Retention (Dabi x OC - Commis...

By LadysDaze

49.8K 2K 313

Fuyu never considered herself to be someone who would take risks. She opted to be a rescue hero after all, bu... More

A Warning to Future Readers
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14 (NSFW)
Part 15 (NSFW)
Part 16
Part 17 (NSFW)
Part 18
Part 19
Part 21 (NSFW)

Part 20

1.1K 66 10
By LadysDaze

Part 20

The first aid kit was practically new, seeing as anytime Fuyu had been injured with anything in the workplace, Fatgum would not allow her to just go home. She'd be treated at the nearest hospital and then sent on her way back home.

So as she had set Dabi onto the couch and cracked open the unused kit, she knew how important this moment truly was. He was bleeding and was starting to look pale. She had no idea where these injuries had come from, or where he had come from... but that all could wait until later.

She was quick, her occupation as a rescue hero making it so that she knew exactly how to help with injuries like this and what order to treat them. The best she could do at this moment was to find the deepest injury and stitch it up as best she could.

And thus the long and sweat enducing procedure began. Fuyu's delicate hands moving and stitching up Dabi as best she could. The scars and burns on him making it difficult at times to find the wounds, but she couldn't give in to that voice in her saying this was hopeless.

It wasn't like she could wander into a hospital with him. There would be immediate recognition of the infamous League of Villains member and then would come the numerous officials and heroes... and their questions.

She had to do this here, there was really no other choice. She had to stitch him up and administer the medicine here. And... maybe she could also exchange a little bit of his pain for her own health. It was risky and if she took too much that meant she would end up passed out as well or in so much pain she'd be unable to hold the needle straight enough to do a proper job.

"Please... listen to me and work for once." Fuyu breathed out slowly, pressing her hand to the top of Dabi's head and inhaling a deep breath.

It came slowly, but the exchange her quirk allowed to do seemed to actually be working. And then, came the gradual increase of pain in her side. The same place where Dabi's worst injury was. She squinted her eyes in pain, letting out a sharp gasp as it suddenly increased and she was forced to remove her hand from him.

No longer he passed out... this single injury was a nasty one and she didn't like it at all. But... she had done it to help him. To save him. To see him wake and smirking at her with that shit eating grin again.

That's all that mattered to her at this moment and so long as she could at least get him stabilized and sleeping with less pain... then she would know she at least wasn't worthless as a rescue hero.

Or as a girlfriend who was trusted by the male.

And thus, Fuyu started again. Stitching, cleaning, treating, and wrapping up every little injury on him and making sure his face wasn't as contorted in its unconscious state as it had once been.

It took her a few hours, but by the time she had finally finished... her goal seemed to have at least been met. Dabi's face was resting peacefully and his breathing was somewhat normal once again.

Now all she could do was take a seat on the floor next to where he felt on the couch and wait. Wait for him to wake up... and wake for her heart to stop pounding like no tomorrow.

Dawn couldn't come soon enough, and bring the new day with it.


She didn't sleep at all that night, instead, hovering over her couch often and sitting on the floor watching some anime or game show that came on just for the hell of it. The only lights in the room being from the tv and the small tableside lamp she had left on.

It was dead silent for what felt like eons, yet the sun still had not decided to rise again. And as the hours passed, Fuyu couldn't help but wonder what time it was and exactly when it would be that the orb would glide through the sky once more and eliminate the darkness again for a few hours.

But instead, she tried to focus on other things. Not of the late hours or her worry for the male passed out on her couch, but rather that she'd have serious eyes bags tomorrow and would need to crack out the serious makeup. Or... she'd need to take a vacation day of the hours got too late and she'd be unable to wake tomorrow.

But if it meant she'd for sure know Touya was okay and would live to see more then just the sunrise... she'd continue to sit on her cold hard floor and stare at the tv, despite not paying any attention to it. He needed her right now... and she wouldn't betray him when he had come to her in his hour of need.

But as more and more time passed, Fuyu's eyes were starting to feel more and more droopy. The sounds of the wind hitting her window every now and then as well as the background noise of the characters speaking seemed to begin to lull her to sleep more than she would have liked.

Her head bobbed back and forth a little bit. Fuyu trying to blink away the sleepiness, but every time she did, it only seemed to make her realize how much she liked the feeling of closing her eyes in that small moment of blinking.

As she was finally about to give in, failing to convince herself that she'd wake up right away if Touya were to wake up, the sounds of her back hitting the couch made her realize just how late it was and how she had work tomorrow morning.

And had it not been for the hand that gently caressed the top of her head and weaved its fingers into her hair, she would have fallen asleep then and there. But seeing as she had been trying to stay awake for when and if Touya woke up, feeling his familiar and much-missed touch on her head, she broke out of her sleepiness by jumping upward.

It appeared though her legs had already long given into sleep, however, and with her jumping upwards, she had not given them the time to wake up and thus ended up falling onto her legs and had them give out. Fuyu's light cry of shock as she fell back onto the floor and looked up with a shocked expression, if not a light pink dusting on her cheeks, as she made eye contact with the male who had just been sleeping and resting his injury.

"Did I really startle you?" Dabi smirked. "How are you going to defend yourself if even I can sneak up on you literally right behind you?"

Fuyu shook her head, feeling as if she had to make sure she wasn't dreaming. If she needed to, she would even pinch herself to make sure. But as she looked at the cerulean blue eyes that were looking towards her with an amused, if not tired, expression she knew she was awake.

Not even in her dreams could she recreate that shit eating smirk of his.

"Touya!" She exclaimed, this time successfully standing. "You're awake!"

He nodded, trying to shift himself, but then recoiled. Hands ghosting over his chest and teeth barren and gritted together. Fuyu immediately came forward, helping him lay back down and looking at him with a worrying expression.

"Don't try to move so much..." She told him. "You're really hurt and need to stay on the couch for at least the night to relax and rest."

Dabi chuckled. "Me? Resting...? What's that?"

Fuyu lightly flicked his forehead. "You better do it, cause I won't hesitate to put you into a full body cast and transfer my tiredness for your sarcasm right now!"

Dabi blinked at her, for once caught off guard by her and her words rather than the other way around. He must have really worried her for the hero to go as far as to yell at him. The no good villain who showed up injured and nearly on death's door. Luckily... he had made it to her's instead.

Fuyu got up from her spot, going towards the kitchen and grabbing a glass. Dabi watched as best he could from the couch as she turns the tap on and filled up the glass with some cool water.

Her footsteps carried back over toward the couch and then handing him the glass, that small and soft smile gracing her lips. Dabi nodded towards her, a silent thanks, as he took the cup and pressed it to his lips.

He had never known how good a cold glass of water could taste when you had been near death and knocked out for who knows how long. Plus, with how dry his throat was, Dabi found himself downing the entire thing in less than five seconds flat.

"Do you want another one?" Fuyu asked and held out her hand for the glass.

"If you don't mind, I think I might need a pitcher." Dabi told her and Fuyu nodded, letting out a soft laugh.

She returned a moment later once more putting down an entire jug of water and helped then pour another glass for Dabi as he slowly positioned himself so he was sitting up on the couch. Fuyu helped him, fearing he might undo the stitches if he moved too much.

Once he was sitting up and drinking his next glass of water, Fuyu finally started to feel herself calm down a little bit. He was up and slightly about once more. And if all went well, he'd be better after a little rest and not fighting... whatever he had just been fighting for the last month.

She couldn't help it any longer though, this need to know exactly where he had been and what caused those nasty injuries on him. And thus, as he put down the empty glass, deciding to take a momentary break before another cold cup of water, Fuyu inhaled slowly.

"Where have you been, Touya?" She looked at him with worried eyes, ones he couldn't meet. "And... what happened that nearly killed you?"

Dabi chuckled dryly, no sense of humor in his voice as he let out a sigh next. Fuyu hovered slightly, then sat down on the couch beside him. Her hands connecting with his in his lap. She squeezed his hands in a loving and very supportive way.

He nodded to her, clearing his throat once more before attempting to speak. Despite the water that had indeed made him at least feel alive again, Dabi couldn't help but still ache at everything he did... and that included talking. But seeing how Fuyu had been up for who knows how long, making sure he was okay, he should at least give her an answer as to what exactly happened to him.

"Some shitty Liberation Army decided to wage a war against the League. And just as reckless and unthoughtful to the rest of us members... as usual... Shigaraki Tomura accepted. Toga nearly lost her life, Twice had a mental breakdown, I had to fight a guy who pissed me off cause he used ice... and then Shigaraki seemed to walk off with hardly anything bad. That or the guy really is fucking loony and had no idea he messed himself up more."

Fuyu hummed, tracing her thumb along his bruised skin. Dabi closed his eyes, placing his head onto her shoulder and relaxing into her touch. He felt safe here... she brought him this sense of safety.

"What happened in the end?" Fuyu asked him, but Dabi shook his head.

"It's not important... what is important is that I made it out and by some miracle am still kicking."

Fuyu puffed out her cheeks, lightly scratching his hands with her thumb. "That miracle you're talking about is me and my first aid knowledge. Believe it or not... but you got saved by a rescue hero tonight, Touya."

He snorted. "I prefer to think I got saved by my girlfriend."

Fuyu shook her head, though it was her hands that held Dabi's attention. Without knowing it, she had seemed to tighten her hold on his own hands. Squeezing them to the point of her knuckles turning white and shaking his hands in hers.

"Hey." Dabi spoke gently, squeezing her hands back and calming her. "It's fine. I'm still alive, thanks to you."

Fuyu nodded slowly, lips quivering and her head moving downward. Dabi observed her, not sure what to do. And it wasn't until he felt a few liquid droplets hit his hand that he realized exactly what was happening with the girl before him. And also how he truly had no idea what to make of this or what to do of it.

"Hey... Fuyu." He spoke, watching as the tears only seemed to get worse. "What's the matter? I'm fine, see?"

His words seemed to not calm her and he was inhaling sharply, trying to figure out what to next. It wasn't exactly like he had ever dealt with something like this before, or knew how. He was raised to not be emotional orc are about others... only himself and his own strength. So now, seeing as his most precious person was breaking down he wasn't sure what to do or what to say.

So when Fuyu suddenly released her hands from him in favor of instead wrapping her arms around him and hugging the daylights out of the already hurting villain, it silenced the usually aloof and cocky male.

Dabi blinked, slowly finding his arms and hands returning the gesture and hugging her back. Not as strongly as she had, but enough to let her at least know he was hugging her back as well.

"I was so worried." Fuyu breathed, wiping her tears on his dirty shirt, staining it even more. "I thought... when you passed out, that you wouldn't wake up again."

Dabi was taken a back, having not realized this would hit her so hard. But now, with her embracing him like he was going to disappear from her life again, and whispering all sorts of loving but tearful confessions to him... he couldn't help but feel something building up in his eyes as well.

"How did I ever even manage to get someone as good as you...?" He whispered to her, carassing her back as best he could in the state he was in.

Fuyu chuckled through her whimpers and tears, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Her orange eyes looking up at him and her lips turning into a smile, despite the waterfalls streaming down her face.

"It's simple..." She breathed, pressing her forehead softly against his. " don't get to choose the person you fall in love with, but that doesn't mean it wasn't ever meant to be."

Dabi's eyes widened at her confession, heart pounding suddenly in his chest. And if he didn't know any better, he would have assumed that he was playing the melody of his heart to her and her alone at this moment at full volume.

But knowing she couldn't hear his heart, he instead pressed his lips to her own, letting him know he still felt the same way as she had. And that her confession had only seemed to make him feel even more dedicated and addicted to her and her alone.

"I love you." She spoke angelically as he pulled away from the sweet kiss, her fingers tracing along his cheeks.

"I love you." He mimicked back, but it was from his own heart as well. "Thank you... for everything you've done for me, Fuyu."

Fuyu laughed lightly. "You deserved it all and more... you have a good heart underneath it all."

She closed her lips slightly, looking at him with a sad expression. Dabi kissed her nose softly, looking at her with his hues that urged her to tell him what was on his mind. She looked reluctant, but her love and trust in him were too overpowering at this moment to keep silent.

Maybe it was the high of having said her feelings or the worry of nearly losing him... but either way, she couldn't keep the words inside of her mouth with those eyes and these feelings.

"I just... I just wish you would see what a force for good you could be. And how... you could do everything you wish and not hurt people." She bit her lip. "I know you don't wanna hear it... especially with the career path I have... but... I can't stand to think about you getting worse and more viciously depicted because of everything-"

"Then don't worry about it." He breathed out slowly, exhaling a held breath along with his words. "Especially... since everytime I'm with you, I can't help but think the same thing. So... maybe one day, your love and lips will eventually make me change my methods."

Fuyu giggled lightly, connecting her arms back around, still keeping her forehead pressed to his and feeling him do the same. Kisses her littered around her face and she couldn't help but laugh at how sweet this moment was.

"Well... if that's the case... then you are welcome to stay here until you feel better." She told him, brushing a few stray strands of his hair out of his face.

"Really?" Dabi blinked. "Are you sure? I could take a while thanks to these injuries."

"You're lucky to have a great nurse and girlfriend then." She teased him, laughing as he stuck his tongue out at her.

Dabi smirked towards her, falling back onto the couch with her and allowing the blanket to fall over them both. Fuyu hummed quietly as he spoke one final time for the night, knowing all would be okay come morning now.

"Guess I'm sticking around a while then... so thanks, Fuyu."

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