what to do, if I should even go to a teacher. This whole thing is so embarrassing." You sulk, feeling extremely overwhelmed. Since breakfast this morning, people have been laughing behind you and whispering. It didn't take long before a Ravenclaw boy came up to you and asked you inappropriate questions only to run away to his group of equally incompetent friends when you pulled out your wand.

After breakfast, though, it just got worse. You don't know how in one day all this happened, and it wasn't just your year, but the one above yours also knew. The day was agonizing, and the rumors about you continued to spread like wildfire. You thought you could get through the day, but like a cloud, you could only hold up so much till you rained.

"Do you know who started the rumors?" They asked, Hermione's fist clenching in anger.

"No, but I think it was Malfoy because he's the only one who hates me enough to start something like this, and I can't think of anyone else." You said with disdain, knowing that if it really was him- which it probably was- then you'd crush his skull between your hands.

"I'm a Slytherin, and this is how I'm handling this? Well, actually, I did hex a couple of people who bothered me about it today, but still. I'm just the laughingstock now." You start to cry again, your face resting on your palms and hair falling back into your face.

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