Little Red > Shadowhunters >...

By TheDragonHippy

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"Back off or I'll cut you" "Your like 5.3 you don't scare me little red" A/B/O Dynamics SLOW UPDATES (Jace x... More

Season One
The Mortal Cup
The Descent Into Hell Isnt Easy
Dead Man's Party
Raising Hell
Moo Shoo To Go
Of Men And Angels
Major Arcana
Bad Blood
Rise Up
This World Inverted
Who The Fuck Is Renwick
Morning Star
Season Two
The Guilty Blood
A Door Into The Dark
Lost Parabatai
Day Of The Wrath
Dust And Shadows
The Iron Sisters
How Are Thou Fallen
Love is a devil


6.9K 164 64
By TheDragonHippy

STOMACH TIED in knots Indiana stood alone, in the early hours of the morning, watching her mom. Indiana was getting married. Mated. And her mother wasn't gonna be there to watch, the Omega wasn't too sure how to feel.
She was sad, always imagining her mom walking her down to isle but things were so different now, she was getting mated, not to one but two amazing men and her mother hadn't even met them.
She missed her mom, that was a given, but she couldn't help but feel the unquenchable anger towards her. She had left her in the dark about her birth rite, her world, and the thought of not being in this world, not meeting Alec and Jace, well that just made her even angrier.
The gentle touch of a hand grabbing her own drew her attention to her sister, who too looked for comfort in the form of their unconscious mother. Pulling her hand away, still angry about the previous nights revelation they stand in silence. Two girls felt content to finally have their mom safe after all this time.

Footsteps entered the room, alerting Indiana to Luke's presence,
"She looks so out of it, unreachable, so far off. She feels distant. She's here but not really." Indi told her family,
"She's gonna be fine." Clary said,
"I'm sorry, Indi, Clary. We should have told you everything before this got-" Luke tried to apologise, but it did little good now,
"Luke, we can hash all that out when we wake Mom up. The important thing now is that we have her back." Clary said as the twins looked at their mother in hope.

"I was looking for you Indi. How long have you been here? I don't mean to interrupt your-" The brunette Beta apologises looking at the three,
"No, stay for a minute." Clary says as Indiana smiles softly, butterfly's rushing round her body at the sight of her Beta,
"I gotta get back to the station. Call me if anything changes?" Luke says before exiting the room and the institute.

"So, how is she?" The Beta gently asks entwining his fingers with the shorter redheads,
"The same, I guess." Clary says,
"Still unconscious, unmoving, unaware. It hurts." Indi whispers burying her head into Alec's chest.

"Alec, I know you and I don't always see eye to eye on things. Actually, we never see eye to eye on anything, but I do want to thank you for everything you've done to get my mom back." Clary says,
"Actually I-I should thank you two. I don't know what would have happened to Isabelle after the trial if you hadn't returned the Cup. You saved my sister, so thank you." Alec expresses his gratitude.
"Okay too much. A whole new world I can handle but you two thanking each other, way too much." Indi chuckles softly,

Both the Shadowhunters laugh in agreement, Indiana's phone begins to vibrate, excusing herself she steps away,
"Hey Mag." She says,
"Kitten tell me why I have to hear about your engagement from someone that's not you!" He berates causing Indiana to laugh,
"Sorry Mag, it's just so much has happened-" She starts,
"Oh kitten I was only joking." He cuts her off,
"So do you know where your going to do your second rune?" He asks curiously,
"What's that?" Indiana inquires,
"Oh kitten you must come over so we can talk. Shadow World Matings are different from mundane marriages." He states lightly as Indiana's nerves pick up.
"See you soon." Is all she says before making her way out of the institute and towards Magnus.


"Magnus you said they were different, how different did you mean?" Indi asks as she sits on his couch,
"Well for a starter you wear gold not white."
Magnus grins,
"That I can deal with." Indiana smiles,
"Where mundane would exchange rings, you will draw a mating rune on each partners arm. But another rune must be drawn on each parters heart, some Shadowhunters choose to do this on public others in private." Magnus explains as Indiana places her hand on her heart imagining the burn,
"What else?" Indi asks wanting to be completely prepared,
"Now the mating bite is always done in private-" Magnus is quickly cut off,
"Woah hang on a fucking bite, their gonna bite me!" Indiana shouts with panic,
"And you will bite them as well." Magnus answers with amusement.

"Moving past that who will be your suggenes?" Magnus questions,
"My what?" Indi asks cluelessly,
"That person who gives you away kitten." Magnus dutifully explains,
"Oh I don't know. It would have been Clary but-." Indiana pauses, she couldn't imagine Clary walking her down the isle anymore,
"I always thought my mom would walk me down the isle. And yet here we are my mom hasn't even met the people I'm mating and won't be at the wedding. Funny how things turn out isn't it." Her voice is quiet as her eyes let tears well up.


Back at the institute Indiana calls Simon, desperate to hear the voice of her best friend,
"Hey, Indi." Indiana smiles at the sound of his voice,
"What's goin' on?" He asks,
"I just, uh, needed to hear your voice." She almost whispers,
"Are you okay? You sound upset." Simon panics,
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just getting married and my mom won't be there but yeah totally fine." She paces round the room, desperately trying to hold a strong facade,
"So how's your mom? I mean, I can't believe you actually rescued her." She can hear on the smile in his voice as he says this,
"Still unconscious but, she's not with Valentine and that's all I can focus on. You glass half full and all that." She laughs gently,
"When can I see her?" Simon asks because though not related Jocelyn had always been a second mom to him,
"How about tomorrow night? She's here at the infirmary. Plus, it's my wedding, so I'd love if you'd come and be my suggenes and walk me down the isle." She had thought about it a while, her mom couldn't give her way, she didn't want Clary and but she wanted family to do it, and Simon was family. Simon was her brother.
"Really? I thought Clary would." Simon stammers,
"It's not really possible right now, as she is apparently falling in love with Jace, but Simon your not just my best friend, your my brother and I want you to walk me down." She explains,
"So, please come." She practically begs,
"I'd love to. But I might be a little bit late, you know, with the sun and all." Simon lightens the mood,
"You are the best. I'll see you tomorrow. Love you." She smiles,
"Yeah. I love you too." He replies and she ends the call smiling widely. Before climbing into bed.


"Good morning Little Red." Jace addressed the Omega with a smile as they took a seat at the, joining Magnus,
"Only good?" Indi questioned lightly,
"Great. Actually, probably one of the best." He fixed his smile growing,
"Only probably?" Indi again teased.

"While this conversation is no doubt adorable, remind me why we couldn't do this at my place? At least there we'd have cocktails." Magnus interrupted the two engaged Shadowhunters on the morning of their wedding. Clary soon joined the group and tension filled the air, suffocating the three Shadowhunters and amusing one warlock.

"It's 9:00 in the morning." Clary replied avoiding eye contact with both the blond and shorter redhead,
"Angel knows I could use a fucking drink. Regardless of the time." Indi mutters under her breath, still hurt by her sisters actions,
"It's nine o'clock somewhere." Magnus adds.

"We invited you here, Magnus, because Hodge can't leave the Institute. He's an important part of this mission." Jace supplies the warlock with an answer,
"Well, then, where is our tardy little tutor?" Magnus jests,
"Pardon the delay, Magnus. I was following up on a lead. Now, we've narrowed down our list of warlocks to these three." Hodge says walking towards the group, pulling up some pictures on screen,
"Why is Ragnor Fell up there? He's not more powerful than I am." Magnus asked somewhat petulantly.

"Of course not Mags." Indiana placates the warlock,
"Well, some would disagree. He is older than you." Hodge adds,
"Certainly not wiser." Magnus informs,
"Who is Ragnor Fell?" Clary asks quietly, afraid of the reactions her presence might prompt, due to recent truths,
"The former High Warlock of London." Jace says stoically, avoiding eye contact with the taller redhead, instead dropping a kiss of the cheek onto the shorter ginger,
"And one of my oldest friends. Very prickly, likes to keep to himself." Magnus informs, the corner of his mouth upturned in amusement at the groups tension.

"Okay, look. We just need to figure out which one of these warlocks had enough access to Jocelyn that they could create the potion for her without anyone discovering what they'd done. By the early '90s, Ragnor was a professor at the Shadowhunter Academy in Idris." Hodge states, the group listening intently,
"Isn't that when my mother lived there? Could he have made the potion for her?" Clary adds,
"The little bugger! That's why he hasn't responded to my fire message. Ever since Valentine began hunting warlocks, Ragnor's been holed up in his secret country house just outside of London.
For all I know, Ragnor suspected my fire message was a ploy by Valentine to lure him out of hiding. We'll have to confront him face-to-face." Magnus smiles at the thought of his old friend,
"You're going on this mission?" Jace asks holding the growl from his voice. Despite knowing Magnus and Indiana were just friends, his possessive over the Omega did not dim.
"Of course! I'm the only one Ragnor trusts." Magnus points out as a familiar brunette joins the group.
"Be careful today. You must be back in one piece for our mating." He whispers into his partners ears causing a shiver to travel down the Omegas spine,
"Oh I wouldn't miss it for world. Besides I'm looking forward to a little bite later." Jace adds and the Omegas eyes flutter closed.
The two sets of hand on her waist burnt hot and thoughts of teeth sinking into her neck, for the purpose of mating, sent jolts of pleasure through her body.
"You gotta let go if you want me to actually go on the mission instead of melting into a puddle." Indiana whispers in reply eliciting small growls from both men.

"Magnus figured out that Ragnor Fell is the warlock who can wake my mom. We're just about to bring him back to the Institute." Clary interrupts, her eyes shining with undeserved anger towards the two people holding the blond Alpha,
"How can I help?" Alec added,
"We already told you Alec, we handle the mission, you handle the mating. Can you imagine me meeting emissaries from the Clave." Indiana laughs and some tension leaves Alec's body,
"Besides we're just recovering a warlock Alec. We'll be fine." Jace adds before turning to the group.
"Get ready. We leave in an hour." Before grabbing both Alec and Indiana and walking away with the intent to steal another kiss.

"Jace. Jace, slow down. We need to talk about this." Clary only addresses the blond, ignoring both his mate and his soon to be one,
"Talk about what? We're good, okay?" He mutters desperately wanting her to leave,
"No, we're not. At least I'm not. We need to talk about what Valentine said about me." Clary says and Indiana stops.
"You are supposed to be my sister. From the beginning you have known I was interested in them and even now when we're to be mates you still pursue him! Even if Jace wasn't into me he already has a Beta, who you didn't even try to get along with and if you for even one second thought he would leave Alec for you then you don't understand what being mates means." She blew up and stormed off, a blonde and brunette in tow. Leaving her sister behind with the recognition of what her actions had done.


Stepping through the portal, Jace grabs Indiana's hand and their fingers entwine. The day of their mating and they're still chasing demons and following leads, and yet somehow it's all starting to feel like a second nature to the Omega.
"Ragnor's house is just across these fields." Magnus points in the general directions,
"Let's make this quick. We'll talk to Ragnor, then Portal him back to the Institute before anyone knows we're gone." Jace instructs pulling Indi along with him, taking the lead,
"So in love with your sisters mate-to-be, huh?" Magnus asks amused, though his tone does hold some disapproval,
"I don't wanna talk about it." Jace grits his teeth, tensing up. Indiana's thumb gently draws calming circles on the Alphas fist hoping, and succeeding in calming him down,
"What, so we're just gonna be work buddies now? All about the mission, and totally ignore the huge bomb that just dropped on us." Clary snaps, wanting to talk to the blonde, she knows his forgiveness will lead to her sisters,
"Huge bomb dropped on you both? One of you definitely knew about the bomb and I'll give you a hint it wasn't Jace." Indi spits out spitefully, her temper slowly rising,

"What do you want me to say, Jace? That I was falling in love with my sister's mate?" Clary begs, her tone pleading.
"Point of fact, people often want what they can't have." Magnus adds, finding immense joy in seeing the girl who had hurt his kitten squirm in discomfort,
"Magnus, not helping." Clary snaps.
"Look I don't- I didn't mean to-
I know I messed up but I didn't choose this, I can't control my feelings." Clary whispers in shame,
"I know that. But knowing that I was with them didn't stop you. And you could've told me. It didn't have to be secret." The shortest redhead states in hurt.
"Can you forgive me?" Clary asks her sister,
"Yes. But not now." Indi replies with finality.

Seeing that conversation is over Clary tries again,
"So who's giving you away?" She asks lightly,
"Simon." Is the simple answer she is given and she tries to swallow her hurt.

"What was that?" Jace takes their attention,
"Look out! Ragnor put up wards to protect his lair." Magnus shouts as a wall of fire begins to form in their path, Jace leaps and tackles Indiana out of the way, landing on top of her,
"Hi." He whispers looking down at her,
"Hey." She looks up and their faces get closer as they forget the setting their in,
"Why is the fire green?" Clary asks loudly, obviously with the intention to break Jace and Indiana from their moment,
"It's a wall of fire that only the pure of heart and intention can pass through." Magnus explains as the pair get up,
"Are you ready?" Magnus asks, sharing a look they walk through the fire.

"Jace? Magnus? Clary? Where are you?" Indi asks as she appears on the other side of the fire wall alone, looking around she sees the top of a house,
"Ragnor fucking Fell." She mutters taking off in a sprint towards the house,
"Ragnor? Ragnor? Hello? Come on out Ragnor. I need your help. Ragnor, I know you're here. I just need to find my friends." She asks entering the house, looking around she spies many trinkets and books littering the hallway before she sees a portrait of Ragnor, at first she dismisses it but as she moves his eyes follow her and she heads towards it.

"So close, Ragnor." She mutters reaching into the painting and pulling him out,
"Well done Indiana Fairchild. I've been expecting you. You have Jocelyn's talent, I see. Only a true artist would notice the subtle changes in my eyes." Ragnor says getting off the floor from where Indiana had thrown him,
"I'm not an artist, I'm just observant." She points out,
"Yes, I know. I need to work on not moving my eyes, you don't need to remind me." He speaks to thin air, which Indiana has a hunch could be his fellow warlock,
"You did know my mom then. So you made the potion that put her to sleep." Indi states rather than asks as she catches sight of a glimpse of blonde on,
"At her request, yes. And I knew it was only a matter of time before you came to me looking for the antidote. Please, sit." He says gesturing to a bench but Indiana instead sits on the chair that she had seen a flash on blond on, when she sits on a lap rather than a chair she arches her eyebrow,
"My friends, Jace Wayland, Magnus Bane and Clary Fairchild. They were with me, but I lost them in the fire. And it seems over just found them." She says referring to the invisible lap she's sitting on.

Groaning he snaps his fingers and they appear, Indiana turns and smiles at the Alpha of the lap she's on,
"Honestly, Ragnor, was that nonsense necessary?" Magnus asks his old friend,
"It was but she just found you and rendered my trick useless." Ragnor replies looking slightly put out.

"Enough of the games already Fell. Can you wake my mother or not?" Indi questioned her ton full of impatience,
"Not without the Book of the White." He informed her,
"What is the Book of the White?" Clary asked,
"It's an ancient book of warlock magic containing spells more powerful than most warlocks could ever imagine." Magnus told the group,
"I possessed the book when your mother came to me, and I used its contents to create the potion. Regrettably, I no longer have the book. I asked Jocelyn to hide it that Valentine might never find it." Ragnor stated sadly,
"Ragnor, please, I have to get my mom back." Clary pleaded as Indiana nodded behind her, not only does she want her mom back, but her mom could know how to stop Valentine.

"Is there any way to get the Book of the White?"
"Possibly. I may have something that can help us. Won't be but a moment." He said before leaving to search for the book,

"What do we do if he can't find the book?"
Clary worried ever the pessimist,
"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." Jace said,
"We should start thinking of contingency plans. Just to be on the safe said." Indi adds, wanting no harm to come to those she has grown to care about,
"It's a bit drab, isn't it?" Magnus smirks at his surroundings.

A demon roaring followed by Ragnors screams catch their attention as said warlock is thrown over the balcony that overlooked them,
"Ragnor!" Magnus rushed towards his fallen friend,
"Shax demon." Jace growls,
"Creature took me by surprise. Indiana heard Ragnor mutter to Magnus as she took a look at his wounds. They were too many and too deep for even warlock magic to fix.
"How could a Shax demon get past Ragnor's wards?" Clary asked,
"It must have followed us. Jumped through when the fire wall reset." Jace answered,
"Fuck." Indiana muttered crouching by the warlocks dying body,
"Be still, my little dear cabbage. Your wounds are deep. Hold on, please." Magnus tries to comfort him.

Ragnor took in a gasping breath as he lay his head down and the light left his eyes, Indi sheds a tear for the man she did not know as she placing an arm over Magnus.
"For centuries, this man knew me better than anyone." Magnus muttered to her, burrowing his head into her chest hoping the Omegas scent would ease his pain, the Alpha warlock and Omega Shadowhunter stayed locked in their embrace barely registering their companions bickering.

Magnus inhaled deeply, snapping his fingers and his magical energy began pulsating,
"Get back to the Institute. I'll transport everything back to my place, and find what you need. Now, leave me to take care of my friend." He said sternly as a portal appeared behind him.

Indiana began to stand but Magnus pulled her back down gently. He needed her. She shared a look with Jace who nodded and stepped towards the portal,
"Magnus, I am-" Clary started softly,
"Go!" He shouted unkindly in his grief. As the portal closed behind the two Shadowhunters, Magnus finally allowed his strong facade to break as he collapsed into a puddle of tears in the young Omegas lap.

Having comforted Magnus, he opened a portal and the Omega stepped through, landing just outside the entrance to the institute, walking in she headed to her room where a gold dress awaited her. Covered in embroidery and jewels the dress almost felt overwhelming to her. Indiana checked the time, she had been waiting for both Izzy and Clary for twenty minutes now, a single tear escaped her eye. A knock sounded at her bedroom door, casting one last look at her dress she wiped her eyes before allowing Lydia to enter her room.

"It's beautiful." The envoy stated,
"Thank you." Indiana said dutifully though all she wanted was to cry, as if sensing this Lydia turned to her,
"Are you alright?" She questioned the young Omega, at her silence the blond tried again,
"Why haven't you started getting ready yet?" She asked, Indiana frowned before answering,
"I've been waiting for Izzy and Clary for a while now, they were supposed to help me." She said sadly.

Lydia smiled softly,
"Why don't I." She suggested gently and the Omega allowed herself to be pulled into the bathroom where she bathed in rose scented water before dressing in a robe allowing Lydia to begin the process of attending to her hair and makeup.

"I love it. Thank you." Indiana stated as she stared at herself in the mirror,
"I'm so glad. And there's no need to thank me, it was my pleasure to help you." The blond smiled.

"I have business to attend to but I'll be back, in say half-an-hour to help you into your dress?" Lydia questions reproachfully,
"I'd like that." Indiana simply states pulling Lydia into a hug before the envoy left her room. Just ten minutes later both Clary and Izzy entered her room,
"Oh your already ready." Izzy said with regret as she took in the stunning bride,
"Did you really expect me to wait nearly two hours for the both of you on my mating day?" Indiana said spitefully. They were supposed to be her closest friends, her sisters even and yet they had left her. Forgotten her.
"I'd like you to leave." Indi said sternly before either girl could apologise as she held in her tears. Clary opened her mouth but a look from Indiana made her turn around and leave the room. Just like that Indiana was alone again, on her mating day, painfully holding in her tears so she didn't ruin Lydia's hard work from the hour before.

That was how Lydia found her twenty minutes later, sitting on her bed staring into space. The girls exchanged soft smiles as Lydia softly pulled the Omega off her bed and towards her dress. Lydia was soon lacing her dress up and Indi breathed in painfully as the corset sucked her breath out of her.

Standing in front of mirror, Indiana stared at the woman she had become and wished, above all things, that her mom was here to see it.

Someone knocked on her door and Lydia left to answer it, the blond smiled back at Indi before leaving the room.
"You look beautiful." Indiana's attention snapped to her best friend as he stood in the doorway, rushing towards him Indiana pulled Simon into a hug,
"I've missed you so much." She whispered to the vampire,
"I've missed you too. But I'm here now and your getting married." He exclaimed grinning widely,
"Mated." Indiana corrected smiling back at him before it dropped, her mother should be the one walking her down the aisle.
"Hey, she would be so proud of you." Simon said as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. Embracing in one last hug, Indiana pulled back before taking a deep breath as Simon offered her his arm. Taking it they left the room and stepped into the hallway.

Hearing the silent brothers words and the start of the music, Lydia smiled at Indiana before walking in, pillow in hand with stele on top. Indi thought it fitting that Lydia would be the stele and bracelet bearer considering the blond had helped her get ready.

As her queue hit, Indiana stepped round the corner, Simon holding her arms and a bouquet of red roses in hand. Making eye contact with both Alec and Jace she smiled brightly, walking forward she smiled at those in the hall before stopping directly in front of her Alpha and Beta.
Handing her flowers to Simon, Indi took the hands offered to her, one by Alec and one by Jace. Her ears were barely registering the music now. Stepping up the stairs she stood opposite both men, reaching behind her she took the bracelets of the pillow Lydia held as each of her boy's rolled up a sleeve allowing enough room for the Omega to clasp a bracelet around each of their wrists. Turning round as Jace picked up his mating necklace, her breath faltered slightly as the cold metal touched her chest, a second one joined it, this one from Alec. Facing them once more

"It is time for Jace Wayland, Alec Lightwood and Indiana Fairchild to mark each other with the Wedded Union rune." Brother Jeremiah spoke and just as Indi reached behind her to grab her stele, the institutes alarm blared loudly.

Everyone stood up watching the room cautiously as a loud bang sounded, it was quickly deduced to be the institutes front door. Arming themselves in silence the Shadowhunters waited. A sinister laugh filled the room, one that Indiana remembered well.
"Werewolves." She spoke to the rest of the room, giving them a heads up before they burst into the room attacking Shadowhunters from all angles. Indiana allowed others to fight as she looked around the room, equipped with both a seraph blade and her whip, waiting for who she knew was coming. Striding down the middle of the room he grinned at her maliciously before lunging forward. Snapping her whip as him, she slashed his chest causing him to growl lowly,
"Seems you enjoyed the whip so much last time we met you decided to keep one." He taunted reminding her of the scars that covered her back before he shifted into a wolf snarling as she dodged his claws,
"At the risk of sounding cliche what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." She said before snapping her whip once more. The chaos of the battle around her was dying as she sent a strong kick into the wolf's chest, sending it back only for a second before he barrels towards her once again knocking the whip out of her hand. The wolf's jaw opens to bite her, panicking Indiana drops to the ground rolling away before swiftly getting to her feet once more. Grip tightening on her blade, she looks into the wolf's feral gaze and remembers the pain that he caused her, she begins fighting with a renewed sense of fury. Leaping forward she slashes the wolf once, twice. He jumps up knocks her down and lands on top of her,
"Indiana!" She heard the screams of multiple people as the wolf went to clamp his teeth on her shoulder but before he could she embedded her blade right into his throat, ending his life.

Shoving the body of the dead wolf off her, Indiana saw the carnage around her, dead wolves were all around the room and the shadowhunters held minimal injuries. Jace and Alec appeared in front of her reaching down and pulling her up into hug.

"Why have they attacked?" Maryse asked as she approached the three,
"He was here for me." Indiana started,
"The wolf I fought had previous tortured me during a interrogation, I guess he didn't get enough. But how did they get past the wards without permission?" Indiana changed the topic quickly,
"They injected themselves with Shadowhunter blood, they were dying anyway, their blood couldn't handle the change." Izzy said from her crouched position over one of the wolves bodies.

"I suggest we postpone the mating." Indiana informs them,
"We have some clearing up to do." She continues before she leaves the room, tears racing down her face.

Her mating day ruined and her torturous memories fresh in her mind, this day couldn't get any worse.


Sitting alone in her room, Indiana wondered how the day had gone so wrong, she hadn't seen Jace or Alec since the battle. She hadn't seen anyone. A gentle knock on her door pulled her from her thoughts as a blond slowly entered the room.

"Hey." She started softly,
"How are you?" She asked cautiously,
"My mating day is supposed to be the happiest of my life and instead it ends in bloodshed and tears. Lydia I don't-" The Omega cut herself off as she began crying again,
"Shhh, it's okay. Just breath with me." Lydia comforted Indiana.

When Indi calmed, Lydia moved to stand,
"I have to go, start packing for Idris." She said softly and Indiana shot up,
"What? Why? Please stay." Indi panicked, Lydia in this short time had become somewhat important to the Omega. Being there for her when her friends weren't,
"There's no place for me here." Lydia told her,
"There's always gonna be a place for you here." Indi said, her eyes pleading with the blond for her to stay. Lydia smiled at her as the two girls sat.

"I want to changed." Indi said strongly and Lydia stood instantly helping Indi rip the dress off before changing into a simple leggings and t-shirt.

Heading into Lydia's room, Indi helped prepare her to visit Idris and return the cup to them, Lydia began to unlock to safe when Indi was hit from behind winding her and letting the assailant at Lydia knocking her round the face and on to a table dropping the cup. Lydia knocked out, Indi still winded leaped forward to attack who she now saw to be Hodge, she threw a punch knocking the cup out of his hand ad she dodge his roundhouse kick before kicking out her leg which knocked him down. Running for the cup, Indi grabbed it before a table leg was brought down on her head and black started seeping into her vision before all there was, was darkness and then nothing.

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