
By denissebloom04

4.3K 262 113

100 years ago, amidst WW3's nuclear bombing, a deadly virus was released in the atmosphere and nearly wiping... More

Chapter 1 - Nerissa
Chapter 2 - Roone
Chapter 3 - Nerissa
Chapter 4 - Roone
Chapter 6 - Roone
Chapter 7 - Nerissa
Chapter 8 - Roone
Chapter 9 - Nerissa
Chapter 10 - Roone
Chapter 11 - Nerissa
Chapter 12 - Roone
Chapter 13 - Nerissa
Chapter 14 - Roone
Chapter 15 - Nerissa
Chapter 16 - Roone
Chapter 17 - Nerissa
Chapter 18 - Roone
Chapter 19 - Nerissa
Chapter 20 - Nerissa
Chapter 21 - Nerissa
Chapter 22 - Nathan
Chapter 23 - Nerissa
Chapter 24 - Nathan
Chapter 25 - Nerissa
Chapter 26 - Nerissa
Chapter 27 - Nerissa
Chapter 28 - Nerissa
Chapter 29 - Roone
Epilogue - Nathan

Chapter 5 - Nerissa

148 16 15
By denissebloom04

By the time the morning classes end, she finally calms her nerves and returns to her normal self. She's almost forgotten about those crystal eyes piercing through her soul, and unravelling her deepest secret.

Virology, not only that is her favorite subject, but she excels at every project she gets assigned to. She couldn't get any happier for the progress she has made, and that Dr Shah has finally recognized her efforts, and praised the great results of her research. Nerissa would gladly give up an arm and a leg to be chosen as part of his team. He is the head of the Biological Science Division, the only branch entitled to work on a vaccine.

Ever since her parents had been taken away, she promised herself to do everything in her power to find a cure, to do whatever it takes to stop the banishments. So many families have been dismantled or completely erased from history, because their beloved ones got infected and exiled. She has dedicated her life to the cause and nothing will make her change her mind.

While she puts her books away, a familiar voice stretches the smile on her face even more.

'To what do I owe this good mood today', Ilya's voice utters as she opens the adjacent locker.

She starts throwing her things in, without paying too much attention to what she's really doing.

'Good to see you, too', Nerissa mocks her from behind the metallic door, then pushing it gently, she waits for the closing beep. 'Dr Shah just told us he discovered a new viable path. If this turns to be a success, his team can move to the next stage...' Her eyes gleam with admiration for her idol.

Ilya looks at her for a second, really amused, only to burst into a hilarious snort-laugh. The few students, close enough to hear her, are trying in vain to restrain their grins.

'Only you could find that so exciting. You're such a dork!' She responds through muffled snorts and rolls her eyes at her.

Her looping hair-locks move as one, creating a bouncing mass of hair between the stiff bodies passing by. Then, she casually places her hand on Nerissa's crooked arm, letting the rushing torrent of hungry students carry them to the last floor.

'Excuse me, for hoping they are right this time. You don't know how important this is!' Nerissa barks back, and shoves her shoulder at her. She grins frustrated, wishing her friend would stop being such a doofus sometimes.

Some of the words come out muffled, engulfed by the deep breaths she needs to take from time to time. Endurance is not one of her talents and she definitely lacks in stamina. All these stairs are making her speech hard to follow and her point has definitely lost its weight.

'Yeah, yeah.' Ilya waves her hand in the air, sinking the whole issue into oblivion. Then, on a less critical tone, she adds. 'Let's get some food before they run out.'

Speechless and annoyed, Nerissa can only shake her head. Her flattened lips are barely holding the words that are battling to get out. She knows Ilya too well. She's a master of changing subjects, especially when boys are not involved. By the time, her inner self agrees that she needs to let it go and loosen up, the starving current has left them staring at the animate table in front of the window-wall.

'Hello, biceps!' Ilya hisses through her teeth, her lecherous eyes devouring the newcomers sitting at the back table. She scans them thoroughly, completely ignoring the girls in the group.

Nerissa's frozen body doesn't seem to bother her at all. Their loud display has absorbed everybody's curiosity, rendering a whole network of fabricated stories, some more absurd than the others. The rigid normality is broken by casual laughs and jokes, their closeness gathering fervent criticism. Physical contact between opposite sex is not illegal, but everyone is reluctant to it, especially in public. Better to be safe than sorry.

Ilya grabs her hand once more forcing her to return to the harsh reality.

'Come. Nathan is waiting for us. I can't believe he already ordered. I hate when he does that!' Her words are cascading one after the other, while she leads the way to their usual spot.

Ilya doesn't seem to notice the radio silence coming from her best friend, and Nerissa is forever grateful for her constant blabber. As soon as he sees them, Nathan scoots over to make room at the already crowded table. Being the captain of the Navion team, and a legacy in this city, has acquired him a few loyal followers. Nerissa takes her seat next to him, but Ilya finds a more appealing seat on the opposite side of the table; tight and cozy, squeezed between other two players, she is a little bit further from all the action, but, nonetheless, very comfy.

'Hey, Ner, I ordered your favorite.' He says, and offers her two silver chopsticks. His easy-going attitude is everything she needs right now.

She forces a smile, the suffocating lump still lingering in her throat. Glad to have him in her life, she does her best to push all her problems away, and rather focus on the good things. These little gestures, their own secret language, have been the only soothing constant since her childhood. Nathan has been like a brother to her, always there by her side and supporting her no matter what.

'Thanks, Nat! Look at all this food.' She shrieks with excitement, this time showing a sincere grin. Her hands start hovering over the steamy dishes, her fingers busily hitting the chopsticks to one another.

'Yeah, geez, thanks Nat, but maybe next time we can order our own food?' Ilya teases, although that doesn't stop her from munching away.

Nerissa's foot meets her shin, making her escape a 'What?'... still, no one seems to have noticed her comment.

'My dad told me their parents had relocated from a city up north and that their operation was classified information.' A ginger Navion player spills it out before taking a bite of his food. His freckles are dotting his milky white face, making his green eyes pop even more.

'They may be some hotshots in the top ranks, but their progenies are something else.' Another player scoffs at the scene in the back, and everyone starts laughing. Nerissa has never liked him before, but since Nathan vouched for him, she has tolerated his presence. Now, he is getting on her nerves.

'And what are they wearing?' Someone else incites the crowd, making her lose any trace of appetite.

Sitting on pins and needles she throws a few hesitant looks behind Ilya's afro-hair. She sends a quick stare at the boy in the black zip-up hoodie, but then she turns her head to a random table to the right. It's odd enough they've transferred in the middle of the year, but with the Selection only a semester away, they will certainly stir things up.

'I don't mind partnering up with that hottie over there.' Ilya's lack of judgement brings up the topic everyone avoided.

Suddenly, all eyes move on her, waiting to unleash the death sentence. The next second lasts for an eternity, an arctic blanket of silence coating them all.

'What did I say?' She asks confused, still chewing on the last bite.

The Kraken was released. The Selection becomes the only perturbing concern, making everyone boil with anticipation. The ordeal of spending their whole lives with one of these strangers gives them chills. No one wants that.

Nathan finally takes the helm and tries to calm everyone down. He was born to speak for the masses.

'It's too early to stress about it now. There's plenty of time for that later. Let's show them how we do things in our city. Let's show them what we are made of!' He talks like a true captain.

'It's easy for you to say. Everyone already knows you are going to be assigned to her.' Someone counter-attacks, pointing at Nerissa.

Chatter fills the air. He is not wrong, and Nathan has no clue of how to respond to that. They've been inseparable since childhood and they are a good fit. Her goal is to save the world and he will provide her with the means to accomplish her dream. Following his father's footsteps, he is now the prodigy of the Science Department, and soon the one who will upgrade the Nanites to the next generation.

She's not sure when all the attention had shifted on her, but she's had it enough. The waiting is killing her. She's been on edge for way too long, and the stomach ache is back now, even stronger than before. Deep inside, she knows Nathan is the best match for her, yet she can't envision her life with him as a Selected Couple. Deep down, she knows she wants something else. Somebody whose strengths offset her weaknesses. Sameness won't expose her to new things. Nerissa dreads this subject and she has already reached her limit for today. Annoyed, she forcefully slaps the table, making everyone shut up at once. All eyes have now shifted on her. Nathan puts a hand on her shoulder, making her wince.

'Gosh Ner, what's up with you? You've been acting strange.' He asks, puzzled and worried at the same time.

'Yeah girl, what's wrong?' Ilya follows.

She can't take it any longer. The guards should have taken her by now. Her pulse quickens at the thought, only aggravating her inner fight. She forces out a cough, preparing for a comeback. It is bad enough deceiving the professor, but doing that to the ones that really matter to her, is even worse.

'I have been feeling funny all day. I am going to take the rest of the day off.' She lies, but then remembering she's done this before, she continues. 'I even got a pass from Mr. Blanks earlier.' Remorseful, she jiggles the plastic card in the air, adding a bit of honesty to her fabrication.

She hates that she has to lie to her friends, however, until she finds out what will happen to her, she doesn't want to involve them more than they already are. Too busy gathering her belongings, she hasn't noticed Nathan sitting up.

'I should take you home then. At least, let me do that for you,' he asks, and helps her pack. His light blue eyes are filled with concern, making her feel even worse.

'Sorry Nat, but I prefer to walk and let the fresh air do its magic. I bet it's nothing to worry about and tomorrow I'll be as good as new'.

He complies with her wish, although he would have liked to go with her and be of help.

He is not sure when his innocent crush turned into something more, however his feelings for her are growing stronger and stronger with each passing day. A secret he might take to his grave as he does not see anything, he can do about it. More certain than ever of his illness, he selfishly wishes the Selection will pair them up, so he can live the last lucid moments of his life with her.

''Kay, but you have to promise me you'll tell Susan. You know how she gets when you keep things from her.' He replies defeated, although he does a good job of masking his lovesickness.

Ouch. Afraid that Nathan might be on to something, she quickly grabs her bag from the table and rushes to get out of there.

'You bet! See you later!' Nerissa utters her goodbyes to both Ilya and him, but right before taking off, she dares to glance once again at the table in the back.

Two glacial eyes freeze her in place and she wishes she could turn back the time. She backs off and starts pacing towards the exit, trying to get rid of his stupid smirk that imprinted on her mind.

(I am so glad you are enjoying my story! Please vote and comment on your favourite paragraph. I'd love to hear your thoughts and your constructive feedback. Also, don't forget to share it with your friends! Love you all <3 )

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