Unyielding spirit(black clove...

By LosDeadlast

171K 2K 763

(y/n) is a 17 year old boy destined for greatness. With an elder of his clan the hailed to be one of the str... More

Update an owed apology
(y/n)'s bio (Updated )
Chapter 1 updated
Chapter 2 (updated)
chapter 3 (updated)
chapter 4 (updated)
chapter 5 (updated)
chapter 6 (updated)
chapter 8 (updated)
chapter 9 (updated)
chapter 10 (updated)
chpater 11 (updated)
Whats new and whats next

chapter 7 (updated)

7.1K 120 39
By LosDeadlast

Y/n pov.

It was asta's turn on chores today so I took time to help Noelle with her magic She continued to take a few practice shots so I could see the problem

Y/N: "Well it clearly isn't aiming...........it's as if the magic just doesn't have your will behind as if you literally aren't strong enough to control the power of your mana maybe?"

Noelle: " What does that even mean!?!"

Y/N: " I don't know! I mean my brother can pull a sword that negates magic out of his grimoire without even having magic himself I thought I'd be at least able to shed some insight with the weird stuff I've seen."

Noelle: " So what should I do?"

Y/N: " Practice does make perfect. Honestly I'm glad I'm not on chores today."

After awhile we call it quits and go have breakfast with the others

Asta: " Hey how come you don't help Y/N and I with chores Noelle?!?"

Noelle: " Because I'm royalty."

Asta: " But your still a newbie just like us!"

Noelle: " I've never even cleaned or did laundry or cook for that matter."

Asta slams his fist on the table gritting his teeth.

Y/N: " Not really something to brag about Lady Noe."

Noelle: " But it's the truth I'm royalty."

Asta: " Why are you talking to us like that?!?"

Noelle: " Shut up insects."

Y/N: " Woah not a way to talk to your trainer."

She goes wide eye and sweats a bit.

Noelle: "H-Hey I didn't m-mean that."

Asta looks to Magna

Asta: "Hey what do Magic knights do anyway?"

Y/N: " I refuse to believe you got this job without having the slightest clue of what you would do."

Magna gets up from his seat and grabs Asta by the collar.

Magna: " We protect the kingdom and handle security! It's the most manly job in the world dumbass! Why did you decide to join if you knew nothing about it?!?"

Asta: "I wanna be wizard king!"

Magna: "That's makes you asking that question even worse idiot!"

Finral: " They sure are lively first thing in the morning."

Gordon: " Being energetic is the best. Can I have some of that energy?"

Magna let's go of a now trying not to barf Asta and he sits back down

Magna: " Show em what it means to be magic knights you drunk witch."

Vanessa pours up two glasses and drinks them

Vanessa: " we protect the citizens of the kingdom or something like that. You might even be able to get closer to some noble when you're assigned to protect them."

Asta: " I see."

He says taking a seat next to me

Luck: " it's a super fun job where you get to fight all the enemies you want! If they're are criminals you get to beat them up all you want without getting in trouble."

Y/N: " see that I can get behind."

Gauche started going on and on about his sister whilst having nosebleeds and that same stick he does.

Y/N: " How about you Finral?"

Finral: " I get to save girls and be popular."

Asta Noelle and I look kinda weirded out by his answer but hey that's Finral for you Gordon started whispering something but that was freaky. Charmy got upset they ran out of food and made more using her magic sheep cooks

Grey turns into Asta and tells us he looks forward to working with us.

Noelle: "(should I really be in this squad?)"

Magna: " Well, do you understand what being a magic knight means now?"

Asta and I muffle yes as Charmy tries to murder us by stuffing food down our throats. Not the worst why to go at least it taste pretty good. But suddenly coatings kicked the door down

Yami: " Magna let's go."

Magna: " Yes, sir!"

Asta: " What's going on?"

Y/N: " Did something bad go down?"

Magna: " A mission."

Asta: " A magic knights mission."

Asta and I try and rush out with them

Magna: " NO STOP! this is a dangerous mission for adults we can't bring kids along. Alright we are off."

Yami: " Alright don't break anything while we are gone!"

Everyone agreed and He left with Magna.

Asta: "(captain Yami and Magna looked so serious. What kind of mission could it be?)"

(Cut to these mfers gambling)

Y/N: " Alright I'm not gonna just sit on my ass."

I grab my sword and look at Asta.

Y/N: " Come on let's do some training!"

Asta: "YEAH!"

Noelle: " W-Wait for me!"

Asta and I run outside to an open area he gets his sword out and I unsheathe mine

Y/N: " Got a name fire your blade yet?"

Asta: " no haven't really thought about it just so happy I have a grimiore."

Noelle caught up to us and catches her breath.

Noelle: " Hey you two what am I supposed to do?!"

Y/N: "Keep practicing this level of combat might kill you."

Asta: " got a name for yours?"

Y/N: " All things considered I was thinking Kusunagi."

Asta and I start fighting I quickly dash forward and he holds his blade long ways and blocks I jump off it and land behind him

Asta: " What?!?"

I kick him in the back and he falls on his face but quickly springs back up

Y/N: " you'll have to be faster than that Little brother."

Asta: " I'll show you!"

He digs his heel in the ground and rushes me out blade clash a few times he managed to strike me with the blunt end in the chest causing me to slide back.

Noelle: " (these two are like some physical freaks of nature.)"

Our fight didn't last long before we both got bang up and needed to break Not because we wanted to but because we had to feed the beast

Y/N: " I'm sorry buddy but I ain't doing it this time."

Asta: "Oh come on I'll do it next week all week."

Y/N: " No it's your turn that's final!"

Not to our surprise the beast tried to eat Asta but he breaks free with my help

Noelle: " You two are just two strong."

Y/N: " It's called training is something wrong with that?"

Asta: " Yeah what he said."

I get closer to Noelle my figure towering over hers and she looks up at me

Y/N: " I wouldn't have gotten here if I was weak."

Noelle: "*blushing slightly* W-Whatever get away from me you stink!"

I started to sniff myself

Y/N: " The hell we came in and took a bath! You gotta be kidding me!"

Just them captain Yami and Magna returned

Magna: " Good news you three you got a mission."

Noelle and Asta: " Really?!?"

Y/N: "...............where are your clothes?"

They don't say anything about that but tell us to meet them in the main living room.


Magna: "and so we are giving you your first mission!"

Asta: " Wh-What is it?"

Noelle: "It better be worthy of me as a Royal."

Y/N: " As long as it ain't something dumb like finding a person cat or some sort of pet only losers get stuff like that as a mission."

Magna: "why are you worried about you have already been on a few mission and two solo missions anyways You'll be hunting wild boars in Saussure village."


Y/N: "I just happened to be ready you two weren't try not to be to down about it."

Noelle: " Wh-What in the world is this lame

Y/N: " That isn't better than what I said Magna........"


Asta: " I can beat a boar with my bare hands."

Magna: " DONT UNDERESTIMATE BOARS! They come charging. out of no where."

Yami: " We both ended up losing to the mayor of Saussy village."

Y/N: " You........Lost?"

Asta: " How did you two lose?!?"

Noelle: " Just how strong is he?"

Yami: "It was cards."

I deadpan

Y/N: " your kidding......"

Yami: " He basically stripped us of all we had."

Magna: " Six months worth of pay too!"

Noelle: "(why.........are you bragging.)"

Y/N: " (they are both idiots.)"

Yami: " We ended up promising him we would do anything if we lost, so he ask us to take care of some boar near the village."

Magna: " Apparently, a herd showed up near the village, and they're ruining the fields."

Asta raises his hand

Asta: "Yes! Yes! But uhhhh question! That has nothing to do with us, right?"

Noelle: "Yeah! You two are the ones that lost ! Then......."

Magna: "YOU IDIOTS! Your asking mister Yami to clean up his own mistakes?!?!"

Y/N: "Uuhhhhhhh yeah."

Magna: " We're the ones who clean up for mister Yami's mistakes!"

Yami gets up and glares at us

Yami: " are you going to go or are you going to die? Which will it be?"

All three of us: "Well go!"

Yami walks outside

Asta: " Even though we are hunting boars this is our first magic knight mission in so excited!!!!"

Y/N: " your first mission it Sounds easy enough."

Noelle: " I'm supposed to get rid of wild boars?"

Magna: " What? Your still complaining?"

Noelle: " Well no I'm not complaining anymore but.........I was just wondering if I should go. I can't control my magical powers."

Magna: " IDIOT!

Noelle: " Huh?!"

Magna: " you'll be able to fix that in no time with some missions under your belt and I'll be sure to clean up any of you newbies' mistakes, since I'm your senior."


Magna: " Stop it, stupidsta your making me blush."

Y/N: " You guys are so stupid hahahaha!"

Noelle: " I-if you insist, I guess I can accompany you."

Magna bows

Magna: " Thank you very much- WAIT why are you looking down on us?!?"

Noelle: " I'm not your just so beneath me already."

Magna: " What kind of reasoning is that?!"

Y/N: " As expected from lady Noe."

We tried getting a teleport from Finral but he never went to saussy village so he couldn't send us

Magna: " Guess we don't have a choice. We'll go by broomstick."

Asta: " Magna sir!"

Magna: " Yes Asta?"

Noelle: " sir?"

Magna: " Yes, Noelle."

Magna: " Hhaaaaaaa Are two kidding me! You can't do the basic skill that any. Mage has are you that incompetent?!?!"

He says shaking asking by his collar

Asta: "I don't have any magical power so I can't fly a broomstick hahahahahaha!"

Magna: " Why do you sound so proud?!"

Noelle: " And since I can't control my magic power a broom is out of the question obviously."

Magna: " And why are you being so arrogant about it?"

He lets go of Asta and looks at me

Magna: " Anything you wanna tell me before we go on?"

Y/N: " Nah I'll just wait till it's a major inconvenience."

Magna: "I hate you........*sighs* fine!we will just have ti ride in pairs you ready to meet my baby?"

All three of us: "Your baby?"

We go outside to his broomstick that was oddly decorated

Magna: " Here it is introducing crazy cyclone!"

Asta: " So cool!"

Magna: " Hahahaha! I know awesome right?!"

Asta: " Yeah! Way awesome!"

Noelle: " Try lame."

Magna: " Excuse me?!? Are you so bling that you can't even see beauty when it's right in front of you?!?"

Noelle: "*takes deep breath* ITS LAME!"

Magna: " fine then you can ride with Y/N!"

Noelle: " Fine wouldn't want to be caught deep on that thing!"

Magna: "hop on Asta at least one of you know something awesome when they see it."

Y/N: "Eh it's kinda cool."

Magna: " Thank you! See they get it!"

Noelle: " not you too Y/N!"

Y/N: " I'm not gonna lie to the man."

We get on our brooms

Y/N: " Hold on tight."

She wraps her arms around my waist and holds on to me putting he cheat on my back

Y/N: "I—I didn't mean that tight....."

Noelle: " *blushing* S-S-Sorry!"

She loosens up a bit but her chest is still against my back


He speeds off.

Y/N: " Your on!"

I speed right after him

Timeskip -saussy village-

We'll time to go fight some........boars? A giant boar with flames on it comes out of no where and knocked me into a tree


I get up and shake my head I see the boar charging me again


I jump high in the air and flip pulling out my sword and delivering a fatal stab to the neck killing it that's when I hear Asta shouting must be having a hard time but I had no time to worry as I heard heavy hooves on the ground and suddenly I got hit into the air again I manage to block the strike slightly but it sends me to the field that Magna and Noelle were.

Y/N: "These big bastards sneak up on you pretty quiet like."

I run off again

Noelle: " Magna? Don't you think we should be helping them?"

Magna: " I'm not doing anything besides Y/N has it under control."


He got launched into the air I could see him from where I was.

Noelle pov

Magna: " Don't worry about shortsta is a pretty sturdy guy and Y/N is pretty talented."


Noelle: "yes but-"

Magna: " If you wanna help them go ahead I ain't gonna stop ya."

Noelle: " *sighs*"

I walk up to Asta he was cornered by a Boar

Noelle: " Here we go."

I start casting a spell once I felt it was ready I fired it but........it just ended up hitting Asta

Asta: " Why me?!?!"

Asta takes out his sword and kills the boar

Asta: " Gotcha!"

Magna walks up to him

Magna: " Great job ya got em but the guns not over yet."

He points to a group of boar staring at Asta

Asta: " Where is Y/N?"

He managed to beat them And was carrying about five of them while Magna was carrying one when we went to look for Y/N

Y/N: "Hey guys can we keep some of these they might make a good meal."

He on the other hand was carrying ten!

Noelle: " How are you doing that?!?"

Y/N: " Magic."

Noelle: " I don't know what I was expecting you to say."

Asta: " No fair! Make mine heavier too!"

Y/N: " Fine you big baby!"

Noelle: "Heavier?!?"

Asta: " Well yeah Y/N has gravity magic it's how we get so strong he makes an us super heavy and we train."

Magna: " Well whatever your doing that was some good hunting!"

Noelle: " another display of you twos freakish strength."

Asta: " Please a few of these pigs is nothing."

Y/N: " A few I almost got bullied out of my lunch money by a family of them. And some of them ran away it was like 23 of them before they finally quit attacking me!"

Magna: " You really are something else we'll if this doesn't please Seihi I don't know what will. YEAH BIG PIGGY PARTY TONIGHT!"

Y/N: " Sounds like good eating!"

Noelle: " Wait so the Mayor of Saussy village seihi? Is he a friend of yours?"

Magna: " Yeah me and the old man go way back. You see Ryaka village where I'm from isn't that far from here. Practically neighbors."

Y/N: " Ryaka? Talk about the boonies!"

Magna: "coming from the guy from hage. I use to get in all sorts of trouble back when I was a kid."

All three of us: (yeah back then........)

Magna: " No one could put me in my place like old man seihi when I first got my grimoire the pose went to my head and I rode into his village thinking I'd take the place over or something boy was I wrong."

Noelle: " He must be pretty strong then."

Magna: " Yeah definitely I heard that back in the day he was strong enough to try out for the magic knights. He is the one who actually gave me the confidence to join the magic knights. All thanks to him that I am who I am today and when I did nobody was happier than seihi."

Noelle: " Sounds like a nice guy."

Magna: " I know part of the reason he came to the Capitol was to make a fortune and save his village but I think part of the reason was to see me too. I'll never forget he taught me how to be a real man I want to be as good a guy as him I truly respect him just as much as I do Yami-"

Magna throw the boar he was holding down

Y/N: " you okay?"

Magna: " the hells going on."

Y/N and Asta drop there boars

Magna: "The whole village."

Noelle: " It's covered in mist."

Y/N: "That has has magic written all over it."

Asta: " It does?!?"

Noelle: " you idiot!"

We make our way to village and stand right outside the gate

Y/N pov

Noelle: " This is magic mist no point in walking through it it would be like walking around blind."

Magna: " This mist large enough to cover an entire village sure as hell ain't no villagers magic and it's not seihi's something's wrong."

Y/N: " then we need to get in there and check it out Asta sword!"

Asta: " On it!"

Asta runs forward slicing the mist making a path for us so we could try and clear some of the mist out. Magna starts guiding Asta through the mist With us

Noelle: " you do know this place pretty well."

Magna: " That's right.........you guys feel that?"

Noelle: " yeah I did it's magic."

Y/N: " Pretty strong too......."

Magna: "Asta! straight ahead now! Be careful!"

Asta: " Right!"

Magna: " This should be the square."

When Asta cut through we say a lot of the villagers hurt and pleading for there life some holding children others praying. We look up and see icicle shards in the air above them

???: " Kill them."

The shards start to fall

Magna: "Y/N!"


I pul them toward us and Magna Asta me I start destroying the shards


???: " It's four of the magic knights!"

???: " I can't believe they came to save us!"

Magna walks up to a kid a little boy

Magna: "hey Nick what's going on?"

The little boy started to cry Magna turns his head and notices someone laying on the ground presumably dead. He slowly walks over to the man

Villager: " Magna is that you?"

Magna shakes the man trying to wake him up at this point we realize that's seihi.

Magna: " COME ON OLD MAN GET UP! STAY WITH ME!...........please........"

Nick: " They are here just like you said grandpa the magic knight came they are here now your prayers have been answered."

Asta: " (to kill someone just like that.....)"

Magna gets up and looks at the man with a scar and a pocket watch

Magna: " Are you the one whose responsible?"

???: " you've thrown off my schedule.......I don't appreciate that ten seconds from now everyone here will die."

He creates a giant ball of ice And launches it

Magna: " (Damn it I don't have enough power.)"

Asta and I run up and bend downward a bit and he hops off my back cutting the Ice ball in half

Magna: (Asta? Y/N?)

Asta: " Think again!"

Y/N: " You killed and hurt the innocent I'll put you six feet under for that."

Asta: " Why would you want to do something so horrible?!? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?"

Magna: " (they don't look like diamond kingdom spies or savages coming to shake down the place so who the hell are they?)"

???: " there weren't supposed to be any magic knights in the area."

???: " perhaps they are on an unofficial mission."

???: " Another thing I'd like to know is how did they manage to tear there way through the mist."

Three of the main guys subordinates spoke from behind him.

Ice villain: "The black bulls......The roughest most undisciplined most heretical of all the magic knight squads. Dealing with this rifraff will be a waste of time 5 minutes now we will dispose of them in a manner befitting there station then go about our business."

Asta and I charge them



???: "MIST MAGIC: SHROUD. ILLUSORY MIST. If you think we will allow you to approach master Heath so easily you are a fool in the most be lost."


Astas sword negated the magic and they looked shocked

Heath: "(so that's how he was able to cut through my ice magic so easily earlier. I don't know what kind of magic it is but that large sword of his can nullify spells. I can't have him getting to clos-")


Heath: " Huh?!?!"

I pull him toward me and try and pull out my sword but he makes a giant magic icicle coming toward me so I had to dodge it and stop my universal pull.



Heath: "In this kingdom there are three regions divided by inhabitants. The noble realm where the nobility reside. The common realm where the citizenry Live. And the forsaken realm."

Magna: " Yeah?........."

Heath: "Saussy village is the forsaken realm most in this realm are of inferior stock. They're are capable of a few meager spells to help with the drudgery of there every day lives. They're much like beast that cannot use tools."

Asta tightened his grip on his blade

Heath: " I am merely attempting to dispose of the useless beasts. That might wast my time."

Asta: "Useless beast?!?!"

Y/N: " You bastard you think your so high and might put people are people bottom line!"

Heath: " Consider yourselves you have enough magic power to join the magic knights you must save them because that is your duty. But surely you can see the insignificant creatures."

I think back to the family I have back in Hage the disgusting way he speaks of us "forsaken" makes me sick! He will pay for this!

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