Follow Me

By RyanWrites1

47K 2.1K 567

*COMPLETE* With over 200k followers on Instagram, Noah has the social media world at his mercy, but is he tru... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Authors Note

Chapter 2

2.5K 108 29
By RyanWrites1

"Come on Becky, one more drink won't hurt you. We've both got to go to work tomorrow, it's still early. Pleaseeeee?"

"Fine, just one more though and then I really do need to head home".

Chelsea smiled at her friend, her chocolate brown eyes glistening against the faint sunlight coming through to the bar where they were sat. "See, I can be very persuasive" she said as she turned and walked towards the bar.

"Two Porn Star Martinis please" The bar man nods towards Chelsea in recognition of her order.

As she stood waiting, flicking her long brown hair back over her shoulder trying to catch an eye of one of the group of guys stood beside her attempting to watch the football that was being shown at the bar. She never was the best at flirting and throwing a group of guys watching football into the mix was even harder.

"Two porn star martinis for the lady" She turns around to pay with her card, half smiling at the bar man who most could probably tell that Chelsea was not his type at all. After paying she takes her drinks and thanks him once more before turning back towards Becky who was sat at the table blissfully unaware of what was going on as she was lost in her phone.

"You do realise he is gay, don't you?" Becky speaks without looking up from her phone, pushing her ginger hair back behind her ear as she accepts the porn star martini from Chelsea.


"The man behind the bar. I saw you trying to flirt with him, but you're barking up the wrong tree there babe" Finally putting her phone down, she meets Chelsea's brown eyes and picks up her drink.

"I didn't realise you had taken any notice, you looked deeply entertained by whatever was on your phone" Chelsea replies with a mock attitude.

"Sorry babe, just flicking through insta. Noticed that Tom is back with Natalie. Couples like that make me sick. Constantly splitting up but always make a big deal about 'anniversaries'" Using her fingers as quotation marks just to add that extra sarcasm, Becky rolls her eyes and takes another sip from her glass.

"Oh, tell me about it" Chelsea replies "They've been split up much more than they have been together, yet still celebrate an anniversary like the time they are not together actually never existed. Pathetic" Chelsea's turn to roll her eyes.

"So, speaking of relationships..." Becky allows the question to hang in the air.

"Oh, let's not even go there" Chelsea takes another drink before continuing. "It's been that long babe, I'm pretty sure it's dried up down there and stitched itself up" She looks down between her legs.

Becky almost spits out the mouthful of alcohol in her mouth in laughter "That bad?"

Chelsea nods and rolls her eyes. "How about you? Have you heard from Stephen lately?"

Becky responds with a shake of the head "Not for a few weeks now, he has clearly had enough of using me when he feels a bit horny. Must have got himself a new woman".

"And you're okay with that?"

She nods slowly "Not much I can do about it, I'm not going to chase him but if he thinks he can drop me a text next time he's feeling like he wants some, he won't be getting a response from me. I deserve better than that".

Chelsea nods in agreement as she reaches down and pulls her phone from her handbag. "Quick selfie for the gram?" Becky smiles and is grateful the conversation about her ex didn't drag on.

"Smile!" Chelsea says loudly as she positions her phone above her head and across the table to get them both in the shot.

Becky holds up her glass and drops her head to her shoulder, smiling.

"There we go. Let's post this up and see how many creeps comment on it".

Chelsea pushes her brown hair back behind her ear as she focuses on her phone. Finding the right filter. "Drinks with my bestie ❤️" she tags Becky and posts. "There we go, let's show Stephen what he is missing shall we?"

"For fuck sake, you still follow him?" Becky replies, stern faced.

"Well, up until about five minutes ago, I didn't know you two weren't still a thing, did I? Plus, what harm can it do, even if he does message you. You've just said you're not going to reply" Chelsea raises her eyebrows towards her friend.

"Fair point" Becky replies as she stands up and runs her hands down her floral blue and white playsuit. "I'm just going to the ladies"

"Want me to come?" Chelsea replies, almost beginning to stand up before Becky shakes her head. "You stay with the bags".

Chelsea nods and watches her friend make her way to the toilet. Wondering if she's upset her, surely not? Maybe she does really like Stephen and wants more than just a sexual relationship with him?

"Hi there"

Chelsea looks up from her phone to see a handsome man stood in front of her. "Erm" she lifts her hand to her mouth to cough and clear her throat "Hi"

"Sorry to intrude, but I was just wondering?"

She waited for what she knew was coming next, but she wasn't going to guess what was coming, this handsome, blue eyed, tanned specimen of a man would have to finish of his sentence. "Yeah?"

"This is really awkward" He says, running his hand through his short dirty blonde hair.

Chelsea could feel her heart beating faster, her mouth was becoming dry. Just ask me already! Yes, I'm single and yes I would love another drink!

"Sorry" he is becoming more awkward by the second. It wasn't taking long for Chelsea to go off of this stranger. She opened her eyes wider as if to force him to speak up.

"Is your friend single?"

"Oh" Chelsea replied, clearing her throat once more. "Erm" she hesitated.

"It's okay, sorry I should probably go. I've made myself look a dick here" The stranger turns on his heels and starts to walk away.

"No, no I'm sorry. I just thought. Actually, never mind" She took a breath and composed herself. Of course he fancies Becks, why wouldn't he? She smiles "Yes, she is single but I must warn you, you need to be quick if you want to buy her a drink because I found it hard enough trying to convince her to stay for this one".

"Right, okay. Well what's she drinking?" He looks down at the table. "Another porn star?"

"Excuse me?" Chelsea smiles and laughs but the joke looks lost on the man. "Never mind, yes another porn star but you better be quick because she's coming back now. And as you're buying, I'll have one too for being a good friend" she smiles and flutters her eyelids.

He laughs "Of course. Thanks again. I'm Tony by the way. Nice to meet you...." He holds out his right hand.

"Chelsea. Nice to meet you too, Tony. Now go quick" She shakes his hand and pushes him away towards the bar.

She looks back down at her phone as Becky returns to her seat. "Who was that?"

"Who" Chelsea replies looking up from her phone to see her friend looking over towards Tony.

"Oh, he came over to ask if we had any spare cutlery. Just ordered a big burger and needs to cut through it but hasn't got a knife on his table" She looks back down at her phone, hoping Becky has bought the lie.

"Oh, that's a shame. He's kinda cute" She looks back towards the bar. "Nice arse too"

Chelsea looks up and smiles. "Yeah, he was alright"

"Omg! He is so gorgeous!" Chelsea turns her phone towards Becky. "Who?" Her friend asks as she stares at the picture of herself and Chelsea. "Him!" Chelsea responds.

"Babe, I'm staring at a picture of us" Becky laughs and picks up her drink once more.

"Oh, shit it was on his story. Hold on" Chelsea rupees vigorously into her phone before turning it back towards her friend. "Him!"

"Who's that?"

"Noah! Oh my god, I would love to have his babies" She turns her phone back around and stares at the screen of his last post of Noah against a car bonnet, promoting a new brand of T-shirt.

"Never heard of him" Becky replies.

"What? How could you not know him? He has over 200,000 followers on Instagram. He's going to be the next David Gandy. I promise you". Still gawping at her phone screen, Becky looks at her friend and shakes her head.

"I'm going to message him"

"Chelsea? Seriously? As if he is going to reply. He probably gets hundreds of messages a day from desperate women".

"You calling me desperate?" Chelsea gives Becky a scolding look.

"You were the one who said it's closing up down there. So I suppose I am calling you desperate" She pokes her tongue out towards her friend.


"Fuck it, I'm going to message him. Look at his last story, look at that body! What I wouldn't give to be under that for a night". She turns her phone around to show her the shot of Noah and Alice before turning it around again to reply to the story.

"Hang on, show me that photo again" Becky puts her hand out to take her friends phone.

"See, I knew you'd like him! Hold on, let me send this first" Her fingers bash clumsily against the keyboard on her screen.

'Wow babe! You look amazing! 😍 You really should follow me back x'

"There I've sent it"

"Seriously? You're not expecting him to reply are you?" Becky shakes her head and holds out her hand. "Show me that photo again now please, Chels. I'm pretty sure..."

"Two Porn Star Martinis, for two beautiful ladies?"

Becky looks up confused at this stranger towering over them both with more drinks in his hand.

"Sorry, I think you have the wrong table" Becky replies.

Tony shakes his head "No, I have the right table. I'm Tony by the way and this drink is on me" He slides the drink across the table towards Becky.

She looks across the table at Chelsea who is still on her phone and mouths "A knife? Really?" Chelsea responds with a faint smile.

"Thanks Tony, please take a seat next to Becky" Chelsea smiles at the pair and holds up her new glass. "Cheers!"
Let me know what you think guys and girls.

What do you think so far? Hope you're enjoying it!

What do you think of Chelsea and Becky?

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