Little Red > Shadowhunters >...

Od TheDragonHippy

230K 4.5K 1K

"Back off or I'll cut you" "Your like 5.3 you don't scare me little red" A/B/O Dynamics SLOW UPDATES (Jace x... Více

Season One
The Mortal Cup
Dead Man's Party
Raising Hell
Moo Shoo To Go
Of Men And Angels
Major Arcana
Bad Blood
Rise Up
This World Inverted
Who The Fuck Is Renwick
Morning Star
Season Two
The Guilty Blood
A Door Into The Dark
Lost Parabatai
Day Of The Wrath
Dust And Shadows
The Iron Sisters
How Are Thou Fallen
Love is a devil

The Descent Into Hell Isnt Easy

17.5K 343 113
Od TheDragonHippy

"INDI, CLARY, come on we gotta go." Simon pleads, the twins give each other a slight nod before facing Simon,
"Simon, I think Jace can help us." Clary says softly,
"What?" Simon exclaims hurt that his best friends are choosing some guy over him.
"Come on." Indi says as she turns to follow Jace inside.

Simon continues to try and persuade the twins,
"How do we know this Mick Jagger-looking guy is even gonna try-"
"Mundane, we do not have the time." Jace flips round to face Simon.
"Come on, Simon. Let's go." Clary drags him inside away from the sirens that get closer each second.
Entering the church Simon looks confused and Indiana realises Simon can't see what she can. Jace must know too as he rolls up his sleeve and pulls out what looks to be a stele not unlike the one her mom gave to her for her birthday and begins to trace a rune into his skin.

"I know Si. It's okay." Indiana calms him,
"He's, like, burning himself." Simon says before Jace grabs his hand,
"Buddy, what's going on, man? I'm not your type, man. I don't even-" Simon panic trying to pull his hand from Jace's before the room starts to appear before him.

"Where are we? What the hell? Clary, is there a war going on that I don't know about?" Simon asks
"There is now." Jace said as he let go of Simons hand and stalked forward.

"I think our mother's at the center of it." Clary tells him.
"You coming?" Jace shouts back to Simon,
"Yeah." He replies trying to catch up with the three in front,
"What is this place? There's a lot of gear in here. What'd they do, rob a tech shop? So this cold-blooded killer is gonna help us?" Simon insults causing Indiana to flip back and almost snarl,
"He's not a killer. He's protecting us.",

Jace smirks at the protective tone in Indiana's voice,
"Specifically, you. It's sort of our thing."

"Your thing? You guys have a thing?" Simon stutters,
"He means a Shadowhunter thing. That's what they do, protecting humans from demons." Clary explains as Indiana briefly closes her eyes. What's going on, she feels lost, why does everything in her want Jace despite not knowing even a day.

Opening her eyes she sees Alec walking over,
"What is going on? Why is there a mundane in the Institute?" He spits out and Indiana takes the time to really look at him, he fits into her normal type more than the blond she can't seem to get out of her mind, and yet despite this Alec's tall figure and alluring eyes also seem to catch her attention. Indiana decides then that to be a Shadowhunter you must be hot, she's met Jace, Alec and Isabelle and all are very 'visually appealing'.

"A Circle member followed him to get to Indiana and Clary." Jace explains to Alec and Indiana swears she sees his eyes soften when they land on the tall brunette.

"A Circle rune, just like the guys that took our mother." Clary continues,
"What exactly is a Circle member and why are they trying to kill us?" Simon asks yet another question,

"All we know is a long time ago the Circle led a revolt. A lot of Shadowhunters got killed including my father and since the revolt we've been forbidden to even hear about the Circle." Jace explains,

"But, how is that even possible? It's your history." Clary says staring at Jace and a growl starts to form in Indiana's throat, a hand on her back makes her look up at Alec who's look consoles her and stops her growl before anyone else can hear it.

"Says the girl who didn't know she was a Shadowhunter?" Jace laughs looking away from Clary which somewhat soothes Indiana.

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right. And now the only person who knows the truth is missing, so I don't care about your rules or what's forbidden, I'm There's got to be someone out there who can tell us - why they've taken my mother." Clary rants but Indiana is hardly paying attention as it seems that she is hypersensitive to Alec's hand moving up and down her back. The smooth rhythm is the calmest she's felt for weeks.

Unbeknownst to her as Jace answers Clary he's looking at Alec as they have a conversation through their eyes.

"There is. You coming?" Jace says
"Yeah." Clary replies.
"No, I think I'd like a tour. Alec care to do the honours?" Indiana tilts her head to look up at him.
"Sure Little Red." Alec says giving Jace a meaningful look accompanied by a smile.

Grabbing Indiana's hand Alec lead her into a hallway and into a kitchen,
"This is the kitchen, if you see Izzy in it, stay out of it." Indiana laughs but stops at the look on Alec's face,
"I'm serious. Izzy and food, not a good combination." He smiles.

"So why ask for a tour from me?" Alec questions shocking Indiana,
"What?" She asks,
"Jace is getting information on your mom why wouldn't you go with him?" Alec explains.

"Look, I was hoping to ask you some questions about the secondary gender stuff." Indiana bluffs, not wanting Alec to know she just wanted to spend time with him.

"Like what?" Alec asks, standing up taller now.
"I've been feeling different lately-"Indiana started,
"Different how?" Alec interrupts,
"More affectionate, listening more like more dependant." Indiana blushes,
"Well it sounds like before you had your instincts blocked and it must have warn off recently so your getting bombarded with them all at once, nothing to worry about." He reassures.

"Okay and in the other world there's no second gender but are relationships any different in this world?" Indiana's blush darkens as Alec's intense look settles on her face.
"The only difference is triads. Triads are a Alpha, Beta and Omega in one relationship. They are highly honourable as there are so few Omegas both an Alpha and a Beta courting one is considered an honour." Alec looks into her eyes,

"What's courting?" Indiana asks refusing to break eye contact,
"Courting is a process in which the more dominant of the pair or triad will give gifts to the submissive to show that can provide. For example as I'm a Beta and Jace is an Alpha, so he was the one who courted me." Indiana mouth dried up,

"You and Jace are together?" She asked,
Alec simply nods as he steps closer.
Indiana's gaze drops to his lips but the new information is fresh on her mind.

Looking down she asks,
"Should we continue with the tour." She sees Alec nod in the corner of her eye and follows him out of the kitchen.

The rest of the tour was quiet to say the least but they eventually made their way back to the training room. Alec turns to Jace and clary but Indiana sees a familiar pattern, pulling the key Luke gifted her for her birthday she made her way to a circular pattern in the wall with a small keyhole in the middle. She vaguely aware of Alec talking to her but she ignores it and fits the key into the lock. Twisting it once, twice a click and it unlocks and Indiana pulls it open. A serpent bracelet, not unlike the one she has seen Izzy wear, sits in the middle with a piece of paper on top with the single word on it. 'Indiana'.

Turning to look at Alec she peers over her shoulder,
"Where did you get that key? That cupboards been locked for years." Alec questions,
"I was given it for my birthday." She explains reaching into the apartment she bypasses the paper and grabs the bracelet, pulling it onto her forearm,
"Perfect fit." She smiles.

"Clary, but - Clary, look, will you just calm down?" Their heads snap in the direction of shouting. Looking at each other they slowly jog towards an angry Clary and frustrated Jace.

As we get close we hear Jace state
"Your memory's been wiped."
"That's not possible." Clary says,
"We just found out about a whole other world and a load of crazy shit and you wanna say a memory wipe is impossible?" Indi incredulously asks,
"It is and it coincides with our theory that Indi's secondary gender was blocked."Alec informs the pair.

"Which warlock would have done it though?" Jace questions,
"A warlock?" Clary asks and Indiana starts to become annoyed. Their mother is out there and all Clarys unnecessary questions are doing is slowing them down.
"Yeah, a warlock, Clary.
Immortal beings, they're half-demon, half-human. Sometimes their fingers spark." Jace states annoyed.

"Dot, my mom's assistant, her hands had this purple glow when she opened the wall and my mom pushed me through and I ended up at the police station." Clary stutters,
"That was a Portal. Dot must have been a warlock. Only warlocks can create them." Alec explains tiredly,
"Wait, so you're saying if we find the real Dot, she could help us find the Cup and get my mom back?" Clary asks, happy to finally have some hope to grasp.
"Unless she's working for Valentine." Jace states.
"Even better then the bitch will lead us right to him. You know, two birds with one stone and all." Indiana says ruthlessly before striding down the corridor.
"Where's Simon?"


"This is the least revealing thing you have?" Clary moans holding her arms around herself as she looks in the mirror.
"What? All the naughty bits are covered.
A little too much in my opinion." Izzy complains,

"Izzy I can't wear this." Indiana shouts from behind the changing curtain.
"Why?" Izzy gets ready to complain,
"It's not going over my chest." Indi deadpans causing Izzy to laugh before shoving another dress over the curtain,
"Try this."

Indiana pulls on the skintight dark blue dress on.
"Where's Simon?" Clary asks,
"Who? Kidding. He's in good hands with the boys." Izzy reassures.

"So, um you, Alec, and Jace are what, like, family?" Clary asks as Indiana walks out from behind the curtain, glare forming on her face.

"Translation, you want to know if Jace and I are a thing." Izzy says worried look on her face.
"Why would I care?" Clary says quietly.

"Because you do. But look don't go there, you'll just get hurt. Your a Beta Clary, Jace already has a Beta. Besides I think your sister might just kill you if you go try." Clary turns to Indiana at Izzy's words and is shocked to see her tense.

"Indi-" Clary starts,
"Look I don't know what's happening to me right now but I do know that part of me is very possessive over Alec and Jace right now so just do not talk about them like that cause I don't think my inner Omega likes it." Indiana spits out.

Clarys quick to change the subject as Indiana takes some calming breathes.
"A few days ago, all I had to worry about was getting into art school."
"And now is this the part where I give you the pep talk about harnessing your inner Shadowhunter and accepting your true destiny?" Izzy answers Clary hoping to calm Indiana.

"Was that the pep talk?" Clary groans,
"Basically. Clary remember, you two were born to do this. No matter what has happened this is who you are." Izzy pushes.
"Not exactly feeling that." Clary continues,
"Yet." Izzy clarifies.

"Okay, but now we just have to find Dot." Clary states,
"And track down and kill the most dangerous rogue Shadowhunter in history before he kills us all." At that Indiana lets out a laugh causing a smile to appear on Izzy's face.

Ignoring the end of the conversation Indiana walks out of the room. She spots Simon in the training room and heads towards him, Clary hot on her tail.

"Let's get out of here, just you and me. We can get Dot ourselves." Simon tries again.
"Simon don't you understand, there are demons out there, okay? Actual demons with fucking tentacles that wanna murder us. Do you know how to kill a demon?" Indiana inputs tired of his constant fighting their new found heritage.

"I'm an Internet search away." Simon says, bored of the conversation Indiana follows Izzy as she pushes a button and a stack full of swords pop out.

Izzy goes to grab one but her hand is slapped away by Jace,
"No, Izzy."
She looks disappointed but sees Alec coming and predicts,
"Fifty bucks says he doesn't approve this mission." Alec reaches the group,
"I don't approve of this mission. I spoke with the Clave. They're sending Seelie scouts to search for Valentine, but they made it clear, Indi and the little girl do not leave the premises." Alec states, Indiana smiles at the use of her name and not Clarys.

"Hey, my name is not 'little girl', okay? I don't care what that Clave thing or you want, I'm going to find Dot." Clary snaps,
"Alec, this warlock could have the answers we need. With Valentine's people out there searching for Indi and Clary, they're not safe outside alone." Jace explains,

"Jace has a point." Izzy begrudgingly agrees. Indiana stays quiet, she wants to find her mom but she has no training with the weapon on her wrist.

"Et tu, Izzy? All right, since you have all the answers, where do you suggest we search?" Alec turns his ire towards Clary.

"We should start at Dot's apartment in Greenpoint, and there's this thrift store that she-" Indiana is cut off by Clary gasping,
"What's wrong? What is it?" Indiana panics,
"I, um Weirdly, I think I know where Dot is." Clary states.

"Great. I'll drive." Simon shows his keys to everyone in the circle, "What? Unless you have, like, a Shadowhunter-mobile or something. You were kidding about the runes on the floor killing me right?" The three experienced Shadowhunters share a secretive spiral.
"Possibly." Jace claps him round the face as he walks towards the exit,
"Wait am I gonna die?" Simon shouts.


Walking down a dark alleyway Clary stops short directly in front of Indiana.
"No! Dot. Dot!" Clary screamed as she took off running down the alley,
"Clary! Clary, stop! Where are you going?" Jace asks as he caught up to the girl,

"Two men, Circle members the same ones who came to my house, who took my mom.
They have Dot. They're gonna hurt her or kill her. We have to stop them!" Clary continued running going into a club, Pandemonium, "No. She was just trying to help me. Now, she's gone." Clary stops,

"Clary, I'm sorry." Izzy sympathises,
"You don't understand. Dot's like my big sister." Clary cries,
"What am I, chopped liver?" Indiana mutters to Alec causing a small smile to appear on his face.

"It's not safe here. We have to go back to the Institute right now." Alec firmly states,

"So, what now? Valentine has my mom and Dot, and we're just gonna give up? What about my memories? They can't just be gone?" Clary rants again as Indiana drops her head to lean against Alec's side.

"There is another option." Jace says lowly,
however this gets protests from both the Lightwoods,
"I'm not afraid of the Silent Brothers." Jace says,
"Who are the Silent Brothers?" Indiana asks dejectedly,
"They're Shadowhunters with superior powers. Who possess the ability to recover memories." Jace explains.

"A process that can also kill you, so there's that." Alec shoots a hard look to Jace as he says this.
"Your bedside manner is abysmal." Simon says to Alec earning him a dark look from the archer.

"We've broken at least 18 Clave rules and now you want to go to the City of Bones? There's no way. I won't allow it." Alec stands his ground.

"This isn't our choice to make. This is Indi's and Clary's decision." Jace gives the twins the opportunity.

"You can't ask them to do this. They doesn't know what they're facing. They're not prepared." Izzy gives Jace a hard look.

"Look if anyone can tell me how to get my memories back and get us some answers speak now." Indiana asks trying to ignore Alec's disappointed gaze.

"That settles it." Jace says as they pile back into the van and drive towards the City of Bones.


"Yeah, this place isn't creepy. Not at all." Simon says as he gets out of the van.

"Let's check it out." Jace tells Alec, Indiana goes to follow them but Jace gently stops her,
"Wait here a minute. I wanna see if it's safe." Indiana nods and steps back.

"Why are we doing this? We don't even know these people." Simon asks the twins,
"It's just bullshit. Why didn't mom trust us enough to tell us about all this?" Indiana rhetorically asks

"What is it? What's wrong?" Clary asks seeing the distressed look on Simons face,
"How are you guys not ultra freaked out by all of this?" Simon stutters out,

"I guess I just always felt like there was something missing." Clary starts,
"Yeah like some void I couldn't quite explain. Things are finally starting to make sense. But none of it's gonna matter unless we get our mom back." Indiana finishes,
"Then let's do that." Simon promises.

"Little Red. Come on, it's all clear." Jace shouts back causing Indiana to hurry after him and Alec.

Walking round the sight between Jace and Alec, Indiana gets a debriefing.
"You have to understand, the Silent Brothers aren't like us." Jace starts,
"They lack your charm, superior people skills and good looks?" Indi smiles at them both as she replies,
"Yeah, most people do. Brothers communicate without using words, using just their thoughts." Alec continues for Jace,
"That doesn't sound too horrendous." Indiana says as a weight lifts off her shoulders,
"Don't let their silence fool you. They'll hold the Soul-Sword to your head, and with its blade, carve the truth from your mind.
If you're not strong enough, you will die." The weight drops straight back down until it's crushing.

"I change my mind, that sounds level ten horrendous. Like are you people batshit crazy." Indiana fixes her previous statement,
"Indi, you should know, the pain will be excruciating, you don't have to-" Alec says almost trying to put her off.

"I'll do anything. Walk through fire, battle demons, whatever it takes. I have to get my mom back. I can't I won't lose her." Indiana stops and turns to face both boys,
"You won't." Jace reassures,
"We won't." Alec solidifies.

"So who's doing this?" Indiana asks Clary,
"I can do this." She states strongly,
"Yeah, you can. You're Clary freakin' Fray. You can do anything." Simon cheers her on.

"All right, hold up. Surprise, surprise. No mundanes allowed, just like in the training room, right? Wrong! I've seen every horror movie ever made and the funny best friend who gets left behind dead man." Simon fires at Jace, not wanting to be without Clary for too long.

"You're not that funny. But by all means, go ahead. Of course, the minute you enter, you'll die." Jace says in warning.
"Problem is, now I don't trust you." Simon stops abruptly,
"He's not lying." Alec confirms,
"Now. He was before." Izzy smirks.

"The rune energy in the City of Bones will kill any mundane who dares to enter, so, please." Jace gestures towards the doorway in 'welcome".

"The Brothers creep me out. I'll mind the mundane." Izzy generously offers
"Your sacrifice is noted, Izzy." Jace sarcastically thanks her,
"Talk about sacrifice. I'm missing a financial analysis class." Simon inputs,
"I can't be here anymore, so, Jace, I'm gonna mind the perimeter." Alec says walking off,
"With me." Indiana adds following him.

"So how long have you and Jace been together?" Indiana asks Alec as they slow they're walk,
"Officially three years, but that's only because we were too young to court when we decided we wanted to be mates." Alec explains, fond smile on his lips,

"And how did you know that, that you wanted to be mates I mean?" Indiana questions softly,
"What is this, 20 questions about me and Jace?" Alec laughs as Indiana blushes,
"No! I'm just, trying to learn more about this world." She stutters out and it's clear that it's not the truth but Indiana is very thankful that Alec decides not to push the subject and instead answers her question.

"Jace and I had always been close since he came to the institute, but we were so young we thought it was just friendship so we became parabatai, but as we got older it developed and it's like walking into a room and only seeing them. We had to wait a few years but when we reached seventeen we courted and have been mates ever since."

The two share a glance and smile as they reach the main clearing with Izzy and Simon in the centre.

"So, is cracking someone's mind open supposed to take this long? Maybe we, or you should go check?" Simon panics
"Jace has it covered." Alec snaps, protecting Jace's reputation,
"Take my word for it. The Silent Brothers are quite unpleasant." Izzy continues,
"That's not helping. Not at all." Simon mutters.

"What if Clary can't handle the Brothers?What does that-" Simon worries,
"It literally never stops talking." Alec insults earning a light slap across the chest from Indiana along with a berating smile.

"Is he always so charming?" Simon questions Izzy, eager to continue annoying the 'pleasant' Lightwood.

"Firstborn. Heavy is the head that wears the crown." Izzy replies,
" I feel his pain. Only son. Mother wants me to be a CPA." Simon agrees,
"And you? What do you want?" Izzy questions.their conversation falls into the background.

Indiana shivers as the cold bites at her exposed skin,
"Hey, you cold?" Alec looks down worriedly at Indiana,
"Nah I'm good." Indiana tried to stop shaking,
"Come on little red. Lie better next time." Alec laughs as he takes off his jacket ignoring her protests and wraps around her shoulders, she slips her arms through the sleeve savouring Alec's warmth and the safe feeling the jacket gives off.

"Where is it going?" Alec snaps as Simon stalks off Izzy following close behind him.
"We'll be right back. What? He passes the time." Izzy defends herself from Alec's looks,
"I can hear you guys, you know?" Simon informs them.

As Izzy and Simon disappear round the corner, Jace and a teary Clary exit the City of Bones.

"What happened? What did you find out?" Alec questions the pair,

"Valentine is the twins father." Jace explains. Indiana's hand covers her open mouth as though she's going to be sick.

"Wait a minute. You're telling me these girls shows up out of nowhere and their Valentine's daughters? Did it occur to you that she might be a spy? This might be part of her plan?" Alec's words only make finding out the truth harder to swallow. Though Indiana does notice he only refers to a singular spy and she hopes with every bone in her body that he does not doubt her.

"That's enough, Alec." Indi snaps softly seeing Clarys face,

"Do you think I planned for my mom to get kidnapped? Or or for Dot to be taken? Or to have a giant sword dangle over my head and find out that my father is one of the most dangerous people in the world? Really?" Clary raises her voice,
"Where's Simon? Where's Simon?" The twins start to panic as they see Izzy without Simon.

"I told him to stay in the van. I've searched everywhere." Izzy informs them,
"He's gone?" Clary almost shouts,
"I can't find him." Izzy mutters,
"You were supposed to protect him! Simon!" Clary raises her voice to look for him.

"Ugh, these mundanes are killing me."Jace mutters following Clary,

"Simon? No. Simon!" Clary shouts in hope,

"Is that the mundane's name? I'm afraid Simon's coming with us." A familiar voice shouts as a sense of dread builds up in Indiana,

"No! No, he's not a part of this." Clary shouts at the man,
"And it'll be my pleasure to kill you unless you return him." Jace confirms as Indiana finally looks up,

"Shit!" She exclaims,
"Diana so lovely to see you, Camille will be so pleased." Raphael shouts down,
"Raphael give me Simon!" Indiana demanded,
"I'll do one better, I'll tell Camille I saw you."
"You fucking bitch!" Indiana shouts up at him,
Jace takes a threatening step forward.
"Careful." Alec puts a firm hand across his chest,
"We'd be violating the Accords."

"I'm afraid your sidekick's quite right.
The Night Children have broken no laws.
We're negotiating. The mundane, unharmed, in exchange for the Mortal Cup. And the clock is ticking. Tick-tock, people."

And just like that they were gone.

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