Human Or Ape

By bleachanimefan

10.1K 205 45

Follows through Dawn and War. Eventual Blue eyes x OC. More

No Respect For Personal Boundaries
Let's Play A Game Of Monkey In The Middle
Two Sides
So We Meet Again
Double Double Toil And Trouble
Everything Has Gone Bananas
Encounter Part 2
Authors Note
Well, It Finally Happened
Trust And Betrayal
Ape Has Killed Ape
I Guess You Made A Monkey Out of Me
War Has Begun
Becoming A Leader
Into The Unknown

Reconcile And Truth

255 6 0
By bleachanimefan

As Malcolm drives the car down the street of an abandoned neighborhood with Ellie, Alex, and Lily who was riding in the back looking after Caesar, Ellie looks out of the side mirrors to see a fire behind them where the settlement was.

"Oh my god, look. The colony's on fire." Ellie said.

"Where are we going to go?" Alex asked, worried.

Caesar begins to stir and move around a bit when he sees that the street was familiar to him. Lily tries to hold the king still so that he doesn't open up his wound more.

Ellie notices. "Caesar, what is it?" She asked.

"Is this it? Are we close?" Malcolm asked, confused. "Where is he taking us?"

Suddenly, Caesar starts hooting frantically as he sees a house as the car drives by it.

"Malcolm stop!" Ellie shouted.

The car immediately stops in front of it. The house was huge but also covered in vines and the trees were overgrown and what draw the group in was an unusual star shaped window.

"I don't understand. What are we doing here?" Alex questioned.

"It doesn't matter. We just need to find a place to hide him until we find out whats going on at home." Malcolm replied.

The group got out of the car and Malcolm and Ellie carried Caesar into the house with Alex and Lily following behind them.

"Move the table." Malcolm said as he and Ellie carried Caesar into the living room, while Alex moved the small table out of the way. "Set him down." He instructed Ellie to do so and they both laid the king on the couch.

Lily notices something on the mantle of the fireplace and walks over to pick up a picture frame. Alex steps over to her, seeing the photo as well and takes it from her and shows it to Malcolm. "Dad, look."

In the picture was a man and a small baby chimp with a shooting star birthmark on his shoulder that looked a lot like Caesar's, in fact it was Caesar. The group looked at the injured king, lying on the couch, confused.

What was he doing with a human and who was this man?

"I need to operate but i don't have anything. There's a surgical kit back at the place but that's..." Ellie

"I'll go." Malcolm answered.

"Its not safe." Ellie said, worried, shaking her head.

"He's the only one who can stop this." Malcolm argues.

Lily, Alex, and Ellie hate to admit it but he was right. If something wasn't done soon, Caesar would die from blood loss, if the bullet wasn't taken out. Ellie hugs him and Malcolm rushes out the room and out the door, leaving the group with Caesar.

Caesar felt eyes staring at him and he opens his eyes to see Lily.

"Who is this man?" She signs.

Caesar tries to focus at the picture as his vision was blurring in and out.

"My father..." He answered, weakly.

The group stared at the ape in shock, this was his home.

As Malcolm makes it to the colony, he sees that it was completely overrun by the apes as they tried to capture humans and they ran from them. Malcolm scrambled as he hid as well as dodging some of the shooting and blasting going on as the humans tried to defend themselves, everything was in complete disarray.

He makes it to the building and sneaks into to his and Ellie's room and grabs the medkit and surgical kit and rushes out of the room while trying not to get spotted. A loud blast was heard and he ducks for cover behind a wall. Apes grabbed some humans dragging them away, shooting some of them as well.

Suddenly, Malcolm hears a click behind him, he immediately freezes not moving a muscle as he felt the barrel of a gun pointing at his back. He slowly turns his head, to see blue eyes staring back into his in anger. Blue eyes stared emotionless at him, still pointing his gun. Malcolm held his hands up in surrender.

Then Blue Eyes lowers his gun to the lower. He couldn't do it as much as he wanted to avenge his father, he couldn't...

As Blue Eyes turns around to leave, Malcolm calls out to him. "Your father,...he's alive." Blue Eyes stopped in his tracks his eyes widen in shock. He turns to Malcolm.

The man steps up to him. "I can take you to him." Malcolm said. "But we have to work together."

As Ellie, Alex and Lily looked after Caesar, seeing that he was growing weaker, the group hears the door slam open.

Malcolm rushes in holding the medkit. "I got it! How is he?" He asked, worried. Ellie takes it from him. But, he wasn't alone, behind him stood Blue Eyes.

"Blue..." Lily, said. She flinched at the harsh glare that Blue Eyes gave her.

Caesar smiled as he saw his son relieved to see that he was unharmed and safe. "Your...mother. Brother. Safe?" Caesar asked, weakly.

Blue Eyes stepped up to him, and signs. "For now."

He kneels down next to his father, examining the wound. They did this to him. He turns to the group and snarls baring his teeth at them, and they backed up. Caesar grabs Blue eye's arm, stopping him.

The ape turns to him and Caesar shakes his head. "No. Not human." The king replied. "Koba."

Blue Eyes stared at him with disbelief. No, that couldn't be. Koba wouldn't do that. He couldn't have...

But, his father had never been the one to tell a lie. If that's the case, then... his uncle had lied to everyone, even to him. He looks over at Lily to see her look away from him avoiding his eyes. She tried to tell him but he didn't listen.

Ellie kneels down between the two, hesitantly. "Caesar, we need to do this now." She said, urgently.

As she was prepping Caesar for surgery, Blue Eyes quickly left the room and Lily chases after him while Malcolm and Alex left as well, going outside to sit on the steps.

Lily heard the sound of someone punching the walls and entered a bedroom to see Blue Eyes standing in a corner to see that it was him. His back was faced to her.

Blue Eyes turns when he sees that it was her. The two stare at each other silently, not knowing what to say.

Blue Eyes signs. "I'm sorry."

Lily shakes her head "Don't be." She signs back. "You, nor anyone couldn't have possibly known."

Blue Eyes stares at her sadly "How could you not be mad at me?! I could've killed you!" He flinches from her gaze, looking away. The love of his life would have been dead because of him. Because he was too stupid to realize the truth and jumped to conclusions like he always does. He growls to himself. Then he felt a hand brushed against his face making him look at Lily.

"I'm just glad to see that you're alright." She signs. "I was so scared. I thought I would never see you again!" She cries.

She embraces him and Blue Eyes returns it as well, hugging her tightly. He was afraid as well, that he wouldn't see her again.

"" Blue Eyes said.

She smiles and buries her face into his chest "I love you." Lily murmurs.

", too. I...will..never leave you...again." Blue Eyes said. Lily felt her heart flutter happily as she and Blue Eyes move in closer.

But, they hear a knock on the door and it opens, revealing Ellie and she enters. Her hands was covered in blood and also from the waist down. Blue Eyes and Lily stared at her in horror, fearing the worse.

"How is he?" Lily signs. She and Blue Eyes look at her in worry.

"It was a close call but he'll be fine." Ellie answered, smiling. "You can go see him if you like. The anesthesia should wear off in a couple minutes." Ellie walks away leaving the two alone.

Blue Eyes takes Lily's hand and walks her into the living room to see Caesar fast asleep on the couch. They both sit down. Then Lily picks up the picture frame lying on the table looking at it again. Blue Eyes glances at it as well and he hoots in shock to see that it was his father...with a human man.

"He told me that this was his father, your grandfather." Lily signs.

Blue Eyes couldn't believe it, his father was taken in by humans and he lived as one of them as their own. Everything that he knew, everything that he was told of them, by Koba, was a lie. He takes the frame from her looking closer at the picture.

Suddenly, the two of them jumped as they hear Caesar stir himself violently awake as he jolts up from the couch. In an instant, Blue Eyes was right by his father's side.

Caesar looks around the room, realizing where he was, then focus on his son and Lily in front of him. He smiles.

"I'm so sorry. For everything." Blue Eyes signs.

Caesar shakes his head. "No. I am to blame."

"But Koba betrayed you!"

"I chose to trust him. Because he his ape. I always think ape better than human. I see now how much like them we are."

Blue Eyes glances over at Lily and she does the same.

Caesar frowns. "Where Koba, now?"

"On the human tower, with loyal apes around him." Blue Eyes informs his father as he signs.

"And those who do not follow?"

"Prisoners. Maurice. Rocket." Blue Eyes stops. Lily notices that he was upset as she sees tears start to roll down his cheeks. Then Blue Eyes continued as he signs. "Koba killed Ash..." The room fell silent.

Caesar and Lily both look at him in shock and stunned at what they have heard. Lily couldn't believe it. Why him?! Why Ash!?

Blue Eyes continues, "Fear makes others follow. But when they see you alive. They will turn from Koba."

Caesar shakes his head and speaks. "Not if i am weak. Ape always seek out strongest branch. I must do something to stop him." He starts to get up, but hisses in pain as he felt the pain of his wound jab through him. Blue Eyes pushes him back down.

"Father,...let you." He said, determined.

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