𝕮𝖍𝖊𝖈𝖐𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖊 || The Heir

By michelle_cheekz

323 29 2

Staying with her grandmother for ten years Elizabeth is now back with her brother and sister by the will of t... More

character aesthetic
01. Stranger
02. Guest
03. Roommate
04. Prince
05. History
06. Secret
07. Crush
08. Argument
09. Memory
10. Challenge
11. Kiss
12. Trust
13. Mask
14. Promise
16. Halloween
17. Hufflepuff
18. Dentention
19. Jealous
20. Curious
21. Thanksgiving
22. Necklace
23. Heartache
24. 3 am
25. Snowfall
26. Secrets
27. Tragedy
28. Friends
Book II - The Knight

15. Tennis

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By michelle_cheekz

(Alex point of view)

It was Saturday morning, though it was somewhat cold the sun still shined over the newly turned orange and red leaves. I never got the chance to experience autumn really. Aunt Claire would let us pack to go Texas and spend the rest of our time there.

I had fun in Dallas though but I still never got to really see the whole autumn season, then when it came around December we would go to New York and spend Christmas there.

Lisa and I were up early today, I wanted a little change, just to take a walk and see the Academy, to enjoy the view before the rest of students whom slept in late wake up and begin their day.

We passed the football field I didn't see Lionel or Jon anywhere, usually they would be up already jogging but neither of them was spotted.

When we walked to Cricket field I felt a sudden curiosity. "So this is kind of like baseball," I pointed out.

Lisa shook her head and then grinned, "Baseball is more complicated to me, I prefer Cricket."

"I don't," I said remembering seeing my aunt watching it on the TV with her other British friends and even though I understood the basic of the game I found it a bit boring, my aunt love Cricket and British Football. I watched some players on the field, one bowling the ball, and with a quick hit the batsman ran not around the field like in baseball but back and forth with his bat. Odd and easy in my opinion but I guess it was fun to everyone it looks entertaining.

"You ever play?" I asked her.

She nodded, "Whenever we went to the beach we would play but not anymore."

"Maybe next summer we'll have fun, there's still time."

Lisa smiled faintly, "I hope so, it'll be fun having you with us, I'm sure Luke would love that and so would I."

The mention of Luke made my heart raced but still I was worried, the argument was ridiculous but still I couldn't help but feel at fault, because of my stubbornness I refuse to apologize to him and made it clear he had to come talk to me if he wanted this to work out.

When we walk onwards, we passed a fenced area where students played field tennis, I glanced inside and saw in one of the seats Elizabeth and Lionel was talking. I always wondered why my brother and sister favor Lionel over Luke. I see no difference in brothers expect the way they look, Luke was just as charming as Lionel, his smiles look more like a smirk but yet they still show a sense of warmth to them. And both brothers were friendly and kind, but yet everyone thinks Luke is devious. The rumors Luke told me Chloe made up can never leave him.

"Look your brother," I said pointing at Lionel.

Lisa caught sight of them and creased her eyebrows, "Huh I didn't expect him to be playing tennis."

I gestured to the gate, "Let's go see." I took her hand and we opened the gate and walked around the field, Elizabeth saw us and smiled. "Hey look who's up early."

"It's nine," I noted.

"Exactly," she smiled and then Lionel nudged at her more to say something, but her shook her head at it.

"What's wrong?" I asked noticing their strange behaviour.

"Have you talked to Luke?" Elizabeth asked.

I frowned, "No."

Lionel sighed, "Oh well I guess they'll be here any second."

"Who will be here?" Lisa asked, she was just as curious as I was.

"Come," Elizabeth gestured with her hands, she patted a spot near her. "Come sit with us, the game is about to start."

Exchanging glances, Lisa and I walked up the stairs and sat with Elizabeth and Lionel on the benches. "Where's Timothy?" I asked her softly.

"He's still sleeping in," she replied, her eyes were guarded yet she smiled easily.

"Trouble in paradise?"

"Not exactly," she muttered.

Suddenly our attention was caught with the three guys walking through the back, dressed in their tennis wear, I noticed one of the players – Christopher – his dark blonde hair blocking his green eyes, his hand tightly gripped over the tennis racket yet he was smiling easily with Jonathan the only person with them who was dressed causally like the rest of us. The other player was hiding his face with his cap, he pulled it lower over his eyes and walked with his head down, yet I knew him immediately by just the way he walked.

"Luke," I said softly only the ones around me heard but yet he looked up and our eyes met, my heart beating so loudly I can hear even hear it. I breathed in hoping I could hold my breath long enough so I could face whatever he had to say, yet he just waved at us, Elizabeth seemed to be the only one who returned it and I felt hurt somewhat.

"What's happening?" The question came from Lisa but in my mind that was exactly what I was asking.

Lionel spoke, "Luke and Chris are playing a match against each other, you know one on one."

"For Lisa," Elizabeth added and then smiled at my best friend and me, "I talked to Luke, to rethink about the whole thing, to give Christopher a chance."

"And he listened to you?" I said, my voice betraying me it sounded too harsh.

"Well I did a lot of convincing then I threatened him," she said with a smirk. Her head tilted at my reaction, she looked almost like a reflection of Luke, like his playfulness is rubbing off on her, "I know if he didn't listen to reason then maybe he'll listen to a simple threat."

"Threat?" I said.

She waved her hand dismissing it, "It doesn't matter, what matters is the game. If Luke wins Christopher can't ever speak to Lisa and if Christopher wins well Lisa and Christopher can finally have that date they so wanted."

I noticed a flush of red brighten on Lisa's cheek, she looked down shyly and I smiled, then I glanced at Luke and Christopher both in position ready to play, with Jonathan watching the game and keeping score.

"Well let's keep our fingers cross then," I said.

Lisa nodded staring ahead at the game, I glanced at Elizabeth who was smiling, proud with herself and I couldn't help but ask her, "What did you threaten him with?"

"Nothing much, I just stated the obvious, Lisa's fifteen and you're fifteen and he looks like a hypocrite protecting his sister yet dating you."

I nodded wondering if what she said was true, she gave nothing away to indicate she was lying. "I guess you're right," I said.

"I know I am."

We watched the game in silence then on. Lisa assured me Chris was good like he let on but Luke knew what he was doing. With every swing he seemed to hit the ball with strength and speed, Christopher barely manages to get them. They were running back and forth, the first round intense neither looking a bit tired.

Until Christopher grazed his knee that is, the ball hit the wall and Luke took the win smirking, he glanced up and met my eyes, I saw the coldness within them, he was guarding his emotions just like Elizabeth was by the mention of Timothy. They so much alike it made me anxious.

Second round with the knee injury Christopher seemed like he was losing, but he still kept on his toes and finally when he lost two times I saw something happened, he switched his hand.

Christopher looked up and winked at Lisa and when he hit the ball at Luke instantly it was an out.

"He's a left hander?" Elizabeth asked.

Lisa shook her head, "Christopher is an Ambidextrous."

"He can use both hands equally? That's amazing," I said.

"Luke didn't know," Lionel whispered, the game looking more and more interesting than ever.

It most definitely caught Luke off guard, Christopher tactics has changed, his swings were different, his hits were tough and Luke couldn't read his moves. The ball hit Luke on his left so close and he couldn't get it in time, he lost and that was it the game ended, an hour had gone Jon blew the whistle naming Christopher as champion.

Claps came from the benches but I didn't clap I was worried, Luke's wrist was damage, he was breathing heavily walking to the table like he was about to collapse. When Christopher came up to him and shook his hand I saw Luke smiled and patted his shoulder, then he looked up at Lisa and gestured she to come down, we all followed unsure if we should stay out of the conversation.

I overheard one thing though from Luke, "He's a tough one to get rid of Lisa. Don't make me regret not beating you up Peterson."

"I swear Luke I wouldn't hurt your sister."

"Sure, I believe you, good game Chris no wonder the two years you score us the winning prizes."

I flinched when Elizabeth nudged me, she gestured to Luke and poke me in the rip. "Ow," I said frowning at her.

"Go talk to him god damn it," she hissed.

I glanced at him, he seemed waiting for me but I wasn't sure, for all I know he wants to be alone with his water.

Another poke at my ribs for being reluctant and I finally walked up to Luke. "Hey," I said, the awkwardness rising up inside of me.

"How was the game?" he asked wiping the sweat off of his head, damn he looked too good being all sweaty like this.

His blue eyes glimmer at me when I came closer and took the towel from him casually pressing the material on his jaw and neck and smiled, "I didn't know you played so well."

"Chris plays better," he noted, his eyes never seeming to leave my face. I tried not to think about the people who would be watching us, my brother and sister, his brother and sister. Damn it was so weird being there, yet when he touched my chin I felt like I was pulled into another time and place.

"I'm glad you saw me," he said softly.

"You wanted me to watch you fail?" I asked stupidly. Damn I can really kill the mood.

He chuckled, "I wanted you to at least see I was trying to listen to you. You're right after all I can't always protect my sister, she needs to learn on her own sometimes."

"I'm glad you listen to at least one of us."

He raised his eyebrow at this, "You're talking about Elizabeth."

I stepped back and sighed but he just chuckled at my worries. "I didn't do it for her," he said, "I wanted to talk to you and this seemed like the only way."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

He stepped closer and cupped my face, his finger stroking back a few strands of my hair and his other hand brushed the sides of my cheek. "I'm sure, 100% certain that it's only you, you're all I think about and when I go to sleep all I dream about."

I rolled my eyes, "Getting cliché are we?"

Luke chuckled, "Thought you might like it."

I kissed him, a soft quick kiss that still made me feel light headed, "Yeah I do like it."


Wow I really like this chapter :)

If you do too please vote and comment your thoughts. Here's a question I didn't think about writing until now. Ships? Or is that too early to ask? Maybe later on you can tell me ;)

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