A Demons Mate (Black Butler)

By acrylic_paint

208K 6.3K 1K

A Sebastian mate story He knew his human form was appealing. People were so agreeable to the good-looking... More

Please Read
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 *
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 Epilogue
Tale of Edwin

Chapter 18

3.7K 153 9
By acrylic_paint

Undertaker and Teo had remained silent, letting Serena absorb the seriousness of what they had told her as she puttered around the kitchen. The girl appeared to be very interested in whatever mysteries the various cabinets held. Both men knew it was more the opportunity to think that they offered and let her go on.

She turned back to them, still nervous. "Okay, so tonight could start a war?"

"That's correct."

"But you were here." She waved to the reaper. "And William with his little reaper swat team. Teo is a demon and can attest that you all came here to stop Grell. So, we're good."

Teo hunched over the cup that he had taken to make Serena feel better, letting the warmth sink through his fingers. This was going to be interesting and he was glad to have stopped in London. "However, if I hadn't been here, they would have been too late. The Elders will look at them as being a little late on purpose."

"Are you all looking for a reason?"

"I don't believe the Elder has quite explained to you how important a mate's safety is. When a demon's mate dies, that's it. It's over. Demons that have lost their mates go mad. In fact, most of your wide spread tragedies come from an Elder giving in to the evil that they carry inside themselves."

"Not to be offensive, but aren't you all kinda pure evil. Isn't that the point?"

"No. We carry evil and has a rather cruel disposition. We wouldn't have been made demons if we didn't. However, that is tempered by common sense. Most demons are incredibly intelligent, probably due to our long lifespan, that helps as well. Elders carry the most evil within, therefore they have the capacity for the most destruction."

"What is the deal with Elders?!" Serena threw her hands up as she slammed another cabinet door shut.

"Because Elders are soul eaters."

"Don't all demons eat souls?" She came back to the table and sat down. Undertaker seemed to be content with his cup of swill and listened.

"No." Teo laughed. "All demons feed from humans, but what we take is dependent on our power level."


"For instance. You're human legends about vampires. The lowest power level and normally the youngest demons, feed on a human's blood. They haven't learned to pull essence and need a physical feeding."

"Well, damn. Aren't all those Dracula fans going to be pissed?"


Serena thought for a moment before looking to Undertaker. "It's not written yet, is it?"

"Probably not, though it sounds very interesting." He giggled into his sleeve.

The demon leaned into her personal space. "You know the future?"

"I shouldn't have said that." She tried to back away but Teo came with her.

"Not your best idea." Undertaker threw his death scythe between them, making Teo pull back. "Miss Serena is actually from the future. No one seems to know why she has brought here. I would remind you of the task at hand and who you would be against if you tried to take her away."

"Right," Teo straightened back up in his chair. "Next are demons that feed on essence. These comprise the majority of demons. They feed on high emotions connected to sins. Lust and anger for example. There is really no lasting effect. Like blood, you all regenerate it in a few days."

"But Ciel's contract is about anger. So, why does Sebastian get his soul in the end?"

"No, the little Earl's contract is about wrath." Undertaker slid an arm over Serena shoulders. "Anyone can be angry. Anger is a normal emotion and normally set aside. But wrath, that's a different apple. Wrath grows, feeds on it's owner until it is all consuming and you would do anything in it's grip."

"Like sell your own soul to a demon." She whispered.

"Exactly. Our little Earl still feels it, burning just beneath the surface." Undertaker giggled, stroking a piece of her hair. "Once a soul has given over to wrath, there is no escaping it. Demon's that feed on souls consumed with wrath, hold that wrath within themselves forever. It is why they are so particular about their meals."

"So, basically all that wrath could explode at any given time?"

"Exactly," said a voice that didn't belong to any of them.

All three jumped up as the voice spread through the mansion. Teo and Undertaker moved quickly, pushing Serena into a corner and standing in front of her. The reaper had his scythe ready, an unusually serious expression on his scarred face.

A knock sounded from the servant's entrance, just off the kitchen.

"That's not Sebastian."

"No, it's someone older and with a different power than Mr. Butler. His voice is his power." The reaper nodded for Teo to answer the door.

He went forward slowly, anticipation making his power level rise. Serena squeezed closer to Undertaker, her hands fisting in flowing, black coat he wore. Her head dropped against his back, burying in his soft hair, while her mind called for Sebastian.

'Where are you?' There was no answer.

Teo opened the door, ready to attack.


Serena popped her head over Undertaker's shoulder, unable to take the anticipation any longer. The demon had stepped back and dropped to the floor. His head was bowed as a tall man swept into the house.

He wore robes of black, reminding her of old priests. Chestnut hair with hints of red was tied at the back of his neck. His skin was pale, almost glowing in the dim candlelight. The demon was just as beautiful as the others that she had seen but carried himself with an air of authority that none of them had possessed.

"Haagenti. What brings you to London?" Undertaker lowered his scythe a fraction.

"Probably the same thing that brings you out tonight." His voice was musical, intoxicating. Serena shook her head against the reaper's back, trying to clear the fog it caused.

"I see the news has already spread."

"The Fallen have given orders for everyone to remain silent for the time being. Especially to... Sebastian is the name he's using right now. They have sent me to investigate this issue before we decide how we will proceed." The demon laughed softly, the notes weaving around everyone. "The council choose well in their representative. I thought that you were retired."

The reaper put his scythe down slowly. "I have already had dealings with Sebastian and his mate."

"Speaking of which."

Undertaker stepped away, pulling Serena out of the corner. Haagenti waved her forward.

"Come here, child. I accepted this assignment because of my curiosity. I want to see what that boy has been given."

She walked forward slowly. Fear and suspicion made her movements slow. When she finally stood before the Elder, he circled her. The feeling of being read to her very soul consumed the girl and raised her tension level.

The demon picked up a lock of her hair and she jerked away.

"Hey! You said see, not touch."

Haagenti laughed, coming back to look her in the face. "Good. It takes a strong soul to hold a demon. That's what a mate is essentially."


"They are a tether. A permanent chain that holds the demon and all the power that they possess in their control." He moved to the table and held out a chair for Serena. "Sit. I see that boy has not explained your position well."

"Why do you keep calling Sebastian, 'that boy'? Isn't he an Elder too?" She sat carefully, keeping an eye on the Elder demon.

"I suppose it is hard for me to see him that way. I was your mate's mentor when he first woke as a demon." Haagenti sat gracefully in the seat that Teo once occupied. The other demon took up residence behind the Elder, staying silent.

"Really?" Serena leaned forward on the table. "So, I suppose that out of everyone here that you would know the most about him then."

"I will not tell you anything."

"Damn it!" She pouted. "A mentor, a lackey, and an enemy and I still get bubkis."

"Later, you will visit me and I will tell you. He was quite amusing during his training." Haagenti smiled at her expression. "I have a feeling that you will be just as amusing."

"Well, I'm glad that this night has been fun for somebody."

"Ah, yes. Back to the subject at hand. I would like you to explain what happened here tonight. Where is Sebastian?" The demon sat back in his seat.

"Ciel and Sebastian went out on one of the Earl's cases."

Haagenti held up a hand. "What do you mean cases?"

"Ciel, Sebastian's contract, is an agent of the Queen. He rules the underground of London. Occasionally, she will send him to investigate certain matters that the public cannot know about."

The Elder's low chuckle filled the room. "He certainly finds the interesting ones. That was why you were here alone?"

"Yes. They decided that it was too dangerous for the little woman to tag along." Bitterness was evident as she pouted.

"Bringing us back to the importance of a mate. Go on."

"I was looking around the house when I heard something from the front hall. I thought that they had already come back. Instead I found Grell."

"I am not familiar with this Grell." He turned to Undertaker. "Is this against his normal behavior?"

"Unfortunately, no. Sutcliff is a bit like a force of nature. His power and skill is how he keeps getting a pass from the Council. Grell is a remarkable reaper, but hard to control. That's why he has been kept at a lower level of the organization. His skill is more than welcomed as a manager, however his high emotions work against him."

"I see." He nodded. "Did he speak to you at all before he attacked you, Serena?"

"He accused me of trying to steal his man."

Undertaker and Haagenti burst out laughing. Serena felt her own bubbling at the situation. Teo watched them all not understanding.

"But demons and reapers do not have relationships." The younger was obviously confused. "Normally, we can't stand each other."

"That's why it's funny."

Haagenti coughed, stifling his amusement.

"Is there, to your knowledge, any relationship between Sebastian and the reaper Grell Sutcliff?"


"Is there an interest in a relationship?"

"No. Grell just thinks there is."

The demon laughed again. "What happened next?"

"I was running through the house. Grell was in front of the door, so like an idiot, I ran up the stairs." Serena rubbed her forehead, trying to hide her embarrassment and the headache it caused.

Teo stepped into Haagenti's line of sight. "That is where I came in."

"Why were you here Teo?"

"I had come to gain permission to feed while in London, Elder."

"Good. Go on."

"Teo was fighting Grell and I went down the servant's stairs after he told me to run. Undertaker was coming up the front steps of the house when I went outside. Grell was right behind me, William and his reapers were right behind Undertaker."

"So the reapers were responding to the threat? Al bet, a little slowly."

"We were unaware of Sutcliff's intentions. As soon as we were, we acted." Undertaker giggled. "I will admit that it was a good thing that Teo was here, however, I believe that Miss Serena could have held him off long enough for myself to arrive."

"Perhaps." Haagenti turned his attention to the red head. "Do you believe that you could have held off the reaper long enough?"

"Oh, absolutely."

Teo raised an eyebrow and she got defensive. "I could have. Maybe. Possibly. If the dress hadn't been tripping me, I'd have been fine."

"Yeah, that's why you got an impromptu haircut," Teo said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Serena gasped and pulled her hair forward. One section was three inches shorter than it used to be.

"That rat bastard." She whispered while stroking her hair.

Haagenti's eyes narrowed. "So, the reaper did cut you."

The girl heard the seriousness in Haagenti's voice and threw the hair behind her to hide it.

"I'm fine. It's just hair."

"Regardless, the reaper's death scythe did touch your person."

She threw her hands up. "Are you looking for a reason to start something? Because it's not going to be me. I'm fine. Teo was here, Undertaker was here, William was here and Grell was carted off in chains. That's good enough for me. So, find something else to start a fight about."

"I still don't think that you understand the severity of what happened here tonight. If the reapers believe that we will overlook such an occurrence, it could open the gateway for those that do not agree with the soul that has been chosen for a mate to circumvent the system. To kill them before they ever meet their demon."

"I highly doubt that will happen." Undertaker finally spoke up.

"I'm well acquainted with this William T. Spears." Haagenti stared at Serena. "Has he never said anything about you not accepting Sebastian?"

She thought back to the demon in London and her first meeting with William and Ronald. "Well, not in so many words. He said something about running toward the darkness and that I had made my decision...for now."

The demon waved his hand. "See. It's already started."

"I agree that Will's hatred of demons can be a bit extreme, however, he is perfectly capable of staying within the rules. It is not against the treaty for him to have contact with a demon's mate."

"And it's not like I was too keen on the idea at the time." Serena felt the need to butt in.

"Elder, why are you not more upset about this?" Teo came forward. "One of our mates almost died, it was mere coincidence that I was here or that Grell said something to another reaper. And yet, you're contemplating looking the other way."

The Elder growled at the younger demon. "As if you know what is in my thoughts."

"Forgive me, Elder." Teo bowed on the floor again. "I was out of line."

"However, I admit that I'm not as angry about this as I was when I arrived. Even after hearing that a deathscythe touched one of our mates." He glared at Undertaker. "What have you done, reaper?"

He giggled and spoke in a sing-song voice. "I have done nothing. But I know who did."

The reaper pointed to Serena.

"Me? I didn't do anything. I certainly don't know how to put one over on a demon."

"You don't have to do anything. You simply have to be." He watched their confusion. "Your name is your power. Serenity is what you bring to those close to you. It's probably how you were able to get the Earl to trust you when he trusts no one. A very useful power for a being that will mate a demon of wrath."

The man laughed into his sleeve, staring at the red head. The two demons watched her carefully.

"Very interesting." Haagenti looked to the front of the house. "It seems our discussion is over."

'Serena? Are you alright?'

'I'm fine. There are people here to see you.'

The front door was heard opening through a bell in the kitchen to signal the Master's arrival. Serena jumped up and headed for the door.

"They're back." She turned back to the others absentmindedly before going through the door. "Stay here."

Undertaker laughed at the order. "Oh, she'll do just fine as an Elder's mate."
When Serena came into the hallway, Sebastian was closing the repaired front door. She heard pounding and saw Ciel hurrying up the stairs, the tails of the taller butler's coat dragging behind him.


"Not now," he yelled back.

Serena jumped as the door slammed upstairs. Hearing a growl, she turned to see Sebastian leaning over her.

"Why do you smell like another demon?" He growled as he looked down at her. "Two other demons."

The stress of the night came out as she grabbed the black fabric of his tie and pulled the demon to her eye level.

"Now you listen here, buddy. With the night that I have had, I'm in no mood for your jealous bullshit." The girl jerked the tie. "Is that understood?"

She waited for him to nod before letting go of his tie.

"Good. I'm glad that we understand each other. Now then, Undertaker and a demon and another Elder are waiting to speak to you in the kitchen." Serena lifted her skirts as she started up the stairs.

"Why are Undertaker and another Elder here?"

"Just...shit hit the fan here tonight. But we've all discussed it, we're over it, and we're all going to move on now." She waved him off while going up the stairs

Sebastian stared at the door to the house's kitchen for a moment as his mate disappeared into the upper level. He had felt the power of another demon as the carriage had drawn closer, but it was not an Elder's. Inside the house, it's level was staggering. Someone used their power inside almost every room. Nothing looked out of place, exactly as whoever had done it had intended. As soon as Serena had said Elder, he recognized his old mentor and knew that wasn't who it was.

'Well, no other way to find out. I do not believe that Serena is going to tell me.'

************************A Demon's Mate********************

"Ciel?" Serena knocked softly on the Earl's bedroom door.

"Leave me."

The voice was forceful, holding panic. With a sigh, she opened the door anyway and stepped inside. Ciel was pacing in front of the fireplace while holding the iron poker. The teen's other hand was clutching Sebastian coat closed around his body. His eyes were wild when she entered and he brought the poker up in front of him.

"Ciel? What happened?" She reached a handout but stopped when he jerked away.

"Don't touch me!" The teen backed into the wall, sliding down it. "Just don't touch me."

"Did something go wrong?"

"Wrong?" He laughed derisively and threw the poker down. "This whole plan was wrong!"


'We're fine. Concentrate on that issue.'

Ciel took off the bangles that jingled on his wrist and threw them across the room. He drew his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. "I don't know how you talked me into this."

Suddenly, the conversation they had had at the mansion came rushing back to her. When the Earl had told her about what happened to him after the mansion burned and his parents had been murdered. What had happened to push him into making a deal with a demon.

"Ciel." Her voice was soft as she tried to reach him.

"Don't." The teen shot up from his position to glare at her, his contract mark blazing. "Don't you dare pity me!"

"It's not pity." She tried to come closer but he started to pace all over again.

"No one feels sorry for me. I'm Ciel, Earl of Phantomhive. The Queen's Guard Dog and ruler of London's underworld. I made the Funtom company into a world leader. I...I..." His voice cracked. "I..."

Serena reached out a hand that he didn't back away from. She touched him lightly, afraid to spook him. When he didn't pull away, the girl wrapped her arms around Ciel and guided him to put his head on her shoulder. She didn't say anything about the wetness she felt on her skin as his knees let go and they knelt on the floor.

****************************A Demon's Mate**************************

Sebastian entered the kitchens to see Undertaker and Haagenti sitting at the small table. A young demon that he didn't know stood behind them. The two at the table stood when he entered, their expressions giving nothing away.

"My, my. I wonder what I have done to warrant such guests in my current home." He nodded to the other demon. "Haagenti."


"I'm an Elder in my own right, Mentor. Perhaps you could stop calling me that." Sebastian shook his head.

The other demon waved him off. "As I told your mate, I highly doubt it."

"Undertaker. What brings you here?"

The reaper giggled. "Oh, it will wait for a moment."

Sebastian looked to the young demon, waiting patiently. He waved the other forward and he knelt in front of London's Elder.

"Elder, I am Teo. I ask permission to hunt while passing through your territory."

"Where is your destination?"

"Manchester, Elder."

Sebastian crossed his arms as he looked down at the younger.

"I did not think that it was customary for you to wait inside my home, with my mate."

Haagenti stepped forward. "We will explain that. He's done more than enough this night to be allowed hunting rights."

"Really? Is it your power I sensed had been used in my home?"

"Yes, Elder." Teo kept his head down and tried to hide the nervous tremor in his voice.

Haagenti laid a hand on Teo's shoulder. "As I said, we will explain that. For now, only know that it was necessary."

"Very well. I will give you leave to hunt within London."

"Thank you, Elder." Teo stood and bowed to the room. "I will leave now if it pleases you."

Sebastian waved toward the back door that had opened on its own. The younger demon bowed once more to each of them and took off. He didn't want to be anywhere near this house when they informed the Elder of what had happened here tonight.

"Now, are you going to tell me what happened in my absence?"

A thump came from the floor above them and Sebastian reached out to his mate.

"Your Master is a little...unhinged this evening."

"A passing occurrence." He waved it off and turned back to the others.

"Your mate seems rather attached to him, boy. That could be a problem."

"An unfortunate reality that is being dealt with, I assure you. Why are you stalling?"

"Very well," Haagenti sighed and waved them all to sit. "You're mate received a visit this evening from a Grell Sutcliff."

Sebastian rolled his eyes as he took the seat that his mate had sat in. He could still feel the warmth from her body on the cushion.

"You see, even he brushes the incident off." The reaper took a sip from his now cold cup.

"Undertaker. Would you like to tell him the rest of it then?"

The reaper leaned forward. "The Council admits that Grell attacked Serena using his death scythe with the intent to collect her soul. However, the Council responded to this threat and your mate was unharmed by the night's events."


************************A Demon's Mate*************************

Ciel pulled away from Serena, keeping his head down so she wouldn't see his tear-streaked face. The red head kept a hand on his back as he pulled a lord's arrogance back around him like a shield. She realized that she had some of the gold dust that had once coated his skin on her dress.

"Why don't I get a washcloth and we'll get some of this stuff off you."

Ciel nodded, not trusting his voice to speak yet. Serena stood slowly and headed into the adjoining bathroom. There was a pitcher and basin already waiting by the sink and a small towel hung on the bar next to it. The girl thanked whoever was listening that indoor plumbing had already been invented as she filled the bowl with warm water.

When she came back out, Ciel was sitting in the chair in front of the fireplace. His still clutched the coat but was quickly returning to his normal, surly attitude. Serena put the bowl on the table next to him and pulled the matching ottoman up next to his feet.

"You're going to have to take off the coat."

The Earl started, as though he had forgotten that she was there. Slowly, he slid the fabric from his shoulders and she saw the faint bruises that had started to bloom on his arms. Serena didn't say anything, only took the tailcoat from him. She whistled at the gold dust that coated the inside.

"Even Sebastian is going to have a hard time getting that out." She laughed and set the coat aside.

Serena dipped the cloth in the bowl and reached for Ciel's arm. He jerked away.

"I can do it."

"Well, I was hoping that you would tell me what happened tonight while we got this off." She smiled at him.

He huffed and held out his arm. "Fine."

"So, I'm guessing that it didn't go well?"

"It was a disaster."

She ran the cloth lightly up his arm as Ciel's head fell back against the chair.

"You didn't find the kidnap victims?"

"No, we found them. He had them set up as living statues throughout the estate with hoods over their heads. Definitely arrogant, not obsessed."

"They didn't try to get away?"

"The only ones that he used were those that were already scared to death. They were quite hard to move."

"Too scared to get away?"

"They were scared of people finding out what happened to them, being killed, being further tortured. The usual. That fear kept them from trying."

Serena smiled at his returning attitude.

"Sebastian was able to round them up while I kept the Colonel busy."

The cloth ghosted over a set of finger-sized bruises.

"I assume the dance worked."

He didn't answer.

"You froze, huh?"

"He seemed to like that more."

She looked up at the haunted tone. Ciel was staring straight ahead, his eyes fixed on the flames dancing in the fireplace. A shiver stole through his body and pulled him back to the present. The red head took his hand, rubbing her thumb across his fingers.

"But you got him in the end."

Ciel laughed low. "Yes. I believe that he'll be in Bedlam until his execution. Sebastian left quite the impression on our dear Colonel."

Serena shivered and realized that she had felt the spike of power wrap around her body. Suddenly, the entire house started to shake from the foundation. Paintings fell off the walls they were mounted to as the two watched the chandelier shake above them. Ciel grabbed Serena and pulled her into a corner as the massive piece of glass and crystal fell to the floor.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Hell is exactly what's going on." The red head stood and tried to keep her balance as she headed for the door. "It has to be Sebastian. They must have told him what happened."

"What are you talking about?!" Ciel yelled over the sounds of crashing as he followed her to the stairs.

"Grell was here tonight and kind of tried to kill me."

"What did you do?" They tripped down the last few stairs and stopped in the doorway to the dining room. It was the fastest way to the kitchen.

"It's not like I went looking for him." She made a run for the servant's door with Ciel right behind her. "Undertaker said something like that it could start a war between the reapers and demons. I guess he wasn't lying."

"Why are you so much trouble?! I have more than enough problems without you adding to them."

In the kitchen, Haagenti and Undertaker were yelling at a black hole in the center of the room. It took her a moment to realize it was shaped like a man. Utensils, pans, chairs and pieces of the cabinet were whirling around the black hole and the other two men had their arms up, trying to shield themselves from the flying debris.

"Sebastian, stop this right now!" Ciel yelled at the black figure in the center of the room with his contract mark glowing.

Both of the humans jerked back when a bone shaking growl came their direction.

"Well, that didn't work." She said under her breath.

The Earl gave her a little push. "You do something."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. You're supposed to be his mate."

"He's right." Haagenti suddenly appeared next to them. "You calmed me just by being near and I have no connection to you. You have to get closer."

The demon pulled her into his side, shielding her from the debris coming toward them. He made his way toward the other Elder slowly, taking several blows without a flinch. The wind picked up the closer that they came to the epicentre of the powerstorm.

"Talk to him!"

"Sebastian! Calm down, everything is fine. I told you that we already talked about it."

Haagenti looked down as he realized that they were being pulled, by the force of the wind, into Sebastian and he was taking more damage the closer they got. The demon quickly ran through their options, not liking any of them.

"You're the only one that can talk him down." The Elder yelled to her. He let go of Serena and jumped back to the outer fringes of the room.

As soon as she wasn't held by the other demon, Serena was pulled into the very center of the storm. Although he seemed a black hole, she hit a solid body. As soon as they touched, red eyes opened and stared down at the girl. The wind died down a little around them.

"Sebastian, please. You have to stop."

"Do something!"

She looked back to Ciel. The Earl was able to stand straight, as well as the other two men beside him, but the wind was still ripping around them. The eyes continued to stare at her. The longer they were in contact she could see the demon filling back out, coming back out of the darkness of himself.

Making a decision, Serena pulled Sebastian down. She looked into his eyes one last time before bringing her lips to his.

The wind died down until it was nothing and the houses shaking stopped completely. As the three watched, the kitchen righted itself. They looked through the doorway and saw the other room back to normal. The trio looked back to the center to see Sebastian back in his butler's uniform still holding Serena tight against him, their mouths still fused.

"Well, that's not exactly what I had in mind."

Undertaker and Haagenti laughed at the blush stealing over the Earl's face.

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