Sanders Sides Pride One Shots

By EchoInFadingLight

28.8K 672 602

A One Shot book based around pride month prompts. Content warnings at the start of each story. More

Day 1 - First Kiss (Logince)
Day 2 - Pets (Royality)
Day 3 - Affirmations (Logicality)
Day 4 - Closet (Prinxiety)
Day 5 - Flowers (Analogical)
Day 6 - Coffee Shop (Analogical)
Day 7 - Shadows (Royality and Moxiety)
Day 8 - Writing On Skin (LAMP/Polysanders)
Day 9 - Stars (Logince)
Day 10 - Rainbow (Moxiety)
Day 11 - Road Trip (Prinxiety)
Day 12 - Shopping (Logicality)
Day 13 - Anniversary (Analogical)
Day 14 - Best Friend (Royality)
Day 15 - Truth(LAMP/Polysanders)
Day 16 - Parade (Royality)
Day 17 - Dance (Prinxiety)
Day 18 - Shapes (Analogical)
Day 19 - Art (LAMP)
Day 20 - Wilderness (Logince)
Day 21 - Language (Royality)
Day 22 - Tears (Platonic Analogical and Logince)
Day 23 - Club (Analogical and Roceit)
Day 25 - Blankets (Analogical)
Day 26 - Remembering (Logince and Royality)
Day 27 - Nicknames (LAMP)
Day 28 - Wedding (Royality)
Day 29 - Storm (Analogical)
Day 30 - Last Goodbye (LAMP/Polysanders)

Day 24 - Colours (MLP)

627 12 22
By EchoInFadingLight

C.W. Blood, injuries, crying, mention of self-harm.

Still shook that Kidz Bop cut out 'No matter gay, straight or bi, lesbian, transgender life' and the bit about race even though they're the whole point of the song.

Before you read this, please note my headcanon that the sides can only heal injuries if they're calm or unaffected by the person who created them (think Logan getting fuckin shuriken-ed in the face by Remus, and Roman (or Thomas' ego) being bruised after the bad audition).

This takes place before Virgil turns up btw.


Red. Passion, seduction, adventure.

Roman stumbled out of the imagination. He slammed the door closed and sank down against it. Still panting, he tried to staunch the blood dripping from his forehead. With the other hand, he clutched his ankle. He must've went over it or something because it hurt like a bitch.

"Shit," he hissed. It was mostly relief that he managed to escape but he had to have a verbal release for the pain too.

He brought his hand away from his forehead but seeing it covered in blood, he ripped off his sash and tied it tightly around his head. He stamped his sore foot a couple of times and even though it still hurt, he pushed himself up to stand. Hearing the TV on, he figured he could creep back to his room without either of his boyfriends hearing.

He limped down the hall and slipped into his room. He hadn't been spending much time in there considering Thomas was taking a break from YouTube after a particularly big acting role. He'd usually work in there considering his room's effect of enhancing creativity. However, they'd agreed to all sleep together in Logan's room.

He started rummaging around in his desk drawers for the first aid kit. He always kept one for a situation like this. After the first two drawers, Roman ripped open the top one a little too forcefully, the pain getting to him. It came right out of the slot and clattered to the ground.

Roman cursed and collapsed down to put everything back in. He pushed the first aid kit to one side so he didn't put it back in accidentally. Just as he was about to but the drawer back, he heard a sound outside his door.

Three even knocks.


Orange. Health, creativity, warmth.

"Ro?" Patton called through the door. "Is everything okay?"

Roman didn't know how to respond. He was certain that if he tried to verbally respond he'd either sound very not okay or his voice would crack. Then again, if he opened the door himself, Patton would have to immediately see him bleeding fairly heavily.

So he did nothing.

"Roman, are you okay?" Patton's voice was getting increasingly more frantic.

Roman opened his mouth to say something but all that came out was a squeak and an involuntary sob.

The door opened immediately. "Ro! What happened?"

Patton, of course, saw the cut straight away. He rushed over and sank to his knees, pulling Roman towards himself. He cradled his head with one hand while the other was firmly around his back. Roman cried into the crook of his neck, giving in to the weakness he felt.

"I failed," he managed to utter, before breaking into more sobs.

Patton eased him with gentle shushes. "You didn't fail, Ro. Failing is giving up and you're more resilient than that."

"But what if I'm not?"

"Roman-" Patton pulled Roman away from his chest to look him in the eye- "I assure you that you are the bravest, strongest, toughest person I know. You've beat the dragon witch so many times that I can't even count them all. You have in no way failed. You are so strong in so many ways. Physical strength isn't all you have, you're so much more than that."

Roman had fallen silent during Patton's speech. After he'd finished, he sighed and tried to find any words to describe how grateful he was to have Patton in his life.

"I love you."

Patton chuckled and cupped Roman's cheeks. "I know you do, and I love you too. Just... go easy on yourself."

Roman smiled at his boyfriend and pressed their lips together in a sweet, heartfelt kiss. His arms looped around Patton's waist, pulling him impossibly closer. Before they could go any further, Patton pulled away.

"I need to finish dinner, are you okay to stay here?"

Roman nodded and unwound himself from Patton. "I'll sort this out-" he gestured to the cut on his forehead, that had stopped bleeding as much- "and then come through."

"Alright." Patton kissed Roman's temple and stood up to leave.


Yellow. Positivity, optimism, cowardice.

Patton wandered back through to the kitchen. He returned to the chopping board and got to work, turning down the stove where the pot was almost boiling over.

He couldn't help but let his mind wander back to Roman. He loved him so much, that wasn't a new fact. So much that he was tempted to keep him from going into the imagination to fight the dragon witch sometimes. Sure, it was usually something he enjoyed, but Patton was worried he'd get hurt one day. He usually couldn't calm himself down enough to heal himself in the moment so he had to do what he could to fix them until he was calm enough.

Patton always tried to help. He hated it when Roman came back, covered in scars, but still so proud of himself for conquering whatever beast he had faced. He'd never tell him, though. Fighting was something Roman enjoyed, and what better way to practice than for him to make up imaginary beasts and kill them.

It was too gory for Patton, and he always made sure he avoided the imagination until Roman fixed the damage. Roman had invited him along many a time, but he always refused. He was too scared. A coward.

Too scared to show his own emotions and let himself be vulnerable around the two people he cared the most about in the world. He had to be strong. Anyway, he'd found... other ways of dealing with these bad emotions.

He noticed he'd stopped chopping carrots and was now staring at the knife. Not right now. Later. He wiped the tear that rolled down his cheek and knew that he had to find a distraction. He grabbed his phone and put on 'I Do Adore' by Mindy Gledhill. That song never failed to cheer him out. He returned to the chopping board and started bobbing about while he prepared dinner.

As his mind wandered back to his boyfriends, he felt arms wrap around his waist.


Green. Life, renewal, energy.

"Hello, Dear."

"Hey, Lo! You okay?" Patton turned in Logan's arms and planted a kiss by the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, I just wanted to check on you."

Patton blushed. Since when was Logan so thoughtful? "Well, I'm great! Dinner should be half an hour."

"Anything I can help with?"

Patton went to dismiss him, but remembered all of the things he could do. As much as he wanted to let him leave, he kind of wanted the help. He assigned Logan to the vegetables while he worked on cleaning up a bit. The song shifted to Peace and Love on the Planet Earth from Steven Universe. Patton started subconsciously singing along.


Logan knew that one of the fans saw Patton as Steven and himself as Peridot in this song, so he decided to play along.


Patton was taken aback but instinctively kept singing, shock bubbling up to excitement mid-way through the line.

"Isn't it pretty?"

"That's exceedingly simple. Do-mi-so-ti-"

"We're making music."

They kept going, back and forth, easily bouncing off each other. When the other characters came in, they started singing together, for simplicity. The song finished and Logan took Patton's hands, kissing his nose.

"Where did that come from, Lo? I didn't think you liked Steven Universe!"

"I don't particularly care for it, but I do love you. Since you like the song so much, and the 'fanders', as Thomas calls them, sees us singing this together, I learnt it in case a scenario like this came up."

Patton blushed and a wide grin spread across his face. "Lo! That's so sweet!" He started peppering light kisses all over Logan's face, and felt his cheeks rise from smiling. It was one of the few ways to make Logan smile, and one of Patton's favourites.

"Patton, we should probably concentrate on preparing dinner."

"Oh, right."


Blue. Wisdom, intelligence, truth.

After dinner, Logan returned to his room to work. Roman and Patton had decided to watch a Disney movie and Logan, not being interested, excused himself, despite their objections. After finding out about Roman's wound and ensuring that it had been properly healed, he tried to lecture Roman on safety and responsibility, but he was waved off.

It was to be expected. Roman tended to ignore him at any given opportunity. It didn't really bother him too much considering Patton regularly rebuked him about it, but Logan knew it wasn't fair on him.

Noticing he'd zoned out, Logan returned to his work. Thomas was trying to figure out a way to be more productive and stop procrastinating as much. No doubt, he'd turn it into a video.


Purple. Royalty, power, ambition.

"Hey Lo-lo!"

"Please don't call me that." Logan swivelled around to glare at Roman.





"My prince? My everything? Love of my life?"

Logan rolled his eyes. "Just Logan's fine, thanks." He turned back to his laptop, dismissing Roman.

"Don't think you can kick me out that easily. Pat wants you."

"Why?" Logan only turned his head incase it was a prank.

"Movie night? He wants you to join."

"I already left."


Logan decided not to respond and started rifling through one of the stacks of paperwork on his desk. Roman, getting frustrated, wandered behind Logan and slowly wrapped his arms around his neck. He pulled him back against his chair.

"Roman, what do you think you're doing?"

"Nothing~" Roman nipped at Logan's ear, something he knew got him worked up. He wasn't objecting, though. Logan tried to keep working, but failed and Roman kissed behind his ear. He swivelled around in his chair and pulled Roman into his lap. He forcefully pressed their lips together, and felt Roman smirk and pull away.

"Nice try, but Patton still wants you." Roman got up and grabbed Logan's hand.


Roman pulled Logan out of his room and into the living room.


Pink. Self love.

"Oh my, I didn't think you'd manage to get him here." Patton said as Roman and Logan sat down next to him.

"What can I say, I have my ways."

Logan scoffed and rested his head on Roman's shoulder. Roman lay down against Patton's chest, pulling Logan with him. He loosely intertwined his fingers with Patton's one Patton had unpaused the movie.

"I love you both," Patton said, subconsciously.

"I love you both too." Roman pressed a kiss to Patton and Logan's hand.

"I may not show it often, or know how to show it properly, but you both mean so much to me. I love you two."

Roman kissed Logan's temple, as Patton said, "that was so sweet, Lo!"

"It's true."

Let's just say that none of them particularly paid attention to the movie after that.


Oof you can see my patience run out as this goes on.

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