California dream

By _ignorantlove_

126K 3.1K 3K

When y/n arrives in Hawkins she instantly hates the new town she is going to live in but when she meets a out... More

The arrival
Meeting MadMax
Trick or treat,freak
The pollywog
Will the wise
Dig Dug
The spy
The mind Flayer
The Gate
Suzie, do you copy?
Mall Rats
The case of the missing lifeguard
The Flayed
E Pluribus Unum
The bite
The battle of star court version 1
The battle of star court version 2
The battle of star court version 3
The Battle Of Star Court version 4
The hellfire club
Vecans curse

The Sauna Test

6.4K 153 138
By _ignorantlove_

Season 3
Chapter 4

I'm currently brushing my teeth and listening to the thunder when I get what seems like a flash back
"Her fag of a girlfriend y/n"
Billy turns around suddenly and there's an ear splitting noise. The whistle with blood,the red door opening,  the bathtub filled with ice and water, Heather, "help me", her getting dragged into the floor

I look at myself in the mirror carefully, studying my features and then there's a loud thunderclap that makes me jump, I sigh while turning around and heading back into my room. "Which one?" Max says pulling two comic books out of her bag
"I don't know" I say in monotone sitting on the bed and getting under the covers
Max puts the comics down and look at me in worry
"Hey, there's nothing to worry about anymore, okay?"
"It doesn't make sense Max"
"What doesn't make sense?"
"Heather" I look from my lap to her "the blood. The ice"
"Heather had a fever, so she took a cold bath, but she's better now. That has to be it. I don't know where that blood came from but...we say her y/n. We both saw her. She's totally fine"
"What about Billy?"
"What about him?"
"He" i state being careful with my words making her chuckle
"Wrong is kind of like his default, but it's nice to know he's not a murderer, because that would've totally sucked" she chuckles making me have to bite my lip to stifle a smile that wants to spread across my face. She gets closer to my face and takes my lip out from between my teeth "Don't do that, you'll hurt yourself. Plus it makes me want to kiss you"
I chuckle and look at the two comic books "wonder woman, seriously? Captain marvels so much better" (the first captain marvel comic was released in 1967, in case you wanted to know)
"Wonder Woman is so so so much better, I mean-"
"Let's just read" I cut her off before she opens the comic book and leans back onto the bed.
I snuggle up into her side, my arms around her waist and my head on the chest slightly so u can hear her heart beat
"This is Wonder Woman, AKA princess Diana. She's from Paradise Island, which is, like, this hidden island where there are only women Amazon warriors" not long after that I feel my eyes start to close and I can't help but fall asleep to the sound of my lovers heart beat and her calming voice.

"Do you copy, this is a code red" I hear Lucas's voice over either Max's or my walkie talkie
"I repeat, this is a code red. Max. Do you copy? This. Is. A. Code. Red"
Max scoffs before picking up the device
"Shut...up. And get off this Chanel! It's for y/n and I only, dumbass!" She turns it off and snuggles back into my side
Next thing we know the phones ringing. Max shoots up in my bed and scoffs again "you've got to be kidding me" she gets up while I stay laying down watching her from the bed. Smiling at how she tucks her hair behind her ears and the way she walks and how her-
"Like what you see stalker?"
I nod
"Stop staring"
I shake my head making her laugh
"I'm sleeping. Go away" she says seriously into the phone
The person on the other side of the line speaks
"What are you talking about"
They speak again
Max puts down the phone
"What did he say?" 
She doesn't answer me, she just looks down at the phone. That gets me out of I'm up and running over to comfort her

I get on my bike as Max gets on hers
"I'll pick up Eleven! You go to Mikes!" I yell to her before racing off towards Elevens house.

*time skip*

When I arrive at Mikes house with Eleven I let myself in Eleven following close behind, I go down into the basement and sit down next to Max, I put a hand on the thigh and hope it calms her down.
"I didn't think it was anything at first.I mean,I think I just didn't want to believe it" Will starts "the first time I felt it was at the Day of the Dead"
"Power went out that night, too" I state while looking at each of my friends individually
"And then I felt it again at the field near the Nelson farm the next day. Then again yesterday outside Castle Byers"
"What does it feel like?" Max asks concerned
"It's almost know when you drop on a roller coaster"
"Sure" Mike says
"No" Eleven and I say at the same time making Max look at me in disbelief I shrug and continue to listen to Will
"It's like...everything inside your just sinking all at once,but...this is worse. Your goes cold and- and you can't breath. I felt it before, whenever he was close"
"Whenever who was close?" Max asks confused
"The Mind Flayer"
"I closed the gate" Eleven states while looking at Will
"I know, but...what if he never left? What if we locked him out here with us?"

"This is him" Will says slamming a piece of paper onto the table and starting to draw The Mind Flayer "all of him but, that day of the field, a part of him attached itself to me" he runs his hand over the chalk smudging it on the paper and his hand
"I remember that..." I say quietly trying not to let memories flood my brain
"What?!" Mike yells "and you didn't tell us?!"
"I didn't know what was going on Mike! I was scared!"
"And you didn't think we were y/n!"
"I was seeing into peoples thoughts Mike! And I couldn't control it! I didn't know what to do!" I scream while tears start to blur my vision
"You should have told us, you bitch!"
Everyone who wasn't already silent goes silent now, except me who lets out a loud sob that makes me cover my mouth quickly. I cry and try to keep myself quiet but it's not working...everyone's to quiet
"What'd you call her?" Max asks calmly
When he doesn't reply she yells at him "what did you call her?!"
"Nothing, Don't worry about it. Continue Will" Max pulls me against her body and keeps me there. Whispering nice things in my ear while kissing my forehead, cheek, neck and lips occasionally, once I'm calm Will starts to speak again but when he does it's quiet
"My mom got it out of me...and Eleven closed the gate. But the part that was still in me, What is it's still in our world?" He puts his handprint on the other side of the paper "in Hawkins"
"I don't understand. The Demodogs dudes when El closed the gate. If the brain dies, the body dies"
"We can't take any chances. We need to assume the worst. The Mind Flayer is back"
"Yeah. And if he is, he'd want to attach himself to someone again. A new me"
"A new host" lucas says
"How can you tell if someone is a host?" El asks

*time skip again*

"I don't know. He looks pretty normal to me" Max states holding a pair of binoculars up to her eyes. Put the binoculars down please, I want to see those beautiful blue eyes of yours.
"Normal? How many time have you seen him with a shirt on?" Lucas asks making her pull the binoculars away from her face and look at him. Look at me! Let me see your blue eyes!
"I mean it's a little weird"
"More than a little. He was in a tub with ice. The Mind Flayer likes it cold. Plus everything else-"
"But he's lounging at the pool, which is, like, the least Mind Flayer thing ever" she look at Mike but not me
"Not necessarily. The Mind Flayer likes to hide. He only used me when he needed me. It's you're dormant and then, when he needs you, you're activated"
"Okay, so we just...wait until he gets activated"
"No. What is he hurts someone?" Mike states
"Or kills someone" Will adds
"We can't take that chance. We need to find out if he's the host" Mike stands up straight and starts to walk away
"Where are you going?" Eleven asks
"I have an idea. Boys only"
"Seriously?" Max scoffs while Rolling her eyes
"Just trust me on this one" he states making Max roll her eyes

*small time skip*

"Mike, are you there?" Max asks through the walkie talkie
"Yeah!" He yells back
"Where are you guys?"
"I'm coming. Just...hold on a second"
While everyone went to go get when we need for this 'plan' I stayed behind with my girlfriend to keep her company. Finally, we're alone and actually able to speak.
She puts the binoculars up to her eyes again to look at Billy "god, I hope it's not you. I really hope it's not you" She takes the binoculars off her eyes while talking to herself making me stand off the hood of a car and walk towards her slowly making her look at me suspiciously. When I in front of her I lean down and kiss her slowly, making her kiss back. I pull away right after making her groan, I chuckle and peck her lips again "I love you" I rest my forehead against hers and intertwining our fingers
"I love you too baby girl"
"I'm always here for you,okay?"
"Okay" she breaths out
"Okay" I kiss her again slowly and pull her towards me more, pressing our body's together. I get annoyed with the binoculars getting in the way so I remove them from around her neck quickly and place them gently on the ground. I stand back up straight and bring her lips back to mine in a much needed kiss

*time skip again. Sorry :(*

Were currently in the pools proceeding out plan to catch Billy. He's in the shower so we're setting everything up when we're done we open a door (I'm guessing y'all)
"pools closed" we hear Billy speak we make more noise "hey! Do you hear me?!" he slams his locker and starts to walk
"he's coming," I say to everyone quietly with my eyes closed watching Billys every move.
"pool is closed!" he tries to open the door but it doesn't budge. He tries over and over and over again until we turn the lights out
"Billy!" Mike yells over the walkie talkie
"who's there?" Billy almost murmurs
"billy!" Mike yells again in a sing-song voice
Who's there?" he mocks back
He opens a shower
He closes the shower curtain
"You think this is funny, huh?"
Mike laughs
"billy. Come find me."
" I find you, it is your funeral"
"Come and get me, come on!"
"Got you" billy says coming around the corner and seeing the CPR dummy
He cackles while smiling sinisterly
"come and get me, you piece of shit"
He sees its the dummy when he opens the door, he grabs it by the neck and holds it up higher than it already was in the air
"hey, behind you"
He turns to see Eleven standing there "hi"
He chucks the dummy down and Eleven throws him back into the wall. Jesus.
"now!" Mike yells and we all run out
Eleven closes the door and we put a pipe, a chain and a lock so he can't get up
"come on"
"got it"
We run back
He pounds on the door shaking the chain
"Max," he says looking at her making her breathing hitch. I grab her hand gently making her jump
"hey, hey, hey. It's okay, it's just me baby. It's alright" she let's me grab her this time. I pull her closer to me gently and wrap an arm around her waist putting one hand firmly yet gently on her hip 
"do it" she says making Will run forward and turn up the heat
The heat slowly rises making Billy pound on the door even more "max! Let me out of here! Let me out"
"its alright max, I'm here. Squeeze my hand if you need to okay?"
"you kids. You think this is funny? You kids think this is some kid of sick prank, huh?" He spits on the window "you little shits think this is funny?! What is this? Open the door" he slams on the door making us jump and Max grab my hand and her grip on it "open the door!" He screams and repeats "open the goddamn door!" He yells before sitting down on the ground and banging on it
Will runs over to the temperature gauge "we're at 220"
Then we hear when I least expected sobbing "its not my fault. It's not my fault" Max starts to move towards the door and me being me i follow "its not my fault, Max. I promise you, it's not my fault
"whats not your fault, Billy?"
"I've done things, Max. Really...bad things" he sobs out "I didn't mean to. He made me do it" he whispers the last part making me pull Max towards me slightly so her backs pressed against my front but not too far from the door so she can still see her brother .
"Who made you do it?"
"I don't know, it's like a shadow. Like a giant shadow. Please, Max."
"What did he make you do?"
"It's not my fault Max, okay? Max please" he lays against the seat and sobs more making Max cry.
"Please, believe me, Max, it's not my fault. I tried to stop him, okay? I did. Please believe me, Max. Please believe me"
Max puts her hand against the window "Billy, it's gonna be okay"
"Max please"
"It's gonna be okay. We want to help you. We want to help you. You just have to talk to us, okay? You have to talk to us. I believe you, Billy. We'll figure it out together, okay?"
I put my face into Max's shoulder trying not to cry myself. She just wants her brother back "I need you to trust me. please"
"Max, y/n, get away from the door" Mike says
"What?" Max says
"Get away from the door!" He yells making me push Max away from the door 
The glass smashes and Billy's arm comes threw with a sharp piece of tile "let me out, you bitch! Let me out! I'll fucking gut you! (jeez Billy)" he yells grabbing the chains trying to get out
I run over Max and pull her towards our group of friends when she starts to sob and Billy chucks a pole towards her
"Let me out!" He roars. I look at Max closely god she doesn't deserve this
"Max. Max. Max. Hey, hey. Hey, it's okay, it's okay, I'm here . We're going to help him okay? We're going to help everyone" she look at my face and her eyes widen and she lets out a loud gasp. She grabs my face and pulls it closer to hers looking at it closely
"What Max?" I ask
"Your-your-your face-"
"What-" I touch my face and feel something wet. I pull my hand away and see...blood "shit" I curse while running into the room where there are a few mirrors along with sinks. I look in the mirror and see a long cut from the far corner of my left eyebrow down to the left corner of my mouth, lucky it's not too deep, that's when we could have a problem. I start to sob, I scoop some cold water up and wash my face off.
"We need to find you a bandage" Max says sternly making me nod slowly. She runs off and come back just minutes later with a bandage and some other things. she turns me around and starts to cry into my chest.
"I should have saved you. But instead you saved me again" she sobs out and I hold her against me tightly
"I'd save you a million times, even if I got hurt every single time"
"How are you so romantic in a time like this?" she chuckles lightly before pulling me down onto the ground. She stands back up and starts to wet a cloth before sitting back down and dabbing the wound making me wince
"Sorry" she mumbles pulling it away from my face
"Don't worry, keep going, I'm okay" she continues but stops whenever I wince or suck a breath in through my teeth, later she puts these things on that seem to hold my skin together
"What are those?" I ask when she's putting another one on my face
"Steri strips" than she tapes a bandage to cover the cut to my face. "Done" she mumbles before helping me stand.
"Thanks red, I could've died without you" I kiss her forehead and smile at her before running back into the room with the rest of the party is.

Billy runs towards the door and it pushes open slightly
"He can't get out, can he?" Max asks standing behind Eleven
"Not if I can help it" I step towards the door and look him straight in the eyes "stop this right now Billy,stop" he stops for a second a looks back at me. It's working.
"Calm down,we're not going to hurt you"
I walk towards the door slightly "it's okay,we're trying to help, but you need to stop okay?"
He nods slightly and I move away from the door and look at the party smiling. "I think it worked"
I hear the pounding on the door again and then the door swings open and Billy comes tumbling out
"Get back!" I yell turning my back to them and looking at billy again
"Eleven...I might need-
"I'm Here"
I nod and stand my ground against the insane teenage boy. He breaths heavily while eleven and I stare at him. He has black and blue vanes running all over his body. This is insane

Eleven picks up a weight with her mind and throws it at him screaming. Billy's pinned against the wall with the weight at his neck but he's pushing it away slightly. I tackle El to the ground before the weight bar hits her. Billy walks toward us and forces me to look at him by pulling my hair. Then he forces his hand onto my throat and starts strangling me while staring at Max who looks like she's about to cry. I try and pull his hand off but nothing works. I use all I have in me but nothing, he's to strong. I gasp for air and choke but no one can do anything. Even elevens trying to get the older boy off me but nothing.  He picks me up as I cough
"No! No! No!" I yell when he continues to raise me off the ground. Water starts to spill from my eyes and I start to punch and kick with all I have left

I hear Max yelling and something but Billy making him fall to the ground and let me go. I gasp and choke as I truly and catch my breath. Max lifts the poll up again to hit Billy "go to hell, you piece of shit!" She brings the poll down to hit Billy but he catches it and throws it across the room. He walks her backwards until her back is against the wall. I get up slowly and stumble towards them. I step in front of Max before he can touch her and look into Billy's eyes "back away" I demand. He steps back and I know I have him under my control
"Eleven" I mumble when my head starts to hurt. I need her help. I'm too weak. "Help" I mumble again before I fall into the once again. I sit up slightly and lean against the wall. Leaving the rest up to someone else. Next thing I know I pass out

Max's POV

I crawl towards y/n who's laying against the wall I was just on. I put my head on her chest hearing her heartbeat which makes me sigh in relief. I pull her into my lap and tell Lucas to go get some water which he does. He comes back with a glass of water and I splash y/n with it making her eyes shoot open and her sit up with a gasp. She looks around startled until her eyes hand on me and her whole face softens
"I'm sorry" she sobs making everyone look at us
"Don't be sorry. It's okay" I run a hand up and down her thigh. She shifts in my lap slightly until her legs around around my waist and her arms around my neck. I trace shapes on her back and smile slightly when she snuggles into my chest and take a deep breath in.
I can't help but this that's this girl...this small fragile girl in my arms right now is the reason myself and many others around alive

I look out the large hole in the wall to see Billy running away wailing. A tear slides down my cheek, he's a monster....

This may have a few errors in so sorry. I practically worked all day today and I'm so tired so I'm sorry. Also I'm mighty be publishing a new book in an hour or two 😮😮😮😮
It's an imagine book with Sadie and Sabrina Carpenter and some other. Give me some other celebrities to do too y'all I'm like 95% sure I'll do like ever single one you comment so give me a few. Love you all. Also thank you so much for 5k reads

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