My Beautiful Devil (Gale) {Fa...

By chello_8893

30.6K 1K 387

A man who is hell-bent on getting revenge. A woman who just wants to find love. They were connected by a chan... More

Unexpected Reunion
That Damn Smile
Red Tag
I Trust You
Just This Once
Not Going to Work

Just a Dream

7.4K 162 54
By chello_8893

“Gajeel,” the blue-haired woman cooed, rubbing my bare chest with her delicate hands. “Don’t tell me you’re going to make me wait forever.”

As I stared down at the small woman lying under me, I suddenly wondered how the hell I had gotten there—how she had gotten there. I was asleep, wasn’t I? Is this just a dream?

“You’re spacing out,” she sighed a small smirk playing at her lips. “Am I boring you?” With the tiniest flick of her wrist, she brought my head down to hers, and our lips met. I groaned when she licked my bottom lip and opened my mouth for her.

“Gajeel,” she whispered, grabbing a handful of my hair and pulling, “I can’t wait any longer.”

I groaned again as I gently parted her legs with my knee. “I love you,” I told her, pulling away to meet her hazel eyes.

She chuckled, flipping me onto my back. “I know. My sweet, sweet boy.”

“Gajeel!” I sat straight up in bed, breathing heavily.

“Gajeel, come on! We’re going to be late!” My roommate, Natsu Dragneel, called as he banged loudly on my door.

“I’m comin’!” I snapped, still flustered from my dream. No, it hadn’t been a dream. It had been a memory.

I quickly threw on my work clothes—black pants, a white button-up with a sleeveless black vest over top, and a pair of black dress shoes—and ran out the door after Natsu. It was nearly time for graduation from the academy, and all of the new recruits had been placed undercover for our final training. The results of this mission would determine who got to graduate and, ultimately, who was enlisted to become an Eradicator.

In a world where supernatural beings lived in the shadows, killing humans, it was up to the Eradicators to keep their existence a secret—and to keep them from killing anymore innocent humans. I had heard of the academy the year after I graduated high school, and had immediately jumped on board to join.

Those who have an experience with a supernatural being and live to tell about it face two futures. One, have your memory erased and forget about it, or two, become an Eradicator. Even if you aren’t a fighter, there are plenty of jobs among the different ranks. There were intelligence officers, undercover operatives, teachers at the academy, weapons specialists, and flat-out soldiers who specialized in extermination of the supernaturals.

Natsu and I were interested in becoming undercover operatives, and had been training for three years at the academy. Finally, graduation was right around the corner. I couldn’t wait to get a real assignment. Along with our friend, Gray Fullbuster, Natsu and I were at the top of our class, on our way to becoming high-ranking Eradicators. And then I’ll finally find you.

“Redfox, Dragneel, Fullbuster,” our commander, Makarov, said, bringing us to attention.

“Yes, sir!” We chorused, waiting for his orders.

“As you know, this restaurant is in a red-flag area. Meaning, several supernaturals have been sighted in the area. Because this restaurant is busy, we suspect that some will try to sneak in and take a few humans as they come and go from the seating area. Your job is to quietly take out any you see inside, and keep a close eye on the doors.”

“Right,” we nodded.

“The owner is a good friend of mine, and he’s been made aware that you three will be coming in tonight to guard the restaurant. He’ll give you instructions once you’re inside. Now, get to it.”

“This is going to be boring,” Natsu complained as we made our way inside. “There’s going to be barely anything to do!”

“Be thankful that we even got an assignment,” Gray snapped. “Some of the groups have to wait a few weeks before they can go under cover. We’re the first group, so we can finish here quickly and graduate by the end of the week.”

“I guess,” Natsu sighed.

Once we met with Makarov’s friend, we were assigned different locations around the restaurant. Natsu was placed by the front door, greeting customers as they came in and watching the streets for any supernaturals. Gray was placed on the East side of the floor, and I was placed to the West. After we got started, the night went by quickly. Natsu took out three vampires in the first couple of hours, and by the end of the night he had killed one more, plus a banshee. Gray managed to purify a poltergeist, take out two vampires, and kill a shifter. Compared to them, my night was incredibly boring. I only killed two shifters and one Oni.

“Great job, boys,” Makarov said once we got back to our rendezvous point in the park. “No one was hurt, and no one saw you, so I’d say you three were quite successful.”

“So,” Natsu grinned, “when do we graduate?”

“Actually, I’m awarding you three with your badges and uniforms tonight,” Makarov smiled, chuckling at the look of shock on all of our faces.

“Why so soon?” I asked.

“A big assignment just came in from the higher-ups, and I think you three would be perfect for the job. You’re going to be debriefed in the morning, so get some rest and meet me at the office tomorrow.” He gave us our uniforms—black pants, red t-shirts, and black jackets—and our badges before dismissing us.

“We actually did it!” Natsu cheered as we walked home. “I wonder what kind of assignment Gramps has planned for us?”

“It must be important if he wanted us on it immediately,” Gray frowned.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “I’ve got a bad feeling about it, too.”

That bad feeling increased as I laid in bed, trying to get some sleep. “What are you up to, old man?” I wondered, finally feeling myself be lulled away by the sweet bliss of sleep. Unfortunately, it was never as blissful as I hoped, thanks to my unwelcome intruder.

“Gajeel!” The blue-haired woman squealed, jumping into my arms. “You were gone for so long,” she pouted, kissing me softly. “I was beginning to miss you.”

“Natsu wouldn’t leave me alone,” I sighed, holding her tightly against me.

“I have a surprise for you,” she smiled, jumping out of my arms.

“What is it?” I asked as she grabbed my hand and led me through the small house. When did we get back to my house? I wondered, looking around. My mom always worked late, and I had never really known my father, so I practically lived in the house alone. I went to school, came home, and enjoyed the quiet. It was always like that.

That is, until I had met her. I bumped into her just the day before, and hadn’t been able to get her out of my mind since. I had nearly convinced myself that she was some kind of angel—especially given the fact that she wouldn’t tell me her name. She just teased me, saying it was more fun to make me guess.

“So, what’s the surprise?” I asked again, frowning when she closed my door behind us and shut off the light.

As my eyes adjusted, I heard the faint ruffling of clothes before something hit the ground. When she came closer, I could finally see her, and I realized what the noise had been.

“W-What are you doing?” I asked, feeling my face heat up as I stared down at her naked body in shock.

“Your surprise,” she purred, shoving me back until my legs hit the bed and I tumbled backwards onto it. She giggled, climbing on top of me as she pulled my shirt over my head. Her lips crushed against mine before I could respond, and I felt like I was floating. It wasn’t until she pulled away that I realized I was also naked.

“Wait—Wait!” I gasped, shoving her.

She grabbed my arms as she fell back, pulling me on top of her with a laugh. “Why are you so embarrassed?” She asked, trailing kisses across my jaw and down my neck.

“I, well, this is—“

With a small gasp, she pulled away and met my eyes. “Gajeel, are you a virgin?”

“You don’t have to say it so bluntly,” I growled, looking away from her.

“Me too.” I looked at her, shocked. “But, I want this. Don’t you?” She asked, putting her hands on my face.

“I—“ Did I? Looking down at the beautiful woman, I couldn’t imagine anything I wanted more. But, something kept tugging me, almost insisting that this was too good to be true. She was too beautiful, and too good to want someone like me—a teenage delinquent who would probably never amount to anything but trouble.

“I do,” I nodded, meeting her lips once more. We kissed like that for a long time, neither one of us willing to pull away. When my lungs pleaded for air, I pulled away just long enough that I could begin kissing down her neck. I nipped her collarbone, causing a small gasp to escape her lips.

“Gajeel,” she cooed, rubbing my bare chest with her delicate hands. “Don’t tell me you’re going to make me wait forever.”

I stared down at her again, unable to believe how beautiful she was. And she’s with me. Out of any man she could have, she chose me.

“You’re spacing out,” she sighed a small smirk playing at her lips. “Am I boring you?” With the tiniest flick of her wrist, she brought my head down to hers and our lips met. I groaned when she licked my bottom lip and opened my mouth for her. Again, I was flying, unaware of anything but the feel of her lips on mine.

“Gajeel,” she whispered, grabbing a handful of my hair and pulling, “I can’t wait any longer.”

I groaned again as I gently parted her legs with my knee. “I love you,” I told her, pulling away to meet her hazel eyes. I hadn’t realized it until that moment, but I knew I did. It may have been stupid to say, and for all I knew it would scare her off, but I had to tell her.

She chuckled, flipping me onto my back. “I know. My sweet, sweet boy.” Kissing me again, she lowered herself onto me, sighing against my lips. Slowly, her hips moved against mine, and I could feel myself getting lost in her touch. Her nails lightly scraped down my chest as her hips increased speed, and I moaned. I wasn’t sure how long this went on, but all too soon I felt myself come apart. My muscles clenched, and I found my release, groaning as she kissed me until I had come down from my high.

When it was over, I pulled her into my arms and held her tightly, kissing the top of her head. “I love you,” I repeated, feeling suddenly incredibly weak.

“I know,” she smiled. “Sleep now, my Gajeel.”

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! My alarm clock jolted me from my dream, and I sighed. Again, the same memory.

When I had woken up the next morning, the blue-haired woman had been gone, and I hadn’t seen her since. That was over five years ago. After joining the academy, I questioned Makarov about her, and had been told exactly who she was—or, rather, what she was. A succubus.

Thinking about it now, my blood boiled in anger over how stupid I had been. I had known she was too perfect, yet I hadn’t let that stop me. The fact that she appeared out of nowhere—a nameless angel with her eyes on me—should have told me something was wrong. Being the idiot I was at only sixteen, I never put two and two together.

Hell, I even searched for her after she disappeared. I had some naïve delusion that I loved a woman whom I had known for two days, and that she felt the same. I couldn’t imagine her just up and leaving like that, so I spent the next year searching for her. After that, I accepted reality. I had been played. Not only that, but I realized there was no way I could have loved a complete stranger.

I was an idiot back then, I sighed to myself as I put on my uniform. Luckily, I had grown out of that idiocy. Although, that same feeling still hit me right in the chest every once in a while when I thought about her, making me think I really did love her. I shook myself. “She was a succubus,” I told myself, “that’s what they do. They enchant you, fuck you, then disappear.” Given the reputation of most succubi, I was quite lucky that she had let me live, to be honest.

“Gajeel, ready to go?” Natsu asked, knocking on my door.

“Yeah,” I said, following him towards Makarov’s office. It was located in an old apartment building—the perfect place for Eradicators to come and go unnoticed. Some even lived there, giving the place an even more believable cover.

“About time you two showed up,” Gray smirked, meeting us inside.

“Tell slowpoke,” Natsu rolled his eyes, jabbing a thumb in my direction.


“Good, you’re all here,” Makarov commented as he entered the office and shut the door behind him. “Let’s get straight to it, shall we?” We nodded, waiting for him to explain our first assignment. “I’m sending you three on a long-term undercover operation. It will last about three months, so you’ll need to take care of everything here today before you leave tonight.”

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“To a town called Magnolia. It’s only a day’s journey away by train, but you will have to remain in Magnolia until the end of your assignment. Coming back here would be too risky.”

“How so?”

“You’re going to be living in a supernatural guild for the next three months,” Makarov grinned.

I felt my jaw drop, and knew my teammates had shared my reaction. “We’re going to be living with them?” I asked, stunned.

“This guild is quite special,” Makarov nodded, continuing. “They have had an arrangement with the academy for some time. We leave them alone, and they protect Magnolia from malevolent supernaturals.”

“Then why are we going there?” Gray frowned.

“Things in Magnolia have been slowly getting worse. More supernaturals have been showing up, and innocent lives have been lost. We aren’t sure if Fairy Tail has decided to disregard the academy’s agreement, or if they are merely in over their heads. Either way, you three are going to become new members of the guild and keep an eye on things.”

“Gramps, I think there’s a problem there,” Natsu frowned.

“Yes, Natsu?”

“We’re human.”

“I was getting to that,” Master grinned. “Your official assignment will be to protect three of the leaders there. Keep a close eye on them, and report back if you find anything suspicious. There are two other operatives there now—Dreyer and Fernandez—and they will fill you in on the finer details. As for identities, your names are all fine since you just became Eradicators. But, you will be undercover as employees of the king, sent to assist Dreyer and Fernandez in protecting the leaders. Alright?”

“Who is it we’re pretending to protect?” I asked.

“Dreyer has that information. Now, you three can return home and make arrangements for your three-month absence. I’ll expect you to catch the 6pm train to Magnolia, so don’t be late.”

“Sir!” We nodded, leaving once he dismissed us.

“This sure is a backwards job,” I grumbled to Natsu as we made our way home.


“We’ve spent three years training how to kill these monsters, and now we’re expected to live with them for three months? Not only that, but we have to pretend to protect them. I don’t care about some old agreement—supernaturals are bad, and trusting them is an even worse idea.”

“You’re just jaded because of your dream succubus,” Natsu snickered.

“I’m tellin’ ya, she was real, damn it,” I snapped.

“I’m sure she was,” he grinned, “but that doesn’t mean you weren’t just dreaming. A lot of succubi just invade a man’s dreams, and have sex with him there. From what you’ve told me, you really thought it was actually happening.”

“Because it did.”

“It’s just weird,” he shrugged. “That’s not usually how succubi work.”

“I know that,” I growled. “I’ve spent 3 years researching the damned things, so I know how they usually work.”

“I still think you’re just pissed because you got played. Not only that, but she ran away with your virginity. In a way, she kind of dined and dashed.” He nearly fell over, laughing so hard at his own awful joke.

“If you don’t shut up, I’m going to punch you,” I threatened.

He merely laughed, disappearing into his room to pack for the trip.

“Pink-haired bastard,” I grumbled, doing the same. I threw a few outfits in a duffel bag and changed out of my uniform, folding it and putting it in my dresser for when I returned.

As I stood on the platform that night waiting for the train, that bad feeling slowly began creeping back into my stomach. Something about this is off. I have a feeling Master didn’t tell us everything.

“Well, here we go,” I sighed, getting onto the train.

WHOO!!! There's the first chapter!! :D I've been wanting to do some smutty Gale for a while, so I decided that my Wattpadaversary was the perfect time! 

Also, I realize "Eradicator" is a mouthful, and sounds kind of weird, but I didn't want to call them hunters, and that was the only other kind of nice name I could think of. Exterminators was just too...harsh? Meh, it'll work unless I find something better! ^_^

(Ohhh!!!! And, go read @BambooGreen 's Halloween-celebration Gale fanfic! It's called "The Wolf and The Shapeshifter" and it's amazing~!)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, Fairies! <3 I'll try to post the next one soon! (And I'm working on updating my others, too! Sorry for the wait!)

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