More Than Meets The Eye

Bởi macygirl1999

49.5K 1.4K 337

A simple transformers story. Follows the first movie. There isn't a lot of Optimus Prime X Reader books, I fe... Xem Thêm

Optimus Prime X Human!Reader
Contact, Injuries, and Desperate Sleep.
Home Sweet Home and Pick-Up Lines.
Stolen Car, "Are you a girl?", PTSD, and S-7?
Idiots, The All Spark, and Mission City.
Battle in Mission City, Hopelessness, and End of the Beginning.
Music, 2 in 1, and Base Doctors.
Don't Feel So Good, Alien B!tch, and That Wasn't Smart.
Fugitives, Simmons, and Wheelie the Sparkling.
Jetfire, Egypt?!?!, and Pixie Dust.
Battle, Approval, and He's back!
Parental Approval, What the hell!, and Arguments
Unwanted Emotions, Attack of the Pyscho-Ninja Copier, and Sentinel Prime.
Hacking/Chipped., Betrayal!, and Forseen Consequences..
Christmas Special
Wanted Intell., A Ship to Leave., and An Emotional Good-bye.
Rescue Mission., Raising Hell., and Beginning of the "Chicago War".
Small Scare, Rescue Mission, and Taunts.
Mystery Fellow., Carly!, and Resolution: Part 1..
Stuck., Men..., and "Don't ever look back!"
Memories., Confrontations., and The Beginning..
Off on the Wrong Foot, Literally., Heartache Episode., and Found..
Apologies., The Action Never Stops., and Brush of Death..
Determination., Arguments., and Getting on the Road, Again, Maybe?.
Meet-and-Greets., The Others., and Abandonment?

"Doing me a solid", Splinter of All Spark, and Good Questions.

2.2K 65 8
Bởi macygirl1999

Time Skip to the house by a crazy mom.

"(Y/n), sweetspark. It's time to wake up. I drove all the way home for you." Optimus said as I started to wake up. I rubbed my eyes with my good hand and looked around outside Optimus' windows.

"Thank you," I said in my morning voice. I leaned down and kissed the steering wheel and slid out of the seat to the ground. I just sat there on the ground for a few minutes till I heard my name being screamed. I yawned and stretched then stood up. "I'll call later tonight okay, Optimus?"

"Of course, sweetspark." He said as he pulled away. I stood there waving at him as he left. Then turned to go inside my chaotic house. I looked at the front door and decided to go through the garage. Once making it to the garage I slammed the door open and saw Bee as he almost passed out from fright. I laughed so hard from the cute look on his face that I thought I was going to pass out from lax of oxygen to my brain. Bee was waving his hands and trying to get me to breathe but I was still laughing. Then Sam burst into the garage to see me and Bee doing some crazy moments then he joined in too! Like my brother is such a space case idiotic astronaut but I still love him. I laughed harder till I was on the floor rolling around and ended up on my broken arm. I yelped in pain and everyone in the garage stopped to look at me.

"Yeah, the last mission was awesome, but I broke my wrist while majorly dodging a con and almost becoming roadkill. So, Sam how's your college applications going?" I asked while Sam was helping me up off the garage floor. I looked at Bee and he looked down. "Bee you know you are doing an awesome job protecting Sam, right? It's not all that fun to be out in the field. I promise Bee you're doing me a solid." I said with a smile and a thumbs up. He gave me a thumbs-up back to me as Sam helped me into the house. Once my parents saw me they started to fire off questions and small lectures about being hurt. I sighed and looked at my brother who just gave me a shrug. I gave up after a half-hour and stood up. "Would you please stop already! I get that you're my parents but getting hurt is a part of the job. I go out and risk my life for the people of this country and the world from aliens and terrorists! Do you know that I can't even get a discount at the laundry mat to get my clothes cleaned for special events!" I huffed out and went to my old room. It hasn't changed since the last time I was here. I just want to see where I put everything I started to poke around and found the old uniform I wore during the battle in Mission City. I shook it off the best I could and found a metallic splinter on the floor. It couldn't be a piece of the All Spark, it was destroyed. I picked it up just to drop it due to the intense heat. It burnt through the floor and into the kitchen. The burnt floor started to catch on fire, but I quickly put it out with a fire extinguisher I had in the bathroom and rushed downstairs to the kitchen to get the splinter. I found an empty medicine tube and scooped it into it. Then all of a sudden, the kitchen appliances turned into Decepticons for once I want them to be Autobots! I ran into the living room and up the stairs into Sam's room. He looked at me like I was crazy until he heard the rustles and bangs heading towards his room. Then the bullets were being sent in our direction and pulled my idiot brother to his window for an escape. "Dad! Move! Get to safety!" I yelled at him, but he looked at me like I was crazy as I jumped off the roof to the ground and made a mad dash to the fountain. "Bumblebee! Bumblebee help us!" I yelled. As soon as I finished yelling for Bumblebee crashed through the garage and into the lawn. He transformed into his alt form and pulled his battle mask down and began destroying the little cons who were our kitchen. Mom ran out with a pot on her head screaming. I was pulling out my high-tech gun and shooting the mother fuckers all the way back to the All Spark. I got shot by a metal spike to my injured arm. "Oh, come fucking on!" I screamed in pain as I crumpled to the ground. After everything was done I got Sam to help me up. "Bee! Call Optimus! Fast!" I said as Sam was about to pull the spike out I stopped him. "Sam if you pull that out I will bleed to death. I'm gonna get Optimus to take me back to base but I need you to go to your room and get the orange medicine tube and bring it back to me. Go!" I said. I sat outside on the curb as people started to show their curious faces. I humped every time a person would ask if I needed an ambulance. Soon, Optimus pulled up and opened his door just slightly. Since I lost blood I was slightly woozy.

"I can't keep doing this (Y/n)."

"I know but this is important. I found a piece of the All Spark and it turned my mother's kitchen appliances into tiny cons. One of them got me in my injured arm and I lost a lot of blood so please keep scolding me."

"(Y/n), I think your amazing and need someone human to show the love and care I can't provide. I just don't want to lose you."

"That's bullshit. And. And you know it. A human. A human guy doesn't. Doesn't have all the qualities. Qualities that you have that's why. Why I gravitate towards you. Caring and so responsible even. Even for the things that. That is out of your control. I don't feel good." I mumbled out.

"I know. But you have to stay awake for a little bit longer, (Y/n). We are almost there. Where is the splinter of the All Spark? Do you have it with you? Or does Sam have it."

"I'm not stupid. I have it. With me dummie. I'm not." I stopped talking and froze in that very moment. I had a blank look on my face as I stared into the abyss.

Optimus' P.O.V.

I picked (Y/n) up from her house and was zooming down the street and highways to get to base as fast as I could just to make sure she is alright. While she was half aware of everything happening, I called Ratchet to get a medical team ready for her. She is slumped against my seat as I drove until she stopped talking all of a sudden and fell blank to the world as if she was in a world of your own.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)? (Y/n). (Y/n)!" I started to grow panicked as she wasn't responding.

"The Fallen will take revenge on the insignificant people of the other planet as it would be foretold. The last Prime shall be betrayed and shall fall to his knees but rise again to get his spark crushed with burdened emotions." (Y/n) said all in Cybertronian.

"What? A prophecy? Come back to me (Y/n). Come back to me, please!" I softly spoke to her. She then slumped against my seat as I pulled into the base. "Lennox, Epps!" I yelled out as people were running around and prepping items. The two men ran up to me as I opened my door. They gasped and gently pulled (Y/n) out and rushed her to the doctor which weren't ready for her. I transform and started to pace back and forth in the hangar thoughts of the prophecy and the health of (Y/n) made my mind all frantic and frazzled. I didn't even notice the two men that are right under her came back to tell me the situation at hand and what is going to happen.

"She's in a coma. The doctors don't know when she is going to wake up or if she will wake up. She doesn't have any head trauma from the outside, but her brain is going haywire and in other words, she is using more than ten percent of her brain which is causing her normal functions to shut down. I'm sorry Optimus to tell you this." Lennox said as he tried to keep it together as Epps and him left to go sort their emotions as well. I was purely devastated to hear the news. "Director Galloway, what an honor. I'd love to show you around, but you gotta be on a classified access list."

"I am now. Presidential order, Major. Where is the Coronal? I want to speak to her! I got a message for your classified space buddies! You guys made a mess of Shanghai."

"All right, so this is where we communicate with the JCS and this area serves as the Autobot's hangar."

"Secure link to JCS is up, Major!" A soldier said.

"General?" Lennox asked.

"Will, where is (Y/n)? I saw the Shanghai op."

"We had a rough day out there," Epps commented as back up to answer the General.

"She is out at the moment and left this to me. Yes, sir. We have intel that I believe warrants an immediate debrief. Now with your permission, I can't let you see him, but I would like you to hear from the leader of the Autobots." Lennox introduced me as I stood there respecting their wishes. It would have been easier if (Y/n) was here with us. She had that aura that made people stop to listen to her and to her commands. I have never met such an inspiring human.


"General, our alliance has countermanded six Decepticon incursions this year, each on a different continent. They're clearly searching the world for something. But last night's encounter came with a warning." I said as one of the soldiers started the recording.

"The Fallen. Meaning what?"

"Origin unknown. The only recorded history of our race was contained within the All Spark and lost with its destruction." I said and tried to continue but was interrupted.

"Excuse me! With this so-called All Spark now destroyed, why hasn't the enemy left the planet like you thought they would?"

"Your excused Director Galloway. He is our National Security Advisor. The President just appointed him liaison. Which, to a." I said as I made my appearance. Of course, my head was wrapped and my shoulder down to my cast was in a sling, but I was there and made my presence very clear.

"Well, I guess I didn't get that memo." The General said annoyed.

"Forgive the interruption, General. Excuse me. Coming through. Excuse me. Excuse me, soldier. Um. After all the damage in Shanghai, the President is, um, hard-pressed to say the job's getting done. Now, under the classified Alien-Autobot Cooperation Act, you agreed to share your intel with us, but not your advancements in weaponry." Galloway said as he shoved me off the walkway as he said 'soldier'. I was so glad Optimus acts fast or I would have been even more injured than I already am. He caught me in his hand and kept me there as Galloway made a fool of himself, in my opinion.

"We've witnessed your human capacity for war. It would absolutely bring more harm than good, such as right now. You pushed an injured woman off the walkway." Optimus pointed out as he shifted his stance still holding me.

"But who are you to judge what's best for us? Sorry, soldier."

"Apology not accepted. I am a high-ranking officer! Higher than you civilian! With all due respect, we've been fighting side by side in the field for two years. We've shed blood, sweat and precious metal together." I said to Galloway then to the General.

"Soldier, you're paid to shoot, not talk." Galloway sassed back at me.

"Don't tempt me!" I said bluntly with a straight face. Already reaching for my gun that's strapped to my hip.

"And the, ah, newest members of your team."

"Easy," Optimus warned Galloway and myself because I was about to rip this asshole a new one.

"I understand they arrived here after you sent a message into space, an open invitation to come to Earth, vetted by no one at the White House," Galloway said but beginning to ramble.

"Let me stop you right there, mister Galloway. It was vetted right here. And in my experience, the judgment of both Coronal Witwicky and her team has always been above reproach." The General said.

"Well, be that as it may, General, it is the position of the President that when our national security is at stake... No one is above reproach. Now, what do we know so far? We know that the enemy leader, classified NBE 1, a.k.a. Megatron is rusting in peace at the bottom of the Laurentian Abyss, surrounded by SOSUS detection nets and full-time submarine surveillance. We also know that the only remaining piece of your alien All Spark is locked in an electromagnetic."

"Shut up. They are listening. This line is no longer safe! Cut the call!" I yelled as telecommunication officers and soldiers stopped the broadcast system. "Get me a classified landline, NOW!" Optimus put me on the floor as Lennox got me my land line phone. I called the General. After a few rings, he answered and started to yell at me about hanging up on him. After apologizing and telling him about the breach we continued that conference.

"As I was saying before I was cut off. Electromagnetic vault here on one of the most secure naval bases in the world. And since no one can seem to tell me what the enemy is now after. Well, there's only one clear conclusion! You! The Autobots! They're here to hunt you! What's there to hunt for on Earth besides that? The Fallen shall rise again? It sounds to me like something's coming. So. Let me ask, if we ultimately conclude that our national security is best served by denying you further asylum on our planet, will you leave? Peacefully?" Galloway accused. I know deep down that what he is saying is wrong, but he is right when he says something is coming. I just know after I touched the All Spark piece everything is jumbled in my head like a puzzle and I'm scrabbling to solve it to see the picture.

"Freedom is your right. If you make that request, we will honor it. But... before your President decides, please ask him this: What if we leave... and you're wrong?" Optimus asked. While turning to walk away from the fool.

"That's a good question." Lennox said, and he walked away. I stood there just thinking which worried Epps as he looked at me then the direction Optimus went then back to me then Optimus. He did that a couple of times then walked over to Lennox to talk to him. I then sat down on the floor cause I started to get a headache from all the thinking. I soon passed out when Optimus came looking for me.

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