Sanders Sides (and more) One...

By mostar1219

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I've been making a lot of Sanders Sides fanfictions lately, so I'm going to put them in one book More

Patton's Encounter With "Candle Cove"
Lyoko Aggression Therapy
Duke's Damp Dream
Fight for Cooperation
A Fainter Fourth
Left-Brained Lifestyle
Roman Won't Be Silenced
Acts Of Jealousy
Prove to Myself
Illusion of Impunity
The Bad Pup
Logan's Escape
Tinderella: Gay Edition
Worn-Out Guard Virgil
Mermen and Blackmail
Supposed to Be
I Didn't Want You Hurt
Pondering With the Reaper
Sore Stubbornness
Marks Of Thick Patton
Joke the Way to Friendship
Can You Dance To This?
First Date Facade
Compatible Music Smarts
Virgil's Tidal Nightmare
Brownstein On Two Rainbows' Day
Worse Than A Brony
"Sorry" Is Not What We Meant To Say, but "We Quit" Is
Do You Know What's Best For Him?
Groceries, Ignorance, and Logicality
Elliott's Epiphany
Not The Same
Song of the Heart
The Mind Is An Aspie
Logan Learns To Be Human
Quality Over Quantity
Picani's Growing Social Circle
Lolli Jolly Wet Dream
Chained By Social Flaws
Performance of a Lifetime
Surpassing Kowalski O'Kelly
Putting in the Work
Anyone But Your Soulmate
Birthday Distress
Ashamed of Being Human
Wild Wordsmith
A Super Announcement
Lyrical Logan
Autotuned Absurdity
Prolific Prince vs Avatyrant
Former Fairy
This is the End
Beating Around the Bush
Compliance of an Airhead
Rocking Nostalgia
Cursed Dukey
Song Codes
Escape Plan
Three Strikes and I'm Out
Remus the Parasite
Solitude in Sector 5
Empathetic Puppy
Count Roman and Lord Patton
Spiked Cupcakes
Two Little Kitty Boys
Picani's First Music Festival
Beautiful Man
Outlandish Excuses
Halloween Hanahaki
Hidden Strength
Poodle Snuggles
An Alien's Hallelujah
Factory Owner Heir
Patton Pudge
Remy at the Lunar Lounge
Bruised Puffball
Someone Who Fakes It Till He Makes It
Missing Memories
Underworld Longing
Brighten the Mind
No Longer Normal
No Longer Normal (part 2)
Missed Knowledge (prequel to "Missing Memories")
Friend in Need
Patton's Experiment
Patton the Great Pumpkin
Logan Would Never Kiss Me
Emo Werewolf
Dream Man
The Devil Went Down to the Thomasphere
Gay Theory
Journey to Roman's Wish
Logic and the Prince
More of You To Love
Dark Knight At Your Service
Gift of Malicious Compliance
Disney Gluttony Challenge
Fight or Fright
Patton and the Pea
Dream Setting
I'm Not Ready
Two Secrets
Wait, You Too?
The Dark Life
Deadly Sin
Obligated Punching Bag
Egghead Exchange Part 1
Egghead Exchange Part 2
Iced Lovers
Egghead Exchange Part 3
Displeasure Caused by Sleep
Monthly Foe
Guardian Angel
Haunted Lizard
Dragon of No Mercy
Roman's Aunt Flo
Happy Patsgiving Day
Remus Rewind
Pain in Written Beauty
One in the Same
Learn from the Past
Down Goes The Duke
An Angel Gets His Wings
Scuba Emo
Judge the Pages, Not the Cover
Do You Have Faith in Me?
What To Get An Emo
Color His World
Losing An Angel
The Joy of Giving
Remus and the Snowman
Live From the Thomasphere, it's Saturday Night
"It's Cold Outside" is Not a Pickup Line
Taken Seriously
Permission to Feel
Christmas King
Complicated Relationship
Logan's Been Howling Around
Virgil the Survivor
Competing Talents
Fishing For a Prince
Poke to the Butt
Abusive Android
Remus's Tingles
Gay Disney Guild
What's His Secret?
TIFU By Playing With Myself With Peanut Butter
No More Gary
The Big Spider
Evil For Attention
When The Sun Goes Out
Rainbow King
Masquerade Match-Maker Ball
Enemies With Benefits
Monty's Accident
Logan vs the "Me Monster"
Nonverbal Exchanges
Rescue Prophecy
Backfired Spell
Horror Orchestrator
The Only Way to Win His Heart
Virgil In Quarantine
Bad Boy Meets Battered
Bad Boy Meets Battered (part 2)
Under Our Control
Gainesville Glamour
The Other Guy
The Other Guy (part 2)
Daily Attacks
How I Learned to Properly Play With Myself
Beaten Out of Feeling
Imprisoned Twin
Empathized and Alone
Split Into Pain
Never Enough
Pain in the Heart
More Than Enough ("Never Enough" sequel)
Unexpected Victim
A Road Paved By A Mistake
Creative Research
It Happened At Random
Time For Others
Put a Sock in It
Swollen Heart
Some-Zing Strange
Smitten On A Sunny Day
Canny vs Cute
Learning To Exist
A Milliner's Menagerie
I'm Agoraphobic and Not Okay
Chaotic Spirit
All or Nothing

Whole Human, Whole Not

41 2 0
By mostar1219

Roman and Remus have butted heads often as they grew up, but that doesn't mean they weren't there for each other. They've grown up in an orphanage their whole childhoods and there has been no luck in trying to track their birth parents. The twins have played together and protected each other however they could. Whenever they were outside and felt like battling, they made magenta shields and flying discs appear from their hands. The two didn't think much of it as they figured their imaginations were stronger than they initially thought. If either of them was bullied and the other brother was too far to really do anything, they would think and hope that the bullied brother would go to a particular spot to escape. Next thing they both knew, they'd find the bullied brother at the specific hiding spot without and knowledge of how they got there.

Although they haven't played pretend or needed to escape from bullies as often growing up, they were still there for each other. Certain occurrences that involve a magenta hue have happened with tiny effects that it was easy to overlook them: Roman would leave a patch of flowers around him after getting up from cloudgazing, Remus would make papier-mâché weapons with less time than normal for a rookie working on particular crafts, Roman even went to a lake with his boyfriend, Virgil, once and approached the flower before bringing it back. Virgil saw magenta platforms under Roman's feet as he walked onto the lake and back, but didn't know how to bring it up or if Roman even noticed.

One day, in their early adulthood, the brothers were on a double date with occasional banter sprinkled here and there. Unfortunately for them, there was a mother with her child complaining about their "lifestyle choices" as if they haven't dealt with enough bigots in their lives. The mother had lectured them about "red meat makes you gay" and other chimerical nonsense while the kid gave them an apologetic stare. Roman could tell that Virgil was on the verge of a panic attack and was trying to calm him down. At the same time, Remus's boyfriend, Darius, rolled his eyes at the woman and tried to keep Remus from shouting profanities.

"You know what? We already paid for our meals. We should just get out of here," Roman whispered to the group.

One moment, they were struggling to bypass the woman while each couple was holding hands; next thing they knew, all four of them were in the half-packed parking lot. They looked around confused.

"Umm... Remus, did you black out in another fight again?" Roman asked.
Remus looked at his phone for the time.

"No...and barely any time has passed," Remus answered, equally confused.

Virgil and Darius were both weirded out, but they didn't leave due to the knowledge that the brothers wouldn't hurt them and they were just as weirded out. The four of them ran from the parking lot without much thought. They reached a park and stopped to catch their breath.

"I think that lady gave me gray hairs!" Virgil proclaimed.

Remus walked behind Virgil, dug into his head, and plucked a hair out, much to the emo's dissatisfaction. The mustachio squinted at the strand.

"Yep, it's a gray hair, but let me try something," Remus declared.

Virgil was about to question the statement, but he already saw some weird stuff that day. They all squinted at the strand and noticed it became dark purple before Remus out it in Virgil's head again. Roman thought for a while before forming a magenta sword into thin air and made it disappear once he backed away in shock.

"So, um, how long were you able to do that?" Darius questioned.

The brothers looked at each other and pondered for a good while. After taking their moments of "imaginary battles" into consideration as well, they came to the conclusion that they had their abilities "for pretty much their whole lives".

Remus made some grass underneath him dry up with the wave of his hand. Afterwards, Roman waved his hand over the same patch of grass to make an iridescent display of flowers grow.
"I wish we knew where these abilities came from, though," Roman thought.

"There are folks who put those abilities in the same category as magic for the sake of simplicity," an unfamiliar voice shouted.

The group looked around until they saw an older man with messy hair, black pants, a dark sweater, and a light shirt underneath it. The man walked over towards the group, but was still far enough to not linger.

"There are beings out there who don't wish harm on humans. In fact, they use their abilities to help humans every now and then or just have their own fun in the galaxy. They're referred to as anodites and they're not as bad as they are carefree," the man explained to them.

"That last statement almost describes my boyfriend," Darius claimed humorously.

"Wait a minute, what makes you an expert on these...anodites you associate us with?" Roman asked with skepticism.

Before anything could be said or done, Remus blasted a magenta orb of energy from his hand and the older man waved his arms in front of him to form a magenta shield. The group was taken aback as they saw what just occurred.

"Takes one to know one, I suppose," the older man joked.

Roman looked at his hands as he was processing the new piece of information.

"Remus, Roman, it's nice to officially meet you," the man addressed the brothers.

"Officially?" the brothers asked.

"Huh? Oh, right, silly me. I've watched you two and have done my best to be there for you without drawing too much attention. One of our abilities involves us creating different human bodies for ourselves to blend in to the other residents of this planet. I've used it to my advantage over the years as well as the ability to manipulate reality to an extent to create nice dreams for you two and stories to read to each other. We're not a strict species, but your government isn't that fond of interstellar visitors," the man clarified.

Remus started to get the idea of the man's implications and ran over to the man with an eager hug. Roman was uncertain at first, but briefly made magenta gloves over his hands and soon joined in on the hug.
" didn't leave out of fear we were gay?" Remus asked.

"Of course not. I'm gay, too, your other parent was trans and pre-op," the man explained.

Virgil and Darius carefully walked over to the three and Virgil cleared his throat.

"I don't know how we imagined meeting your father, but this certainly was different," Virgil casually said.

The man looked at the pair and chuckled.

"Call me Patton. I don't exactly have a surname, but my mate's surname was Lunar. I can take you all to him if you wish, it's actually our anniversary of meeting."

The group looked at each other before nodding. With as much power as he was able to use, Patton teleported them all to some woods on the side of a road. As Patton walked them through the woods, he explained that his ex, Marshall, and he met at a music festival since he was a night owl and Patton just liked to explore. They slowly grew closer overtime and met up at night when they could pretend that they were the only ones on the planet. Patton subtly revealed his abilities to Marshall before revealing what he was and Marshall revealed that he was a transboy who was only willing to do top surgery as he felt it was less complicated or scary. At some point the relationship, things happened that caused Marshall to give birth to the twins and the four were on their way to see Marshall's friends to show them until a truck hit their car. Patton was about to heal Marshall's severe wounds until Marshall stopped him and decided against calling 911 for the sake of protecting Patton. Patton promised he'd make sure the twins were safe and that he'd talk to him every time he sees the moon. After Marshall's passing, Patton healed the twins' wounds and got them all out of the car before protecting Marshall's body in a shield by a tree and teleporting the twins to an orphanage where they won't face the risk of being taken away from Patton if his species was found out. He kissed them both vowing he'll watch them grow and went back to give Marshall a nice burial.

After telling his tale, they stopped in front of a petrified wooden tombstone with Marshall's name and the moon engraved on it. Patton stroked the dirt in front of it and made Marshall's favorite flowers grow again after they initially wilted. He muttered the song "Talking to the Moon" as he turned a purple humanoid form with pink stands of energy sticking out from his head.

"Is that what we look like under our skin?" Roman asked.

Patton sniffled and nodded.

"He would've loved to see what fine young men you've grown into," Patton told them while still focused on his former lover.

They all watch the flower and tombstone as if they were sharing Marshall's story. After several more minutes, Patton turned to the twins with a slightly serious expression.

"Boys, there's a lot more power within you both than you have already experienced. Even though it doesn't mean that we don't have our weak areas, there's still a lot of power that we have that usually takes about 60 or 70 years of training to master. I know you've only just known about your heritage today, so you can decide whether or not you both want to go to Anodyne with me to practice," Patton explained to them.

After the four discussed the possibilities and consequences amongst themselves, they spoke with Patton about the possibility of Remus going with Patton in order to feel less chained to morals, Darius tagging along to be with Remus, and the three visiting Earth yearly or more to teach Roman about his abilities as he stays on Earth to help those in need. By the time the moon was up, they all hugged and shook hands as they bid their farewells.

"Too bad Anodyne doesn't have cell phone service," Roman joked.

"Well, even if you don't, telepathy can come in handy," Patton responded.

"Well, thanks for sticking by my side for so long," Remus told Roman.

Roman chuckled before saying "I'm looking forward to our tutoring".

Patton tapped Darius's throat to help him breathe easier. The two boyfriends smirked at each other before they flew with Patton. As Virgil and Roman waved to the three of them, Roman glanced at the moon and felt as though he was waving "hello" to his other father.

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