My Happiest Memory - Boyf Ri...

By intellegentrisk

48.9K 2.7K 3.1K

Jeremy Heere woke up from a tragic car accident with amnesia. With no contacts at all to people he knew befor... More

1.1 How to forget who you are
1.2 How to have a strange dream
1.3 How to sell flowers
1.4 How to learn more about yourself pt.1
1.4.5 How to learn more about yourself pt.2
1.5 How to momentarily freak Chloe Valentine out
1.6 How to contact old friends
1.7 How to remember denying a relationship
1.8 How to get so close, but yet so far
1.9 How to track down a old crush pt.1
1.9.5 How to track down a old crush pt.2
2.0 How to open a lock
2.1 How to have multiple memories pt.1
2.1.5 How to have multiple memories pt.2
2.2 How to have no more leads
2.3 How to lose hope
2.4 How to live with no memories
2.5 How to get back on track
2.6 How to stalk somebody on social media
2.7 How to fix a friendship pt.1
2.7.5 How to fix a friendship pt.2
2.8 How to go on an unplanned trip to the Philippines
2.9 How to be a stranger to yourself
3.0 How to remember


1.7K 115 377
By intellegentrisk

I sat, watching my two best friends stand in front of each other, eyes full of love and wonder - ready for the future. The presence of my own boyfriend by my side making the smile on my face even wider.

The atmosphere in the room was warm, comfortable and brimming with joy as I watched Rich and Jake say those life changing words: 'I do.' 

It had been two years since amnesia gate - another nickname came up with by Rich - and I was happier than I could ever imagine. Michael and I had gone back to my apartment after I'd found him in the Philippines, moving in together.

Fleur had taken Michael's parent's old house in the Philippines, where she'd moved in with her boyfriend Dylan. It had been a long process, but it eventually had all worked out and I was more than content with how my life was going currently.

I was honestly very pleasantly surprised when Rich had asked me to be his best man, but I'd accepted regardless and - with the help of Michael's inputs - had come up with what I hoped would be the perfect best man speech.

I felt a tug at my shirt sleeve and noticed that the ceremony had finished and people were beginning to make their way out of the hall we were sat in. 

I glanced sideways at Michael, who was standing up and beginning to stretch. 

"That was cute and all, but I didn't realize how long we'd be sitting down for." He commented, smiling at me. "Come on, let's go and congratulate the Dillingers." He winked.

I remember Rich telling me that the reason they were taking Jake's last name was because he lost a bet - which really did sound like them. Rich and Jake did have a habit on betting on things, however, they'd refused to tell me exactly what the bet was - which honestly worried me.

I stood up and walked hand in hand with Michael into the room next door - which was a huge hall filled with tables and a open space - probably for dancing later on when we were all drunk out of our minds. 

Michael and I found our designated seats on the table with the pair themselves - I giggled after I noticed that the two had stuck all their relatives on two tables and their own table full with their close friends. That was definitely a Rich decision.

We took our seats next to Christine, Jenna, Brooke and Chloe - who were all already sat at the table. Rich and Jake soon joined us, beaming as they sat down. 

Rich's eyes fell on me, knowing this is the moment I would stand up - and I did. I stood, a glass in my hand and a supportive boyfriend by my side - watching Rich and Jake with a broad smile on my face. I cleared my throat.

"Ladies and gentleman, you will be glad to hear that I am the final obstacle between you and even more alcohol. I recognize my place here; a best man is similar to a dead body at a funeral. Of course you are expected to be there - but if you say too much then people freak out.

My journey to becoming best man was not exactly easy. To be fair to Rich, he did not have an easy task in picking a best man. The competition was fierce.

First he called his most handsome friend - they said no.

Then he called his most intelligent friend - again, no.

Getting disheartened, he called his most trusted friend - for the third time it was a no.

Then he called me and I said: Rich, it would be mean for me to say no a fourth time.

Being serious for a moment, I do want to talk about a decision that was made by Rich when planning this wedding. Many people have asked me about the table plans - and I can now confirm that the further you are sitting from the their table, the less you spent on a wedding present.

The couple that bought loom bands are sitting in the car park.

Rich and I actually both worked at the same place as our part time job - and I still remember clearly how he'd lost his phone, so our boss offered to ring it for him, however Rich had forgotten he'd changed our boss's ring tone to 'the bitch is back'. 

I also remember when Rich's neighbors had told me how they'd over heard him singing the national anthem while in the shower - probably feeling extra patriotic - and so, I and his neighbors began to salute him for the following week.

His neighbors also told me on the same occasion, they'd caught him barking and growling at their cat, before looking up and noticing that they were still watching him.

Those were just a few of the stories I have of Rich - and let me tell you, I have so many more. 

I remember Rich and I were sitting in his room way back in high school, when Jake called and asked him on his first date. He forgot to hang up before yelling 'YES!' and leaping on me talking about how happy and excited he was. I'm sure Jake remembers that one.

Really though, Rich, you sure are one lucky guy. You now have a handsome and talented partner for life, someone to share the highs and bring comfort during the lows. A person who will make each day worth living and be the source of many wonderful memories for years to come.

And Jake, you now have... A really nice ring.

Jake you deserve a man who's trusting, wonderful and matched perfectly for you. Somebody who's always there for you and cares for you like no other can. Luckily for Rich, he's married you before you can find that perfect man.

When writing this speech, I followed a tried and tested path that I use throughout my life; have a look on google and steal other people's work. Instead, I found advice - and that advice was:

One in three marriages end in divorce so save the money and stay at home.

No, seriously though, Rich is one of my most trusted friends and him and Jake are perfect for each other. Never was it 'if' they get married, but it had always been 'when' they get married and I think that in itself speaks volumes.

Now if you two could stand and face each other,"

Rich and Jake followed me words, Rich still flushed with embarrassment after the stories I'd told - looked like I'd done my job well then.

"As you stand here together, please never forget this: you are now gazing at the person who, statistically speaking, is most likely to murder you - oh and also the love of your life. Now if everybody else would stand and raise their glasses, to Rich and Jake."

There was a high energy reply of "To Rich and Jake!" As people cheered and clapped as everybody took their seats once more. I glanced to my right, quickly making eye contact with Michael.

"I'm glad you used the nugget of information I told you about." He whispered under his breath into my ear. I smirked.

"That they are now, statistically speaking, the most likely people to murder each other? Well it made me laugh, so I figured it'd make them laugh too." I shot right back.

"I love you." Michael whispered, leaning forwards and giving me a peck on the cheek. I flushed red.

"I love you too."


Two hours in - and most of the invited guests had either left because they were mature like that, or had stuck around and were all now pretty drunk and dancing crazily on the cleared space, which I had been right about - it had been used as the dance floor.

I'd managed to keep sober, knowing that I was the one driving Michael and I back to our house after the wedding was finished. I didn't want to have to abandon our car and jump in a taxi. 

Michael, much to my surprise, also had kept relatively sober. He was currently over at the other side of the dance floor, chatting - with a strangely anxious face - to Rich and Jake, who were both laughing at him. 

I was sat with Christine, who was now in a deep conversation with one of Jake's cousins - so it was more accurate to say that I was sitting awkwardly by myself next to two people in a intense discussion. 

Then, a song - obviously added for the purpose of slow dancing - came on next on the playlist. The dance floor quickly cleared - people cheering for Rich and Jake to be the first ones to begin, so, they did.

I watched as Rich and Jake made there way over in hysterics, both very drunk and finding almost anything funny. Once they began to dance though, a sense of calm fell over them that couldn't be countered but anything. The only thing that mattered to them was each other.

I noticed Michael make his way round to me, edging past the crowds of people watching Rich and Jake. Before long, he was standing next to me, hand slipped into my own.

"I'm so happy for them." I commented. I saw Michael nod in my peripheral vision, a fond smile on his face as he watched the pair dance. 

"They really are made for each other." Michael said calmly, turning around once other couples started to join the newly weds on the dance floor.

"Jere, may I have this dance?" He grinned cheerily, lifting our intertwined hands face level so he could give my hand a quick kiss. I giggled at him, but was very quick in my response - agreeing immediately.

"Of course you may." I laughed, letting Michael lead me onto the dance floor.

Neither of us were dancers - so it was kept more to swaying with the occasional twirl, my arms wrapped around his neck. We stayed like that for awhile, swaying to the beat with our foreheads so close together they were almost touching. 

As the song ended and cheering began to erupt, Michael and I seemed left, holding onto each other tightly. Slowly, Michael removed himself from me, a nervous smile on his face.

He took a step back, eyes still fixed on me. 

"Jeremy, I love you more than you could ever know. You mean the world to me, you're funny - probably a furry, definitely a twink and just generally stunning. I treasure every second I spend with you, and I wanted to spend my life with you."

My breath caught in my throat. My answer was prepared before the question was even asked - I couldn't believe what was happening and I couldn't be happier that it was. Everybody had turned at this point, a small circle formed around us, watching our conversation.

Slowly, Michael lowered himself on one knee, pulling a small box from his back pocket.

"Jeremy Heere, will you marry me?"

"Of course!" I squealed -  jumping forwards and pulling Michael into the biggest hug I could muster. Michael laughed into my shoulder as loud cheers came from all around us.

Though this time, it was me who had blocked the world out around them. The only person right now that I could focus on, that I was so deeply in love with and who I'd get to spend the rest of my life with - was Michael Mell.

My soon-to-be husband.

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