More Than Meets The Eye

By macygirl1999

49.6K 1.4K 337

A simple transformers story. Follows the first movie. There isn't a lot of Optimus Prime X Reader books, I fe... More

Optimus Prime X Human!Reader
Contact, Injuries, and Desperate Sleep.
Home Sweet Home and Pick-Up Lines.
Stolen Car, "Are you a girl?", PTSD, and S-7?
Idiots, The All Spark, and Mission City.
Battle in Mission City, Hopelessness, and End of the Beginning.
Music, 2 in 1, and Base Doctors.
"Doing me a solid", Splinter of All Spark, and Good Questions.
Don't Feel So Good, Alien B!tch, and That Wasn't Smart.
Jetfire, Egypt?!?!, and Pixie Dust.
Battle, Approval, and He's back!
Parental Approval, What the hell!, and Arguments
Unwanted Emotions, Attack of the Pyscho-Ninja Copier, and Sentinel Prime.
Hacking/Chipped., Betrayal!, and Forseen Consequences..
Christmas Special
Wanted Intell., A Ship to Leave., and An Emotional Good-bye.
Rescue Mission., Raising Hell., and Beginning of the "Chicago War".
Small Scare, Rescue Mission, and Taunts.
Mystery Fellow., Carly!, and Resolution: Part 1..
Stuck., Men..., and "Don't ever look back!"
Memories., Confrontations., and The Beginning..
Off on the Wrong Foot, Literally., Heartache Episode., and Found..
Apologies., The Action Never Stops., and Brush of Death..
Determination., Arguments., and Getting on the Road, Again, Maybe?.
Meet-and-Greets., The Others., and Abandonment?

Fugitives, Simmons, and Wheelie the Sparkling.

1.5K 51 5
By macygirl1999

Time Skip by Ironhide learning ballet.

We made into almost across the country without being spotted. We stopped to get some food after eating all the snacks that we snagged from an old gas station. We got our food and finally made it back to Bee when a Breaking News report started. "The FBI is still trying to locate the boy, Sam Witwicky. We believe they have information about the attacks. The FBI, CIA and Interpol are all seeking the cooperation of worldwide law enforcement." I was focused on the news until Leo started to freak out.

"Hey, you need to listen to this, man. You gotta check this out." Leo said shaking Sam and pointing to the television. "They have a picture of me, man. We're dead, bro. FBI, CIA, we are wanted fugitives now! I just need you to focus for one minute, man." Leo was sure a complainer. I would have dumped him a long time ago. I then grabbed the phone from Leo as he was trying to call someone. We stopped for the night as Mudflap and Skids arrived at our location.

"You know what? Give me this thing. They can track us. Do you see this?" I said as I crushed his phone then shot it. He jumped and scurried inside the building. Mudflap and Skids gave me a gentle pat on the back in remorse for what happened. I nodded and walked in after them. I had Bee scope out the area before coming back. The twins were messing with Leo and I let them be as well as Sam and Michaela cuddling watching the stars. I sat down and started to work on the code of where my vehicle could be. I wrote down all the names and tried every combination. This was frustrating. Bee came over to where I was and looked at what I was doing. We started talking in Cybertronian when Bee said to count the letters in each title, and it might be coordinated to a location.

"Your amazing Bee! I owe you one." I yelled as I tried to rearrange the coordinates to find a location.

Bee interrupted me by whispering, "Just get him back. That's all I want." I looked at him in the eyes then down to the paper I was working on.

"I know you do. That's what I desire most as well. I'll get him back don't worry. I'll find a way." I said in a soft voice. I dug through my bag and pulled out fresh bandages. I unwrapped my stab wound and saw that it was healed. "What?" I stared at my arm and I moved my wrist and it didn't hurt. I grabbed the miracle scissors that could cut through anything and started to cut through my cast. Bee started to freak out until I told him to just watch. I cut my cast off and my wrist was fine. Bee stared at me as I stared at him. We were both freaked out, I am taking it better than him. "Don't tell anyone," I said as he said he couldn't because there are no radio or satellite signals. I laughed at that and we talked about if he could talk again with his voice box then why he was talking through the radio. I found out that it has been a part of him for a long time and now that he has it back, he doesn't know why he feels like he is losing something. I could hear Leo screaming about something and walked in at the right time. "You wanted this, right? Did you want the real deal? Well, that's what this is. Wake up! You're in the middle of it! Do you want to run? Go ahead! No one's stopping you. Stop complaining and put your big girl panties on! Because once you're on your own and away from us you have no one to have your back." I said in my military officer's voice. He quivered away and nodded his head. He was silent for the rest of the night. I avoided anymore confrontation and I sat with Sam and Mikaela as Bee joined us later.

"You okay, (Y/n)?" Mikaela asked. I looked at her and plastered a smile as best as I could. They all saw through it.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked as I looked up at the stars. I then looked over at Bee before anyone could speak. "Bee, if you hate me, I understand. I hate myself right now." I said and smiled up at him. Bumblebee squealed at me and was shocked, to say the least. "I know I messed up. I'm sorry to all of you." I said as a tear raced down my cheek. Sam and Mikaela scooted closer to me and hugged me from both sides.

"Young fellas, you are the people I care about most in my life. If there's anything you need. I won't be far away." Bumblebee said to me.

"He's dead because of me. He came here to protect me and he's dead." I cried. The guilt was eating me alive. I couldn't stop myself anymore and just let everything that I have been holding in out.

"There are some things you just can't change. So, his sacrifice for us would not have been in vain. Hallelujah!" Bumblebee continued. Sam and Mikaela didn't know what to say or do in this situation since they have never gone through something like this so, they just let me cry as they hugged me close to them.

"I never got to tell him! I never got to tell him that I loved him. I have to make this right so you can live your lives. I'm going to turn myself in." I said as I stopped crying.

"We. We've got to stick together. Optimus wouldn't have wanted it to end the way it did if he would have known that it would have made you this upset. He did it because he loved you, (Y/n). You were the only human to knock Optimus off his feet, quite literally. Optimus wasn't forced to be a Prime but around you have was the nerdy archivist back on Cybertron again." Bumblebee said in different clips and Cybertronian.

"Okay. I won't turn myself in, but I am going to fix myself and get this shit out of my head. Yo, twins! Do you know the glyphs? These? The symbols that have been rattling around in my head?" I asked the twins. Skids was confused until I drew some in the dirt. The spark of recognition grew as he answered my questions.

"Whoa, that's, that's old school, yo. That's like. Cybertronian." Skids said as Mudflap took a closer look.

"Oh, that's some serious stuff, right there," Mudflap said.

"They got to mean something, like a message or like a map. Like a map to an Energon source! Can you read this?" I asked in a hurry.

"No. We don't really do much reading." Mudflap admitted. I grew frustrated as I came to another dead end.

"If you can't read it, we gotta find somebody who can," I said as I thought deeply. If Optimus were here, he could translate them, or Ratchet. As I was thinking Leo came back and the Twins were taunting him again. Sam and Leo started talking till I overheard that he knew someone that could help. "Great. We move at the first break of light. Skids you got shift after Bee is tired and Mudflap you got the shift after that. I'll cover the rest of the night. Everyone off to bed." I said. Mikaela came up to me and asked to talk privately.

"You have to rest too. I know what you are doing. You can't punish yourself for something being out of your control. He knew what he was doing." Mikaela said to me as she hugged me and whispered this into my ear.

"I loved him and I'm a trained soldier and could have covered his back. I could have never gone home. I could have yelled to make him notice Megatron behind him, but I didn't. Why didn't I do anything to help? Am I that useless?" I asked Mikaela.

"Oh, sweetheart. You are not useless, and I wasn't there I couldn't have told you what to do or not to. I couldn't have pictured a better two beings to have each other's backs than the both of you." Mikaela said in comfort. It warmed my heart and made it sting just as much. As Mikaela rubbed my back the stress of today took its toll as I drifted off to sleep in her arms. Slowly Bee took me from her so she could sleep with Sam and tucked me into the corner of his neck and shoulder plating. I curled up even more and fell deeper into sleep just like Optimus would get me to fall asleep after a hard day.

Time Skip by the Twins pranking Leo.

I woke up to Bee stopping in a city. I pulled my baseball cap lower are pulled my hair into it to look more masculine. I walked into the Deli behind Leo and Sam and Mikaela following close behind me. Leo was taller than me so I couldn't see who he was talking to, but I could hear him.

"Robo-Warrior. It's him! It's him! That's the guy right there! That's him!" Leo exclaimed. I looked around and wished I never came.

"You've got to be kidding me." Sam and I said at the same time. Simmons. The freakin' moron that I had to help in the Mission City battle. This guy is a whole other level of paranoid. He got a good look at us and recognized me. His face got red.

"All right, meat store's closed! Everybody out! When he says to go, you go. Out! Right now. That means you, lady, right now." Simmons yelled as the customers left. He pushed the last person out and closed the door locking it. He flipped the open sign to closed and turned towards us.

"Wait a minute. You know this guy?" Leo asked. Sam nodded his head to answer the question for me.

"We're old friends," Sam answered him.

"Old friends? You're the case that shut down Sector Seven, got the kibosh disbanded. No more security clearance, not retirement, no nothing. All 'cause of you, your smoking sister and your little criminal girlfriend. Look at them now, so mature." Simmons said as he got all up in our faces.

"Dude, I offered you a job. You turned it down. Not my fault and definitely not my brothers." I said.

"You live with your mama?" Mikaela asked.

"No, my mama lives with me. It's a big difference. They've got your faces all over the news, alien children." Simmons says as he talks to multiple of us.

"We know." Sam and I said. We were not surprised.

"And N.B.E.-one. Still kicking, huh? How did that happen? Don't answer. I don't know what you're hiding, but I don't want anything to do with it. So, good-bye. You never saw me. I got bagels to smear. Vanish." Simmons started to push us out as well, but I stopped him.

"Stop! We need your help. I need your help. Megatron planned to project alien symbols from my brain after I touched a splinter of the Cube! He killed Optimus and we are wanted fugitives. So, you think you got it rough? Check again, buddy." I yelled at him as tears tried to fall out of my eyes. Simmons looked at me with guilt and sympathy.

"I know how much he meant to you, I'm sorry for your loss but on the other hand, I'll help you. Meat locker, now!" Simmons said and ushered us into the meat locker. Once inside everyone started to complain about the dead animals and the smell and I just stayed silent. "What you're about to see is top secret... Do not tell my mother." He said and looked at all of us for confirmation. We nodded our heads as he opened the hatch and started to climb down. "Okay, files, files. We're talking about symbols. Oi! That's still radioactive. Hands off. Okay, cube-brain. Any of this look like the symbols you saw?" Simmons asked as he laid down multiple different pictures and files.

"Where did you get these?" I asked concerned and confused. He smiled widely at me as he started to pace and go around the room.

"Before I got fired, I poached S-7's crown jewel, over seventy-five years of alien research, which points to one inescapable fact. The Transformers, they've been here a long, long time. How do I know? Archeologists found these unexplainable markings in ancient ruins all over the world. China, Egypt, Greece. Shot in 1932. These the symbols you're seeing in your head?" He asked. He was all over the place. I just nodded my head as he continued to babble. "Same ones over here, right? So, tell me, how did they end up all drawing the same things? Aliens. And I think some of them stayed. Check this out. Project: Black Knife. Robots. In disguise. Hiding here all along. We detected radioactive signatures all across the country. I pleaded. On my knees with S-7 to investigate it, but they said the readings were infinitesimal, that I was obsessed! Me? Can you imagine that?" Simmons ranted on and got all in my face. I just thought and thought about what has happened in the last seventy-two hours and it all clicks.

"Megatron said that there was another Energon source here."

"On Earth?" Simmons asked for clarification. I nodded in approval. "Another source?" He looked with a pleading look at me.

"Okay, then. These symbols, the map in my head, would lead him there?" I asked out loud. Everyone had there thinking faces on when Simmons decided to break it.

"You talk to your Autobot friends about this?"

"Yes. Do I look stupid? Optimus would know what they would say and mean but he's dead. The source is before the others. Whatever the Energon source is, it predates them."

"Well, then we're dead unless we can talk to a Decepticon. I mean, I'm not on speaking terms with them." Simmons chuckled out. Mikaela looked guilty as she bounced from one foot to the other.

"Actually, I am." She said as she left and brought back a box. It was yelling and cursing in multiple languages, which I could understand all of them. "This is going to be a little bit sad." She said as she opened the box. A blue and black bot came out of it. It started yelling and roaring. It was scared. Mikaela and Sam were arguing when I went over to it. I spoke in a soft voice in Cybertronian.

"What's your name?"


"How old are you Wheelie?"

"A few months, I think?"

"Are you scared? Of me?"

"Yes. I don't want to be scared."

"What are you scared of?"


"Them, who?"

"The other Decepticons. I fear for my life."

"You don't have to be scared or live in fear if you help and stay with us. I can fix your eye too."


"Of course." I smiled down at the bot and helped him out of the collar thing Mikaela put on him. He clung to me as everyone was watching us. "He agreed to help us."

"All right. Uh. Oh. I know that. That's the language of the Primes. I don't read it, but these guys...Where the frick did you find photos of these guys?" He asked as he got off-topic. I gave him a look to keep going and he did. "Seekers. Oldest of the old. They've been here thousands of years, looking for something. I don't know what. Nobody tells me nothing, but they'll translate those symbols for you. And I know where to find one." Wheelie said and showed a red laser beam on the United States map with it in Washington D.C. Simmons got excited and we were off to our next location. 

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