Ineffable Husbands One Shots...

By Halevetica

328K 18.4K 13.1K

one shots of Crowley and Aziraphale from Good Omens More

Wickedness and All
You're my best friend
On his own
Coffee Cup Cafe
Coffee Cup Cafe(part 2)
You go too fast for me
I love you
It's Over
Be careful what you wish for
Grand day
Frivolous Miracles
My Angel
Forgive me
A method to his madness
Snakeskin scarf
Promise me
I love you
My worst nightmare
Seven billion people
Forged in the fires of hell
I want
Please not him
My Love
Teasing(part 2)
True love waits
Insurance purposes
Cell phones
In the beginning
The angel who hung the stars
Fix this
The Them
Just enough of a bastard
Heavenly flower
The stars

I want(part 2)

4.4K 260 101
By Halevetica

When Crowley arrived back at Aziraphale's bookshop after dropping off Adam, he found the angel surrounded by books.

Crowley snorted, "Please don't tell me you're actually looking for answers in your books, I told you angel, I-"

"No," Aziraphale answered with a shake of his head. "I think he'll get the hang of it. I spoke with Anathema she's going to work with him during the week and then on Saturday she'll bring him back here so we can work on it together if need be." He didn't look up from his book as he spoke.

"Then what are you doing?" Crowley picked up a book from the stack on the small wooden table in front of the angel. The title was in a cuneiform of some type. He looked to see the book just under it was Enochian.

"Please don't touch," Aziraphale took the book and set it back on the stack carefully.

Crowley faltered slightly at the cover of the book Aziraphale was currently reading. "Is that Demoniac?"

"It is," Aziraphale nodded again, turning his attention back to the page he was reading.

"Can angels read Demoniac?" Crowley rarely even saw the demon language written down much less read it. He couldn't imagine an angel would take the time to learn such a thing.

Aziraphale paused, looking up at Crowley for the first time since he'd shown back up. "I learned."

"When? Why?" Crowley sneered.

"The nineteenth century. You were gone for a while. I grew concerned that our Arrangement had gotten you in trouble. I may have confabulated a relationship with an occultist church in order to get in touch with hell. They sent a note on my behalf and I found out that you were still on earth. I could rest easier knowing I hadn't got you killed."

Crowley blinked at the angel in shock. "You learned Demoniac and pretended to be an occultist so you could check on me?"

"If that's how you choose to phrase it," Aziraphale turned back to the book once again.

"What are you reading about?" Crowley snatched the book from the angel's hands.

"Really, my dear," Aziraphale huffed.

Crowley frowned at the text. "Why are you reading about demonic emotions?"

"I wanted to know if demons could actually feel love. I know you can't feel it in the sense that I can but...well you said demons aren't supposed to love anything, I was curious about it so-"

"That's what this is about? You want to know if I love you?" Crowley cut in. He snapped the book shut.

"I was merely curious if it was possible," Aziraphale's face flushed.

"It's frowned upon for demons to love, I told you," Crowley set the book on top of one of the stacks.

"But Adam was right, you do love your car and-"

"Material things, angel, it's not the same as loving someone. Much less an angel."

"You seem defensive, perhaps we should change the subject. I'll do my research another time," Aziraphale stood to collect the books he'd been sifting through.

"Yes, it's possible," Crowley snapped. If Aziraphale wanted to know so bad he'd find out so he might as well just tell him the truth.

"Oh," Aziraphale seemed relieved before immediately tensing up. "Then I suppose that answers that question then."

"You still want to know if I love you," Crowley guessed by the nervous tick that Aziraphale often did, writhing his hands together.

"It's quite alright, it doesn't change how I feel," Aziraphale gave tight lipped smile before gathering an arm full of books.

Crowley sighed, taking off his glasses. He watched as Aziraphale gracefully placed each book back in it's place.

When the final book was away, Aziraphale turned to see Crowley had, at some point, crossed the room and was now just behind him.

"I do, you know. You must know," Crowley spoke quietly, his hands itching to reach out to the other angel.

"I had always hoped, but when you said demons weren't supposed to well...I couldn't help but wonder."

"I thought you could feel it?" Crowley frowned; his eyes fixed on the angel's.

"I always assumed it was my love for you I felt," Aziraphale blushed, dropping the demon's gaze. "Too bad Adam isn't here; he'd be saying we should be married."

"It's not that kind of love though," Crowley sighed sadly.

This seemed to get the angel's attention, "Is it not?" the pained expression made Crowley falter.

"Is it?"

"Perhaps not for you," Aziraphale nodded then, the disappointment still evident in his eyes.

"Not for me? It is that kind of love for me, I just didn't think it was for you," Crowley lifted a hand to touch the angel's cheek but paused, unsure if he was overstepping.

Aziraphale noticing his hesitation grabbed the demon's hand and pressed it to his cheek, holding it in place, "Of course it is, my dear."

Crowley pressed his forehead to the angel's, relief flooding over him. He'd be sure to tell Adam, the kid earned it.

(Request for sorry_ill_leave1, hope it's okay. Sorry it's a bit late)

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