The True Gods (Highschool DxD...

By TrueRisingFTW

414K 4.5K 2.4K

Great Red and Ophis are known as the strongest of the strong, but what if I were to tell you that there are t... More

Kuoh Observation
Who are you?
A Little Trip To The Next World
Black Magic and Times Anger
The Warning and Purification
Alpha Origin
Arrival in Crocus
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3 (Part 1)
Day 3 (Part 2)
Day 4 (Part 1)
Day 4 (Part 2)
Day 4 (Final)
Two Unknown Powers
New Worlds Within Mischief
Mischief and Despair
The Bridge to Freedom
Supersonics and A Crystalline Beast
Display of Power
Return to Destruction
One's True Ruler
Clash of Titans
Next World Vote [Closed]
A Fairy Goodbye
A Relaxing Day?
World of the Gifts
A Festival In Digit Five
Prophecy of Death
The Game of Death Starts
Cloaks Revealed
Life and Death
Battle In Space
A True Battle Of Life And Death
Next World Vote 2 [Closed]
Two Worlds Collide

Split Up Time

7.4K 92 47
By TrueRisingFTW


A/N: You all pretty much know that Wendy and Chelia are coming with the two soon. So, should Carla come along or not?

It would make it more difficult for me, but I'll leave the decision up to you guys. So, Yes or No?


A day and a bit has passed since the battle between the tower duo and time space duo. Everyone had been shocked when both of the leading guilds forfeited suddenly.

But, nevertheless, the games continued on with Day 5 which turned out to be a battle royale between all the remaining guilds.

That now brings us to the present time as the Alpha Origin team were seen back at there inn taking a rest, the regis on the beds, while the two brothers were standing at the centre of the room.

Diaga and Palkia had their eyes closed as their bodies were covered in a soft dense glow. It stopped as they opened their eyes and smiled.

"It would seem that all trace of his dark energy is left." Palkia sighed. The regis smiled as Dialga nodded his head in agreement.

Palkia had already created a portal to send the bird trio as well as the tower duo back to their homes. After explaining everything to them of course.

"Though, I feel a strange energy in this world, something's happening right now." Dialga frowned. They turned to him with a confused look. Except for Palkia.

"Dialga's right. While it isn't strong, and not in any way to do with HIM, it is still quite odd." Palkia explained. Registeel then asked. "Do you know what it is?"

"Unfortunately, no. But, it really isn't of our concern." Dialga sighed. He then went over to his bed and sat down. "But if it does end up involving us..."

"Then we'll jump in." Palkia finished. Palkia then went to a chair and sat down on it. "Plus, I really just want to rest right now."

Just as he said that, a golden glow entered the room and was in front of them all, though they didn't give a hostile reaction.

"You just had say something, didn't you?" Dialga asked with a deadpan. Palkia just laughed nervously as he gave a sigh. The orb gave a light chuckle as it spoke, the voice being quite familiar.

"It would seem that you have successfully brought back the five of them." The orb had spoke. Dialga stood up and walked over.

"Yeah, it wasn't easy, but we did. Do you need something, father?" Dialga asked. The orb, now revealed to be Arceus then responded.

"In fact, I do. Back in the previous universe you were at, along with another, I have located small traces of the dark energy. I would like you to investigate." Arceus requested.

The five of them looked at each other as they blinked, they then quickly changed to determined looks. Palkia then stepped up.

"Alright, we'll go."

"Good. Then I'll tell you that the other trace was from Multiverse 83 in Universe 2." Arceus informed. They nodded as the orb slowly disappeared. "Good luck."

"Alright then, I think it's time that you three should probably head on back." Dialga stated. He said this as he turned towards the regis.

"I guess, Regigigas is probably waiting for us." Regirock stated. The other two nodded in agreement as they walked up next to him.

"It has been a good time hanging out with you after so long, even if it was under less desirable circumstances." Palkia stated. He then held an arm out as a pink portal appeared. "This'll take you guys back home."

"Make sure to say hi to Regigigas for us" Dialga added.

"No problem. Well, we'll see you guys some other time!" Regice smiled. With that, the regis all walked through the portal as it then closed behind them.

Dialga and Palkia just stared at where the portal disappeared for a second before smiling as they looked at one another.

"Well, we should get going now." Palkia stated. Dialga nodded his head, though he seemed a bit sad. "Something up?"

"I just feel like I've grown a but attached to this place, leaving so soon..." Dialga responded. Palkia blinked before sighing softly and smiling.

"I know... So, how about this?" Palkia voiced. Dialga turned to look at him in curiosity. "We'll come back after investigating to hang out for a while. What do you say?"

"Sounds good. It'll be nice to hang for a bit afterwards." Dialga smiled. "So, I'll go to the previous Universe and you go to Multiverse 83, alright?"

"Gotcha! Here we go." Palkia replied. Palkia then held out both arms as two portals opened up in front of the two.

They nodded at each other before walking into the two separate portals.


"Alright, I'm here!"

The voice of Dialga was heard. He was currently back in the first Universe they came to as he was now flying above Kuoh Town.

He looked around before closing his eyes as his body gave off a slight blue glow, he stopped after a couple of seconds before opening his eyes and sighing.

"What the crap. It seems as though the energy is in two different locations in this Universe , what a pain..." Dialga sighed.

It was at times like this that he really wanted Palkia to be with him so they could split up. Dialga then turned towards a direction and also looking at the sky.

"One of them is close by while the other seems to be within a different space." Dialga narrowed his eyes and shook his head. "It's in the damn Dimension Gap, isn't it?"

Dialga found this very annoying, while he could easily enter into the Dimension Gap since the barrier separating the that place and this earth was weak, he could easily pass through.

He found it more of an annoyance than an actual issue, if Palkia were here, then they could just teleport. But, since he isn't, Dialga needs to pass through the barrier himself.

"Might as well check the one here first." With that, Dialga began flying at fast speeds towards where the energy signature was coming from.


Dialga was currently seen slowing down from his flight as he was now hovering above a familiar small church in the nearby forest.

"Oh, Arceus. I'm back here..." Dialga groaned. He could clearly remember when him and his brother had been attacked by the fallen angels, though it wasn't anything they couldn't handle.

Dialga then began floating down before standing in front fo the church and walking in soon afterwards. His footsteps being quite loud since the echo in the building was rather great.

Dialga looked around before walking the front of the church with narrowed eyes. "It would seem as though his energy had somewhat leaked into this world..."

Dialga kneeled down in front of the church as he placed his hand against the floor, he then released a small pulse of blue energy.

This resulted in a collision of different particles suddenly appearing in front of him. "Just as I thought, he must've bene taking a look into this world."

He stared at the particles for a second before swiping his hand and completely destroying the small residual amounts of energy.

He sighed before turning his body while standing up before he walked out of the church and onto the dirt path where he could fee the wind brush against him.

Dialga stated up towards the sky with a passive look, after a couple of seconds, he narrowed his eyes as both his arms dropped to his sides.

"You can come out, I know you're there."







"I didn't expect you to be able to detect me, but I shouldn't expect any less." The voice sounded both young and mature at the same time, much like his own, though it was more feminine.

Dialga didn't even react as he just slightly turned his head behind him and looked up towards the sky slightly and saw who was talking.

"You might've been able to prevent anyone else from detecting you, but to me, it's easy." Dialga stated. His eyes then glowed red as he stared at the form of the person talking to him. "So, why are you following me? Ophis?"

True to his words, Ophis, the Infinite Dragon God, who didn't look any older than him, was hovering above him in a sitting position. Her long black hair swaying in the wind as her grey eyes stared at him emotionlessly but with a smile on her face.

"You know of me?" Ophis asked in a bit of a surprised tone. She then floated down in front of him as he didn't even flinch. "Though, I should expect you to be so knowledgeable, shouldn't I?"

"..." Dialga didn't respond as he just stared back at her grey eyes with his red ones. Ophis then slightly got closer as she held her emotionless smile.

"I honestly didn't believe that you actually existed, but seeing you now..." Ophis smiled. Dialga closed his eyes before saying. "Well, you see me now. What do you want?"

"Nothing much. Just a simple action..." Ophis stated. Dialga just stared at her before he saw Ophis smile suddenly as a flash of black occurred. "To make you my mate."



"Really now?" Dialga said in a passive tone. Ophis widened her eyes in shock, Dialga looked at his right hand to see that he caught what appeared to be a black snake composed of energy similar to Ophis.

"What...?" Ophis muttered.

"This is yours, I presume?" Dialga asked. His eyes glowed red for a second as he stared at the snake before nodding his head in understanding. "I see, so that's what you were trying to do."


"If what I just read from scanning this snake is true, you mark people as your mates with this." Dialga stated. Ophis slightly backed away as she held a slight blush on her cheeks. "How amusing..."

"So, what?" Ophis muttered. She had looked away to the right with her cheeks slightly reddening a bit more than before. Dialga just stared at her before sighing.

"Tell me, why is it that you are wishing to make me into your mate?" Dialga wondered. He was honestly curious, you don't just mate someone on a whim.

"..." Ophis was silent for a second as Dialga waited patiently. "You had interested for a while, despite me thinking you were a mere legend. And, mating season is also arriving..."

"..." Dialga looked at her quietly as he sighed. "Look. How about I make you a deal?"

"...Hm?" That seemed to have gotten Ophis's attention as she turned to look at him curiously.

"The next time I visit this world, I'll take you on what the humans call a 'Date'. If you are able to swell my feelings a bit, then I'll become your mate. How about it?"



"...I accept." Ophis finally responded after a bit. It was obvious she wasn't going to be able to mark him as a mate by force, so this was the best alternative.


"Multiverse 83 Universe 2, should be arriving any second now..."

Palkia was currently falling through what appeared to be a wormhole of sorts that he had created to travel to his next destination.

Despite his abilities to travel and teleport, going to different Multiverses would take a bit of time since, especially this one since it was quite the distance away from the world he and Dialga were previously at.

"Man, if only Dialga were here, I could easily get information about this world..." Palkia sighed. He then looked to see he was nearing the end as a light began to surround him.

Palkia narrowed his eyes as everything went white.


"Time to go to the Dimension Gap, what a pain..." Dialga groaned.

Dialga could currently be seen up in the sky as he then held an arm forward as a pulse of energy was concentrated on a single spot.

It took a second before a crack was seen in the sky that began to get bigger before it was the same size as Dialga in his human form.

Dialga sighed before flying through the rip between dimensions as he noticed it slowly begin to repair itself soon after entering.

Dialga watched from the other side as the rip now fully fixed itself before turning around and looking around the area.

"So, this is the Dimension Gap of this universe..."

"Alright, no time to waste." Dialga muttered. He then closed his eyes and tried to sense the dark energy as he then opened them. "Strange, there also seems to be someone living here..."

Dialga decided to ignore the fact that another being was in the Dimension Gap since it didn't have anything to do with his mission.

After a good minute or so, Dialga found himself in another space within the gap where the signals he was getting was far stronger than the other areas.

"Huh, what's this?" Dialga narrowed his eyes as he saw something just up ahead of him, he then decided to just check it out and flew towards it.

Upon arriving at the space, he looked to see that what he had seen a distance away was what appeared to be familiar black particles, along with something else...

"Yo, what the crap?"

Dialga just stared as what looked to be a big red dragon doing flips in the air without a care int he world, he didn't even seem to have noticed him yet.

'Who is this?' Dialga wondered. His eyes began glowing before they stopped and he narrowed his eyes. 'Oh. So this is one of those self proclaimed True Dragon Gods...'

From what Dialga could sense, this being was most definitely the strongest entity in this Universe, so he decided to give the benefit of the doubt to this dragon.

"Hey! What are you staring at?!" A loud booming voice got Dialga's attention as he looked to see that the huge dragon was now flying towards him. "And how are you even surviving in the Dimension Gap?"

"This place? It's really not that big of a deal." Dialga stated. The dragon in front of him, Great Red, just blinked at him. "So, how about introductions?"

"Hmmm... Very well, my name's Great Red, True red Dragon God Emperor!" Great Red shouted. Dialga didn't even seem affected as he just stared.

Greta Red just looked at Dialga before before leaning in and narrowing his eyes, something felt strange about the person in front of him...

'This strange energy i'm sensing, i know i've sensed it before...' Great Red wondered. He looked at Dialga closely before widening his eyes and gasping. "Wait...! You're Dialga aren't you?!"

"Huh? You know me?" Dialga blinked. He looked at Great Red and narrowed his eyes in thought, that's when a look of realisation hit him. "Oh~, I think I remember. You were the first being born in this Universe, and we were visiting to make sure it was going smoothly."

Dialga then began glowing before his body grew to gigantic proportions, he was now changing into his true form that was completely dwarfing Great Red.

"It must have been such a long time that I've forgotten." Dialga chuckled. His voice was deeper since he was in his true form.

Great Red was just staring up at Dialga in awe and also fear, the titanical beast in front of him was one of the most powerful creatures ever to exist.

The next thing Dialga knew was that he was seeing Great Red now in front of him and bowing his head. "Lord Dialga! I had no idea it was you before, please forgive my disrespect!"

"Huh? It's fine..." Dialga sweatdropped. He watched as Great Red looked back up at Dialga's form. "It's good to see you again, Great Red. BUT, I have some important business to get to."

"May I ask what that is?"

"I'm trying to locate a dark energy radiating within this space, do you have ideas as to where it has gone?"

"A dark energy...?" Great Red then began to think as he then answered. "I believe that I had seen a strange black aura coming from the location just over there."

Great Red then used one of his claws and pointed to a small space pretty close to them. Dialga flew over as Great Red followed behind.

"How annoying..." Dialga growled. From what he could see, there was residual signs of the energy. "It would seem that it has escaped into another multiverse."

The jewels on Dialga's body began to glow blue before he roared a wave of energy was sent towards where the residual dark energy was.

Great Red watched as the roar and the dark energy made contact and a rip had appeared in the place of it.

"I'll be leaving to deal with this energy, I will return soon to make sure no other traces end up coming back after I leave."

"Very well, Lord Dialga."

With that, Dialga changed back into his human form before flying straight into the rip between multiverses as Great Red just watched.


"I've finally arrived!"

Palkia cheered softly as he exited through his portal and was now falling towards the ground. He looked around while falling to see multiple buildings, it would appear that he was in a city or town of sorts.

Palkia was confused on what this type of world was going to be like, he truly wished that Dialga could have been here with him.

Palkia watched as the portal he made disappeared and disappeared before he turned to look at the city below him with curiosity.

"Just looks like a normal city. I wonder why there would be a trace of the energy here..." Palkia wondered. He stayed hovering there in thought.

He then proceeded to drop down from the sky and was falling towards one of the building roofs before landing gently on it.

He then tried to sense the dark energy, and it was most definitely there. But, it was honestly everywhere he could sense.

So, there was really no method of tracing it down until it reveals itself or he somehow manages to track it down. 'Just where is the source?'

"Open fire!"



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