Friends With Benefits (Book 1...

By NiallYouDirtyBoy

267K 3.3K 497

Olivia and Louis have been friends for years. And their friendship comes with a whole lot of benefits. Things... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twelve

10.5K 144 20
By NiallYouDirtyBoy

Olivia's P.O.V.

*** Two Days Later ***

I frantically dialed Niall's number again. He answered after the second ring.

"Olivia!" He said.

"Niall, any news?" I asked.

"Nope." He replied solemny. My heart fell.

"We have got to find him." I whispered, tears stinging my eyes. "We have got to find Louis."


It had been forty-eight hours. Louis won't answer his phone. He won't reply to anything. Is phone is either dead or turned off. We can't find him anywhere. I've checked everywhere I can think of. I refused to call the police, however. Louis has to just turn up. He can't be missing for long, he's fucking Louis Tomlinson. Someone will spot him.

"Olivia, we need to call the police." Niall murmmered, squeezing my hand, snapping me from my thoughts. I looked at him. I felt like crying again, because the look on his face was heartwrenching. I just shook my head and looked away.

"No. He'll come. If we call the police everything will be a huge media mess. I know he wouldn't like that." I told him. Niall moved from holding my hand to wrapping his arm around my shoulders. He pulled me close to him and kissed my temple.

"But they will help us." He whispered, his forehead pressed to the side of my head. A tear threatened to fall but I didn't let it.

"This is all my fault." I whispered.

"I've already told you that it is not." Niall told me sternly. He had been saying that everytime I stated the facts.

"I couldn't help him. I left him in his weakest moment. He was always there for me but I wasn't there for him." I said, tears finally started to fall. Niall pulled my closer to him.

"It's not your fault. For all we know he's out there having the time of his life. Nothing is your fault. You've done absolutely nothing wrong, princess." He told me. My heart kicked up when he called me 'princess'. But I had to ignore it. This isn't the time to get butterflies.

"Why did this have to happen though? Why is he gone? Why is he so depressed?" I asked. They were questions only to be answered by Louis. "What are the odds?" I said, chuckling in my own dilusion. Niall just held me tighter. "What are the odds of us losing a popstar? Like honestly?" I said, chuckling again. It was from the lack of sleep, it's got to be. I've only slept maybe six out of the forty-eight hours.

"Olivia, everything will be fine. He's just not wanting to talk to anyone right now. And that's okay. He's allowed to have some alone time. It's not like he's gone forever." Niall told me. I buried my face into his chest and cried even more. I don't know where these tears came from. I didn't know my body could produce that many tears.

Suddenly my phone rang. I leapt up to answer it. I honestly didn't have any time to look at the caller ID. I just needed news.

"Hello?" I asked, desperate for an answer. There was some static and some muffled voices.

"Olivia?" Someone raspily replied. My heart burst.

"L-Louis?" I asked quietly. Niall leaped from his seat and rushed over to me on by the kitchen counter of my flat. His arms wrapped around my waist and laid his chin on my shoulder so he could listen to the phone conversation.

"Hi." He said. Louis' voice was scratchy.

"Where are you? Where did you go?" I asked. My heart was racing faster than a hummingbird's wings. I began to sweat even though it was freezing. There was a terribly long pause at the end of the line. For a second I thought he was gone and he hung up the phone. I pulled it back from my ear and realized the call was still going. "Louis?" I asked.

"I'm still here." He replied quietly.

"Answer my questions, Lou. Where are you?" I asked again. Another deafening silent pause.

"I'm in Doncaster. I took a train." He told me. I breathed a sigh of relief. At least we know where he is now.

"I'm on my way." I told him, moving away from Niall to grab my keys and my coat.

"No!" Louis' voice stopped me cold. Niall was magnetized right next to me again. He lightly rubbed my back, causing me to shiver. "Don't...don't come. I want to be alone." He said.

"This isn't an option, Louis. I need to see you. I need to talk to you." I told him, resuming what I was doing. I pulled on my coat and started towards the door.

"Just come alone." He told me. Of course I was going to bring Niall and the other lads. "Don't bring anyone. I just want to see you." Louis said.

"O-of course. Just me. I'm coming alone." I said. I caught Niall's eyes and he looked sad. "Why don't you want your brothers to be there?" I asked.

"I just need to talk to you alone first." He told me.

"Okay...I'm on my way. I'll tell you when I've reached Doncaster." I told him.

"Thanks." He whispered.

"I love you, Louis." I told him. But I didn't get a reply. I just got the dial tone.


I whipped out my cellphone just as I took the offramp into Doncaster. Niall's face popped up and I couldn't help but smile. I quickly unlocked my phone and hit 'Lou:P' on my favorites. I waited and waited and waited...

"Olivia." He answered, his tone lighter than our previous conversation back at the flat.

"Where are you in Doncaster. I just entered town." I said not bothering with a greeting.

"I'm in the park. The park our mums used to always take us." Louis told me. I just nodded and told him I'd be there in about twenty minutes. I ended the call and focused on my driving. I hope he hadn't slept there.

I didn't bother locking my car. I just jumped out, slammed the door, and sprinted into the park. I noticed a dark figure on the swings, slowly moving back and forth, back and forth. His feet were dragging under him and his hands were gripped tightly to the rusted chains.

"Louis!" I called, about thirty meters away. His head snapped up, but he didn't get up. I ran over to him. I didn't hesitate when I yanked him up by his collar and pulled him into a tight hug. "Louis." I whispered into his ear. Tears came to my eyes. I was shocked when Louis' arms wrapped around my torso and he was hugging me back. "I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry." I mumbled into his neck.

"You didn't do anything." He replied.

"It's all my fault. I wasn't there for you when you needed me. And you were always there for me." I told him, begining to sob into his coat.

"You didn't do anything." He repeated. I just hugged him tighter, my body shaking from the tears.

"I was so worried." I told him.

"I know. I just needed to be alone. I just needed time to collect my thoughts. I'm sorry I didn't call." He said.

"No I'm sorry. I should have been there for you. I should have never ever let you walk out that door. I should have stopped you and talked to you!" I said, getting angry with myself. I pulled back and noticed tears were silently tumbling down Louis' cheeks as well. "I should have done something. I was worried sick."

"I know you were. That's why I'm sorry. Nothing is your fault. Everything is fine." Louis weakly smiled. I just shook my head and looked at my feet.

"I should have been a friend to you." I said, ashamed of myself.

"You are the best friend I could have asked for. You're the only person in the world that would do what you've done for me. You've given me more than you realize. You've opened my eyes. How we were living was not okay. That's not how a friendship should work. Things are okay now. Things will be fine. I'd do anything for you, Livie. Anything." Louis said to me. He wiped away some of my tears. "I'd never leave you. I just needed a little space. My head wasn't working right that night. But I've gained back my sanity and I'm okay now. Things are okay. I'm fine. Let's just forget this ever happened." I scoffed.

"Can we pretend this last year never happened?" I joked. Louis just nodded.

"Absolutely." He said. I just smiled and hugged him again. "I love you, Olivia. I really, really do." He whispered.

"I love you too, Louis. I always have and I always will. You are my best friend. I would die for you." I told him. And I was serious too. I'd rather take a bullet than lose him. He's one of the most important people in my life. I wouldn't trade our relationship for anything.

"To infinity and beyond." He replied. I just hugged him tighter, all my worries and all my nerves vanishing. He's my LouBear. And he always will be.


Niall's P.O.V.

I waited by the door. Pacing. Back and forth. Back and forth. Olivia and Louis weren't answering their phones. I had called the rest of the lads and told them what happened. They were at Olivia's flat with me, they had gotten here hours ago. It was only a three hour drive to Doncaster, so six total. Olivia called me when she was there and called me when she was leaving. Louis was driving back with her. Harry was passed out on the couch. I don't think he slept any more than Olivia did. Liam's eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep. Zayn was dozing off in the chair, his eyes drooping.

Me? How was I?

I was running on fumes. I was running on adrenaline and nothing else. My hands were shaking and I couldn't focus on anything. Any sound I heard made me jump. Even when Olivia was sleeping, I was awake. Watching her, holding her. I honestly don't know if I slept. Time hadn't seem to be a concern for me, lately. Whether it was light or dark out, I was still awake. If I slept I didn't notice the difference in time.

I felt like this was my fault. I don't know why, because it wasn't even Olivia's fault. It was no one's fault. But I still felt guilty. I feel as if I hadn't asked out Olivia, she wouldn't have rejected Louis. If she wouldn't have rejected Louis, Louis would have never gone missing, causing all of us to be on edge.

But I couldn't stop myself from asking out Olivia. I never expected her to say yes! I never thought she liked me like that...I thought she had friendzoned me. I thought she only saw me as a friend. Honestly, I thought she would reject me. But I took a chance. And I'm so thankful that I did.


"Thanks for coming over, Olivia." I said. She just smiled. My heart skipped a beat.

"Of course. I love hanging with my favorite little leprechaun." Olivia ruffled my tangled hair. My heart raced again. She began washing the dishes.

"Umm...what are you doing?" I said, taking the sponge from her hand. She glared at me playfully.

"Just trying to help. You cooked, I clean." Olivia said. She held her hand out for the sponge back. I just moved it farther from her reach. Her mouth opened in a shocked face. "Niall James Horan! Give it to me!" She squealed. I just began walking away. As soon as I noticed she was chasing after me, I sprinted all throughout the kitchen and living room.

"Catch me, catch me! But then you gotta kiss me!" I teased. Suddenly I realized what I said. She better not catch me. I can't make a fool of myself.

"Niall!" She shreiked, leaping across the couch and landed straight on my back. We tumbled onto the ground, Olivia pressed against my back. Although I was in deep pain, I still managed to laugh. "I caught you." She taunted into my ear. I just started to climb up, knocking her from my back. I turned and faced her.

"I suppose now you gotta kiss me!" I replied tapping her nose. She just laughed and grabbed my face, bringing it closer to hers. My heart was beating at unnatural levels by this point. My skin was on fire. She looked deep into my eyes.

"Punishment fits the crime." She whispered. My stomach was doing somersaults. Why did I get myself into this mess? Why did this have to happen?! I'm about to make a fool out of myself in front of the love of my life!

As soon as I felt her lips on mine, my brain short-curcuit. The world turned around us. Everything seemed to be moving except us and time. Time was irrelevant. How long the kiss lasted is unaware to me. It felt like a lifetime wrapped into a breif second. I will never know.

When her eyes met mine, I knew she felt it too. She had to. I began to smile. Olivia began to smile as well. That's when I kissed her again. I just did it. I just kissed her. Right there. And she kissed me back. After the second kiss ended, I pressed my forehead to hers.

"I'm in love with you." I blurted out. My eyes snapped open wide when I realize I had actually confessed that. I tried to pull back but Olivia's hands were still holding my face. "I'm so sorry." I whispered. She just smiled and shook her head.

"Don't be." She told me. She just smiled. Then she kissed me again. Three kisses so far. THREE.

"Does this mean you will go out with me, officially?" I stupidly asked. She just smiled and moved her hands from cupping my face to wrapped around my neck.

"You don't even have to ask." She replied. That's when she kissed me again. And that's when I finally knew she was really my princess.

-End of Flashback-

The door handle wiggling snapped me from my thoughts. I rushed to the door just as it opened. Olivia was soon wrapped into my arms. I was so glad she was safe. Safe and sound. The next person I hugged ferociously was Louis.

"You're fuckin' mental." I told him. Louis just chuckled. I pulled back from the hug and placed my hands sternly on his shoulders. "Never do that ever again." I told him, a smile coming to my lips.

"I won't, Nialler." Louis told me. Hugs went around and so did calls, telling all our relatives he was okay and safe and there didn't need to be anymore worrying. I watched as Louis and Olivia hugged again near the end of the night. They were hugging so...closely. Is it wrong to say I was jealous? They're just best friends! Best friends...but did they still have benefits?

****************************** AUTHOR'S NOTE ******************************

So this was a long chapter!!!! Hope you liked it! And please comment pretty please! Another amazing comment please!!! xD Love you all! comment read and vote!!! :D thanks lovelies :3

-Kate xx

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