Heartbeat - The 8th Member [D...

By XxJimoutxX

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Eunmi has been there from the start. BTS was always an 8 member group. Follow Eunmi on her journey from audit... More



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By XxJimoutxX

~15th August~

I woke up at 7am to find no one else in the bedroom. I slid the covers off of me and climbed down from my bed, wobbling a bit because I still haven't gotten my ankle checked and unsurprisingly it's way worse. Stretching my arms, I walked into the living room where all the lights were turned off. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before turning them on.
"Surprise!!" Everyone cheered and I turned to see the group with presents. I tilted my head, still being half asleep, in confusion and Jin laughed.

"Happy Birthday Eunmi-ah. You're 15." Jin said and I clasped my hand over my mouth in shock.
"I completely forgot hyung." I whispered as I hugged him tight and he chuckled before kissing my head.
"Let's open presents now!" He clapped his hands and sat down with the members who each had a present for me.

"Hyungs you didn't have to." I whined, knowing that we don't have that much money.
"Of course we had to. We've got these separate presents but we've also got one that we bought as a group." Namjoon said then handed me the one he had.

I took the wrapping paper off to reveal a black top with a sliver heart on the front. I hugged Namjoon saying thank you then moved back to receive Jin's present. In the end I also got: socks off Jin, a set of pens off Yoongi, a black cap off Hoseok, a notebook off Jimin, some sweets off Taehyung and a pack of art pencils with an art book off Jungkook.

Jin went into the bedroom and came out with another box. He smiled at me as he gave it to me.
"This one's from PD-Nim and all of us." Namjoon said and gestured me to open it. I opened it to see another box and my hand came to my mouth seeing a box for the new Samsung Galaxy S4, the phone that the hyung line have.

"No no, I cant take that hyungs." I said as I pushed the box away.
"But it's your birthday Eunmi-ah. Please take it." Jin said and I shook my head.
"How much was it?" I asked.
"Around 200,000₩. But we got 3 more." Yoongi answered.
"Why?" I asked and the Maknae line held theirs up.

My eyes widened in shock and I placed the box down then moved away.
"I really can't take that hyungs. Don't waste your hard earned money on me. I'm not worth it." I said and Jin pushed the box towards me again. "No Jin hyung, I'm not taking it. That's final." I said angrily and headed into the bedroom, slamming the door behind me. I sat on Jin's bed and held my face in my hands. They shouldn't have. I'm not worthy to spend so much money on.

I took a look at the clock then the calendar and my eyes widened.
"Fuck." I quietly cursed and rushed into the bathroom, grabbing my school uniform. I got ready and was brushing my hair, when I walked out of the bathroom all the boys were stood there.
"Eunmi, we understand that you don't want the phone but why?" Namjoon asked and I checked the time, 7:45, 15 minutes until school starts. I shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes, passing between Jin and Namjoon and out of the room.

I ignored the boys calling for me, took the phone box from the table, swung my bag over my shoulder and walked right out of the front door.

As I walked to school I hissed at the worsening pain in my ankle but shrugged it off and started sorting out the phone. I arrived in my class and sat at my seat, leaning against the wall as I turned the phone on. Turns out the boys had already set it all up and I have all their contacts and PD-Nim's.

I scoffed as I saw a message coming in and opened it up, still not knowing how to work much on the phone.

Yoongi Hyung: You're in trouble. Jin hyung is not happy.
Eunmi: Eh, I've got class now. See ya'll later.
Yoongi Hyung: Don't forget to be respectful.
Eunmi: Of course hyung.

I turned my phone off and sighed, leaning back on the chair then sat forward and placed my head in my hands.
"I've fucked up bad." I said right before the teacher came in, the group of bitchy girls in my class following behind her. They turned to look at me and their eyes widened. I was confused as to why until I realised that I left my mask on my draws. I quickly covered up my face, hoping that no one else saw.

"Hello class. Remember how I told you last week that we would have a recap test soon? Well that test is today. I hope you studied well. Good marks are what is wanted, bad marks... you'll have an after school detention today." Our teacher said and she came round handing out test papers.

I mentally cursed at myself for not doing any studying at all and I don't even have much of an excuse. I had perfect amounts of time at breaks in between practicing.

"Ok, no talking for the hour. When you're finished, check through your answers thoroughly then wait until the end. You may begin." She said and we all started.

Pythagoras, a²+b²=c², this shit's easy. And now the history section, yay. What happened in 1066? The Battle of Hastings duh. How were soldiers in the trenches affected in WW1? Could this be any easier? Trench foot, dead bodies, unclean water, rats, the list can go on.
Science! What does the cell wall do in a plant cell? Keeps the structure of the cell. What is the equation for kinetic energy? KE=½mv². Final question~ Spell the word that means very confused. Ahh I love this word, 'Discombobulated'. And, done! Phew.

I checked my answers through and smiled then glanced at the clock, 5 minutes remaining.

"Alright class, well done for sitting quietly through the hour. You have 30 minutes break now so you can get the stress out of your system. I'll mark them for last lesson. Class dismissed." She said and we all walked out.

I walked into the bathroom and when I came out of the stall the 3 girls were stood there.
"How can I help?" I asked with raised eyebrows, I actually can't be bothered.
"You're Wolfy right? The disgrace in that horrible group?" The bitchiest bitch in the bitchy gang, Lily, asked.

"You can call me a disgrace but don't you dare say anything about my family." I said getting angry.
"Oh so you are that thing. Ya know, who is it again? Oh yeah Rap Monster. He's the ugliest person I've seen in my entire life." She said, getting closer to me with every word. Keep it together Eunmi, don't lose your shit.

"Are you sure you aren't looking in a mirror when you describe him?" I asked as I clenched my jaw.
"Are you talking back to me?" Lily placed a hand over her heart. "Who do you think you are to do that? You're nothing but an unworthy, useless, piece of shit." She said and I officially lost it. Please forgive me for my sins.
"You bitch." I seethed and launched myself at her. She dodged my attack and ran out of the toilets, her minions following.

When I walked out I was harshly pushed into a locker. I groaned as my back hit the metal but soon lunged out and got Lily in a headlock. There was a crowd gathering round as we fought but no one was saying anything, all silent.
"Don't say anything about my family you bitch." I said and she threw me off her and to the floor. She was about to punch me but I caught her fist and punched her instead.
"Now now, can't ever be good seeing an idol getting into fights. I wonder what those ugly members of yours would think, hmm?" She teased and I hit her directly on the face.

"Hey!! Break it up!" Someone shouted and the crowd parted for the principal.
"You two, come with me." He ordered and we got up off the floor and followed him.

Sat on the chairs in the principals office, Lily and I both knew we were fucked.
"Now, I am giving you both a detention tomorrow lunch. You can go home now and get your cuts and what not cleaned. But I do not want this behaviour from any of you again!" He shouted and I flinched, keeping my head down. "Am I understood?" He asked.
"Yes sir." We both said.
"You may leave." He said and we both left.

Lily pushed me up against the wall and roughly traced a small cut on my lip with her thumb.
"You bitch, it's all your fault." She said and punched my face one last time before walking away. I fell to the floor with a groan then waited a few minutes before standing up and walking to the main entrance.

~Time skip~

I arrived home and opened the door to see everyone on the sofa. Tears sprang to my eyes as I remembered this morning and the events from not too long ago.
"Hyungs." I started as my voice cracked a bit. "I'm sorry for this morning." I said and crouched down to the floor, hissing at the pains in my ankle and everywhere else.

"And so you should be." Jin said angrily as he got up. "Why in the world would you think that was accepta- what in the world happened to your face?" Jin paused, his face going concerned and worried.
"She was mean to all of you right in front of my face. I'm sorry for fighting with her. I couldn't stand there and watch her insult my family." I said then sniffed as I looked up, the dried cut on my lip on show.
"Who was Eunmi?" Namjoon asked as he bent down to look at me.
"Lily, we've both got lunch detention tomorrow." I said, looking down again but Jin tilted my head up.
"Let's get you sat down." He said and helped me up.

He sat me on the sofa and sat beside me.
"What did she do to you?" Jin asked, concern lacing his words.
"Pushed me up against lockers and a wall, also punched my face a couple of times." I replied.
"And what did you do to her?" Yoongi asked from beside Jin.
"Got her into a headlock and punched her twice in the face." I said feeling quite ashamed of my actions. "I'm sorry for getting so violent, I just couldn't stand there and do nothing." I said as a tear fell down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away.

"What was she saying?" Namjoon asked as Jin went through into the kitchen.
"She said I was a disgrace, I didn't mind that, but she said that you guys were horrible. She said that Namjoon hyung was the ugliest person she'd ever seen. I couldn't control my anger, she insulted my family." I explained and Namjoon looked down. "Namjoon hyung, what she said isn't and never will be true. You aren't ugly at all, none of you are." I said and wrapped my arms around Namjoon.

"I'm surely loving this moment but we've barely got any food left and the first aid that I've got is all we've got. We're also getting low on money." Jin said as he came and took his seat back next to me, small first aid kit in hand.
"I'll get a job hyung." I said as he cleaned the cut on my lip.
"Why?" Hoseok asked.
"I'll get us money to live off. Please hyung." I pleaded.
"Oh ok then, just please get a safe job and don't overwork yourself." Jin said and I smiled, throwing my arms round his neck.

"What time is it now?" I asked.
"Half past 2. Why?" Yoongi asked in reply.
"I'm gonna go to school to get my test results from my teacher then go and try to find a job." I answered.
"What test?" Namjoon asked, a brow raised.
"Oh yeah, we were told about it last week. I didn't do any revision but I knew most of the stuff on the test." I shrugged.
"Let's hope that you did know it. Stay safe and don't come back too late." Jin said and kissed my forhead then I grabbed my mask and left.

~Time Skip~

I arrived back at school when last lesson was just starting and just as I entered the grounds, I slid my mask on. I reached my class door and knocked on it.
"Come in!" My teacher shouted and I opened the door, stepping inside a bit.

"You are?..." She asked in slight confusion.
"Oh, it's Eunmi miss. I've come to collect my test because I can't be in for the rest of the day." I explained and she smiled then headed over to her desk. She got it out and came back over to me then turned back to our class.
"Please wait a moment while I speak to Eunmi." She said and closed the door behind her.

"Well Eunmi, I'm extremely impressed with your score. You got 100% and are at the top of the class. You should be as proud as I am of you." She said as she handed me the test.
"W-wow, t-thank you Miss Choi." I said as I had a look at my test.
"You're welcome Eunmi but don't thank me for everything. You got yourself this mark. Well then, you said you can't stay and I've got a class to teach. I'll see you soon Eunmi." She said and left into the classroom.

I happily left the school and headed around the streets to try and find a job close to home.

It didn't take long to find a cafe hiring waiters/waitresses. When I opened the door, a little bell chimed over my head as I walked into the peaceful cafe. The display is in the middle and there's seats in front and to both the sides. There's also really peaceful and calming music playing. I walked up to the display and the young looking boy in an apron smiled at me.

"Hello miss, what can I do for you today?" He asked with a bright smile.
"Hello, I was wondering if I can speak with your manager. I saw that you were hiring and I'm looking for a job." I said and he nodded.
"That's great! Please follow me miss." He said and took me to the back of the cafe where there was a door. He knocked on the door and opened it.
"Hello sir, this lady is looking for a job here." He said and nodded to me.

I walked in and the boy shut the door.
"Please take a seat." He said and I did so. "Now, why would you like to work here?" He asked.
"I really need a job as my family are on a low amount of money. I also really like your cafe, it's amazingly peaceful and looks amazing." I answered him.
"Ok, and what are you occupied as right now?" He asked.
"I'm a student." I replied, leaving out the fact that I just debuted in a kpop group.
"Thank you. Finally, what's your name, birthday and age?" He asked.
"My name is Eunmi, I don't have a surname. My birthday is today, the 15th of August in 1998 and I'm 15." I said and he smiled, reaching his hand over the table.

"Well miss Eunmi, you've got the job as a waitress. I'm Lee Hyungmin but just call me Hyungmin oppa." He said and I cringed.
"Um uh, is it ok if I call you hyung? I don't use oppa." I said.
"Oh yeah of course. That's perfectly fine with me. Here's my number and I'll text you your schedule and when you start. It's also so that you can notify me if you can't come in." Hyungmin said and I nodded, taking the card and standing up.
"Thank you for accepting me. I really need to go now. I'll see you when I see you Hyungmin hyung." I bowed and left.

Before I walked out, the boy from before stopped me.
"Hello I'm Lee Mingyu. I'm 14 and I'm Lee Hyungmin's son." Mingyu introduced himself with a smile.
"Hello Lee Mingyu, Im 15 today and I'm Eunmi." I introduced myself.
"Oh, you're my noona! Let's be friends?" He asked with his hand out.
"Of course Mingyu." I said and he handed me some paper.
"Here's my number. I'll be off shift in 2 hours so 5pm. Bye Eunmi noona." Mingyu waved as I left.

~Time Skip~

I made it back home with a wide smile and opened the door to everyone on the sofa either talking or on phones.
"Hyungs!" I exclaimed happily and sat in between Jin and Namjoon.
"You seem happy now." Taehyung said.
"I am." I smiled and passed Jin my test.
"Holy, 100%?" Jin asked shocked.
"Wait hold up, what?" Yoongi asked and had a look at it.
"We have a genius child in the house." Hoseok smiled.

"Oh I also got a job in a cafe not to far away." I said and Jin smiled then hugged me.
"Thank you Eunmi-ah." He said.
"You're very welcome hyung." I said then pulled back.
"I'll be in the bedroom if you need me." I said and Jin kissed my forehead then let me go.

I climbed onto my bed and went to my contacts then added the two numbers. I first went onto Hyungmin's messages because Mingyu will still be in work for another hour.

Eunmi - Hello Hyungmin hyung.
Boss Hyung - Ah hello Eunmi. I've sorted out your schedule, pay and when you start. I'll tell you the information now.
Eunmi - Ok hyung.
Boss Hyung - So you start tomorrow (Friday) and have work every day except Sunday. You'll get your final pay check on Saturday before you leave and you get £5 every hour. You can come after school hours.
Eunmi - Thank you hyung. I won't let you down, I promise.
Boss Hyung - That's great Eunmi. I need to go now so I'll see you tomorrow. You can wear nice but casual clothing because you'll have an apron on.
Eunmi - Ok and goodbye hyung.

I checked and saw that it's half five so I should be able to message Mingyu.

Eunmi - Mingyuuuuuu
Minhyu - Eunmi Noona?
Eunmi - Yep, you off work?
Mingyu - Yeah, I'm back in tomorrow and Saturday then I'm off. When are you working?
Eunmi - Starting tomorrow and working every day apart from Sunday. I get £5 per hour and get my full pay for the week on Saturday.
Mingyu - Same Noona. What are you working as?
Eunmi - Waitress.
Mingyu - Ah, I sometimes go and be a waiter when some people are off. Also, most of the staff aren't nice so it's probably better to keep away from them.
Eunmi - Ok Mingyu-ah, thank you for the information. What school do you go to?
Mingyu - Oh XXX school, you?
Eunmi - We go to the same school. What year?
Mingyu - Going into year 9.
Eunmi - Oh, I'm going to year 10. Year 9 is stressful, you got all that options choosing.
Mingyu - What did you choose Noona?
Eunmi - Music, Dance and P.E
Mingyu - Woah very sporty
Eunmi - That's because I'm uh can you promise not to tell your dad this?
Mingyu - We're friends, of course I promise not to.
Eunmi - Thanks. I'm you know, Wolfy from Bangtan Sonyeondan...
Mingyu - You're whom?! That's awesome!
Eunmi - Wait so you don't hate me?
Mingyu - Uh no! You guys are awesome, I don't understand why so many people dislike you guys. You all look amazing in No More Dream and the songs are amazing.
Eunmi - Thank you Mingyu :)
Mingyu - No problem Noona. I have to go now, I got some homework today so I need to do it. Good luck in your idol life and have a good night Noona!
Eunmi - Goodnight Mingyu-ah.

I turned my phone off and smiled, leaning back on my bed.

"Why are you smiling like an idiot?" I heard and jumped, bringing my hand to my heart to see Jin stood next to my bed.
"Oh gosh Jin hyung, you scared the heck out of me." I said and he chuckled.
"But seriously, why were you smiling? Someone special?" He asked gesturing to my phone.
"No hyung, just a new friend. He's 14 and called Lee Mingyu, the manager's son from the cafe." I replied.
"That's nice. Does he know who you are?" He asked.
"Yeah I just told him." I said.

"What about your manager?" Jin asked.
"Ah yeah, I only told him I was a student." I said.
"Why?" Jin asked.
"Why are you asking me so many questions?" I whined.
"This is the last one I promise. Why didn't you tell your manager about you being an idol?" He asked again.
"I don't have a proper reason. I'll tell him in due time Jin hyung." I replied and Jin nodded.

"Well done for answering my questions. You have received yourself a hug from yours truly." Jin said and wrapped his arms around me as I chuckled.
"Ahh, hugs are nice hyung." I said.
"And that's why I give you them. Now, hush hush and hug hug." He said and I hugged him back.

A/n: Woah, I managed to write 3600+ words all about one day being Eunmi's birthday. Next chapter will be the start of the ORUL82 era so yay. 2 of my best friends have written and are writing some really good books on here so I advise you to check them out: Natsukaahii & KoreanPotato224466


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