My Love

By NataliaIsNautilus

68.5K 2.3K 577

Alec starts a relationship with Magnus Bane the High Warlock of Brooklyn after the unlikely but fateful night... More

The Party
The Drinking Game
The Healer
Story Time And The Date
Where Is Alexander?
Extreme Demons
Court of Demon Kings and Queens
What Magnus Didn't Say
A Late Night Visit
A Late Night Visit
The Apology
What's A Day Off?
Downworld Ball (pt. 1?)
Downworld Ball pt. 2
The After Party
Happy Holidays
That's Low
He Killed An Angel?
"We Don't Have To Fight"
His Past
The Rescue pt. 1
The Rescue pt. 2
I Like Jace More (teaser)
I Like Jace More (full)
Meeting Paris
The Meeting
Explaining What Oblivious Angels Say (teaser)
Explaining What Oblivious Angels Say
Some Things Are Better Not Heard
The Arrival
I Understand Completely
The Breaking
Beautiful Pain
Downworlder Meeting
The Waking of a Lover
Date Night
Don't Go Easy On Me, They Said. I Can Handle It, They Said.
I Can't Be Held Responsible (pt 1 of the Institute Gala scenes)
The Heir Of Hell Indeed (pt. 2 of the Institute Gala scenes)
Surprises All Around! Many Bad! Some Good!
Telling Friends and Family
The Brothers Grimm
Out Of Love
Sorta, Kinda, Homecoming
ALMOST Mundane
The Last Battle
Homecoming & Transfers
Bachelors For One More Night
The Wedding

The Honeymoon

1.4K 43 38
By NataliaIsNautilus

Warning Sexual Content Ahead. This Is Not Intended For People Under 18

3rd Person POV

Alec moaned in Magnus' mouth as Magnus began unbuttoning his dress shirt, making tiny rips around the buttons. The warlock couldn't focus on the shirt through his arousal, especially with Alec whispering dirty words in his ear.

"Fuck it" Magnus said, and snapped his fingers, making both of their clothes vanish. Alec sexily laughed in Magnus' ear and pulled him towards the bed.

"Come here baby," Magnus moaned, he laid on his back in the bed. Alec laughed and moved farther up the bed to where he was sitting on Magnus' hips. Alec was grinding on his lover, delivering the much needed friction.

"You're beautiful" Magnus complimented, his cat eyes on full display.

"So are you Mr. Bane. Gorgeous, so gorgeous it isn't fair" Alec replied, leaning down to tease Magnus' lips with his teeth.

"As are you Mr. Bane" Magnus replied, watching Alec's pupils dilate.

"Fuck. Say it again" Alexander moaned, a shivering running down his spine.

"Say what again?" Magnus asked teasingly.

"You know what" Alec replied, rolling his hips and creating the perfect friction to make Magnus cry out.

"That was a dirty move Mr. Bane" Magnus said in his ear. The warlock flipped the two, and started  grinding on Alec's bare erection.

"Fuck. Mags! Come on baby. Don't be mean. We just got married. I'm a fucking Bane now" Alec whined, not caring about his words as long as they'd get Magnus to fuck him

"You're a fucking Bane now, baby" Magnus said, as he captured his husband's lips in a steamy kiss.

Magnus moved about his husband and slowly moved his hand around to his husband's anus. He gently taken the flexing muscle and opened the Shadowhunter with his magic.

Alec let out a long drawn-out moan as be felt his husband pushing into him, the dirty words in his ears only furthered the pleasure. The warlock felt like he was burning from the inside out, the pure happiness and pleasure that went on inside of him was breathtaking.

The husband's could feel each other's pleasure on top of their own, creating an almost overwhelming amount of ecstasy. Their moans rang out in the almost silent room. Alec yanked at his husband's hair while Magnus bit and sucked on his immortality rune.

Their worlds shrunk in size. The only thing they could see was the other one, dripping in sweat and as beautiful as ever. They only thing they could feel was the body pressed up against them, the overwhelming pleasure and the impending release.

Magnus' thrusts sped up an became sloppier from the feeling of his release quickly approaching. Alec could feel it too, his moans were louder and he pulled harder on Magnus' hair, making the warlock moan.

"Fuck, Magnus. Fuck" Alec moaned as he felt his release coming quickly now, a warm feeling pooling in his gut. Magnus' thrusts were hitting his prostate head-on and it was so pleasurable that Alec could barely breathe.

Magnus whispered dirty words in Alec's ear while he thrusted into and jerked his husband's erection. Alec released with a scream as Magnus filled him up.

Magnus pulled out and fell to the side, pulling his husband on top of him. He could feel the spell settling into place. His and Alec's souls were bound for eternity. And neither man could be happier.

"Magnus" Alec called.

"Yeah?" Magnus replied, turning over to face Alec. His cat eyes illuminated the darkness a bit, allowing him to see Alec.

"I'm ready to marry you again. I want to marry you every single day for the rest of our lives" Alec said, caressing the side of Magnus' face with his thumb.

"I'm down. Just tell me when and where. I'll marry you anywhere, for the rest of forever" Magnus replied, leaning into his lover's touch.

"You're gorgeous. And I love you. I love you so much that it hurts. But it's also the best feeling I've ever know. You're the best thing I've ever know" Alec told Magnus, mindlessly rambling in is post-sex mindset.

"Baby, I've never felt the way for anyone I've felt for you. I never needed someone as soon as I saw them. But I need you. And I love you. And I can't live without you" Magnus replied.

"Why don't we go continue this in the tub?" Alec asked, already pulling Magnus up to go with him.

Magnus smiled filling the tub up with tepid water, scented oils and Rose petals. Magnus scattered candles everywhere, setting the mood for the rest of their night. And to make it just a little bit more romantic, Magnus created a rose petal path that was outlined with lit candles. It started in front of them, went up the steps of the tub and ended at the tub counter.

"This is beautiful Magnus" Alec said,his husband definitely knew how to make something romantic.

"Only the best for you, Mr. Bane" Magnus said, enjoying the shiver that went down Alec's spine.

Magnus took Alec's hand and led him up the steps of the tub. The look in his husband's eyes was the most beautiful thing ever. Magnus smiled at his husband and everything right then was perfection.

They stepped into the tub and sat back peacefully. A sigh of contentment left Alec's mouth as he leaned into his husband's chest.

"Magnus, what do you think about kids?" Alec asked.

"Depends on what you're asking. Do I want kids? Yes. What's the actual question here, babe?" Magnus questioned, trying to get Alec to ask the question that he actually wanted the answer to

"How do we get kids? Neither of us are women, obviously. I'd say we could ask Isabelle to be our surrogate but warlock sperm isn't viable. How could we do it?" Alec replied, the questions spilling out of him.

"Well, there's another way. So demons and warlocks have been fine with homosexuals and such since forever, literally. Being so, they still needed to reproduce to expand their species. So they used a birthing pod that is still in Edom. We could do that or your sister could surrogate for us." Magnus said. Alec's eyebrows meshed into one in confusion. Magnus went further into explanation. "Warlocks used to be able to bare children but their was overpopulation of us so basically an Angel was worried about us taking over the planet and other menacing things, and cursed us so that now Warlocks can't have biological children. But I was born before all of that, so I can" Magnus said, Alec's jaw dropped in surprise.

"So we could have biological children either way. With that birthing pod thing, or Isabelle could be the surrogate if she wanted to" Alec said, so much happiness filling him at the idea of having his own children when he and Magnus were ready.

"Correct" Magnus replied.

"So, what about the far future, like one hundred years from now. When my the next gen of Lightwoods take over. And our kids are beyond grown. What will we do?" Alec asked.

It had just dawned on him that he family wasn't immortal, well Magnus was but no one else. His children would definitely be immortal. Just what would they do next?

"Well we could travel the world, settle down somewhere full of magic and excitement. We could do whatever you want, there are so many places I want to go with you. And we could go to them. Whatever you want baby, we will do. We have all of forever to do whatever" Magnus replied.

"I guess we'll figure it out as we go" Alec said.

"Guess we will" Magnus replied.

Alec turned over in his lap, his knees on either side of Magnus' thighs and kissed his husband's so much he almost couldn't breathe. But it was so worth it. Magnus caught into Alec's thinking and started threading his fingers through Alec's wet hair.

"Ready for round two?" Alec asked.

"Of course, Mr. Bane. I'm always ready" Magnus said, moaning as Alec bit and pulled at the industrial piercing in his ear, something he loved infinitely.

"Fuck, I love it when you call me by your name. Do it again" Alec moaned.

"Mr. Bane, I'm always ready for you. Come on, let's dry off and head to the bedroom, Mr. Bane. Take me in their bed, Mr. Bane" Magnus moaned.

"No time, I'm taking you here" Alec said, moaning.

The two men made love on multiple surfaces in the hotel room. It was a beautiful night of love and commitment. The moon shine through their window, illuminating their silhouettes as they made love to the most important person in their lives. It was a night full of beautiful moments that they would never forget.


The newlyweds woke up with the light shining through the window of their hotel room. Alec had been awake for about an hour, watching his husband sleep.

His husband! It was a beautiful thought. He was actually married. To someone he loved and not some woman that was more a diplomatic move than a meaningful marriage. He thought that was the only thing for him.

But it wasn't. There was this gorgeous, feminine yet partly masculine, strong man that he got to wake up to for the rest of forever. He felt like the luckiest man alive. And he was, he knew it in his heart. No one got to sleep with this wonder if a man ever again, but him. And to think think he almost didn't go to that party...

He hadn't wanted to, it was only ever going to be happy people that he couldn't compete with. Happy people that weren't suffering the same as him. That weren't so suppressed that they were suffering. But he was. And he didn't want to be reminded that if he had more courage then he'd be so much happier.

But now, he felt more courageous than he had ever, even while in battle. He was out of his shell! He wore glitter in front if the Clave! He married a warlock man in their house! He took on forever for this man! He was the bravest version of himself!

And he was also the most vulnerable version of himself. His heart was completely open and able to be hurt. He gave his life to another person. He gave his heart and his mind and his soul to another person. If those three were broken, they'd never heal again. He'd never recover. He'd die. There is no going back, that spell was life binding.

But he knew Magnus was never going to hurt him. Magnus couldn't hurt him. The idea of it was repulsive to both sides of the relationship, he knew that. He and Magnus had many flaws, but together they were perfect.

Magnus smiled inwardly as he watched Alec through partially closed lids. He loved watching Alec think, during the mornings when Alec thought he was alone. Alec's face would show his entire emotion, and Magnus valued these moments where he could watch Alec be himself by himself.

His husband was truly a beautiful creature. His perfectly sculpted face, his chiseled cheekbones and a jawline that could cut. Unruly black hair and clear blue eyes, and full, kissable pink lips. His body was toned and muscular, as if he was made of clay. The pale, almost snow white skin that contrasted perfectly to the black runes, hair, and clothes.

His baby's Angel had definitely taken his time on Alexander. Because damn, his husband was a sight to see.

Magnus felt Alec's fingers brush his cheek softly, and he decided that it was time that he made it known that he was awake. Magnus yawned and stretched his stiff muscles, pretending that he hadn't been up since about the same time as his husband.

"Good morning beautiful" Alec said, running a hand through his husband's hair.

"Good morning, baby" Magnus replied, kissing the back of his husband's hand.

"How'd you sleep" His husband asked, pressing his lips to his his husband's forehead.

"Great. You wore me out Alexander Bane" Magnus replied, loving the fluctuation of Alec's pupils when he called his better half by their last name.

"Well, I can say the same. I can still feel where you tore up my back with your nails" Alec replied laughing.

"I love you so much Alec. So much more than words can explain. But know if it was me or you, it's always going to be you" Magnus said, sitting up to look his husband in the eye.

"Magnus, you have my heart, mind and soul. Without you I am nothing. I've never more like myself than when I'm with you. You make me more me and I'm forever thankful that I'm with you" Alec replied, staring into the beautiful golden, cat slit pupils of his husband.

"Alexander Bane, you are my one, my only. You are My Love" Magnus said.

"And you are mine. My one, my only. You, Magnus Bane, are My Love" Alec replied, and sealed their lips in a kiss of passion, love and promise.

OMG Captain Nemos'!!! This is the end. OMG!!! This isn't real. I can't. I don't want to end this book. It's so beautiful. And so precious to me. At the beginning of this surreal journey I was just testing the waters, i wasn't planning on this being finished. I wasn't planning on this getting almost 10k reads. None of this was planned Anne none of it was expected. I'm so serious. Thank you so much for being here and believing in me.

Thank you to IamSage88 for being there in the beginning when no one else really was and helping me as a writer. Thank you to Uhura2urSpock_19 for the wonderful conversations we've had and supporting this journey. Thank you to Hellfire43 for being here and commenting and voting, and I enjoy speaking with you in the comments. Thank you to Atowncalledmalec for inspiring me to be a better writer. And a thanks is definitely owed to Cianolla, who was the first to add my story to their reading list, i don't know if you read my story or not but I'm thankful for that because it inspired me a lot. And thank you to everyone else who isn't named here. Everyone that's been apart of this crazy journey for me, I am so thankful for you all.

About halfway in this chapter I realized that I'd be closing this book for good and I cried. Because it's been a crazy almost year. I've gotten so many friends and so many good writing tips. And I'm crying while I'm writing this because I'm saying goodbye to my first Wattpad book. And this year is the begining of a lot of things but it's also the end of an era. And I'm really feeling that right now.

All of the information for my next three books will be talked about in my Conversations, so stay tuned for those. It won't be forever before I release another book. I'm done with the first chapter of Terrible Beautiful Romance. I'm 2k into the first chapter of The Killing Joke. And 1k into the first chapter of The Perfect Photo. They will be coming soonish.

Please comment, share amd vote. this is the last chapter for My Love and i would love to talk to everyone about it. So comment and we'll talk, I love conversations with everyone.

I'll shut up now before the A/N is longer than the actual story part.

Be happy, stay safe and Love Yourself

- Nautilus

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