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  You wake up the next morning feeling exhausted, your eyes heavy with sleep deprivation. The late nights spent studying for History of Magic have taken their toll, leaving you drained and in need of rest. As you struggle to get out of bed, you notice you're running late on scedule and missed breakfast.

  Dragging yourself through the day, you find it challenging to stay focused. Fatigue weighs on your shoulders, and every step feels like an uphill battle. The classes seem to blur together, and even the most engaging subjects fail to hold your attention. It becomes clear that a good night's sleep is long overdue.

  Draco's usual charisma and warmth seem to have been replaced by an impenetrable barrier, isolating him from those around him. His eyes, once filled with spark and mischief, now carry a weight of heaviness, as if burdened by unseen troubles.

  The burden of his father's troubles had seeped into Draco's own heart, leaving him feeling isolated and detached from those around him. The weight of expectations and the family's reputation seemed to suffocate him, causing his usually warm and engaging personality to retreat behind a wall of coldness and aloofness.

  His interactions with classmates and friends were tinged with an icy reserve, as if he had built an impenetrable fortress around his emotions. The laughter that once filled the air when he entered a room was absent, replaced by a palpable tension that whispered of the turmoil within him.

  As the long day drawn on, you wittingly used a spell to write down notes onto your notebook for you to look over once you're coherent enough. It's a spell you created yourself, something that you never told anyone you learned to do.

  You didn't do a good job hiding your exhaustion from your friends but left class before they could ask you about it, not wanting to face their scolding or worry. So, you were helpless trying to navigate through your day.

  You stumble upon Draco unexpectedly, your fatigue causing you to lose focus and collide with him, causing his books to scatter across the floor. Instantly, a wave of anger washes over him, and he utters something sharp before swiftly turning away, not bothering to give you a second glance.

  Feeling a mix of embarrassment and exhaustion, you find yourself sprawled on the ground, barely managing to stay awake. For a moment, you contemplate staying there, succumbing to the tempting idea of dozing off right where you are. But a realization jolts you back to reality - you have one more class left, Potions.

  Summoning your last reserves of energy, you push yourself up from the floor. Determination fuels your steps, though his words linger in your mind. You remind yourself that exhaustion can sometimes cloud judgment, and you understand that his reaction stemmed from frustration rather than personal animosity.

  As you make your way to the Potions classroom, the weariness threatens to overwhelm you. However, the thought of missing the last class of the day, and potentially falling behind, propels you forward. Each step feels heavier than the last, but you focus on the goal ahead - making it through the final hour.

  As you take your seat in the Potions classroom, you're grateful for the familiar presence of Ron, Hermione, and Harry. Their concerned expressions indicate that they noticed your exhaustion, but the timing prevents them from checking up on you properly. With a nod and a small smile, you convey that you'll talk later, appreciating their understanding.

  As Professor Snape begins his lecture, you find it difficult to concentrate oncr again. The fatigue is still controlling your mind, making it hard to absorb any of the potion-making instructions. However, amidst the haze, one phrase manages to pierce through your exhaustion: "partner project."

  Your ears perk up, and a flicker of curiosity ignites within you. Partner projects in Potions class have always been an opportunity for collaboration and learning from your peers. The prospect of working with someone else momentarily distracts you from your weariness.

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