Finding Love with the Heir

By thebookenchantress

9.3K 217 23

[ON HIATUS](Previously named Finding Love)Seventeen year old Stella Miller is an ordinary girl whose family d... More

Finding Love with the Heir
[1] How the Heck did I Get into this School?!
[2] Welcome to this Filthy Rich School that You'll be Attending
[3] Ewww the first day of school
[4]Skateboarding Tryouts
[5] Carnival Fun!..or not
[6]Getting Ready For the Auction
[7] Being Bidded by an Ass
[8:Prt. 1] Being Kidnapped by a Black Masked Freak
[8: Prt. 2] Date Night with Him
[9] The Tickle Monster
[10] The Very Eventful Pool Party
Author's Note
[11] Damn These Late Night Raves
[12: Prt. 1]Hangovers Aren't the Only Annoying Things
[12: Prt. 2] Damn you, Wesley Richardson!
[13] A Girls' Sleepover Disaster
[14] Excuse Me, You Have the Nerve to Call me Cute!
Author's Note & Character Cast
[16] Scavenger Hunts and Surprises
Valentine's Day Special: Cupcake Wars!

[15] Hooray! It's the Beginning of Spirit Week!

288 10 2
By thebookenchantress

[15] Hooray! It's the Beginning of Spirit Week

Stay awesome, be positive, and read Wattpad stories! *Makes a peace sign*

I love all my readers and followers, I'm giving you each a virtual Internet hug. ^.^

Please enjoy this chapter like a midnight snack.



Stella Miller's POV

It has been two weeks since Avalon's disastrous get-together. I remember having the next day to be a huge headache from the junk food Avalon served. Right now I'm wiping the counter off with a rag. The disturbing strands of hair was covering my face even with my hair pulled up. I simply blew it away and finished cleaning the counter.

I observed the café and smiled. The atmosphere was warm which was the opposite of the temperature outside, there were only a few customers tonight since there was a football game tonight.
Speaking of football, this made my mind recall to my hectic conversation earlier with Destiny and Bridgette.


"STELLA, THERE IS SOMETHING IMPORTANT I NEED TO TELL YOU!" Bridgette's loud voice resonated throughout the library causing the librarian to glare at her. Bridgette smiled sheepishly to her before turning to her.

"Bridgette, be quiet! We're in the library for crying out loud!" I scolded her while having a book open in front of me. Bridgette groaned at my reply and slouched on her chair with her arms crossed.
Destiny chuckled at how childish Bridgette was which made Bridgette to glare at her playfully. Destiny shut her cookbook and placed her arms on top.

We were in the library since our literature teacher brought us here to borrow a self-selected novel for a book report we have to do later on in the semester. Trust me, I love reading books, but I despise making reports for them. The other students kept on glancing at our direction plenty of times because of Bridgette's hipper ness, I heard she ate two entire chocolate bars during lunch. That explains it.

I closed my book also, and faced my attention to Bridge. "What did you want to tell me?"
Bridgette took out her phone and laid it front of her and said, "Are you coming to the football game tonight?"

I clicked the tip of my tongue to the roof of my mouth. "I can't."
Destiny's and Bridgette's mouth dropped. They were clearly not happy with my choice.
Bridgette slammed the table. "Dammit Stella!" This caught the attention of the the librarian once again, but this time Bridgette had no intention of caring. "You haven't been spending time with us. And you always rejected all the games we tell you to. Today is the first day of spirit week and the game is the last football game of the year. If you don't go, I will get someone to do it for me! I will let you have the best senior year anyone has ever had and it will have to start with this football game."

Everyone's eyes were all on Bridgette, but she absolutely didn't care from the expression on her face.

Destiny touched my hand. "I agree, Stella. You need to live a little and all you've done was study and work. You definitely are the most hardworking person in the world, but you need to take a break once in a while." She stated softly trying not to get the librarian's attention.

I sighed, "I can't guys, you know why I can't go. And plus, you can tell me all the details later. I have a shift tonight so I obviously can't attend." I explained my reason as calm as I can so Bridgette won't go all rampage on me.

I was waiting for an answer, but their only reaction was them smiling deviously at each other. I already knew those faces, they had a conniving plan up their sleeves.

*Flashback Ended*

My reverie was snapped out when Jenna placed her arm on my shoulder. "Hey Stella, thanks for coming. Avalon decided go to the game tonight. There are only a few customers. It's okay, you can go to the game, you've been here every afternoon for two weeks. I love your devotion for the cafe, but you need to take a break once in a while, right?" She warmly smiled and finished her statement.

That's so strange because Destiny said the exact thing earlier.

"Thanks for the lovely compliment, but I'm absolutely fine with not going to the game tonight." To be honest, I really did want to go, but I didn't want to see a certain someone tonight. And the weather tonight was very chilly that my thickest jacket won't even keep me warm.

Jenna furrowed her eyebrows comically, "You obviously don't know how West Ville spends their spirit week. If you go to see the game tonight, it's only a fraction of their school spirit. Trust me, all the students love the academy and they're not afraid to show it. Today's football game begins spirit week," She began counting with her fingers. "Tomorrow is the scavenger hunt which almost everyone does, the day after that is prank day, the day after that is the academy field day, and the last day is a huge pep rally and the day people ask each other to the dance next week."

My eyes widened at the word dance, "Dance?"

My mind was at a frenzy because I had to dance at a dance. I mentally slapped myself 'Well no duh, Sherlock, it's called a dance for a reason!'

Because if you know me, I can't dance for shit.

The last time I danced was when I was twelve and I tried doing the moonwalk, but instead I slipped on some spilled juice and I ended up on the floor.

Yup, dancing, never gonna happen again.

Jenna snickered at my expression. "Yeah, it's the day people ask their dates to the dance next Saturday, and I've gotta say people plan great ideas from the money they have since they are rich kids."

As if someone will ask me.

Maybe, Wes-SHH! Brain, shut up!

Just then I heard someone clear their throat behind me. My body immediatly became rigid, my heart beated abnormally, my cheeks warmed and my eyes widened. Jenna took this as a time to slip away from the scene.

I slowly turned my body to face the person I tried to avoid for weeks.

"Hello, Sweetheart, long time no see." His face stretched to a smirk in reaction to my shocked face.


I stepped back from the counter. "Wesley, what are you here for? Aren't you supposed to be going to the game?"

"Yeah, I was about to go there, but I needed to pick up someone first."

"Who?" I pushed up my glasses that were sliding down the bridge of my nose.

"You, stupid." He looked at me trying to look professional but I could still see the glint of playfulness in his eyes.

"But I can't I-," This caused Wesley to cover his hand on my mouth.

"Just shut up and come, everyone's coming and they want you to come. I want you to come." He stared deeply. His face morphed to puppy dog eyes.

Don't fall for it.

Don't fall for it

I bit his hand which caused him to yelp. "Fine, I'll go, because it's the last game of the year. R-remember I'm not doing this for you." My stuttering didn't help with that last statement.

"I know," but the sound of his voice wasn't believing it. He was smiling ear-to-ear, I wasn't going to do surprised if his face was gonna rip any moment. The corner of my mouth lifted a bit before I went to get my jacket from the locker room. I shouted over to Jenna that I was going and she replied to have fun. I slipped on my jacket before leaving the room.

I met Wesley outside of the locker room and left the cafe. The cold wind quickly made my entire body become numb and completely forgot the warm air that was inside the cafe. There it stood, a motorcycle that could cost more than my life savings, my sister's and my mother's

"W-what's that?!" I pointed at the horrific death-killing machine looking at Wesley mortified. The motorcycle looked gorgeous despite it's fatal causes. The sleek silver and black color mixed very well and I gotta say it looked freaking stunning under the night sky.

Wesley leered at my expression. "It's a Ducati Titanium." He rubbed the mototcycle like a child. "It's mine, got it for my sixteenth birthday."

"What is it doing here?" I asked, praying if we weren't gonna go to the game as a motorcycle as our transportation.

"This is our ride."


"Are you sure this is the only way to get to the game? We could walk," I suggested silently. It was pretty stupid as heck to walk in this weather, why did I ask that? You could freeze under a minute at this temperature.

Wesley was apalled at my idea. "Are you crazy? At this weather? We could go there quicker by using this."

That did seem like a great idea. Even with the advantages, the thoughts of the accidents people have using these vehicles did make my stomache churn.

"Fine," I said through my gritted teeth. "Are you sure you know how to drive this?" I gestured to the fatal automobile.

"Yes, Stella, stop being a wuss and get on." He commanded as if there was no need for discussion.

"Fine, you don't have to be a drama queen about it." I shoved my hands in my hands inside my pockets.

Wesley squinted his eyes in disbelief. "You're unbelieveable." He raised his leg so it could go on the other side of the motorcycle, he placed both of his hands on the handles and revved the engine using one of them.

I groaned mentally, but I knew this was the only way to get to the game. I got behind him and replied over his shoulder, "Unbelievably amazing," with all the sass I've got.

He scoffed, "as if." He handed me the helmet, but I didn't put it on.

"Aren't you supposed to wear this? You are the driver." I handed it back to him, but he pushed it back to me again.

"It's for safety precautions, and plus I'd rather have a head problem than let you have it."

His statement made my heart beat twice abnormally as usually is. I really hope he couldn't feel it, because it was beating as if it wanted to rip out of my rib cage. I slid the helmet on which made my head twice as my size.

"Just go!" I commanded him to go so we can get this awkwardness around us to disappear.

"Wait, Sweetheart, if you don't want to fly off this vehicle, I suggest you do this." He grabbed my wrists and pulled it so it could wrap around his waist. Ah crap, he can clearly tell if my heart beat now. I clenched my teeth together hoping the beating of my heart will ease, but it increased more.

I could see the grin appear on his face the moment I was close to him. But before I know it the motorcycle went to a speed wear my skin was going to rip off and my skeleton will show as if we were in the cartoons.


We finally reached the biggest stadium which can be equivalent to the Cowboys' Stadium. I gaped at the huge stadium and kept on thinking how much did they pay for this. Wesley parked his motorcycle which had a reserved sign that had in bold FOR THE RICHARDSONS . I rolled my eyes and my mind spoke once again.

Damn, filthy rich kids.

I took off the helmet and handed it to Wesley.I glared at him and recalled my cracked neck. "You should've given me a heads up."

Wesley slyly smiled, "What's the fun in that?"

I craned my head to see the height of the stadium and how ginormous it was.

"T-this is our stadium? It's fifty times bigger than my house!" I exaggerated.

"Yup that's ours, always have always will, but they're thinking of putting renovations to make it even bigger. We probably need it anyway," He spoke nonchalantly like he didn't care that the already huge stadium was getting larger.

I stared at him in astonishment, "Renovations?! They want it even bigger?" A puff of my breath came out because of the freezing weather outside. My teeth were in the verge of chattering and I pulled my jacket even closer.

"You look freezing as heck, your lips are even turning purple, let's go inside." I was about to go but he pulled me back from snatching my arm. "But before we go, here." He got a gray beanie from his pocket and tugged on top of my head and fixed it. "There, now let's go."

My legs were getting numb resulting me to walk slower. Wesley saw my slow progress and grabbed my hand. "Stell, when we go inside it will be much warmer."

I nodded and tried walking faster. But instead Wesley took my hand out of my pocket and interwined it with his. His hand was warm which was the complete opposite condition my hand was, my hand was so cold it could be mistaken to be ice. His fingertips were causing tingles to run down my veins. Which made me wonder if he felt it too.

When we entered the stadium there were plenty of curious stares sending our way. I know they were staring at our hands. I was getting a teeny bit queezy, but Wesley didn't care one bit. We had to enter a hallway to reach the seats of the students.

I've gotta say.

Holy moon cheese this was equivalent to a college football game.

All the students of the academy, I mean ALL of them were on one side of the stadium. What I mean by all is the entire middle school, high school, and college. The school colors were all over the place on West Ville's side. The color of silver and black was spread everywhere, the students were either wearing the school colors or had it on their faces. The other side of the stadium held another academy whose colors were royal blue and black. West Ville's mascot was a stallion which made our academy more royal from the mascot. The other team's mascot were eagles.

The roar of the students shouts were going to make my ear drums bleed. I heard the flow of music come to my ears and from my view, I saw the band sitting on one of side of the stadium and so was the other team's. The cheerleaders and the drill team were standing on the field. The cheerleaders were wearing silver and black uniforms with pom poms with the same color. The drill team was wearing white hats that symbolized who they were and wore silver and black silk dresses and were on two lines facing our side of the stadium.

Wesley tugged on my hand which made me divert my attention to the field to him. He pointed at Bridgette's jumping figure. I saw everyone sitting around her grinning at me. They were sitting at the highest seats of the stadium which overlooked the entire field. Wesley and I climbed the stairs to reach our friends. Charlotte, Brandon, Lindy, Terrence, Alyssa, Cole, and Alice held their own blanket.

I almost died laughing seeing Terrence being rolled into a thick Hello Kitty blanket.

"Terrence, out of all blankets in the world, why this?" I asked clearly amused.

"Shut up, Stella! No one likes you. And by the way, Hello Kitty is for all ages and genders!" He nuzzled closer to Lindy which made her smile at her boyfriend's childishness.

Charlotte and Brandon were sharing large, navy blanket. Charlotte held her phone in the middle of them, each of them had an earplug shoved in their ear. I think Charlotte felt my eyes on her. "What? We aren't really interested in watching football, so we brought Shawn and Gus to us." She was making a Psych reference. I made a thumbs up sign with my hands to her. Brandon kissed the crown of her head showing his love for his girlfriend to the public.

Alyssa and Cole were discussing the two love teams in The Vampire Diaries. It was cute how they were arguing how perfect Damon or Stefan was for Elena. Alyssa was for Stelena while Cole was for Delena.

"How could you say that, Cole?! Stefan is more perfect, he thinks of Elena's choices about problems, in my opinion, that's true love. Damon doesn't think twice about her choices." Alyssa tugged the blanket they shared.

"Shut the hell up, Alyssa, Damon was made for her! He thinks of Elena first before anything else, and the choices Elena makes, makes her get killed. Damon thinks whats best for Elena all the time." Cole barked back.

Well, that was...lovely.

I bet they will sleep angry tonight.

Luke was wrapped into a blanket burrito while eating burrito. He was probably the only person out of all of us to actually pay attention to the game.

I still heard Cole and Alyssa's arguments until Bridgette lunged over to me.

Bridgette pulled me to a hug. "Finally you came! You aren't really a hermit!"

I rolled my eyes from her comment and moved my gaze to Destiny who sat next to us with layers of coats on. She appeared as if she couldn't breathe. I rushed over to her with an amused face on, "Wear did you get all this?"

She suppressed a reply, "Ask him." She gestured her head to Dylan which made him smirk.

"What?" He questioned innocently, batting his eyelashes. "I wanted you to be warm, I saw how you were shivering earlier."

Destiny glared at him, "I'm very grateful for this, but seriously Dylan I was done when we were at the fifth layer." She smiled at his worried eyes. "Thanks I appreciate it." Destiny tried hugging Dylan, but failed at the amount of coats on.Dylan chuckled at her attempt, but instead he hugged her.

I had an 'awwwww' look and I left knowing that they wanted to be alone.

I sat next to Avalon and she was looking at a specific football player for some reason.

"Avalon," I touched her shoulder which caused her to jump.

"Oh my gosh, you scared me you, jerk!" She smiled at me.

I scooted closer to her, "Who is he?"

"Who is who?" Her cheeks were burning, it was obvious that she was trying to get out of the situation.

"Avalon, I'm not stupid," I deadpanned. " I saw how your were looking at him, you had the dreamy eyes."

"Looking at who?" She replied dumbly.

I groaned, "You were looking at number seventy-seven. I was here for quite awhile and you didn't know I was here until I touched your shoulder."

"Fine, I'll tell you. I like him, number seventy-seven, I mean," She stammered nervously. I smiled warmly for her to go on. I know she was edgy to tell me this. I wanted to to tell her she could tell me, and I won't embarrass or judge her.

"His name is Jax Peterson, he's the son of a music producing company. I've liked him since the beginning of high school. He's just. Amazing." Her eyes held stars that no one else could place other than the guy she dreamt about. "He had a beautiful voice, a wonderful personality, and he does a great sport. All a girl can dream about." The stars in her eyes became storm clouds blocking her light suddenly.

"The sad part is, he's never going to know me. I've tried to, but I stopped when he ." Avalon sniffled and looked down the field. Right now, the roaring and cheering from everyone else was disappering around Avalon and I.

I followed her gaze, and found a blonde cheerleader running up to Avalon's crush pulling off his helmet and giving him a slobbery kiss which he responded quickly to. My eyes widened and I moved them back to Avalon.

"He has a girlfriend."

Her voice as if it was a person waiting for a never-ending storm that will never see the light anymore. Her voice was something I never wanted anyone to have.

Losing hope.

My eyes softened not in pity, not to be sympathetic, because I know how losing hope feels like also. I didn't want one of my friends to have the same pain. Her first tear fell our of her right eye. For a guy that will never know who she is.

I wrapped my arms around her, I wanted to show her that the light will come and the storm will end eventually, but like a person waiting for the storm to end, she had to be patient for now.

I moved my mouth close to her ear softly sang the song: Somewhere Only We Know, by: Keane <SONG ON THE SIDE!>. I rocked her back and forth until her sniffles died down.

I pulled away to see her face, I swear I wanna punch the guy that did this to her, but I'll do that later.

I lightly smiled, we hugged again and she whispered to my ear with a raspy voice. "I love you so much, Stella."

I hugged her tighter, "I know Av, I know, and remember that I love you too."

I wish that somehow, I will listen to my own advice when it's about my own life problems.

I wiped her tears and said, "I'll get us some hot chocolates, I'll come back in a sec." I rubbed her shoulders in reassurance and she nodded in reply.

Even though I had only a few bucks in my pocket, I had to do this for my friend, that's pretty much what I always wanted when my father left. A friend. And now I have almost an entire group of them, I'm never letting them go.


I trudged down the stairs, with determination to make Avalon feel better. I was close to the food stands until I was pulled to a dark side of the stadium. I held back a shriek so I won't cause a comotion.

I was brought to those captivating eyes that always will catch my eyes no matter what. Those breathtaking ashen eyes that will be the only magnet to mine.

"I swear, Stella Evangeline Miller, you must be the most interesting girl in the universe." His eyes held so much light in them despite the dark the ally, I could see them. His eyes were a light. Specifically, my light. His eyes' pupils dilated which made me shiver, not from the cold.

I can't believe I'm actually saying this.

I would've never believed myself if I said this a long time ago.

I fell for a player. A big one to say the least. The worst part of all.

I know that he will break my heart.

And I hate to say that the winner is the famous...

Wesley Richardson.


Author's Note:

I swear everytime I should save a space just for excuses for late updates.

I'm sorry! I've been caught up with so much school work. Especially science fair. Gosh, I hate science fair.

So tell me about you! I wanna know how my readers are doing.

Remember I didn't edit this chapter, I will fix the errors when I finish it.

Vote, Comment, Follow and Share!


Smile,smile,and smile(:

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