Heart Of A Phantom Thief | Pe...

NegaSub_Zero tarafından

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Joker Part 1
Joker part 2
I'm sorry
Chapter 5
A/N Update! Let's have a talk!
Skull pt.2
Chapter 8
Thank you for Listening [(Y/n)]
Thank you for Listening [Ann]
Chapter 11
4 years later


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NegaSub_Zero tarafından

You couldn't hear the whispers of the class around you, you couldn't hear the dull attempt of Ms. Kawakami's shouts to calm her class down. The reason why, is that your eyes were trapped in the onyx pools of Akira Kurusu. You don't know why your were so captivated in his eyes, but you do know that if you keep staring at him, the class would surely get the wrong idea about the two of you.

Slowly, you ripped your eyes away from Akira and hid you face with your arms once again. For some odd reason, you felt your cheeks burn. Do you have a fever?

"You saw that right?"

"Yeah, they were just staring at each other, weren't they?"

"He even smiled at that heartless witch, I bet he'll do something crude to her."

"Would it even matter if he does or not? They're both bad news."

As Akira walked towards his seat, ignoring the whispers around him, you and him hears one word from a very familiar voice. "Lies..."

Slowly but silently, you and Akira turned to the same ash-blond haired girl who was glaring at her desk. "Ah.....you're...." Akira started off before he was shunned away from the girl. You silently glared at her. "She has some nerve...." you mumbled under your breath. Akira then turned to you which you turned away instantly trying hard to avoid as much eye contact as you possible can. Staying silent, Akira made it to his desk and sat down.

"First it's (L/N), now Takamaki-san? Damn what a player."

"What is this, Love triangle? Gross..."

"If that's the case then Takamaki-san is cheating on Mr. Kamoshida."

"Isn't he secretly having an affair with (L/N) too? Those two are shameful."

"You're right, a transfer student arrested for assault, a foreign girl dating and sleeping with a teacher, and a heartless witch who is secretly having an affair with the same teacher. That side is awful."

Those descriptions hit all three of you hard like a wrecking ball. In all honesty, you felt like crying. Holding a straight face all the time and dealing with lies you can't even put a stop to, made you.....weak. You tried to stay strong, but they always found a way to tear that partial line of defense down. "Oh, can the people nearby share your textbook for today?" Ms. Kawakami asked again. You looked around your area. Nobody moved an inch, nor turned to look at Akira.

"The hell? No way...."

"I'd rather be burned alive than share my textbook with him."

'Self-centered bastards...' you mumbled. Looking over at Akira, you noticed the small smile still on his face, but there were sadness, loneliness, and hurt behind that smile, that somehow reminded you of yourself. Sure you smile a lot when you're with your brother and foster parents, but inside, there was a permanent scar in your heart that'll probably never heal. You know that feeling and Akira has that hidden behind that smile of his. Akira let out a broken chuckled. "I thought so." he mumbled in a choked voice. Hearing him like that annoyed you. It's bad enough that the rumors get to you and really can't do anything to stop them but, you refuse to sit there and let this happen to someone else.

Taking out your textbook, you handed it over to Akira, which caught him and the rest of the class off guard. Now what really astonished everyone, including you, was the polite and maturing voice that came out of your mouth. "Here you go." You said unconsciously. Jaws dropped, eyes were blown wide, as everyone stared at you in disbelief, including Akira. "No one is going to share their textbook, so take mine." You said, glancing at him from under your (H/C) bangs. Akira stared at you silently before slowly taking the text book form your hand and gave you a bright warm smile. "You're too kind, thank you." he said. In an instant, you felt your heart beat, hiding your face, you nodded. "No problem." you mumbled.

The class was shocked by the scene they had just witnessed.

"That voice...that came from (L/N) right?"

"N-N-No way, it can't be. Not from that heartless witch."

"But, she'd even shared her textbook with him, the hell?"

For once, the rumors made you realize something, you just let your voice out. You, the one who decided to keep your voice seal whenever you're in school, has broken your own rule, and let out your voice in front of the entire class. You felt like dying right then and there.

"All right! That's enough! Now if you all remember, the volleyball rally's in two days, so everyone has changed classes. Take the time to get to know "everyone" today, am I clear?" Ms. Kawakami asked. "Yes ma'am..." the class groaned.

"Thank you. Now class is in session."

"Everyone please rise."

Once everyone was standing, Akira looked over at (Y/N) who was still hiding her face with her hair, he gave another small smile before sitting back down like the rest of the class.
Akira Pov

After class has finished, I walked out the door, I felt, really good. The girl that was sitting next to me, was very kind, though she was a bit awkward at times as well, surprisingly I found it kinda cute. However the words that were describing her.....

"Isn't he having a secret affair with (L/N)?"

"A heartless witch who is secretly having an affair with the same teacher."

Those rumor can't be true, can they?

My train of thought was suddenly interrupted when I saw a familiar area of the castle flash before my eyes. "W-What the-?" The area around me continued to flash and shift into the castle and back to the school, making my head ache painfully every second of it. "Kurusu-san, are you alright?" asked a voice. I looked behind me to see Ms. Kawakami, a lady with short black hair, brown eyes and wears a yellow striped shirt and denim skirt and white shoes.

"Ah....Ms. Kawakami...y-yes I'm fine." I lied with a nervous smile. Ms. Kawakami gave me a suspicious glare before sighing. "Anyway, seems like you've already made yourself well known around the school. I don't know how word got around, but now I can't get even catch a break." she said as she sighed once again. "But enough of that, I suggest heading straight home. Sakura-san sounded pretty angry when we called him." she added. "Ah crap.." I mumbled with a nervous sweat. Happy moment is already gone from my sight. "And about that kid, Sakamoto-kun. It's best not to get involved with him." she said. "Huh? Why?" I asked. "Well..." Before she could say anymore about the topic, the star of the conversation approached the two of us. "Speak of the devil." she mumbled.

Crossing her arms, Ms. Kawakami frowned at the blonde. "What is it now? Heard that you were caught skipping class today." she said. "Ugh, nothing, I ain't doing anything." Ryuji groaned obviously pissed at the statement. "And I also see you haven't dyed your hair black like I had asked you to." she lectured. Ryuji clicked his tongue and crossed his arms. "Sorry, I'll do it eventually." he mumbled. Kawakami scoofs at him an Ryuji walks off before stopping next to me and whispers. "Meet me at the rooftop." I gave him a questioning look and watched him leave once again. Ms. Kawakami let out a deep sigh and shook her head. "See what I mean? It's best not to get involved with whatever he's doing. Understood?" she said before walking away from me. Scratching the back of my head, I hardly notice the door opening beside me and someone bumping into me once again. "Oh....sorry..." I turned to the side and looked down to see the (h/c) haired girl once again.

Instead of giving me a glare like before, she just stared at me silently, not saying a word to me once again. Breaking the awkward silence, I spoke first. "Ah, I uh.. want to thank you for sharing your textbook with me." I thanked with a genuine, kind smile. The girl just looked down again, hiding her eyes behind her hair as she nodded in response. I tilted my head a little and spoke up even more. "Hey um....about what the students were saying, about you I mean, don't let them get to you, you're not perfect, but you're kinda weird like me so- " The girl suddenly looked up at me with wide, confused, and slighly offended eyes, and realizing what I just said, I mentally wanted to shoot myself. 'And I just screwed myself.' I said to myself before turning away, way too embarrassed to redeem myself without feeling anymore stupid than I already am. "F-Forget I said anything!" I stuttered before walking away from the girl and towards the rooftop.

You watched as Akira left in a rush. Playing back the words he said to you, you looked down. "He, really is weird...." you mumbled holding back a giggle that was forcing to be set free. However, it was slowly dying down, after what he just told you, it made you narrow your eyes for a moment. 'Don't let them get to me huh....?'

"(Y/n)! Why won't you say anything!?"

'You cold, traitorous bitch, am I not good enough for you now!? Huh!? Answer me you bitch!

"As long as you keep your mouth shut, Daddy will take real care of you."


Suddenly coming back to reality you looked over to your right to see a boy. A boy with spiky blue-tinted black hair, black eyes, his face looked fairly injured and as you looked down at his left arm, it is securely wrapped in bandages. Knowing who he is, you stared quietly at him. The boy stutters for a moment before finally speaking in complete sentences. "Mr. Kamoshida wants to speak with you." he said. Hearing his name makes your blood boil. Of all the people you would rather not see, he's number one on your list. Nodding your head, you walked past the boy and down the hall, growling lowly and staring coldly as you walk to meet the devil himself.

Back with Akira

I groan in frustration. So much for a great first impression, I embarrassed myself in front of a student, a very cute one no less. For now I'll save the embarrassment for later, I've reached the rooftop, I see Ryuji standing there waiting, as he looked at me. "Hey, sorry for bringing ya up here." he said apologetically. "It's nothing much." I replied waving my hand out lazily. "Heh, I'll even bet that Kawakami told you something like 'You shouldn't get involved with him' right?" he asked. "Yeah, or something like that." I replied again, putting my hand in my pocket.

Scoffing, Ryuji dug his shoes on the floor. "Heh. Figures as much." he mumbled. Ryuji looks back at me. "I've also heard you got a criminal record on ya. Everyone's talking about it ya know." he stated. I rolled my eyes in response. "Obviously, they can't even whisper quietly if their life depended on it." I snapped back. Ryuji chuckled quietly. "Heh. Gusty ...hey, I still can't stop thinking about that time. You know, the castle? We almost got killed in there...that wasn't a dream right?" he asked.

Rubbing my eyes, I shook my head. "No, I don't think it is, I'm still getting minor flashbacks of the castle, it feels all too real." I replied. "Yeah? Well, I guess if we both remember, it won't mean much. Also....I want to say thanks, for saving me from Kamoshida." Ryuji said, averting his eyes to the side. Curving the corner of my mouth to a small smile, I waved my hand to him again. "No problem." I replied. Afterwards, Ryuji groaned out loud before looking up at the sky. "But man, that Kamoshida we saw at the castle was sick in the head, he's probably worse than the one here though." he said with a scowl. "Kamoshida's the guy we met earlier right?" I asked as I sat down on the floor against the wall. In response, Ryuji nodded. "Yeah, the bastard with the mophead and is ripped as well." "Ah that's right, such a nice teacher he is. Welcomed me warmly with open arms, cupcakes and unicorns." I said sarcastically which made Ryuji laugh. "Gusty and overly sarcastic? I'm starting to like you already!" He shouted as he sat down next to me. "But here's a thing, no one ever go against him. Reason is, 'cause he's a medalist who lead the volleyball team to the nationals. The more I think about it now, seems like Kamoshida becoming king of that castle felt so freakin real 'cause of that...." he added. "I wonder....." he trailed off. I looked over at him in confusing then tilted my head. "Do you think, we'll be able to go back to that castle?" he asked.

I widened my eyes in awe. "Why would you want to?" I asked straightening my head back to normal. Ryuji stayed silent for a moment. His eyes darkened, as if he was debating if he should answer or not. In the end, Ryuji suddenly got up from the floor and popped the joints in his neck. "Ahhh.....Forget it! It's all in my head. It has to be!" he shouted out. Sighing and shaking my head, I stood up as well. "Anyway, sorry for dragging ya out here, this took a bit of a rough turn, but I think we'll get along just fine as fellow 'troublemakers'." He said with a grin.

Hm. A troublemaker huh? I could get used to that title, despite the fact that I'm already in deeper trouble as it is. Smirking lightly, I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, so do I." Before he walked away, Ryuji stopped and turned to me. "Oh right, I'm Ryuji Sakamoto.....I forgot to mention it earlier." he said. He's interesting to say the least. I introduced myself. "Akira Kurusu, nice to meet you." With a pat on my shoulder, Ryuji walked away after replying with "Likewise" as he left the rooftop.

A little while later

Exiting the school building, I noticed the (h/c) haired girl again. She was hiding behind the school gate and peeking out constantly as if checking to see it there's any danger lurking around the school. I arched an eyebrow and walked over to her, tapping her on the shoulder. "Hey." I called out. The girl was badly startled as she turned to me and got into a really shaky battle position glaring at me deadly at the process. I held out my hands in defense. "Woah, easy. I didn't mean to startle you." I said softly. The girl relaxed immediately sighing softly in relief before holding onto her arms in comfort, as she peeked out the gate once again. "Is there someone out there?" I questioned. The girl only looked at me before peeking out the gate again. I really should be going, if I don't Sojiro will have my head for this.

...........That's a risk I'm going to have to take.

"Hey ...um ...mind if I walk with you?" I offered with a bit of hesitation. The girl turned to me again with wide (e/c) eyes. I must be out of my mind. What was I thinking? She wouldn't even go with the girl from the other day, why would I even think she'd agreed to go with me? Not to mention, after what I said to her, I highly doubt she'll even get near me at this point. After a moment of silence, I felt a slight tug on my school bag. I looked back at the girl and met her (e/c) eyes again. She was looking at me with a rather desperate and distress expression, as if I'm her last chance. With a simple and quick nod, she instantly stood close to my side, still holding onto my bag at the process. "I'm taking that as a yes." I mumbled before walking past the gate with her next to me.

It was I who took care of you

It was I who kept you safe

It was I who made sure that you and your brother were kept in a nice, warm place.

Yet you betrayed me. You left me alone,

Thinking that you'd be safe in another home.

Oh, but don't think you've won,

For I am not done.

I will take you back to where you belong. I'll show you, that I was right and she was wrong.

The knight in shining armor will soon be no more.

I would do anything to get back my precious treasure that I adore.

The next day in class went off to a very rough start. After the harsh long lecture from Sojiro last night, Akira is having a hard time staying awake in class. The teacher for today was Mr. Ushimaru, who is known as a strict teacher to those who don't pay attention in class. Obviously, everyone knows this.

Except for Akira.

As you listen, from the corner of your eye, you see Akira's head falling down on top of his desk and showing no signs of getting back up. 'It can't be....he fell asleep!?' You questioned in disbelief. You slowly turn your head to look at him, and sure enough, there he was. Onyx eyes covered by his white eyelids, black glasses smooshed in an askew position, curly black hair spread across the desk and his lips parted slightly in soft steady breathing. You can feel your face heat up again, followed by your heart painfully beating against your chest. You still don't know why you feel this way, or what it means, but part of you secretly wish to smile and watch him sleep peacefully for a while longer. However, you know well that if he doesn't wake up, he'll feel Mr. Ushimaru's wrath sooner or later.

Making sure no one else is looking at you, you attempt to wake Akira up by taking your pencil and reaching down to poke his leg. To no avail did he wake up, and Ishimaru's voice has gotten louder. "The Greek Philosopher: Plato, divided the human soul into three parts; Appetite, spirit, and what else?" Of course with no one answering, and you, who is smart enough to know the answer, is too busy trying to wake up Akira, Mr. Ushimaru was force to pick someone to answer the question. He scans the room from left to right. He stops and arches a confused eyebrow when he sees you bent under your desk. Along the way, he see Akira fast sleep on his desk, his face twisted into a scary scowl as he banged on the desk in front of him. The sound made you jump and sat you back up on your seat.

Surprisingly enough, Akira was still asleep, Ushimaru then threw his chalk hard at Akira's head making him snap his head back up from his desk, his face still weary. "Mm!? Wha-?" he mumble. You contained your giggle from behind your hand, but you instantly realized that you have to help him out once again.

Akira on the other hand, was stone cold when his eyes caught Ushimaru's. His eyes were dark, piercing and angry. 'Oh crap!' Akira exclaimed in his head. "Answer the question Kurusu-san." the teacher demanded. Akira's was blank. He didn't even hear the question, how is supposed to answer? "Ah....it's um...." Akira stuttered. A soft cough was heard beside him and he turned to you. You were looking at the front of the class, but as you lowered and opened you right hand, Akira would see the word "Logic" written on the palm of your hand. The word clicked in his brain and he opened his mouth. "L-Logic, sir." He answered. Removing the scowl form his face, Ushimaru silently scoffs at him. "That is correct, looks like you were listening." he said before turning back to the board. Akira sighed tiredly and rubbed his nose bridge roughly. 'That was way too close.' he groaned in his head. You stared at him from the corner of your eye and cracked a small smile before removing it and paying full attention to the lesson.

Once class has finally ended, Akira walked out of the class once again in a good mood once again. "That girl saved me once again, I should really thank her when I get the chance." He hummed happily. After a while, Akira would stop to see Kamoshida walking towards his savior and Takamaki. "Takamaki, (L/N), any of you looking for a ride home? I heard about all the recent accidents happening lately, it'll be dangerous for the two of you to go alone." he offered with a wide grin. Both you and Takamaki shook your heads in rejection. "Sorry, but I have a photoshoot today. It's the special summer issue this time, and I can't miss it." Takamaki replied. 'I'd rather take the risk than sit in the same car with you.' you retorted in thought as you crossed your arms and turned you head away. "Hey now, I know the two of you have your business to take care of, but aren't the two of your tired? Takamaki, you mentioned you weren't feeling well right? And (L/N) you're looking a bit pale recently as well." "Yes, I planned to go to the hospital, but I've been so busy lately, I'm sorry to worry you." Takamaki said. 'When I'm working with a slave driver like you why wouldn't I be?.' you snapped back in your head. "You two must be lonely as well, keeping your best friend at practice so often. I feel bad, and why I helpedyou both out in the first place." he said.

Takamaki only smiled while you just rolled your eyes.. "Oh, and I would watch out for that transfer student as well. He just spells trouble." Kamoshida added. 'Excuse me? Standing right here idiot.' Akira scoffed in irritation. "Well I'll have to thank you, but I have to go. Please excuse me." Takamaki said before turning to you first then walking away. You narrowed your eyes then began to leave as well. "Wait (y/n). Are you sure you don't want a ride home? Who knows, as my assistant, we should get to "know" each other more while we work together." Kamoshida asked with a smile. Unlike Takamaki, who declines his offers with a smile, you ignored him and kept walking. Leaving Kamoshida to click his tongue and walk off as well.

Akira smirked a little. 'Smart girl.' he commented as he continued on through the hallway. As he walked, however, in the back of his mind, he thinks about his time with you yesterday. During the walk, he noticed a prickling heated gaze on his back the whole time he was with you. It was as if someone was following the both of you the entire time. Luckily for him, the heat cooled down as soon as the two of you parted ways at the stations, but he couldn't help but feel like this was a constant routine you've been through. The heated gaze, the feeling of being followed, Akira instantly felt concerned. "Maybe next time I'll ask her about that. He mumbled.

As Akira exited the building, he would feel someone patted his back afterwards. The boy turned around to see Ryuji, greeting im with a wide friendly smile. "Yo." he greeted. Akira smiled back at him. "Hey." he greeted back. "So....I want to talk about that castle from yesterday again. It's hard to be convinced that this is all a dream. I can't play dumb about this, I know this is connected to Kamoshida somehow." he exclaimed determinedly. Akira crossed his arms. It's true that the events at that castle can't be a dream, and that alternative Kamoshida is a force to be reckoned with as well. "That's why I want you to come with me. You're the only one here I can rely on. So, you in?" Ryuji asked. It's not like Akira had much of a choice, he's curious as well and he also needs more details about this power.....or 'Persona' he has. "Sure, I'm in." He replied. Ryuji fist pumped in the air excitedly. "I knew you'd agree with me!" he shouted with confidence. Akira gave out a light chuckle as he rolled his eyes and shook his head. "So what now? How'd you suppose we get there?" Akira asked.

Ryuji crossed his arms and tilted his head. "Hmm, we should try retracing our steps from yesterday. We managed to get there that way right? Let's go together and let's see if we can find anything strange along the way." he said. Akira nodded in agreement, but before he could follow Ryuji he looked back at the school entrance with narrowed eyes. 'Will she be ok?' he questioned in concern. "Hey Akira? Whatcha looking at? Let's go!" Ryuji exclaimed. Akira looks at Ryuji again before glancing at the entrance doors then started to follow him past the gate.

The two started to look around as they walked side by side. "If such a huge castle exists, then we should have no trouble finding it." Ryuji commented. "You think so? How'd they even take the time or space to even build something like that?" Akira asked. "Don't know, that's why it's so weird. You'd think we'd be able to see it here." Ryuji replied. "Maybe we took a wrong turn somewhere?" Akira suggested. Ryuji let out an annoyed groan. "Maybe, let's head back. He passed Akira and went off. "Hey wait up." Akira said as he followed after Ryuji.

Just like before, nothing has changed in their surroundings. The school was still there and the area around the school was completely normal. "What...? We're at the school..." Ryuji stated with his face twisted in confusion. "We took the same pathway this time right?" Akira asked. "Yeah, but I don't see the castle. We have to try again!" Ryuji exclaimed. "Again?" Akira whined. "Come on, you said you'll be with me on this." Ryuji stated once again. Letting out a light whine of defeat, Akira sighs afterwards. "Fine. Let's check back." he groans as he walked off with Ryuji following after.

Despite their efforts, the two returned back to the school, they see that once again, nothing has changed from the building before them. In defeat Ryuji leaned against the wall. "Is the castle a lot smaller than we think it is?" Ryuji asked. "It can't be." replied Akira. Akira then pulled out his phone then it hit him as soon as he turned it on. "Hey Ryuji check your phone." he said. Ryuji shook his head, "I already did that, and I didn't see the location on it-" Ryuji brown eyes suddenly widened. "Wait, phone...." he trailed. "Telling by that reaction, you're thinking the same thing?" Akira asked. "Well something like that ...I've heard some weird info about it. Let me see your phone for a bit." Ryuji said. After Akira handed over his phone to Ryuji, from afar he hears unsteady footsteps from behind him. Looking behind him, he sees nothing unusual. "Hm? What's up Akira?" Ryuji asked. Narrowing his eyes, Akira turned back to Ryuji. "It's nothing." he replied. Ryuji stared at him in confusion before he shrugged it off and set his attention back to Akira's phone. "Huh? What's this eye shaped app?" Ryuji asked. "Don't know. It just appeared on my phone. Cute isn't it?" Akira asked with a smile. "Not how I'll describe it." Ryuji replied. Ryuji taps on the app then broke into a wide grin. "Score. See? It IS a navigation app. It even has your search history! Ain't I a genius or what?" Ryuji boasted in pride. "No need to toot your own horn hotshot." Akira mumbled. "Let's use this one." Ryuji suggested. "I don't know about that idea Ryuji." Akira said with hesitation. "Why? We're just startin' an app. What's there to worry about?" he asked. As soon as Ryuji said that, a voice came from the phone. "Kamoshida ...Shujin Academy......Pervert ...Castle ...Beginning Navigation." "Heh... Got it! Now all we have to do is follow the same direction we-"

The area around the two teens suddenly colored themselves in a dark shade of purple which shocked Akira tremendously. "Hey, What are you-?" It didn't take long for the blondie to notice his surroundings and he was just as shocked as Akira. "What the hell!?" he shouted.

On Akira's phone, it begins to glitch and malfunction, showing an eerie symbol of an eyeball on the screen. It was then that Akira and Ryuji noticed that slowly they were being swallowed up in a red and black void that not only unharmed the two in result, but changed the school building into the very castle they were looking for the entire time. The two were astonished to find it once again, Ryuji however, was more surprised about it than ever. "I can't believe it, it's the castle from yesterday!" he exclaimed before running towards the front entrance.
Slowly, Akira followed him. "If we made it here today, that means that the time from yesterday, was real after all." Ryuji said looking at Akira. "Gah..! Those clothes!" He exclaimed. Akira stared confusingly at the boy before looking at his gloved hand in surprise. "That happened last time too! What is even with that get-up!?" Ryuji shouted.

Curving his lips into a smirk, Akira looked at Ryuji. "Why? You jelly?" he teased. "S-Shut up, I ain't jealous!" Ryuji stuttered in reply. "But seriously though, what the heck is going on? This makes no effin' sense at all...." he continued. "Hey, you guys!" a familiar voice called out to them. Approaching before them was none other that Morgana, as he frowned at the two while crossing his arms.
"Stop making such a commotion the shadows are on high alert right now. I came to check the source, to think I'd see you two back here." he said.
"What exactly is here?" Ryuji asked as he looked up at the castle. "This is Shujin Academy, right?" Akira asked. In response, Morgana nods. "That's right, no matter how you see it." Ryuji protested aggressively. "But I am seeing it! And I'm seeing a castle!" Ryuji shouted. Morgana sighed and shook his head. "I mean, this castle IS the school." Morgana reassured.
"It is made as the ruler sees fit." Akira tilted his head. "The ruler?" he repeated. Morgana nods again. "Yeah, I believe you two refer to him as 'Kamoshida' correct? This castle is proof of his distorted desires. It's how he views the school." Morgana explained.

Placing his hand under his chin, Akira nodded in understanding. "I see. That would make more sense now, due to the recent events that happened to us." he said. Ryuji's face twisted in confusion and in annoyance before shaking his head and glared at the cat. "Talk with more sense cat! I can't understand you!" he shouted. Morgana sighed shamefully and shook his head in pity. "I'm not the least surprised that a moron like you could understand." he insulted lowly. "Mind repeating that for me cat?" Ryuji growled.

Before Morgana can make a snappy comeback, a scream was heard from the castle, making the three turned their attention to the castle walls. "What the hell was that!?" Ryuji shouted. "It's probably the slaves here...." Morgana answered. Both Ryuji and Akira widened their eyes. "Slaves!? For real!? Ryuji questioned loudly before hearing another painful scream was heard from the castle walls. "Those screams were the same ones from yesterday, and if I remember correctly, they even looked like the students from our school." he added. "This is probably on the ruler's order, nothing new. It's an everyday routine here, and to add more to the table, you two escaped yesterday. That must have made him sour." Morgana added. Ryuji's hands curled into a tight fist, his blood boiling with undeniable anger. "That bastard....." Ryuji growled in between gritted teeth. Both eyes were on the blonde now. "Ryuji?" Morgana called out. "You piece of shit!" the boy suddenly shouted, ramming into the door, making it shake just a tad bit. He then uses his fists once more to bang on the giant wooden door out of rage. "Damn you Kamoshida! Damn you!" He continued. "It's not going to open that way you know." Morgana stated. Ryuji stayed silent for a moment then looked over at Morgana. "Hey, MonaMona." he called out. "For the last time, it's Morgana!" the black cat shouted. "Whatever, do you know how we can get back in there?" Ryuji asked. Morgana crossed his arms. "You want me to take you to them, is that what you're asking?" Morgana questioned. With a pause, Ryuji nodded his head which made Morgana turn to Akira. "Hm. As long as this guy comes along with us, I have no objections." He responded. Ryuji looked at Akira as well, the messy haired teen nods almost immediately. "Sure let's go." He replied. Instantly Ryuji chocolate hues brightened. "For real dude!? You're the best!" he shouted. "Well it's settled then, follow me!" Morgana said before taking off. With a grin, Ryuji followed after Morgana. Akira stood for a moment before running after the two.

"You know, people would actually like you if you'd just come out of your shell for just a little bit."


"I've noticed that you've been talking more lately, why don't you warm up to me now, 'Sweetheart'?"


"Come on-"





"...........................Heh. So, this is how you want to play? You should know that you will not win this correct? If you oppose me, what will happen to you and your brother?"


"With that incident that happened a few weeks back, could really get you in trouble, meaning you'd be leaving your poor younger brother all alone right? And what will happen then?"


"That's it.....my beautiful silent monarch, just be quiet and let it happen. I promise, I'll take good care of you."



"Grk! Tch, you damn bitch! I'll get you for this!!"

You couldn't breath, the world around you is fuzzy, your heart is in an unsteady rhythm that refuses to calm down, no matter how many times you're trying to calm yourself. Then there's your body. You could still feel the masculine touch that lingers on your skin, cold sweat drips from every inch of your body. Curled up in a corner, inside an empty classroom, you begin to silently weep. Somehow, you feel as if you deserve all the hate and violation that has been thrown at you. That incident that happened two weeks ago, you didn't mean for it to happen. All you wanted was to keep your location a secret from your father, your abusive and alcoholic father. You didn't want him to fall down the stairs and die with a fatal blow on his head. You didn't mean it and yet it happened. It was all your fault, you couldn't deny it any longer. Taking out your phone, you turned it on, planning to call Jason or Kisana, to pick you up, but then you realized that he could still be waiting for you outside, and if he sees either one of them. You let out a shaky sigh, and curled up even more. You were stuck, nowhere to go, and no one to call out to. As you looked at your phone again, you hear faint footsteps heading your way.

A mixture of fear and anxiety overflowed once again, and you can feel your heart beat faster, and your unsteady breaths become even more frantic than before. Too scared to get up and run away, you began to whimper loudly as soon as you heard the door shake. "Oh god.....please.....someone. Please.....get me out of here!!"

The door abruptly opens. Walking in and looked around a voice spoke out. "(Y/N)? It's Kawakami. You're in here?" There was nothing but silence, the corner of the room was suddenly empty, which made Kawakami arch an eyebrow and sighed. "That's strange. I could've sworn I saw her run here. Was her voice just an illusion as well?" She questioned before leaving the empty classroom.

And that's it!! Finally, for once I'm happy that school is finally back. I now have access to a computer, but don't worry, I will be getting a computer for christmas and knowing mother time, it will fly by before you can even say 'KamoShita'. Also 3.5K!? This is the highest I ever got with my stories and I'm happy!! Thank you guys so much!! I promise to work harder and do my best for you wonderful people. As for the poll I'm still looking for votes for Reader's weapons, so don't hesitate to comment your choice in the previous chapter! So for now!


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