Trashed & Treasured

By EdenFortae

5.2M 181K 15.8K

Jade Emmerson was born to two wolf parents but has a dormant gene that practically makes her human. When she... More

Winter: Update


107K 3.6K 193
By EdenFortae

"What do you mean you can't feel your wolf Dad?" Jaxon was practically shouting, gripping my father by his shoulders and he climbed to his feet.

"I can't connect with him." Dad huffed out through ragged breaths that forced his chest to heave. "My head hurts—it's like that part of my mind is being held back. I can't hear him and it feels like—" he paused looking my way with sad eyes, "I'm so sorry Sweetie! I showered you with love and tried to shelter you thinking it would make up for you not having your wolf but I see now that nothing can replace this emptiness."

My heart skipped a full beat then completely stopped. Revisited by those memories of being a girl without a wolf, The Wolf That Isn't, came rushing back to me like a twenty-foot wave washing ashore pulling me into the dark depths of my mind. Those days were the hardest with all the pretending and trying to appear unaffected when deep down all I wanted to do was die. I wouldn't wish that on anyone and the fact that my Dad is experiencing it hurts like hell.

Pushing those revived emotions to the back of my mind I tried mulling over how and why this could have happened. Looking around at the fallen guards and Mackenzie I quickly tied them into this as well. They were all still on the ground breathing just as hard as my father with their hands on their heads. Whatever has caused this has to be something that links them all together, but what? I didn't touch them so I couldn't have stripped them. My hand hadn't even made contact with Mackenzie's skin before she and the guard holding her collapsed. That small voice that usually shouts 'I told you so' was sounding off inside my head like an alarm. Not saying those words but that I was right in feeling like something bad was coming.

"Lance!" My mother's strained voice ripped through the opened front door slicing through the cool air. My father still weakened and breathing like he'd run a marathon pushed away from us staggering toward the stairs. Jaxon pulled off his shirt giving it to Kayla to cover herself before he followed behind my Dad keeping close contact in case he fell again. Dominic repeated that action, giving Mackenzie the shirt off his back as he helped her up and proceeded to check on the guards. Not knowing what else to do, not being able to make sense of any of this I followed behind my mate examining the guards.

"Mom has lost contact with her wolf too!" Jaxon came running from the house with a look of pure horror riddled within his eyes.

"What the hell is going on? They were just standing there then all of a sudden they lost their wolves. How is that possible?" Kayal mirrored his expression looking to me for answers I honestly didn't have.

"Maybe it's something in the air...?" Jaxon added but didn't seem so sure about his own assumption.

"That can't be it. We're breathing the same air yet I still feel my wolf and can sense all of yours." Dominic helped the last guard up and motioned for him to go inside as he had with Mackenzie and the others. He's right. I can still feel my wolf and sense that of my beta and twin yet she's clueless as to what's going on. "Let's not panic just yet. We'll go inside and call Hemming to see if he can come by and check everyone out and maybe shed some light on what could be happening."

Kayla and Jaxon nodded in unison. My brother wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her into his side as he led the way to the house. In any other situation, I would have smiled but I can't bring myself to do so at the moment. Dominic caught my hand the second I turned to follow behind them, gave it a little squeeze, and pulled me into his chest. Engulfed by the warmth of his bare skin against my face and his strong arms around me, I had no choice but to sigh contentedly. His presence alone provides me with comfort and his scent eases my mind. I can hear his wolf doing the exact same thing, calming mine and reassuring her.

"Something tells me you needed this hug." He mumbled kissing the top of my head.

"I did. Thank you."

"Need a kiss too?"

"Dominic...what's after the kiss?" I looked up at him with a smirk keeping my arms around him. He grinned from ear to ear and laughed at my rolling eyes.

"I know I know! I just wanted to make you smile if only for a second. You're worrying already and we don't know what's going on yet."

"That's exactly why I'm worried! My wolf has been telling me what to do since we mated. She has been my source for answers and right now she is just as lost as I am. To top things off, I have a bad feeling that this situation is far from over. I had another vision but I couldn't see anything. I could only feel and it wasn't good feelings."

"You had another vision when?" He pulled back seemingly concerned.

"A little while ago. I've been having them all day. I saw something in Kayla and Jaxon's future and then I saw an upset crowd before everything went black and I felt an overwhelming need to cry." He didn't like that. I saw him tense a little as I said that but relaxed again as I tightened our hug. "Let's just go and figure all this out so we can both stop worrying." I gave him the best smile I could muster pulling him toward the house with my arms still around him. Playfully I bumped him with my hip, "We need to get you a shirt too so I can think clearly."

"You know you love this view! I'm surprised you didn't flip over me giving the girl my shirt." He bumped me back with his hip.

"I wanted to but like you said, I was loving that view!"

"Dominic! Jade!" We broke apart turning away from the house facing the direction of frantic shouting. Kenya and Braden were running toward us like their lives were depending on it but running unusually slow. As soon as my eyes narrowed on their expressions getting that familiar sense of horror and confusion other pack members appeared behind them running equally slow. My mate and I shared a look silently deciding to meet them the rest of the way already knowing what this is about. They've lost their wolves too. The entire pack has lost their wolves.

This is a nightmare or something extremely close to it. It was near dark in the open space that is our back yard with the entire pack, children included, standing there frantically throwing questions and concerned our way. We never got the chance to call Doctor Hemming because he showed up a short while later, his wolf also disconnected. In the little bit of time, we had to talk we've learned nothing. He can't explain how this has happened or why. It seemed pretty pointless for us to have a meeting when we have nothing to tell them but because they were all there and determined not to leave, my father suggested that we just tell the truth. That should go over well...

Kayla and Jax positioned themselves in front of us with both of them standing slightly to the right of where Dominic and I were. This was their wolves' doing; an instinctive need to protect us. That made me feel a little better about standing in front of a large group of people that were scared and confused but not much. The hum of many conversations buzzed through the air but as soon as Dominic raised his hand they all quieted down. He insisted on being the one to tell them.

"Everyone, we're aware that this sudden situation is terrifying and answers are definitely deserved. Unfortunately, we do not have any at this time." The entire crowd groaned their displeasure and Dominic held up his hand again. "We've just become aware of the problem as you have so there hasn't been enough time for us to figure out the cause and possible solutions. I ask that you please return to your homes and as soon as we know something you will be notified."

"But when will we get our wolves back?"

"What if rogues come? We'll be defenseless!"

"Do you still have your wolf?"

Using my eyes I scanned the crowd each time a new question was thrown out. I understand their frustration, really I do. The only difference is that I was born that way and can't say I know what it feels like to have something that has pretty much been there with you since birth suddenly taken away.

"Can't you do something now, Queen Jade? I heard you took an Alpha's wolf from him. If you can take one, can't you give one?" A girl that looked to be a few years younger than me spoke out with more confidence than I ever had at her age.

"I uh...well...I'm not sure I can because I don't know why they're gone. Before I can do anything I need more information."

"But you're our Queen! You're supposed to be the most powerful of us all! How can you not be able to fix us now?!"

"Because she's not as powerful as they want you to believe." Involuntarily I shivered from the ice-cold tone of my former mate. My eyes shot to the center of the crowd which seemed to part slightly forming a circle around him. I haven't seen him since the day I attempted to separate our bond. All I saw when our eyes connected was evil, the same look he had that day at school. The growls of my mate, twin, and beta increased as Cameron made his way toward us, smiling more with each step. "As you all know, a mate is supposed to strengthen you, complete you. Jade mated with someone who wasn't her mate therefore she is not as strong as she is supposed to be. Alpha of all," he chuckled inducing more growls from the three standing around me, "she made you all think she was so special...The Wolf That Isn't becoming this rare wolf. What an amazing story! The only of our kind with special abilities. It's laughable really if you think about it! I don't know what's funnier though, the fact that all of you bowed to them believing that royalty bullshit or that I'm the one that's on top now."

By this point, Cameron was a good ten feet in front of Jaxon and Kayla and fifteen from Dominic and I. I noticed that he chose his distance carefully, making sure people were between us so we couldn't just leap on him and attack. My mate moved in front of me as if he were trying to block me but I slid to the side wanting to see what was happening. "I don't want to kill you in front of all these people Cam so I'm asking you nicely to get lost!"

To that Cameron laughed waving my brother off like he was nothing but a foul smell in the wind. "Good to see you're still keeping up that tough guy act Jaxon. Now, hush up! Grown-ups are talking!"

A growl of my own made its way through my nose luring everyone's eyes to me. Cameron once again found that amusing. Anyone else would have flinched, recoiled, or something. That was a major red flag that didn't go unnoticed by the others.

"Sorry Babe, was that meant to scare me? It might have worked on the others but I guess you could say I'm special. Do you remember our little chat in the bathroom when I tried to override your douche's claim? I'm sure you remember because that was the day that you ruined my life happily! I hated you, hated the fact that my wolf was made for you but by taking your blood I was forced to want love you. What did I get out of that, hmm? Rejection! Turns out those unwanted emotions weren't the only thing I gained." He smiled wickedly as he yanked at the button on his jeans and shifted into a very large wolf the second they hit the ground.

Gasps filled the air reflecting the shock that passed through everyone including me. It's him. The large wolf from my vision was Cameron. The familiar wave of dizziness washed over me and I felt myself swaying back and forth. A field. I'm staring over a barren field lined by naked trees. The sky is a dark blue smothered by storm clouds ready to release their fury upon the dead grass beneath my feet. I've never had a vision that I could see myself in so I took the advantage of taking in my surroundings completely. The wind was blowing leaves around me chilling my skin with air that can only be that of winter. I looked down and realized I couldn't see my feet. My belly is protruding, round but firm. I raised my hand to try and touch it but found myself pulled from the vision with a sharp pain surging through my head.

When I came to Cameron was back in human form clothed from the waist down arrogantly speaking yet again. "...So you see, the reason why you all have lost your wolves is because I took them. Your Queen unknowingly gave me this ability to mentally command you."

"Why did you do this to us if you're angry with her?!" The same girl from before interjected with a question I'd love to know the answer to myself. If it's me he's pissed with, why do this to innocent people.

"Yet again another simple answer. This is punishment. Jade was mine and more than half of this pack knew that yet when she ended up with that bastard," he pointed to Dominic disdain leaking through his tone, "none of you gave me a second thought! You can redeem yourselves, however. All you have to do is join me. I'm forming my own pack, giving myself the title of High Alpha since King is already taken...for now. Those that choose to come with me will have their wolves back as soon as we find new land to call home."

"How do we know you're not lying about giving us our wolves back? That you can actually do that?"

"You don't." He grinned winking in the direction of the older woman. "The choice is yours though." He turned walking through the crowd that cleared a path for him. Suddenly he stopped and turned back to face me. "There is something that will make me break my hold. Mating. That seems to have done wonders for Dominic. Perhaps it will solidify my place as High Alpha. Don't take too long to think about it, Jade. You don't want me to start moving on to another pack and I don't think this pack can handle living the way you used to...wolfless." As Cameron retreated into the woods behind my house the crowd began speaking all at once again.

"Try to break his hold, Jade. I couldn't do it." Dominic whispered into my ear. I did as he said without hesitation but was hit with a wall and a stabbing feeling in my chest. My hand covered it on its own rubbing the exact place my heart sits beneath my ribs. I even tried mentally commanding Cameron to submit to me and it didn't work. I looked toward Dominic and shook my head then quickly looked away not wanting to see the disappointment in his eyes. I feel just as weak as Cameron said I am. A failure to my pack.

People started filing out behind Cameron, complete families, and some choosing to separate. I know why I was feeling sadness earlier now. I couldn't see this happening but I felt the anguish of my people over losing a piece of them and some losing their families. I couldn't watch, not knowing that this is because of me. I turned away from the dissipating group not having the guts to command or even beg them to stay and let me figure out a way to help them. Like a broken dam I let myself cry out my anger and guilt pushing through the house with the intention of finding a closed-off place for me to scream.

I made it to my bedroom in no time at all but with Dominic on my ass. He kept trying to grab me but I slapped his hands away each time until he gripped me by my shoulders stilling me.

"Don't! Don't try to tell me that everything is going to be ok Dominic because it's not! Half of the pack is gone and the people who were crazy enough to stick around won't have their wolves back until they either join Cameron or I pull some kind of magical powers out of my ass! I know what I have to do." I paused twisting my neck to wipe my tears with my shoulder, "I have to give in to him. I have to give him what he wants."

"NO THE HELL YOU DON'T! Did we hear the same thing?! He said he wants to mate with you Jade and the only way that's happening is over my dead body! You are MY MATE therefore it is my job to make sure everything you want is placed at your feet and nothing ever makes you frown! I'll figure this out, Jade! Just give me some time."

I pressed up on my toes placing a tender kiss on his chin. Tears are still in a race down my face and show no sign of stopping. "I love you Dominic and I love that you love me with your entire being but we have to put the pack first and time is what we don't have. These people are looking to us to fix this and I feel guilty just thinking about smiling while their suffering. I have to do this. At least lead him to believe I'm going to mate with him and kill him."

"We don't know where he's going Jade and even if we did I'm not letting you go alone!"

Pulling out of my mate's arms completely I finally got a hold of my emotions ending the stream of tears. I looked him square in the eye replying with all seriousness, "You don't have a choice." It hurt me to say that to him but I mean it. This pack is my responsibility as is every other in this world. My wolf is pushing this telling me that this is what needed to be done. Had I taken the risk and ended Cameron's life with the breaking of our bond, we wouldn't be in this mess. For that, this is my fault.

Rushing toward the closet I pushed through the rack looking for a jacket to shield me from the night air. It takes a lot for me to get cold but I refuse to rest until I get to Cameron. Snatching one of Dominic's hoodies off the hanger I quickly unzipped it shoving one of my arms into the sleeve but had it ripped off and out my hands completely. Shock was my initial reaction but it dissolved the moment my eyes locked with those of my obviously enraged mate. They were glowing like never before, a strange mix of black and silver that at first glance scared the hell out of me.

One hand curled into the front of my shirt pulling me out of the walk-in closet slowly. Something told me not to look away so I didn't even blink. Roughly he pulled me into his chest dropping his lips on mine. I fell in line with the kiss immediately moving my lips with his. I hate that my wolf responds to his dominance in this way but love the feeling of urgency in his touch. While our lips were still connected he ripped my shirt straight down the middle pulling it clean off of me then went for the button on my jeans. When I gasped from the shock he kept his lips against mine practically growling at me.

"I'm tired of telling you so I'm going to show you exactly who you belong to."

For the remainder of the night, he did just that. He not only showed me that he was never letting me go without a fight but repeatedly filled me with so much love that I could have drowned in it. Sadly that love and reassurance didn't push our current situation to the back of my mind but kept it at the forefront. I can't even stomach the idea of giving myself to Cameron in this way so I hope and pray to the Goddess of the Moon that we figure something out soon.

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