DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book...

Av nikkihershell

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King is struggling to find his place within the Harper Empire. Holding on to guilt over his parent's death ha... Mer

Who Am I?
Jet Lagged
Fake Stash
Rude Awakening
Wakey Wakey
Step Aside, the Queen is Back
Meet Frankie Knight
Swim Your Way Out Of This
String Of Hope
Pick Pocket Fox
Listen Up!!
Just When I Think I'm Okay
The Gist Of It
You Again
According To Plan
Guess Who's Back
Tipped Off
Spilling The Beans
Seen Too Much
Claimed And Don't Even Realize It
Pushing The Boundaries
The Missing Piece
Pushed Away
The Hunt Just Got Real
Did It This Time
Making Changes
Running Into Wall's
Not Quick Enough
Eye's Wide Shut
So Many Backs, So Many Blades
Karma's Knocking
Queen Mother
Facing The Monster
Not Totally Convinced
Flames Of Despair
Heart, Body And Soul
Let The Healing Begin
Mermaid Hair, I Don't Care
Paper Trails
Giggly Powder
Poll Time
Friend Zone
The Big Reveal
Here Comes Trouble
Sink Or Swim
Black Sheep
Three To Tango
Being Bad Just Feels So Damn Good
Tid Bit (disregard. changes have been made)
Battle Of Love
Refusing The Heart
Razzle Dazzle
Surprise Guest
Yea, About That Mafia Life
The Past Comes Back To Bite
Well, I Didn't Expect That Reaction
Wildcard Up My Sleeve
Conversation Starter
Time To Go Back
Two Pink Lines
Poking The Bear
Small World
The Search
Making Of A Queen
She Means Business
Claiming What Is Mine
A Gift For You
The Queen Is On The Prowl
Put Some Stank On It
Witchery Trickery
Coming To Terms
And In They Came
Hear Me Roar
Unexpected Ally
What Doesn't Kill You...
Mess Of Messe
Silent Understanding
This Isn't A Game
Trouble Comes In Pairs
On The Way
Yea, This Didn't Go Over Well
Drive Me To Drink 1
Drive Me To Drinking 2
Drive Me To Drink 3
Drive Me To Drink 4
Drive Me To Drink 5
Pep Talk
My Queen Is Back
This Wasn't Supposed To Happen So Soon
Smoke Lines
Even The Shoes
Silence Is Deadly
She Caved
Technology Is Splendid
The Long Haul
It has begun!

I'm Here To Win

2.9K 241 89
Av nikkihershell

After leaving Alice, I made my way to a quaint little wine bar that I use to frequent when I was alive to celebrate my small victory. I felt somewhat confident that Alice would meet my needs and come through. Poor girl, she seemed terrified to be facing me. I guess she would though, considering I'm thought to be dead and the threats I laid on the table.

I chose Alice because, well she's still naive and has been humiliated by my grandson. She is ripe for the picking and if I know me, I can transfer her into the strong woman that's buried behind those fearful eye's. After all, take a look at Sam. She was once this frail little girl that allowed my son to dictact her life but I changed that. Now she's every bit of a queen as I was... Almost. Let's be honest, no one can replace me.

However, since I've returned I've did my homework on my family and these new girl's that's been brought in by my grandsons. These newcomers are good people but yet to have impressed me. So they may have made a few kills, big whoop. Tia and Alice still lack that queen vibe, that essence to control a roomful of people. Even Sam still can't do that to the fullest. Best believe when I enter a room I'm given everyone's upmost attention and respect. All conversation ceases and eye's are on me. They know if I have came, I have came to win. Or perhaps they are wondering what's up my sleeve.... And I always have something hidden up there besides my guns or knives. Just as now, I have a plan and if that plan fails, I already have a backup plan and so on.

Alice is just phase one of my plan. Of course I know that she won't be able to secure the info I'm asking for. She might be able to snag bits and pieces but as I mentioned before these new women lack ball's, intellect and frankly the sense to follow through without breaking. I'm not saying that they don't have the potential, just lack of training. It's plain as day that since I died, the woman have taken a backseat in the family. They no longer call any shots, sit in on meetings and probably have no inkling as to what's going on. I didn't leave the Harper legacy for a bunch of homemaking Betty's to take over. Soon, I believe Alice will trust me. Yes, she technically isn't a Harper anymore due to the divorce that she so easily agreed to without beating the brakes off of CJ, but I have faith that this family hasn't seen the last of her. For one, there's this guy that hides in the shadows at her new place. He means no harm or at least I don't think so. He seems to want to protect her, look after her and ensure that she is safe. Alice is by far from done.

Then there is my Mizery. I've always known that she would be a strong one. I must admit that I'm proud of her and even though she suffers mentally, I see a great deal of me in her. She's definitely one to watch. However she is currently in Vegas exploring new love with Aiden Marietta. I couldn't have chosen a better partner for her. Had I been around when the family tried to interfere in their budding romance I would've put a stop to it. I think joining with the Marrita family is a smart move. They've always came through for us. Besides having Mizery so close to them could be an ace in my pocket. Many time's Severo has came to my aid unbeknownst to the other's. I'm sure if I need him now he would respond.

I have one more mission before I call it a night. Yes, I do believe Alice will try to gain the info I need but I don't think she will succeed fully. I'm Laney Harper. I never have someone do the job for me. I do it myself to ensure that it's done right. London may have our information blocked from outside sources but I know where to go and attain what I need.... My office building. By this late hour it's sure to be empty but first there's a phone call I need to make.

Removing my phone from my bag, I hit the contact I wished to speak to. As I waited for an answer, I mindlessly ran my finger around the lip of my wine glass enjoying the whirring sound it made. Eventually my call was answered. "It's me". I stated.

" Oh my God Laney. I've been so worried about you. When you didn't call I assumed the worse. "

I softly chuckled. "I'm Laney Harper. It takes more than a few bullets to get rid of me".

" I'm glad you are safe. Any news on Marcus? "

Motioning to have my glass refilled, I spoke. "Not as of yet Cinda but I'm working on it. I have a feeling he is still alive. If I know London he's keeping him alive only to torture him more. I do have a alliance that might be able to give me more info soon."

"Do be careful Laney. Have you seen London yet?"

I smirked. "I've had a few run ins with him but I don't think he knows it's me. I took a shot at him the other week but unfortunately missed. I'm currently planning my next attack."

There was silence on the line for a few minutes before Cinda spoke. "I hope you can pull this off Laney. You're the only one who can. I miss my Marcus so much".

" I've got to run now. I'll keep you informed ". Without saying goodbye I ended the call.

Taking a sip of wine I tried to ease my racing mind. This isn't a mental state I like to be in. I have so many unanswered questions and concerns. During the first few month's of my healing I recall many thing's. I may have been on the verge of death and drugged up to ease my discomfort but certain thing's resurface to mind. I can recall Jax and Marcus discussing plans as they stood over my broken body. I remember Marcus visiting me alone whispering very uncomfortable word's into my ear but mainly I recall Cinda's visits. While I was recovering and mostly out of it she would scream at me, accuse me of taking her husband and even prolonged my healing by intervening in my medicine's. In occasion she would even lash out and hit me. Yes, I was heavily medicated but I really feel like all of this happened. It couldn't just be in my mind. That's why I am also investigating Cinda. Laney Harper is no fool and I will figure this out and everyone will pay. I do plan on speaking to Marcus myself which means I must enter the Den. That I'm still working on.

Discarding my wine, I paid my tab and left. I decided to walk the few blocks to my office. Luck was on my side when I discovered that the same fingerprint lock was still attached to the side of the door. Peeking through the tinted windows, I saw the lobby empty and the lights dim. Slipping from my heels, I stuffed them into my back. I didn't want my footsteps to alert the security guards. In seconds I was in and kept to the shadows as I made my way to the staircase. I decided that taking the elevator was too risky. Eventually I made it to the floor where my office use to be. Removing my hairpin, I had the door opened in no time. Stepping in, I gently closed the door behind me. For a long moment I just stood there taking it all in. Everything was how I had left it. Nothing had been changed.

As I walked to my desk, I fingered a silver framed photo of London and I. We was Italy and so in love. Shaking the hurt off, I sat down and zapped my computer to life. Instantly I used my personal password and the gates of hell opened. Everything I needed was right in front of me. The first thing I did was transfer my money over into a new account. I'll be damned if London gets what I worked for. Next I removed all of the land transfer over into a separate account. This would ensure that any and all payments would transcend straight to my account. Of course I had these accounts well protected and no one could access them. London taught me well on this. Next I tapped into their newest deals. I quickly had this info downloaded to my phone. There's more than one way to sabotage the Harper Empire. I'm going to hit them in their pockets. I was about to shut the computer off when a message popped up on the screen.

"This system is being closely monitored and I'm alerted if it's tampered with. I know who you are but my question is why? I'll be seeing you very soon babydoll".

Fuck my stars. I should've known the bastard would have some form of alarm on this. Instead of writing back, I grabbed my bag and ran out of there. When he said "Ill be seeing you soon". I knew he was close.

To stir confusion, I hit the buttons on all eight elevators sending them to different floors. He'd never know which one I was on. However i got off on the tenth floor. There was a window here that opened up to the fire escape. In seconds I was outside scaling the metal stairs to the ground. I had about six more levels to go when I heard gunfire and glass shatter. London crawled from the window and onto the fire escape a few floors above me. Immediately be begin to jump down the stairs not bothering to use them. I picked up my pace as I pushed forward. London demanded me to stop and even threatened to shoot me but I kept going. Without looking behind me I knew he was getting closer. Removing a knife from my thigh as I continued to run, I tossed it rashly. This did slow him down but I didn't strike him. The bastard dodged it. "Missed your mark again. Seems your aim has gotten lousy since you've been away."

I refused to say anything back. I was hoping that he would think that perhaps I wasn't her. After all he hasn't seen my face yet. One thing's for certain, he will tear this city down looking for me. Finally touching the ground, I ran to the busy streets. A man was sitting in his sporty car chatting on his phone. Jerking his door open, I placed my gun to his head. "Get the fuck out now". I seethed.

Stepping from his car in a jumble of nerves I quickly filled his seat. Just as I begun to pull off London gripped the door handle. "Get the fuck out".

My only reply was to flip him off and speed away.

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