Melody 5 - Rising Stars

By NeylaNeil

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Five girls with one dream - get into a hot new girl group, storm the charts and revel in pop stardom! Can f... More

Melody 5 - Rising Stars
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (i) - Jadine
2 (ii) - Katya
2 (iii) - Amy
2 (iv) - Rhian
2 (v) - Molly
Chapter 3 (i) - Rhian
3 (ii) - Amy
3 (iii) - Molly
3 (iv) - Jadine
3 (v) - Kat
Chapter 4 (i) - Amy
4 (ii) - Molly
4 (iii) - Kat
4 (iv) - Jadine
4 (v) - Rhian
Chapter 5 - (i) Molly
5 (ii) - Amy
5 (iii) - Kat
5 (iv) - Rhian
5 (v) - Jadine
Chapter 6 - (i) Amy
6 (ii) - Molly
6 (iii) - Jadine
6 (iv) - Rhian
6 (v) - Kat
Chapter 7 (i) - Molly
7 (ii) - Rhian
7 (iii) - Amy
7 (iv) - Kat
7 (v) - Jadine
Chapter 8 - (i) Amy
8 (ii) - Jadine
8 (iii) - Kat
8 (iv) - Molly
8 (v) - Rhian
Chapter 9 (i) - Kat
9 (ii) - Jadine
9 (iii) - Molly
9 (iv) - Rhian
9 (v) - Amy
Chapter 10 (i) - Rhian
10 (ii) - Amy
10 (iii) - Molly
10 (iv) - Kat
10 (v) - Jadine
Chapter 11 (i) - Rhian
11 (ii) - Jadine
11 (iii) - Amy
11 (iv) - Molly
11 (v) - Kat
Chapter 12 (i) - Amy
12 (ii) - Molly
12 (iii) - Rhian
12 (iv) - Jadine
12 (v) - Kat
Chapter 13 (i) - Kat
13 (ii) - Rhian
13 (iii) - Amy
13 (iv) - Molly
Chapter 14 (i) - Rhian
14 (ii) - Kat
14 (iii) - Jadine
14 (iv) - Molly
14 (v) - Amy
Chapter 15

13 (v) - Jadine

15 0 0
By NeylaNeil

--- JADINE ---

Jadine was furious.  It was official - Melody 5 was better known for celebrity boyfriends and twerking in rap videos than their actual music.

“I had no idea Jake was going to do that!” seethed Amy, for the millionth time.

“So you’ve said!” snapped Jadine.

“Come on, guys,” said Molly.  “Let’s focus on the gig.  We’re on in a couple of minutes.”

“Jadine, don’t you think you’ve used guys to help us get where we are today?” said Amy, refusing to let the matter lie.

“I’ve done no such thing,” fumed Jadine.

“Oh really?” puffed Amy.  “What about Lyric?”

How dare Amy bring Lyric into this?

“Lyric’s a mate.  I’ve known him since we were kids,” raged Jadine.  “He was happy to help us out!”

“Only because you made him,” jeered Amy.  “More than once!  And so he’d record Break The Silence, you’re even going on a date with him!”

“Stop it!” yelled Molly.  “How are we supposed to go on stage and sing about supporting each other, if all we’re doing is yelling at each other.”

“Absolutely!” added Lena.  “You girls have come too far and been through too much together to fall apart before you’ve got your first big break.”

Jadine looked around and saw some of the Soundscaper sound crew staring at them.  Great.  The news that they’d been arguing in public would probably make it onto some cruddy gossip site within minutes and the rest of their reputation would be in tatters.  She also saw Kat and Rhian staring at her, probably wondering what awful accusations Amy and her would fling at each other next.

As she rubbed her forehead, Jadine realised Amy was right.  She had used Lyric.  She’d had no qualms about using the fact that Lyric cared about her to get him to make their tracks.  Was that really so different from what Amy had done – using Jake Miskew to get the band some red-hot publicity prior to the Festival.  Amy couldn’t have known Jake would turn into a crush-crazy stalker! 

Now she thought about it, Jadine realised the girls had used lots of people to help them get to this point.  They hadn’t paid Derren to make their videos or Lena for managing them and Amy’s parents had accepted a pittance from them in return for a place to live, record and rehearse.  All those people had given the girls their time or resources because they believed in the band and wanted them to succeed – and that included Lyric.

Now it was time to pay them back by showing them - and the rest of the world – just how amazing Melody 5 were.

“I’m sorry, Amy,” said Jadine.  “I shouldn’t have flown off the handle at you.”

Amy gave a resigned smile.  “If it’s any consolation, I’ll have to suffer the consequences of telling Jake that I don’t want to go to Paris with him.  That guy is way too intense.”

“That’s what Derren said about him,” said Molly.

There was an awkward moment as Amy and Molly shared a look.

“Derren told me I should look out for you as far as Jake was concerned,” said Molly.  “Guess I didn’t do a very good job.”

“Don’t think I’d have listened even if you’d tried to stop me,” said Amy, ruefully.

“So are you girls back on track?” asked Lena.

“Absolutely,” said Jadine.

“Good,” said Lena.  “Cos I think I’ve poured enough coffee and mineral water down Rhian’s throat to make sure she’s sober enough to go on stage.”

“I only had one glass of champagne to calm my nerves,” said Rhian.

“Really?” asked Jadine.

“Well, maybe one and a half,” sniffed Rhian.

“That means two,” grinned Jadine.

“I’m fine,” smiled Rhian.  “Honestly!”

“Group hug!” called out Molly.  “For luck!”

Jadine and the girls gathered together and embraced before their big moment.

“Melody 5!” called out the Stage Manager.  “Standby.  Prepare for your opening positions.”

This was it.  The moment they’d been working towards.  A major gig in front of industry execs, a growing army of fans and a televised audience.  If they rocked it, they could be offered a record deal and their journey to pop stardom would continue.  If they were mediocre or bombed, their dream would end – if a record company didn’t sign them now, would they ever get signed?

As the opening bars of Melody Vibe echoed around the Soundscaper Rising Stars Festival, Jadine and the girls stepped out on stage.

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