Arshi FF- My Little Bride (Co...

By RojalinKKGSR

2.1M 92.1K 9.6K

Before they could even understand...They were bonded by a thread called "Marriage". More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
Part 107
Part 108 (Epilogue)
Thank you note :)

Part 41

28.6K 857 61
By RojalinKKGSR

Khushi was searching for some music DVDs of Kisore Kumar, in HER room. He is her favorite singer; she just loves the wording of his every song, so simple yet so touching.

Arnav has been searching for her, finding her neither with Anita nor in their room, he dialed her number, Khushi heard the ring on her phone. She answered the call- Han Arnav..

Arnav asked- Kahan pe ho tum??(Where are you??)

Khushi replied while still searching for that special DVD, and keeping her phone in between her shoulder and ear- In my room, where else??

Arnav roamed his eyes around the room- What the.. I'm in the room, don't tell me you have become invisible to me now!!

Khushi rolled her eyes- When did I say I'm in YOUR room Arnav, I said I'm in MY room!! And..(but she stopped there understanding what she was saying.)

Here Arnav was trying all his effort to mend their relationship, at least not co-operating but she should not try to spoil anything. Khushi shut her eyes tightly for a second. She needs to think before saying anything, especially to Arnav!! Thought khushi. He was trying hard, at least she should respect that than being an idiot!! Khushi smacked her head inwardly. 

Arnav too stopped not saying anything. He felt disheartened , when she so easily made a distinction between the two rooms.

But should he take that seriously??

Is it right to expect from khushi to take everything so fast specially knowing her temperament?? She needs time and assurance to adjust herself in this new life, he should understand it. He needs to have patience while dealing with her because he has no intention to spoil whatever he has restored till now!! 

Breaking his thought, he heard from other side, "Arnav, I'm coming there."

Khushi spoke from other side somehow guessing his silence. For an instance this silence from the opposite side was not accepted by her. 

He was brought back to present- No, wait, I'm coming there.

Khushi too agreed. Finally she saw that DVD in a corner of the shelf, it was in upper shelf. So she stood up on a stool to bring that out, but then that cd slipped from her hand and as a result fell on ground, rolling under the bed.

Khushi's jaw dropped- Crap!!.. I'm sure, it's condition will be worst now. Kudos Khushi, you should be awarded for Being the Best Spoiler!!

She climbed down the stool and started searching for that under the bed.

Arnav got a call from office, while talking he entered in room but only to found her laying on ground, half under the bed and half out! He stared at her in amusement. What's this girl doing under the bed?? Has she finally lost it??

Asking the person to call back later, Arnav hanged up the call. Pocketing his phone, he came forward and asked standing near bed

" What are you trying to do there Khushi??

"I'm playing badminton here.. Can't you see. Come, join me, its fun??", came the irritating reply.

What else a person do under a bed than searching for some fallen thing!! Does not Arnav know this?? Thought Khushi loudly.

Arnav- KHUSHI!!! Come out.. (He commanded while raising his voice. He had come there to talk something important but thanks to her he was slowly forgetting the purpose of his..)

"Got it!!" exclaimed Khushi happily finding that DVD finally.

She started escaping from there hurriedly and in the process hit the top of her head on bed, resulting into a cry, 


"Careful Dammit.", Arnav almost screamed while going on his knees. Why can't she just be careful??

"Don't scream..", replied khushi with same tone while trying to come out not hitting her head for second time but failed and was about to hit her head but Arnav kept his hand on top of her head as a result when she was about to get up, her head hit his hand not with bed. So the pain was obviously less.. 

Khushi moved her eyes towards his arm that was still on top of her head rubbing her head gently, then she looked back at his eyes, those were reflecting concern!! Are all these real or fake?? Can a sudden change bring all these?? It seem like this Arnav in front of her is just an unknown man whom she has never met not even once in her life. There was something else too..  She felt like she found warmth in those eyes!! 

To be honest, these few days being a room mate of each other they both were slowly getting used to each other. The awkwardness was slowly taking good bye.. It kind of getting normal for them to be next to each other.. They were getting habituated!! But at the end of everything a Big Question Mark never left their mind??

Arnav withdrew his hand seeing her constant questioning and confusing gaze. They both stood up, Khushi looked down not wishing to witness any other such moment coming up, may be not wishing to see same emotion reflecting in his eyes which she had never seen before.. or she had never tried to see actually!!  All these feel so bizarre to her. In her language, 

"Ajeeb lagata hai ye sab!!" 

 khushi thought looking down when her eyes fell on that damaged piece of the music CD. 

Her face fell, Arnav looked down to see what she was staring so attentively. There he saw a damaged DVD of Kisore Kumar's songs.

Khushi tried to wipe away that loss in her mind and asked Arnav.

" You were telling me something??"

Arnav raised his brow high as he had almost forgotten what he wanted to tell her!! Remembering the reason behind his searching for her, he said

" Yeah.. Maa was telling me about that dinner plan at Singhania's tonight. I don't want to go there neither I want you to join them. Mat jao Khushi.. (Don't go)"

The way he asked her not to go, that gave her a second choice of joining there with others. Was she being convinced by Arnav this easily?? Since when he got the trick to convince her??  She should try to keep a control on her emotions, her emotions are now on edge of disobeying HER!!! 

" Why don't you want to join?? And why should not I join?? Do you know, Aunty and Uncle have called us themselves there."

" So?? Is not that reason a sufficient one?? I just said what I want, rest in your hands. You decided whether you want to join them or not!!" 

Saying that Arnav left.

Was his explanation on not joining even a reasonable one??, Khushi asked herself.

And what's the meaning of "Rest in your hands, You decide whether you want to join them or not??". On one hand he was directly asking her not to join with them and on other hand giving her this option was how much fruitful only he would have known better!! Khushi twisted her lips unpleasantly. This man is confusing and making her a more confused version as if she was not enough in past. 

Khushi returned back to HIS room as per her point. Arnav had the plan to join office lately today, so he was just watching some business news on TV. Khushi did not speak to him, took her laptop that was laying on bed on her side beside where he was sitting, they did not look at each other and then she went towards poolside to finish reading that script that Aditya Roy had mailed her last night. She needs to concentrate on that more. Because as per the script and story the set should be designed unless everything will be meaningless. She better should concentrate on her professional commitment than this man and his incredible thought!!

Stretching her legs on one chair, Khushi sat comfortably to resume reading but before that gave a look back in room. 


Arnav noticed her from room, Will she go there keeping the invitation of Singhania's or stay at home not joining them keeping his words?? As per past tracks she loved to do exact opposite version what he never wants to happen.. May be he should not have given her this tough decision to take.  But he was not ready to face a Person named Krishna and in particular after that evening. He afraid, if Krishna does anything this time, then he would not step back strangling that man which will later result into adding some bitterness of his relation with Karan Jiju and Khushi too. His equation with Krishna was never a good one, he did not wish to worsen it anymore. At this moment, he was not ready to add any bitterness in their already instable relationship!!

He picked up his phone and dialed a number, ordering something.

After sometime Arnav left for his office.

It was afternoon, Khushi was in room busy with that script which was slowly turning out very exciting one based on mythological theme. She heard Anita calling her name, she hurriedly ran downstairs thinking if anything happened to Maa or something!!

She found Anita at door way, talking to someone. Khushi reached there- Maa, What happened??

Anita turned and replied- There is some courier for you, check.

Khushi- For me??(she was confused as she had not ordered anything.)

Anita moved aside, Khushi signed on the paper and got the packet. She started opening it. There she found the same music DVD of Kisore Kumar that she had damaged this morning while searching for it. It did not take longer for her to understand who was the sender!!

Anita asked- What's there khushi??

Khushi replied- A CD of Kisore Kumar's music Mumma.

Anita too did not ask anything knowing Khushi's liking towards Kisore Kumar's music.

Khushi left from there, keeping that CD aside khushi took her phone and dialed.

"Are you trying to bribe me so that I'll be convinced??"

"I never knew it's that easy to convince you just by bribing??"

Khushi took a deep sigh, crossing her both legs she sat on bed and said in a loud voice.

" Don't act smart Arnav.. Next time think something worthy way to convince me.."

Arnav replied pushing himself on backrest of his chair, keeping his head.

" You don't need to stress yourself for that.. I am smart already and I know that very well how to convince anyone and how!!"

" This is called over confidence.."

" This is called self confidence.."

" Why are you like this??"

" Why are you like this??"

" Don't copy me Arnav .."

" But that was my line and you stole that."

Khushi's jaw dropped,

" Don't talk to me."

"You are the one who  has called me by the way!!", his lips slowly started stretchering. Slowly it was becoming fun conversation.

Khushi got highly annoyed, angrily she hanged up the call. This man has really gone out of her understanding level now.

Should not she join with others?? But what'll Anjali Di think?? Will not she feel bad?? At least for her sake Arnav should agree to join, should not he?? And what's the reason behind his disagreement?? Khushi asked herself. Even it's been so long she has talked to Di, JIju and specially Kaira!! She should join them. Khushi convinced herself.


Aarav had already left office early as per the dinner plan. Arnav gave some excuses for not joining, Aarav did not force too, not wishing to foul his son's mood. Now in this entire office building only one soul is present and that's Arnav Singh Raizada!!

Arnav finally got up from his seat, taking his laptop bag and grabbing his blazer he finally left not sure of whether he would meet anyone at home or not!!! And to be more specific, that ANYONE is not someone else than his WIFE.

The car came to screech in front of RM. Whole RM seem like sleeping, it was dark, no lights were on. He was sure, all left including Khushi too.. Why would not she leave?? After all she is that stubborn to do particularly that what he asked her not to do.

Using the spare key, he opened the door and went inside. He heard Puchpuch's barking, he switched on the light in drawing room. Puchpuch came running to him, and started rubbing himself on his legs.

He must say, Puchpuch has started liking him though not loving him in these days. He has also started giving away that negative thought he had on this cute pet. Coming down on his knees, he gently patted Puchpuch's head

" All left leaving you alone too.. Why none understands our POV??"

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